{ "translatorID": "0e2235e7-babf-413c-9acf-f27cce5f059c", "label": "MODS", "creator": "Simon Kornblith and Richard Karnesky", "target": "xml", "minVersion": "2.1.9", "maxVersion": "", "priority": 50, "configOptions": { "dataMode": "xml/e4x" }, "displayOptions": { "exportNotes": true }, "inRepository": true, "translatorType": 3, "browserSupport": "g", "lastUpdated": "2011-07-18 13:49:58" } function detectImport() { var name = Zotero.getXML().name(); if (!name) { return false; } return name.uri == "http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3" && (name.localName == "modsCollection" || name.localName == "mods"); } var partialItemTypes = ["bookSection", "journalArticle", "magazineArticle", "newspaperArticle"]; function doExport() { Zotero.setCharacterSet("utf-8"); var modsCollection = ; var item; while(item = Zotero.nextItem()) { var isPartialItem = partialItemTypes.indexOf(item.itemType) !== -1; var mods = ; /** CORE FIELDS **/ // XML tag titleInfo; object field title if(item.title) { mods.titleInfo.title = item.title; } if(item.shortTitle) { mods.titleInfo += {item.shortTitle}; } // XML tag typeOfResource/genre; object field type // // The exact marcGenre of a book section can, perhaps, be debated; // But it should have 'book' as the host's genre. var modsType, marcGenre; if(item.itemType == "book" || item.itemType == "bookSection") { modsType = "text"; marcGenre = "book"; } else if(item.itemType == "journalArticle" || item.itemType == "magazineArticle") { modsType = "text"; marcGenre = "periodical"; } else if(item.itemType == "newspaperArticle") { modsType = "text"; marcGenre = "newspaper"; } else if(item.itemType == "thesis") { modsType = "text"; marcGenre = "thesis"; } else if(item.itemType == "letter") { modsType = "text"; marcGenre = "letter"; } else if(item.itemType == "manuscript") { modsType = "text"; mods.typeOfResource.@manuscript = "yes"; } else if(item.itemType == "interview") { modsType = "text"; marcGenre = "interview"; } else if(item.itemType == "film") { modsType = "moving image"; marcGenre = "motion picture"; } else if(item.itemType == "artwork") { modsType = "still image"; marcGenre = "art original"; } else if(item.itemType == "webpage") { modsType = "multimedia"; marcGenre = "web site"; } else if(item.itemType == "note" || item.itemType == "attachment") { continue; } mods.typeOfResource = modsType; mods.genre += {item.itemType}; if(marcGenre) { mods.genre += {marcGenre}; } // XML tag genre; object field thesisType, type if(item.thesisType) { mods.genre += {item.thesisType}; } else if(item.type) { mods.genre += {item.type}; } // XML tag name; object field creators for(var j in item.creators) { var roleTerm = ""; if(item.creators[j].creatorType == "author") { roleTerm = "aut"; } else if(item.creators[j].creatorType == "editor") { roleTerm = "edt"; } else if(item.creators[j].creatorType == "translator") { roleTerm = "trl"; } else { roleTerm = "ctb"; } // FIXME - currently all names are personal if(item.creators[j].creatorType != "seriesEditor") { if(isPartialItem && item.creators[j].creatorType == "editor"){ if(item.creators[j].fieldMode == 1) { mods.relatedItem.name += {item.creators[j].lastName} {roleTerm} ; } else { mods.relatedItem.name += {item.creators[j].lastName} {item.creators[j].firstName} {roleTerm} ; } } else { if(item.creators[j].fieldMode == 1) { mods.name += {item.creators[j].lastName} {roleTerm} ; } else { mods.name += {item.creators[j].lastName} {item.creators[j].firstName} {roleTerm} ; } } } } // XML tag recordInfo.recordOrigin; used to store our generator note //mods.recordInfo.recordOrigin = "Zotero for Firefox "+Zotero.Utilities.getVersion(); /** FIELDS ON NEARLY EVERYTHING BUT NOT A PART OF THE CORE **/ // XML tag recordInfo.recordContentSource; object field source if(item.source) { mods.recordInfo.recordContentSource = item.source; } // XML tag recordInfo.recordIdentifier; object field accessionNumber if(item.accessionNumber) { mods.recordInfo.recordIdentifier = item.accessionNumber; } // XML tag accessCondition; object field rights if(item.rights) { mods.accessCondition = item.rights; } /** SUPPLEMENTAL FIELDS **/ // Make part its own tag so we can figure out where it goes later var part = new XML(); // XML tag detail; object field volume if(item.volume) { part += {item.volume}; } // XML tag detail; object field number if(item.issue) { part += {item.issue}; } // XML tag detail; object field section if(item.section) { part += {item.section}; } // XML tag detail; object field pages if(item.pages) { var range = Zotero.Utilities.getPageRange(item.pages); part += {range[0]}{range[1]}; } // Assign part if something was assigned if(part.length() != 1) { if(isPartialItem) { // For a journal article, bookSection, etc., the part is the host mods.relatedItem.part += {part}; } else { mods.part += {part}; } } // XML tag originInfo; object fields edition, place, publisher, year, date var originInfo = new XML(); if(item.edition) { originInfo += {item.edition}; } if(item.place) { originInfo += {item.place}; } if(item.publisher) { originInfo += {item.publisher}; } else if(item.distributor) { originInfo += {item.distributor}; } if(item.date) { if(["book", "bookSection"].indexOf(item.itemType) !== -1) { // Assume year is copyright date var dateType = "copyrightDate"; } else if(["journalArticle", "magazineArticle", "newspaperArticle"].indexOf(item.itemType) !== -1) { // Assume date is date issued var dateType = "dateIssued"; } else { // Assume date is date created var dateType = "dateCreated"; } var tag = <{dateType}>{item.date}; originInfo += tag; } if(item.numPages) { mods.physicalDescription = {item.numPages}; } if(originInfo.length() != 1) { if(isPartialItem) { // For a journal article, bookSection, etc., this goes under the host mods.relatedItem.originInfo += {originInfo}; } else { mods.originInfo += {originInfo}; } } // eXist Solutions points out that most types are more often // monographic than not & will use this internally. // Perhaps comment this out in the main distribution, though. mods.originInfo.issuance = "monographic"; if(isPartialItem) { // eXist Solutions points out that these types are more often // continuing than not & will use this internally. // Perhaps comment this out in the main distribution, though. if(item.itemType == "journalArticle" || item.itemType == "magazineArticle" || item.itemType == "newspaperArticle") { mods.relatedItem.originInfo.issuance = "continuing"; if(item.itemType == "journalArticle" || item.itemType == "magazineArticle") { mods.relatedItem.genre += periodical; } else if (item.itemType == "newspaperArticle") { mods.relatedItem.genre += newspaper; } } else if (item.itemType == "bookSection" || item.itemType == "conferencePaper" || item.itemType == "encyclopediaArticle") { mods.relatedItem.originInfo.issuance = "monographic"; if (item.itemType == "bookSection") { mods.relatedItem.genre += book; } else if (item.itemType == "conferencePaper") { mods.relatedItem.genre += conference publication; if (item.conferenceName) { mods.relatedItem.name += {item.conferenceName} ; } } else if (item.itemType == "encyclopediaArticle") { mods.relatedItem.genre += encyclopedia; } } } // XML tag identifier; object fields ISBN, ISSN if(isPartialItem) { var identifier = mods.relatedItem; } else { var identifier = mods; } if(item.ISBN) { identifier.identifier += {item.ISBN}; } if(item.ISSN) { identifier.identifier += {item.ISSN}; } if(item.DOI) { mods.identifier += {item.DOI}; } // XML tag relatedItem.titleInfo; object field publication if(item.publicationTitle) { mods.relatedItem.titleInfo += {item.publicationTitle}; } // XML tag classification; object field callNumber if(item.callNumber) { mods.classification = item.callNumber; } // XML tag location.url; object field archiveLocation if(item.url) { mods.location.url += item.url; if(item.accessDate) { mods.location.url.@dateLastAccessed = item.accessDate; } } // XML tag location.physicalLocation; object field archiveLocation if(item.archiveLocation) { mods.location += {item.archiveLocation}; } // XML tag title.titleInfo; object field journalAbbreviation if(item.journalAbbreviation) { mods.relatedItem.titleInfo += {item.journalAbbreviation}; } // XML tag abstract; object field abstractNote if(item.abstractNote) { mods.abstract = item.abstractNote; } if(mods.relatedItem.length() == 1 && isPartialItem) { mods.relatedItem.@type = "host"; } /** NOTES **/ if(Zotero.getOption("exportNotes")) { for(var j in item.notes) { // Add note tag var note = {item.notes[j].note}; mods.note += note; } } /** TAGS **/ for(var j in item.tags) { mods.subject += {item.tags[j].tag}; } /** LANGUAGE **/ if(item.language) { mods.language.languageTerm = {item.language}; } /** EXTRA->NOTE **/ if(item.extra) { mods.note += {item.extra}; } // XML tag relatedItem.titleInfo; object field series if(item.seriesTitle || item.series || item.seriesNumber || item.seriesText) { var series = ; // eXist Solutions points out that these types are more often // continuing than not & will use this internally. // Perhaps comment this out in the main distribution, though. series.originInfo.issuance = "continuing"; if(item.series) { series.titleInfo.title = item.series; } if(item.seriesTitle) { series.titleInfo.title += {item.seriesTitle}; } if(item.seriesText) { series.titleInfo.subTitle = item.seriesText; } if(item.seriesNumber) { series.part.detail = {item.seriesNumber}; } // handle series editors for(var j in item.creators) { var roleTerm = ""; if(item.creators[j].creatorType == "seriesEditor") { roleTerm = "pbd"; if(item.creators[j].fieldMode == 1) { series.name += {item.creators[j].lastName} {roleTerm} ; } else { series.name += {item.creators[j].lastName} {item.creators[j].firstName} {roleTerm} ; } } } // TODO: make this work in import // if(isPartialItem) { mods.relatedItem.relatedItem = series; } else { mods.relatedItem += series; } } modsCollection.mods += mods; } Zotero.write(''+"\n"); Zotero.write(modsCollection.toXMLString()); } function processIdentifiers(newItem, identifier) { for each(var myIdentifier in identifier) { if(myIdentifier.@type == "isbn") { newItem.ISBN = myIdentifier.text().toString() } else if(myIdentifier.@type == "issn") { newItem.ISSN = myIdentifier.text().toString() } else if(myIdentifier.@type == "doi") { newItem.DOI = myIdentifier.text().toString() } } } function doImport() { var marcGenres = { // "abstract or summary":XXX, // "abstract":XXX, // "summary":XXX, "art reproduction":"artwork", "article":"journalArticle", "autobiography":"book", "bibliography":"book", "biography":"book", "book":"book", // "calendar":XXX, // "catalog":XXX, "chart":"artwork", "comic or graphic novel":"book", "comic":"book", "graphic novel":"book", "comic strip":"artwork", "conference publication":"conferencePaper", // "database":XXX, "dictionary":"dictionaryEntry", "diorama":"artwork", // "directory":XXX, "drama":"book", "encyclopedia":"encyclopediaArticle", // "essay":XXX, "festschrift":"book", "fiction":"book", // "filmography":XXX, "filmstrip":"videoRecording", // "findingaid":XXX, // "flash card":XXX, "folktale":"book", // "font":XXX, // "game":XXX, "government publication":"book", "graphic":"artwork", "globe":"map", "handbook":"book", "history":"book", "hymnal":"book", "humor,satire":"book", "humor":"book", "satire":"book", // "index":XXX, // "instruction":XXX, // "interview":XXX, // "issue":XXX, "journal":"journalArticle", "kit":"artwork", // "language instruction":XXX, "law report or digest":"journalArticle", "law report":"journalArticle", "digest":"journalArticle", "law digest":"journalArticle", "legal article":"journalArticle", "legal case and case notes":"case", "legal case":"case", "case notes":"case", "legislation":"statute", "loose-leaf":"manuscript", "map":"map", "memoir":"book", "microscope slide":"artwork", "model":"artwork", // "multivolume monograph":XXX, "novel":"book", // "numeric data":XXX, // "offprint":XXX, "online system or service":"webpage", "online system":"webpage", "service":"webpage", "online service":"webpage", "patent":"patent", "periodical":"journalArticle", "picture":"artwork", // "poetry":XXX, // "programmed text":XXX, "realia":"artwork", // "rehearsal":XXX, // "remote sensing image":XXX, // "reporting":XXX, // "review":XXX, "script":"book", // "series":XXX, // "short story":XXX, "slide":"artwork", "sound":"audioRecording", "speech":"audioRecording", // "standard or specification":XXX, // "standard":XXX, // "specification":XXX, // "statistics":XXX, // "survey of literature":XXX, "technical report":"report", "newspaper":"newspaperArticle", "theses":"thesis", "thesis":"thesis", // "toy":XXX, "transparency":"artwork", // "treaty":XXX, "videorecording":"videoRecording", "letter":"letter", "motion picture":"film", "art original":"artwork", "web site":"webpage", "yearbook":"book" }; var dctGenres = { //"collection":XXX, //"dataset":XXX, //"event":XXX, "image":"artwork", "interactiveresource":"webpage", //"model":XXX, "movingimage":"videoRecording", //"physical object":XXX, //"place":XXX, //"resource":XXX, //"service":XXX, "software":"computerProgram", "sound":"audioRecording", "stillimage":"artwork" //"text":XXX }; var modsTypeOfResources = { //"text":XXX, "cartographic":"map", //"notated music":XXX, "sound recording-musical":"audioRecording", "sound recording-nonmusical":"audioRecording", "sound recording":"audioRecording", "still image":"artwork", "moving image":"videoRecording", //"three dimensional object":XXX, "software, multimedia":"computerProgram" }; // parse with E4X var m = new Namespace("http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3"); // why does this default namespace declaration not work!? default xml namespace = m; var xml = Zotero.getXML(); if(xml.m::mods.length()) { var modsElements = xml.m::mods; var nModsElements = modsElements.length(); } else { var modsElements = [xml]; var nModsElements = 1; } var i = 0; for each(var mods in modsElements) { var newItem = new Zotero.Item(); // title for each(var titleInfo in mods.m::titleInfo) { // dropping other title types so they don't overwrite the main title // we have same behaviour in the MARC translator if(!titleInfo.@type.toString()) { if(titleInfo.m::title.length()) { newItem.title = titleInfo.m::title.text().toString(); if(titleInfo.m::subTitle.length()) { newItem.title = newItem.title + ": " + titleInfo.m::subTitle.text().toString(); } } else { newItem.title = titleInfo.*.text(); // including text from sub elements } } } // try to get genre from local genre for each(var genre in mods.m::genre) { if(genre.@authority == "local" && Zotero.Utilities.itemTypeExists(genre.text().toString())) { newItem.itemType = genre.text().toString(); } else if(!newItem.itemType && (genre.@authority == "marcgt" || genre.@authority == "marc")) { // otherwise, look at the marc genre newItem.itemType = marcGenres[genre.text().toString()]; } else if(!newItem.itemType && (genre.@authority == "dct")) { // otherwise, look at the dct genre newItem.itemType = dctGenres[genre.text().toString().replace(/\s+/g,"")]; } } if(!newItem.itemType) { //try to get type information from typeOfResource for each(var typeOfResource in mods.m::typeOfResource) { newItem.itemType = modsTypeOfResources[typeOfResource.text().toString()]; } if(!newItem.itemType) { // try to get genre data from host for each(var relatedItem in mods.m::relatedItem) { if(relatedItem.@type == "host") { for each(var genre in relatedItem.m::genre) { if(genre.@authority == "marcgt" || genre.@authority == "marc") { newItem.itemType = marcGenres[genre.text().toString()]; break; } } } } } if(!newItem.itemType) newItem.itemType = "document"; } var isPartialItem = partialItemTypes.indexOf(newItem.itemType) !== -1; // TODO: thesisType, type for each(var name in mods.m::name) { // TODO: institutional authors var creator = {}; creator.firstName = ""; for each(var namePart in name.m::namePart) { if(namePart.@type == "given") { if(creator.firstName != "") creator.firstName = creator.firstName + " "; creator.firstName = creator.firstName + namePart.text().toString(); } else if(namePart.@type == "family") { creator.lastName = namePart.text().toString(); } else if(namePart.@type == "date" || namePart.@type == "termsOfAddress") { // ignore these non name types for now } else { var backupName = namePart.text().toString(); } } if(backupName && !creator.firstName && !creator.lastName) { creator = Zotero.Utilities.cleanAuthor(backupName, "author", true); creator.fieldMode = 1; } // look for roles for each(var role in name.m::role.m::roleTerm) { if(role.@type == "code" && role.@authority == "marcrelator") { if(role == "edt") { creator.creatorType = "editor"; } else if(role == "ctb") { creator.creatorType = "contributor"; } else if(role == "trl") { creator.creatorType = "translator"; } } } if(!creator.creatorType) creator.creatorType = "author"; newItem.creators.push(creator); } // source newItem.source = mods.m::recordInfo.m::recordContentSource.text().toString(); // accessionNumber newItem.accessionNumber = mods.m::recordInfo.m::recordIdentifier.text().toString(); // rights newItem.rights = mods.m::accessCondition.text().toString(); /** SUPPLEMENTAL FIELDS **/ var part = false, originInfo = false; // series for each(var relatedItem in mods.m::relatedItem) { if(relatedItem.@type == "host") { for each(var titleInfo in relatedItem.m::titleInfo) { if(titleInfo.@type == "abbreviated") { newItem.journalAbbreviation = titleInfo.m::title.text().toString(); if(!newItem.publicationTitle) newItem.publicationTitle = newItem.journalAbbreviation; } else { newItem.publicationTitle = titleInfo.m::title.text().toString(); } } part = relatedItem.m::part; originInfo = relatedItem.m::originInfo; processIdentifiers(newItem, relatedItem.m::identifier); } else if(relatedItem.@type == "series") { newItem.series = relatedItem.m::titleInfo.m::title.text().toString(); newItem.seriesTitle = relatedItem.m::titleInfo.m::partTitle.text().toString(); newItem.seriesText = relatedItem.m::titleInfo.m::subTitle.text().toString(); newItem.seriesNumber = relatedItem.m::titleInfo.m::partNumber.text().toString(); } } // get part if(!part) { part = mods.m::part; originInfo = mods.m::originInfo; } if(part) { for each(var detail in part.m::detail) { // volume if(detail.@type == "volume") { newItem.volume = detail.m::number.text().toString(); if(!newItem.volume) { newItem.volume = detail.m::text.text().toString(); } } // number if(detail.@type == "issue") { newItem.issue = detail.m::number.text().toString(); if(!newItem.issue) { newItem.issue = detail.m::text.text().toString(); } } // section if(detail.@type == "section") { newItem.section = detail.m::number.text().toString(); if(!newItem.section) { newItem.section = detail.m::text.text().toString(); } } } // pages for each(var extent in part.m::extent) { if(extent.@unit == "pages" || extent.@unit == "page") { var pagesStart = extent.m::start.text().toString(); var pagesEnd = extent.m::end.text().toString(); if(pagesStart || pagesEnd) { if(pagesStart == pagesEnd) { newItem.pages = pagesStart; } else if(pagesStart && pagesEnd) { newItem.pages = pagesStart+"-"+pagesEnd; } else { newItem.pages = pagesStart+pagesEnd; } } } } } // identifier processIdentifiers(newItem, mods.m::identifier); // edition newItem.edition = originInfo.m::edition.text().toString(); // place for each(var placeTerm in originInfo.m::place.m::placeTerm) { if(placeTerm.@type == "text") { newItem.place = placeTerm.text().toString(); } } // publisher/distributor if(originInfo.m::publisher.length()) { if(newItem.itemType == "webpage" || newItem.itemType == "website") { newItem.publicationTitle = originInfo.m::publisher[0].text().toString(); } else { newItem.publisher = originInfo.m::publisher[0].text().toString(); } } // date if(originInfo.m::copyrightDate.length()) { newItem.date = originInfo.m::copyrightDate[0].text().toString(); } else if(originInfo.m::dateIssued.length()) { newItem.date = originInfo.m::dateIssued[0].text().toString(); } else if(originInfo.m::dateCreated.length()) { newItem.date = originInfo.m::dateCreated[0].text().toString(); } // lastModified newItem.lastModified = originInfo.m::dateModified.text().toString(); // accessDate newItem.accessDate = originInfo.m::dateCaptured.text().toString(); // call number newItem.callNumber = mods.m::classification.text().toString(); // archiveLocation newItem.archiveLocation = mods.m::location.m::physicalLocation.text().toString(); // attachments and url for each(var url in mods.m::location.m::url) { var value = url.text().toString(); if (url.@access == "raw object") { var filetitle; if (url.@displayLabel){ filetitle = url.@displayLabel.toString(); } else { filetitle = "Attachment"; } if (value.substr(-4,4)==".pdf") { newItem.attachments.push({url:value, mimeType:"application/pdf", title:filetitle, downloadable:true}); } else { newItem.attachments.push({url:value, title:filetitle, downloadable:true}); } } else { newItem.url = value; } } // abstract newItem.abstractNote = mods.m::abstract.text().toString(); /** NOTES **/ for each(var note in mods.m::note) { newItem.notes.push({note:note.text().toString()}); } /** TAGS **/ for each(var subject in mods.m::subject.m::topic) { newItem.tags.push(subject.text().toString()); } // Language // create an array of languages var languages = new Array(); for each(var language in mods.m::language) { var code = false; for each(var term in language.m::languageTerm) { if (term.@type == "text") { languages.push(term.text().toString()); code = false; break; // code authorities should be used, not ignored // but we ignore them for now } else if (term.@type == "code" || term.@authority) { code = term.text().toString(); } } // If we have a code or text content of the node // (prefer the former), then we add that if (code || (code = language.text().toString())) { languages.push(code); } } // join the list separated by semicolons & add it to zotero item newItem.language = languages.join('; '); Zotero.setProgress(i++/nModsElements*100); newItem.complete(); } } /** BEGIN TEST CASES **/ var testCases = [ { "type": "import", "input": "\u000a\u000a\u000a \u000a \u0009 \u0009FranUlmer.com -- Home Page\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009Fran Ulmer, Democratic candidate for Governor, Alaska, 2002\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009Ulmer, Fran\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009Web site\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u000920020702 \u000a \u0009 \u0009 20021203\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009eng\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009text/html\u000a \u0009 \u0009image/jpg\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009Web site promoting the candidacy of Fran Ulmer, Democratic candidate for Governor, Alaska, 2002. Includes candidate biography, issue position statements, campaign contact information, privacy policy and campaign news press releases. Site features enable visitors to sign up for campaign email list, volunteer, make campaign contributions and follow links to other internet locations. \u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009Elections\u000a \u0009 \u0009Alaska\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009Governors\u000a \u0009 \u0009Alaska\u000a \u0009 \u0009Election\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009Democratic Party (AK)\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009 \u0009Election 2002 Web Archive\u000a \u0009 \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009 \u0009http://www.loc.gov/minerva/collect/elec2002/\u000a \u0009 \u0009\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009http://www.franulmer.com/\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009http://wayback-cgi1.alexa.com/e2002/*/http://www.franulmer.com/\u000a \u0009\u000a\u000a", "items": [ { "itemType": "document", "creators": [ { "firstName": "Fran", "lastName": "Ulmer", "creatorType": "author", "fieldMode": 1 } ], "notes": [], "tags": [ "Elections", "Governors", "Election", "Democratic Party (AK)" ], "seeAlso": [], "attachments": [], "title": "FranUlmer.com -- Home Page", "publicationTitle": "Election 2002 Web Archive", "url": "http://wayback-cgi1.alexa.com/e2002/*/http://www.franulmer.com/", "abstractNote": "Web site promoting the candidacy of Fran Ulmer, Democratic candidate for Governor, Alaska, 2002. Includes candidate biography, issue position statements, campaign contact information, privacy policy and campaign news press releases. Site features enable visitors to sign up for campaign email list, volunteer, make campaign contributions and follow links to other internet locations.", "language": "eng" } ] }, { "type": "import", "input": "\u000a\u000a\u000a \u000a \u0009 \u0009At Gettysburg, or, What a Girl Saw and Heard of the Battle: A True Narrative\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009Alleman, Tillie Pierce [1848-1914]\u000a \u0009 \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009 \u0009aut\u000a \u0009 \u0009 \u0009Author\u000a \u0009 \u0009\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009text\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009 \u0009New York\u000a \u0009 \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009W. Lake Borland\u000a \u0009 \u00091889\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009eng\u000a \u0009 \u0009English\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009text/html\u000a \u0009 \u0009reformatted digital\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009Gettysburg, Battle of, Gettysburg, Pa., 1863\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009Gettysburg (Pa.) -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Campaigns\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009E475.53 .A42\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009 \u0009A Celebration of Women Writers: Americana\u000a \u0009 \u0009\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009 http://digital.library.upenn.edu/women/alleman/gettysburg/gettysburg.html\u000a\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009 Personal, noncommercial use of this item is permitted in the United States of America. Please see http://digital.library.upenn.edu/women/ for other rights and restrictions that may apply to this resource.\u000a\u000a\u000a \u0009University of Pennsylvania Digital Library\u000a \u0009 MODS auto-converted from a simple Online Books Page metadata record. For details, see http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/mods.html \u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009eng\u000a \u0009\u000a\u000a\u000a", "items": [ { "itemType": "document", "creators": [ { "firstName": "Tillie Pierce [1848-1914", "lastName": "Alleman", "creatorType": "author", "fieldMode": 1 } ], "notes": [], "tags": [ "Gettysburg, Battle of, Gettysburg, Pa., 1863", "Gettysburg (Pa.) -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865", "United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Campaigns" ], "seeAlso": [], "attachments": [], "title": "At Gettysburg, or, What a Girl Saw and Heard of the Battle: A True Narrative", "rights": "Personal, noncommercial use of this item is permitted in the United States of America. Please see http://digital.library.upenn.edu/women/ for other rights and restrictions that may apply to this resource.", "publicationTitle": "A Celebration of Women Writers: Americana", "callNumber": "E475.53 .A42", "url": "http://digital.library.upenn.edu/women/alleman/gettysburg/gettysburg.html", "language": "English" } ] }, { "type": "import", "input": "\u000a\u000a\u000a \u000a \u0009 \u0009Telescope Peak from Zabriskie Point\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009Telescope PK from Zabriskie Pt.\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009Cushman\u000a \u0009 \u0009Charles Weever\u000a \u0009 \u00091896-1972\u000a \u0009 \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009 \u0009pht\u000a \u0009 \u0009 \u0009Photographer\u000a \u0009 \u0009\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009still image\u000a \u0009Landscape photographs\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u00091955-03-22\u000a \u0009 \u00092003\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009image/jpeg\u000a \u0009 \u0009reformatted digital\u000a \u0009 \u0009 Original 35mm slide was digitized in 2003 as a TIFF image. Display versions in JPEG format in three sizes are available.\u000a \u0009 \u0009100 f 6.3 tl\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009Mountains\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009Snow\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009Telescope Peak (Inyo County, Calif.)\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009Zabriskie Point (Calif.)\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009 \u0009United States\u000a \u0009 \u0009 \u0009California\u000a \u0009 \u0009 \u0009Inyo\u000a \u0009 \u0009\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009 \u00091955-03-22\u000a \u0009 \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009 \u0009
\u000a \u0009 \u0009 \u00091 slide : col. ; 35mm\u000a \u0009 \u0009 \u0009Original 35mm slide was digitized in 2003 as a TIFF image. Display versions in JPEG format in three sizes are available.\u000a \u0009 \u0009
\u000a \u0009 \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009 \u0009 Indiana University, Bloomington. University Archives P07803 \u000a \u0009 \u0009\u000a \u0009
\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009 \u0009 Indiana University Digital Library Program: Charles W. Cushman Photograph Collection\u000a \u0009 \u0009\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009955.11\u000a \u0009P07803\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009http://purl.dlib.indiana.edu/iudl/archives/cushman/P07803\u000a \u0009 \u0009http://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/mods/thumbs/Indiana/oai.dlib.indiana.edu/ archives/cushman/oai_3Aoai.dlib.indiana.edu_3Aarchives_5Ccushman_5CP07803.png\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009 Copyright and reproduction rights for all Charles W. Cushman photographs are held by Indiana University and administered by the University Archives, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009Indiana University Digital Library Program\u000a \u00092004-09-09\u000a \u0009archives/cushman/P07803\u000a \u0009\u000a
", "items": [ { "itemType": "artwork", "creators": [ { "firstName": "Charles Weever", "lastName": "Cushman", "creatorType": "author" } ], "notes": [], "tags": [ "Mountains", "Snow", "Telescope Peak (Inyo County, Calif.)", "Zabriskie Point (Calif.)" ], "seeAlso": [], "attachments": [], "title": "Telescope Peak from Zabriskie Point", "source": "Indiana University Digital Library Program", "accessionNumber": "archives/cushman/P07803", "rights": "Copyright and reproduction rights for all Charles W. Cushman photographs are held by Indiana University and administered by the University Archives, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405", "publicationTitle": "Indiana University Digital Library Program: Charles W. Cushman Photograph Collection", "url": "http://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/mods/thumbs/Indiana/oai.dlib.indiana.edu/ archives/cushman/oai_3Aoai.dlib.indiana.edu_3Aarchives_5Ccushman_5CP07803.png" } ] }, { "type": "import", "input": "\u000a\u000a \u000a \u0009 \u0009Hiring and recruitment practices in academic libraries\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009Raschke, Gregory K.\u000a \u0009 \u0009Gregory K. Raschke\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009text\u000a \u0009journal article\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009 \u0009Baltimore, Md.\u000a \u0009 \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009Johns Hopkins University Press\u000a \u0009 \u00092003\u000a \u0009 \u0009monographic\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009eng\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009
\u000a \u0009 \u000915 p.\u000a \u0009
\u000a \u0009\u000aAcademic libraries need to change their recruiting and hiring procedures to stay competitive in today's changing marketplace. By taking too long to find and to hire talented professionals in a tight labor market, academic libraries are losing out on top candidates and limiting their ability to become innovative and dynamic organizations. Traditional, deliberate, and risk-averse hiring models lead to positions remaining open for long periods, opportunities lost as top prospects find other positions, and a reduction in the overall talent level of the organization. To be more competitive and effective in their recruitment and hiring processes, academic libraries must foster manageable internal solutions, look to other professions for effective hiring techniques and models, and employ innovative concepts from modern personnel management literature. \u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009College librarians\u000a \u0009 \u0009Recruiting\u000a \u0009 \u0009United States\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009College librarians\u000a \u0009 \u0009Selection and appointment\u000a \u0009 \u0009United States\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009 \u0009portal: libraries and the academy\u000a \u0009 \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009 \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009 \u0009 \u00093\u000a \u0009 \u0009 \u0009 \u0009vol.\u000a \u0009 \u0009 \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009 \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009 \u0009 \u00091\u000a \u0009 \u0009 \u0009 \u0009no.\u000a \u0009 \u0009 \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009 \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009 \u0009 \u000953\u000a \u0009 \u0009 \u0009 \u000957\u000a \u0009 \u0009 \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u0009 \u0009Jan. 2003\u000a \u0009 \u0009\u000a \u0009 \u00091531-2542\u000a \u0009\u000a
", "items": [ { "itemType": "document", "creators": [ { "firstName": "Gregory K", "lastName": "Raschke", "creatorType": "author", "fieldMode": 1 } ], "notes": [], "tags": [ "College librarians", "Recruiting", "College librarians", "Selection and appointment" ], "seeAlso": [], "attachments": [], "title": "Hiring and recruitment practices in academic libraries", "publicationTitle": "portal: libraries and the academy", "ISSN": "1531-2542", "volume": "3", "pages": "53-57", "abstractNote": "Academic libraries need to change their recruiting and hiring procedures to stay competitive in today's changing marketplace. By taking too long to find and to hire talented professionals in a tight labor market, academic libraries are losing out on top candidates and limiting their ability to become innovative and dynamic organizations. Traditional, deliberate, and risk-averse hiring models lead to positions remaining open for long periods, opportunities lost as top prospects find other positions, and a reduction in the overall talent level of the organization. To be more competitive and effective in their recruitment and hiring processes, academic libraries must foster manageable internal solutions, look to other professions for effective hiring techniques and models, and employ innovative concepts from modern personnel management literature.", "language": "eng" } ] } ] /** END TEST CASES **/