new function() { Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm"); /** * Create a new translator that saves the specified items * @param {String} translatorType - "import" or "web" * @param {Object} items - items as translator JSON */ function saveItemsThroughTranslator(translatorType, items) { let tyname; if (translatorType == "web") { tyname = "Web"; } else if (translatorType == "import") { tyname = "Import"; } else { throw new Error("invalid translator type "+translatorType); } let translate = new Zotero.Translate[tyname](); let browser; if (translatorType == "web") { browser = Zotero.Browser.createHiddenBrowser(); translate.setDocument(browser.contentDocument); } else if (translatorType == "import") { translate.setString(""); } translate.setTranslator(buildDummyTranslator( translatorType, "function detectWeb() {}\n"+ "function do"+tyname+"() {\n"+ " var json = JSON.parse('"+JSON.stringify(items).replace(/['\\]/g, "\\$&")+"');\n"+ " for (var i=0; i deferred.resolve(doc), undefined, undefined, true ); let doc = yield deferred.promise; let translate = new Zotero.Translate.Web(); translate.setDocument(doc); translate.setTranslator(buildDummyTranslator(4, 'function detectWeb() {}\n'+ 'function doWeb(doc) {\n'+ ' var item = new Zotero.Item("book");\n'+ ' item.title = "Container Item";\n'+ ' item.attachments = [{\n'+ ' "document":doc,\n'+ ' "title":"Snapshot from Document",\n'+ ' "note":"attachment note",\n'+ ' "tags":'+JSON.stringify(TEST_TAGS)+'\n'+ ' }];\n'+ ' item.complete();\n'+ '}')); let newItems = yield translate.translate(); assert.equal(newItems.length, 1); let containedAttachments = Zotero.Items.get(newItems[0].getAttachments()); assert.equal(containedAttachments.length, 1); let snapshot = containedAttachments[0]; assert.equal(snapshot.getField("url"), ""); assert.equal(snapshot.getNote(), "attachment note"); assert.equal(snapshot.attachmentLinkMode, Zotero.Attachments.LINK_MODE_IMPORTED_URL); assert.equal(snapshot.attachmentContentType, "text/html"); checkTestTags(snapshot, true); Zotero.Browser.deleteHiddenBrowser(browser); }); it('web translators should save attachment from non-browser document', function* () { return Zotero.HTTP.processDocuments( "", async function (doc) { let translate = new Zotero.Translate.Web(); translate.setDocument(doc); translate.setTranslator(buildDummyTranslator(4, 'function detectWeb() {}\n'+ 'function doWeb(doc) {\n'+ ' var item = new Zotero.Item("book");\n'+ ' item.title = "Container Item";\n'+ ' item.attachments = [{\n'+ ' "document":doc,\n'+ ' "title":"Snapshot from Document",\n'+ ' "note":"attachment note",\n'+ ' "tags":'+JSON.stringify(TEST_TAGS)+'\n'+ ' }];\n'+ ' item.complete();\n'+ '}')); let newItems = await translate.translate(); assert.equal(newItems.length, 1); let containedAttachments = Zotero.Items.get(newItems[0].getAttachments()); assert.equal(containedAttachments.length, 1); let snapshot = containedAttachments[0]; assert.equal(snapshot.getField("url"), ""); assert.equal(snapshot.getNote(), "attachment note"); assert.equal(snapshot.attachmentLinkMode, Zotero.Attachments.LINK_MODE_IMPORTED_URL); assert.equal(snapshot.attachmentContentType, "text/html"); checkTestTags(snapshot, true); } ); }); it('web translators should ignore attachments that return error codes', function* () { this.timeout(60000); let myItems = [ { "itemType":"book", "title":"Container Item", "attachments":[ { "url":"", "title":"Non-Existent HTML" }, { "url":"", "title":"Non-Existent PDF" } ] } ]; let newItems = yield saveItemsThroughTranslator("web", myItems); assert.equal(newItems.length, 1); let containedAttachments = yield Zotero.Items.getAsync(newItems[0].getAttachments()); assert.equal(containedAttachments.length, 0); }); it('web translators should save PDFs only if the content type matches', function* () { this.timeout(60000); let myItems = [ { "itemType":"book", "title":"Container Item", "attachments":[ { "url":"", "mimeType":"application/pdf", "title":"Test PDF with wrong mime type" }, { "url":"", "mimeType":"application/pdf", "title":"Test PDF", "note":"attachment note", "tags":TEST_TAGS } ] } ]; let newItems = yield saveItemsThroughTranslator("web", myItems); assert.equal(newItems.length, 1); let containedAttachments = yield Zotero.Items.getAsync(newItems[0].getAttachments()); assert.equal(containedAttachments.length, 1); let pdf = containedAttachments[0]; assert.equal(pdf.getField("title"), "Test PDF"); assert.equal(pdf.getField("url"), ""); assert.equal(pdf.getNote(), "attachment note"); assert.equal(pdf.attachmentLinkMode, Zotero.Attachments.LINK_MODE_IMPORTED_URL); checkTestTags(pdf, true); }); it('should not convert tags to canonical form in child translators', function* () { var childTranslator = buildDummyTranslator(1, `function detectWeb() {} function doImport() { var item = new Zotero.Item; item.itemType = "book"; item.title = "The Definitive Guide of Owls"; item.tags = ['owl', 'tag']; item.complete(); }`, {translatorID: 'child-dummy-translator'} ); sinon.stub(Zotero.Translators, 'get').withArgs('child-dummy-translator').returns(childTranslator); var parentTranslator = buildDummyTranslator(1, `function detectWeb() {} function doImport() { var translator = Zotero.loadTranslator("import"); translator.setTranslator('child-dummy-translator'); translator.setHandler('itemDone', Zotero.childItemDone); translator.translate(); }` ); function childItemDone(obj, item) { // Non-canonical tags after child translator is done assert.deepEqual(['owl', 'tag'], item.tags); item.complete(); } var translate = new Zotero.Translate.Import(); translate.setTranslator(parentTranslator); translate.setString(""); yield translate._loadTranslator(parentTranslator); translate._sandboxManager.importObject({childItemDone}); var items = yield translate.translate(); // Canonicalized tags after parent translator assert.deepEqual([{tag: 'owl'}, {tag: 'tag'}], items[0].getTags()); Zotero.Translators.get.restore(); }); }); describe("#processDocuments()", function () { var url = ""; var doc; beforeEach(function* () { // This is the main processDocuments, not the translation sandbox one being tested doc = (yield Zotero.HTTP.processDocuments(url, doc => doc))[0]; }); it("should provide document object", async function () { var translate = new Zotero.Translate.Web(); translate.setDocument(doc); translate.setTranslator( buildDummyTranslator( 4, `function detectWeb() {} function doWeb(doc) { ZU.processDocuments( doc.location.href + '?t', function (doc) { var item = new Zotero.Item("book"); item.title = "Container Item"; // document.location item.url = doc.location.href; // document.evaluate() item.extra = doc .evaluate('//p', doc, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null) .iterateNext() .textContent; item.attachments = [{ document: doc, title: "Snapshot from Document", note: "attachment note", tags: ${JSON.stringify(TEST_TAGS)} }]; item.complete(); } ); }` ) ); var newItems = await translate.translate(); assert.equal(newItems.length, 1); var item = newItems[0]; assert.equal(item.getField('url'), url + '?t'); assert.include(item.getField('extra'), 'your research sources'); var containedAttachments = Zotero.Items.get(newItems[0].getAttachments()); assert.equal(containedAttachments.length, 1); var snapshot = containedAttachments[0]; assert.equal(snapshot.getField("url"), url + '?t'); assert.equal(snapshot.getNote(), "attachment note"); assert.equal(snapshot.attachmentLinkMode, Zotero.Attachments.LINK_MODE_IMPORTED_URL); assert.equal(snapshot.attachmentContentType, "text/html"); checkTestTags(snapshot, true); }); it("should use loaded document instead of reloading if possible", function* () { var translate = new Zotero.Translate.Web(); translate.setDocument(doc); translate.setTranslator( buildDummyTranslator( 4, `function detectWeb() {} function doWeb(doc) { ZU.processDocuments( doc.location.href, function (doc) { var item = new Zotero.Item("book"); item.title = "Container Item"; // document.location item.url = doc.location.href; // document.evaluate() item.extra = doc .evaluate('//p', doc, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null) .iterateNext() .textContent; item.attachments = [{ document: doc, title: "Snapshot from Document", note: "attachment note", tags: ${JSON.stringify(TEST_TAGS)} }]; item.complete(); } ); }` ) ); var newItems = yield translate.translate(); assert.equal(newItems.length, 1); var item = newItems[0]; assert.equal(item.getField('url'), url); assert.include(item.getField('extra'), 'your research sources'); var containedAttachments = Zotero.Items.get(newItems[0].getAttachments()); assert.equal(containedAttachments.length, 1); var snapshot = containedAttachments[0]; assert.equal(snapshot.getField("url"), url); assert.equal(snapshot.getNote(), "attachment note"); assert.equal(snapshot.attachmentLinkMode, Zotero.Attachments.LINK_MODE_IMPORTED_URL); assert.equal(snapshot.attachmentContentType, "text/html"); checkTestTags(snapshot, true); }); }); describe("Translators", function () { it("should round-trip child attachment via BibTeX", function* () { var item = yield createDataObject('item'); yield importFileAttachment('test.png', { parentItemID: }); var translation = new Zotero.Translate.Export(); var tmpDir = yield getTempDirectory(); var exportDir = OS.Path.join(tmpDir, 'export'); translation.setLocation(Zotero.File.pathToFile(exportDir)); translation.setItems([item]); translation.setTranslator("9cb70025-a888-4a29-a210-93ec52da40d4"); translation.setDisplayOptions({ exportFileData: true }); yield translation.translate(); var exportFile = OS.Path.join(exportDir, 'export.bib'); assert.isTrue(yield OS.File.exists(exportFile)); var translation = new Zotero.Translate.Import(); translation.setLocation(Zotero.File.pathToFile(exportFile)); var translators = yield translation.getTranslators(); translation.setTranslator(translators[0]); var importCollection = yield createDataObject('collection'); var items = yield translation.translate({ libraryID: Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID, collections: [] }); assert.lengthOf(items, 1); var attachments = items[0].getAttachments(); assert.lengthOf(attachments, 1); var attachment = Zotero.Items.get(attachments[0]); assert.isTrue(yield attachment.fileExists()); }); }); describe("ItemSaver", function () { describe("#saveCollections()", function () { it("should add top-level collections to specified collection", function* () { var collection = yield createDataObject('collection'); var collections = [ { name: "Collection", type: "collection", children: [] } ]; var items = [ { itemType: "book", title: "Test" } ]; var translation = new Zotero.Translate.Import(); translation.setString(""); translation.setTranslator(buildDummyTranslator( "import", "function detectImport() {}\n" + "function doImport() {\n" + " var json = JSON.parse('" + JSON.stringify(collections).replace(/['\\]/g, "\\$&") + "');\n" + " for (let o of json) {" + " var collection = new Zotero.Collection;\n" + " for (let field in o) { collection[field] = o[field]; }\n" + " collection.complete();\n" + " }\n" + " json = JSON.parse('" + JSON.stringify(items).replace(/['\\]/g, "\\$&") + "');\n" + " for (let o of json) {" + " var item = new Zotero.Item;\n" + " for (let field in o) { item[field] = o[field]; }\n" + " item.complete();\n" + " }\n" + "}" )); yield translation.translate({ collections: [] }); assert.lengthOf(translation.newCollections, 1); assert.isNumber(translation.newCollections[0].id); assert.lengthOf(translation.newItems, 1); assert.isNumber(translation.newItems[0].id); var childCollections = Array.from(collection.getChildCollections(true)); assert.sameMembers(childCollections, =>; }); }); describe("#_saveAttachment()", function () { it("should save standalone attachment to collection", function* () { var collection = yield createDataObject('collection'); var items = [ { itemType: "attachment", title: "Test", mimeType: "text/html", url: "" } ]; var translation = new Zotero.Translate.Import(); translation.setString(""); translation.setTranslator(buildDummyTranslator( "import", "function detectImport() {}\n" + "function doImport() {\n" + " var json = JSON.parse('" + JSON.stringify(items).replace(/['\\]/g, "\\$&") + "');\n" + " for (var i=0; i Zotero.URI.getItemURI(i)); }); getter._itemsLeft = items; assert.equal((getter.nextItem()).uri, itemURIs[0], 'first item comes out first'); assert.equal((getter.nextItem()).uri, itemURIs[1], 'second item comes out second'); assert.isFalse((getter.nextItem()), 'end of item queue'); })); it('should return items with tags in expected format', Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* () { let getter = new Zotero.Translate.ItemGetter(); let itemWithAutomaticTag, itemWithManualTag, itemWithMultipleTags yield Zotero.DB.executeTransaction(function* () { itemWithAutomaticTag = new Zotero.Item('journalArticle'); itemWithAutomaticTag.addTag('automatic tag', 0); yield; itemWithManualTag = new Zotero.Item('journalArticle'); itemWithManualTag.addTag('manual tag', 1); yield; itemWithMultipleTags = new Zotero.Item('journalArticle'); itemWithMultipleTags.addTag('tag1', 0); itemWithMultipleTags.addTag('tag2', 1); yield; }); let legacyMode = [false, true]; for (let i=0; i; collections = [ new Zotero.Collection, new Zotero.Collection, new Zotero.Collection, new Zotero.Collection ]; collections[0].name = "test1"; collections[1].name = "test2"; collections[2].name = "subTest1"; collections[3].name = "subTest2"; yield collections[0].save(); yield collections[1].save(); collections[2].parentID = collections[0].id; collections[3].parentID = collections[1].id; yield collections[2].save(); yield collections[3].save(); yield collections[0].addItems([items[1].id, items[2].id]); yield collections[1].addItem(items[2].id); yield collections[2].addItem(items[3].id); }); let translatorItem = getter.nextItem(); assert.isArray(translatorItem.collections, 'item in library root has a collections array'); assert.equal(translatorItem.collections.length, 0, 'item in library root does not list any collections'); translatorItem = getter.nextItem(); assert.isArray(translatorItem.collections, 'item in a single collection has a collections array'); assert.equal(translatorItem.collections.length, 1, 'item in a single collection lists one collection'); assert.equal(translatorItem.collections[0], collections[0].key, 'item in a single collection identifies correct collection'); translatorItem = getter.nextItem(); assert.isArray(translatorItem.collections, 'item in two collections has a collections array'); assert.equal(translatorItem.collections.length, 2, 'item in two collections lists two collections'); assert.deepEqual( translatorItem.collections.sort(), [collections[0].key, collections[1].key].sort(), 'item in two collections identifies correct collections' ); translatorItem = getter.nextItem(); assert.isArray(translatorItem.collections, 'item in a nested collection has a collections array'); assert.equal(translatorItem.collections.length, 1, 'item in a single nested collection lists one collection'); assert.equal(translatorItem.collections[0], collections[2].key, 'item in a single collection identifies correct collection'); })); it('should return item relations in expected format', Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* () { let getter = new Zotero.Translate.ItemGetter(); let items; yield Zotero.DB.executeTransaction(function* () { items = [ new Zotero.Item('journalArticle'), // Item with no relations new Zotero.Item('journalArticle'), // Bidirectional relations new Zotero.Item('journalArticle'), // between these items new Zotero.Item('journalArticle'), // This item is related to two items below new Zotero.Item('journalArticle'), // But this item is not related to the item below new Zotero.Item('journalArticle') ]; yield Zotero.Promise.all( =>; yield items[1].addRelatedItem(items[2]); yield items[2].addRelatedItem(items[1]); yield items[3].addRelatedItem(items[4]); yield items[4].addRelatedItem(items[3]); yield items[3].addRelatedItem(items[5]); yield items[5].addRelatedItem(items[3]); }); getter._itemsLeft = items.slice(); let translatorItem = getter.nextItem(); assert.isObject(translatorItem.relations, 'item with no relations has a relations object'); assert.equal(Object.keys(translatorItem.relations).length, 0, 'item with no relations does not list any relations'); translatorItem = getter.nextItem(); assert.isObject(translatorItem.relations, 'item that is the subject of a single relation has a relations object'); assert.equal(Object.keys(translatorItem.relations).length, 1, 'item that is the subject of a single relation lists one relations predicate'); assert.lengthOf(translatorItem.relations['dc:relation'], 1, 'item that is the subject of a single relation lists one "dc:relation" object'); assert.equal(translatorItem.relations['dc:relation'][0], Zotero.URI.getItemURI(items[2]), 'item that is the subject of a single relation identifies correct object URI'); // We currently assign these bidirectionally above, so this is a bit redundant translatorItem = getter.nextItem(); assert.isObject(translatorItem.relations, 'item that is the object of a single relation has a relations object'); assert.equal(Object.keys(translatorItem.relations).length, 1, 'item that is the object of a single relation list one relations predicate'); assert.lengthOf(translatorItem.relations['dc:relation'], 1, 'item that is the object of a single relation lists one "dc:relation" object'); assert.equal(translatorItem.relations['dc:relation'][0], Zotero.URI.getItemURI(items[1]), 'item that is the object of a single relation identifies correct subject URI'); translatorItem = getter.nextItem(); assert.isObject(translatorItem.relations, 'item that is the subject of two relations has a relations object'); assert.equal(Object.keys(translatorItem.relations).length, 1, 'item that is the subject of two relations list one relations predicate'); assert.isDefined(translatorItem.relations['dc:relation'], 'item that is the subject of two relations uses "dc:relation" as the predicate'); assert.isArray(translatorItem.relations['dc:relation'], 'item that is the subject of two relations lists "dc:relation" object as an array'); assert.equal(translatorItem.relations['dc:relation'].length, 2, 'item that is the subject of two relations lists two relations in the "dc:relation" array'); assert.deepEqual( translatorItem.relations['dc:relation'].sort(), [Zotero.URI.getItemURI(items[4]), Zotero.URI.getItemURI(items[5])].sort(), 'item that is the subject of two relations identifies correct object URIs' ); translatorItem = getter.nextItem(); assert.isObject(translatorItem.relations, 'item that is the object of one relation from item with two relations has a relations object'); assert.equal(Object.keys(translatorItem.relations).length, 1, 'item that is the object of one relation from item with two relations list one relations predicate'); assert.isDefined(translatorItem.relations['dc:relation'], 'item that is the object of one relation from item with two relations uses "dc:relation" as the predicate'); assert.lengthOf(translatorItem.relations['dc:relation'], 1, 'item that is the object of one relation from item with two relations lists one "dc:relation" object'); assert.equal(translatorItem.relations['dc:relation'][0], Zotero.URI.getItemURI(items[3]), 'item that is the object of one relation from item with two relations identifies correct subject URI'); })); it('should return standalone note in expected format', Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* () { let relatedItem, note, collection; yield Zotero.DB.executeTransaction(function* () { relatedItem = new Zotero.Item('journalArticle'); yield; note = new Zotero.Item('note'); note.setNote('Note'); note.addTag('automaticTag', 0); note.addTag('manualTag', 1); note.addRelatedItem(relatedItem); yield; relatedItem.addRelatedItem(note); yield; collection = new Zotero.Collection; = 'test'; yield; yield collection.addItem(; }); let legacyMode = [false, true]; for (let i=0; i; collection = new Zotero.Collection; = 'test'; yield; yield collection.addItem(items[0].id); yield collection.addItem(items[1].id); note = new Zotero.Item('note'); note.setNote('Note'); note.addTag('automaticTag', 0); note.addTag('manualTag', 1); yield; note.addRelatedItem(relatedItem); relatedItem.addRelatedItem(note); yield; yield; }); let legacyMode = [false, true]; for (let i=0; i