"use strict"; describe("Zotero.LibraryTreeView", function() { var win, zp, cv, itemsView; // Load Zotero pane and select library before(function* () { win = yield loadZoteroPane(); zp = win.ZoteroPane; cv = zp.collectionsView; }); beforeEach(function* () { yield selectLibrary(win); itemsView = zp.itemsView; }) after(function () { win.close(); }); describe("#getRowIndexByID()", function () { it("should return the row index of an item", function* () { var collection = yield createDataObject('collection'); yield waitForItemsLoad(win); var item = yield createDataObject('item', { collections: [collection.id] }); var view = zp.itemsView; assert.strictEqual(view.getRowIndexByID(item.treeViewID), 0); }); }); describe("#_removeRow()", function () { it("should remove the last row", function* () { var collection = yield createDataObject('collection'); yield waitForItemsLoad(win); var item1 = yield createDataObject('item', { collections: [collection.id] }); var item2 = yield createDataObject('item', { collections: [collection.id] }); var view = zp.itemsView; assert.equal(view.getRowIndexByID(item2.id), 1); zp.itemsView._removeRow(1); assert.equal(view.rowCount, 1); assert.isFalse(view.getRowIndexByID(item2.id)); }); }); })