Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.jsm"); Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm"); var EventUtils = Components.utils.import("resource://zotero-unit/EventUtils.jsm"); var ZoteroUnit = Components.classes[";1?type=zotero-unit"]. getService(Components.interfaces.nsISupports). wrappedJSObject; var dump = ZoteroUnit.dump; function quit(failed) { // Quit with exit status if(!failed) { OS.File.writeAtomic(FileUtils.getFile("ProfD", ["success"]).path, new Uint8Array(0)); } if(!ZoteroUnit.noquit) { Components.classes[';1']. getService(Components.interfaces.nsIAppStartup). quit(Components.interfaces.nsIAppStartup.eForceQuit); } } function Reporter(runner) { var indents = 0, passed = 0, failed = 0; function indent() { return Array(indents).join(' '); } runner.on('start', function(){}); runner.on('suite', function(suite){ ++indents; dump(indent()+suite.title+"\n"); }); runner.on('suite end', function(suite){ --indents; if (1 == indents) dump("\n"); }); runner.on('pending', function(test){ dump(indent()+"pending -"+test.title); }); runner.on('pass', function(test){ passed++; var msg = "\r"+indent()+Mocha.reporters.Base.symbols.ok+" "+test.title; if ('fast' != test.speed) { msg += " ("+Math.round(test.duration)+" ms)"; } dump(msg+"\n"); }); runner.on('fail', function(test, err){ failed++; dump("\r"+indent()+Mocha.reporters.Base.symbols.err+" "+test.title+"\n"+ indent()+" "+err.toString()+" at\n"+ indent()+" "+err.stack.replace("\n", "\n"+indent()+" ", "g")); }); runner.on('end', function() { dump(passed+"/"+(passed+failed)+" tests passed.\n"); quit(failed != 0); }); } // Setup Mocha mocha.setup({ui:"bdd", reporter:Reporter}); // Enable Bluebird generator support in Mocha (function () { var Runnable = Mocha.Runnable; var run =; = function (fn) { if ( === 'GeneratorFunction') { this.fn = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(this.fn); } return, fn); }; })(); var assert = chai.assert, expect = chai.expect; // Set up tests to run var run = true; if(ZoteroUnit.tests) { var testDirectory = getTestDataDirectory().parent, testFiles = []; if(ZoteroUnit.tests == "all") { var enumerator = testDirectory.directoryEntries; while(enumerator.hasMoreElements()) { var file = enumerator.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIFile); if(file.leafName.endsWith(".js")) { testFiles.push(file.leafName); } } } else { var specifiedTests = ZoteroUnit.tests.split(","); for(var test of specifiedTests) { var fname = test+".js", file = testDirectory.clone(); file.append(fname); if(!file.exists()) { dump("Invalid test file "+test+"\n"); run = false; quit(true); } testFiles.push(fname); } } for(var fname of testFiles) { var el = document.createElement("script"); el.type = "application/javascript;version=1.8"; el.src = "resource://zotero-unit-tests/"+fname; document.body.appendChild(el); } } if(run) { window.onload = function() { Zotero.Schema.schemaUpdatePromise.then(function() {; }); }; }