describe("Debug Output Logging", function () { var server; var win; var doc; before(async function () { server = sinon.fakeServer.create(); server.autoRespond = true; Zotero.HTTP.mock = sinon.FakeXMLHttpRequest; win = await loadZoteroPane(); doc = win.document; }); after(function () { Zotero.HTTP.mock = null; win.close(); }); it("should log output and submit to server", async function () { doc.getElementById('debug-output-enable-disable').doCommand(); await createDataObject('item'); doc.getElementById('debug-output-submit').doCommand(); server.respond(function (req) { if (req.method == "POST") { req.respond( 200, {}, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n' + '<xml><reported reportID="1234567890"/></xml>' ); } }); // Make sure Debug ID is shown in dialog var promise = waitForDialog(function (dialog) { assert.match(dialog.document.documentElement.textContent, /D1234567890/); }); doc.getElementById('debug-output-submit').click(); await promise; win.close(); }); });