"use strict"; describe("Zotero.DataObjectUtilities", function() { describe("#patch()", function () { it("should omit 'collections' if it doesn't exist", function* () { var patchBase = { collections: ['AAAAAAAA'] }; var obj = {}; obj = Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.patch(patchBase, obj); assert.notProperty(obj, 'collections'); }) it("should include modified 'conditions'", function* () { var patchBase = { name: "Search", conditions: [ { condition: 'title', operator: 'is', value: 'A' }, { condition: 'language', operator: 'is', value: 'en' } ] }; var obj = { name: "Search", conditions: [ { condition: 'title', operator: 'is', value: 'B' }, { condition: 'language', operator: 'is', value: 'en' } ] }; obj = Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.patch(patchBase, obj); assert.property(obj, 'conditions'); assert.equal(obj.conditions[0].value, 'B'); assert.equal(obj.conditions[1].value, 'en'); }) it("should blank out deleted properties", function () { var patchBase = { title: 'Test', place: '' }; var obj = {}; obj = Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.patch(patchBase, obj); assert.propertyVal(obj, 'title', ''); // place was already empty, so it shouldn't be included assert.notProperty(obj, 'place'); }); it("shouldn't include relations that haven't changed", function () { var patchBase = { title: "Old Title", relations: { "mendeleyDB:documentUUID": "6b97abe6-8e23-4471-b963-234cf26808b9" } }; var obj = { title: "New Title", relations: { "mendeleyDB:documentUUID": "6b97abe6-8e23-4471-b963-234cf26808b9" } } obj = Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.patch(patchBase, obj); assert.notProperty(obj, 'relations'); }); it("shouldn't include relations that only switched from string to array", function () { var patchBase = { title: "Old Title", relations: { "mendeleyDB:documentUUID": "6b97abe6-8e23-4471-b963-234cf26808b9" } }; var obj = { title: "New Title", relations: { "mendeleyDB:documentUUID": [ "6b97abe6-8e23-4471-b963-234cf26808b9" ] } } obj = Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.patch(patchBase, obj); assert.notProperty(obj, 'relations'); }); }) describe("#diff()", function () { // This is mostly covered by syncLocal::_reconcileChanges() tests, but we test some // additional things here describe("items", function () { // // Fields // describe("fields", function () { it("should not show empty items as different", function* () { var id1, id2, json1, json2; yield Zotero.DB.executeTransaction(async function () { var item = new Zotero.Item('book'); id1 = await item.save(); json1 = item.toJSON(); var item = new Zotero.Item('book'); id2 = await item.save(); json2 = item.toJSON(); }); var changes = Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.diff(json1, json2); assert.lengthOf(changes, 0); yield Zotero.Items.erase([id1, id2]); }) it("should not show empty strings as different", function () { var json1 = { title: "" }; var json2 = { title: "" }; var changes = Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.diff(json1, json2); assert.lengthOf(changes, 0); }) it("should not show empty string and undefined as different", function () { var json1 = { title: "" }; var json2 = { place: "" }; var changes = Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.diff(json1, json2); assert.lengthOf(changes, 0); }) }) // // Creators // describe("creators", function () { it("should not show identical creators as different", function () { var json1 = { creators: [ { name: "Center for History and New Media", creatorType: "author" } ] }; var json2 = { creators: [ { creatorType: "author", name: "Center for History and New Media" } ] }; var changes = Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.diff(json1, json2); assert.lengthOf(changes, 0); }) it("should not show an empty creators array and a missing one as different", function () { var json1 = { creators: [] }; var json2 = {}; var changes = Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.diff(json1, json2); assert.lengthOf(changes, 0); var json1 = {}; var json2 = { creators: [] }; var changes = Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.diff(json1, json2); assert.lengthOf(changes, 0); }) }) describe("notes", function () { it("should ignore sanitization changes", function* () { var json1 = { note: "<p>\u00a0</p>" }; var json2 = { note: "<p> </p>" }; var changes = Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.diff(json1, json2); assert.lengthOf(changes, 0); }); }); // // Relations // describe("relations", function () { it("should not show an empty relations object and a missing one as different", function () { var json1 = { relations: {} }; var json2 = { }; var changes = Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.diff(json1, json2); Zotero.debug(changes); assert.lengthOf(changes, 0); var json1 = {}; var json2 = { relations: {} }; var changes = Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.diff(json1, json2); Zotero.debug(changes); assert.lengthOf(changes, 0); }) }) // // Tags // describe("tags", function () { it("should not show manual tags with or without 'type' property as different", function () { var json1 = { tags: [ { tag: "Foo" } ] }; var json2 = { tags: [ { tag: "Foo", type: 0 } ] }; var changes = Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.diff(json1, json2); assert.lengthOf(changes, 0); }) it("should show tags of different types as different", function () { var json1 = { tags: [ { tag: "Foo" } ] }; var json2 = { tags: [ { tag: "Foo", type: 1 } ] }; var changes = Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.diff(json1, json2); assert.sameDeepMembers( changes, [ { field: "tags", op: "member-remove", value: { tag: "Foo" } }, { field: "tags", op: "member-add", value: { tag: "Foo", type: 1 } } ] ); }) }) }) // // Searches // // // Search conditions // describe("searches", function () { describe("conditions", function () { it("should not show an empty conditions object and a missing one as different", function () { var json1 = { conditions: {} }; var json2 = { }; var changes = Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.diff(json1, json2); Zotero.debug(changes); assert.lengthOf(changes, 0); var json1 = {}; var json2 = { conditions: {} }; var changes = Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.diff(json1, json2); Zotero.debug(changes); assert.lengthOf(changes, 0); }) /*it("should not show an empty conditions object and a missing one as different", function () { var json1 = { conditions: [] }; var json2 = { conditions: [ { condition: 'title', operator: 'contains', value: 'test' } ] }; var changes = Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.diff(json1, json2); Zotero.debug(changes); assert.lengthOf(changes, 0); var json1 = {}; var json2 = { conditions: {} }; var changes = Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.diff(json1, json2); Zotero.debug(changes); assert.lengthOf(changes, 0); })*/ }) }) }) describe("#applyChanges()", function () { // // Fields // describe("fields", function () { it("should set added/modified field values", function () { var json = { title: "A" }; var changes = [ { field: "title", op: "add", value: "B" }, { field: "date", op: "modify", value: "2015-05-19" } ]; Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.applyChanges(json, changes); assert.equal(json.title, "B"); assert.equal(json.date, "2015-05-19"); }) }) // // Collections // describe("collections", function () { it("should add a collection", function () { var json = { collections: ["AAAAAAAA"] }; var changes = [ { field: "collections", op: "member-add", value: "BBBBBBBB" } ]; Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.applyChanges(json, changes); assert.sameMembers(json.collections, ["AAAAAAAA", "BBBBBBBB"]); }) it("should not duplicate an existing collection", function () { var json = { collections: ["AAAAAAAA"] }; var changes = [ { field: "collections", op: "member-add", value: "AAAAAAAA" } ]; Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.applyChanges(json, changes); assert.sameMembers(json.collections, ["AAAAAAAA"]); assert.lengthOf(json.collections, 1); }) it("should remove a collection", function () { var json = { collections: ["AAAAAAAA"] }; var changes = [ { field: "collections", op: "member-remove", value: "AAAAAAAA" } ]; Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.applyChanges(json, changes); assert.lengthOf(json.collections, 0); }) }) // // Relations // describe("relations", function () { it("should add a predicate and object to an empty relations object", function () { var json = { relations: {} }; var changes = [ { field: "relations", op: "property-member-add", value: { key: "a", value: "A" } } ]; Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.applyChanges(json, changes); assert.sameDeepMembers([json.relations], [{ a: ["A"] }]); }) it("should add a predicate and object to a missing relations object", function () { var json = {}; var changes = [ { field: "relations", op: "property-member-add", value: { key: "a", value: "A" } } ]; Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.applyChanges(json, changes); assert.sameDeepMembers([json.relations], [{ a: ["A"] }]); }) it("should add an object to an existing predicate string", function () { var json = { relations: { a: 'A1' } }; var changes = [ { field: "relations", op: "property-member-add", value: { key: "a", value: "A2" } } ]; Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.applyChanges(json, changes); assert.sameDeepMembers([json.relations], [{ a: ["A1", "A2"] }]); }) it("should add an object to an existing predicate array", function () { var json = { relations: { a: ['A1'] } }; var changes = [ { field: "relations", op: "property-member-add", value: { key: "a", value: "A2" } } ]; Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.applyChanges(json, changes); assert.sameDeepMembers([json.relations], [{ a: ['A1', 'A2'] }]); }) it("should ignore a removal for an missing relations object", function () { var json = {}; var changes = [ { field: "relations", op: "property-member-remove", value: { key: "a", value: "A" } } ]; Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.applyChanges(json, changes); assert.notProperty(json, 'relations'); }) it("should ignore a removal for a missing relations predicate", function () { var json = { relations: {} }; var changes = [ { field: "relations", op: "property-member-remove", value: { key: "a", value: "A" } } ]; Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.applyChanges(json, changes); assert.lengthOf(Object.keys(json.relations), 0); }) it("should ignore a removal for a missing object", function () { var json = { relations: { a: ['A1'] } }; var changes = [ { field: "relations", op: "property-member-remove", value: { key: "a", value: "A2" } } ]; Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.applyChanges(json, changes); assert.sameDeepMembers([json.relations], [{ a: ['A1'] }]); }) it("should remove a predicate and object string from a relations object", function () { var json = { relations: { a: "A" } }; var changes = [ { field: "relations", op: "property-member-remove", value: { key: "a", value: "A" } } ]; Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.applyChanges(json, changes); assert.lengthOf(Object.keys(json.relations), 0); }) it("should remove a predicate and object array from a relations object", function () { var json = { relations: { a: ["A"] } }; var changes = [ { field: "relations", op: "property-member-remove", value: { key: "a", value: "A" } } ]; Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.applyChanges(json, changes); assert.lengthOf(Object.keys(json.relations), 0); }) it("should remove an object from an existing predicate array", function () { var json = { relations: { a: ['A1', 'A2'] } }; var changes = [ { field: "relations", op: "property-member-remove", value: { key: "a", value: "A2" } } ]; Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.applyChanges(json, changes); assert.sameDeepMembers([json.relations], [{ a: ["A1"] }]); }) }) // // Tags // describe("tags", function () { it("should add a tag", function () { var json = { tags: [ { tag: "A" } ] }; var changes = [ { field: "tags", op: "member-add", value: { tag: "B" } } ]; Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.applyChanges(json, changes); assert.sameDeepMembers( json.tags, [ { tag: "A" }, { tag: "B" } ] ); }) it("should not duplicate an existing tag", function () { var json = { tags: [ { tag: "A" } ] }; var changes = [ { field: "tags", op: "member-add", value: { tag: "A" } } ]; Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.applyChanges(json, changes); assert.sameDeepMembers( json.tags, [ { tag: "A" } ] ); assert.lengthOf(json.tags, 1); }) it("should remove a tag", function () { var json = { tags: [ { tag: "A" } ] }; var changes = [ { field: "tags", op: "member-remove", value: { tag: "A" } } ]; Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.applyChanges(json, changes); assert.lengthOf(json.tags, 0); }) }) // // Search conditions // describe("conditions", function () { it("should add a condition", function () { var json = { conditions: [ { condition: "title", op: "contains", value: "A" } ] }; var changes = [ { field: "conditions", op: "member-add", value: { condition: "title", op: "contains", value: "B" } } ]; Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.applyChanges(json, changes); assert.sameDeepMembers( json.conditions, [ { condition: "title", op: "contains", value: "A" }, { condition: "title", op: "contains", value: "B" } ] ); }) it("should remove a condition", function () { var json = { conditions: [ { condition: "title", op: "contains", value: "A" }, { condition: "title", op: "contains", value: "B" } ] }; var changes = [ { field: "conditions", op: "member-remove", value: { condition: "title", op: "contains", value: "B" } } ]; Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.applyChanges(json, changes); assert.sameDeepMembers( json.conditions, [ { condition: "title", op: "contains", value: "A" } ] ); }) }) }) })