describe("Zotero.FileHandlers", () => { describe("open()", () => { var win; function clearPrefs() { Zotero.Prefs.clear('fileHandler.pdf'); Zotero.Prefs.clear('fileHandler.epub'); Zotero.Prefs.clear('fileHandler.snapshot'); Zotero.Prefs.clear('openReaderInNewWindow'); } before(async function () { clearPrefs(); win = await loadZoteroPane(); }); afterEach(function () { clearPrefs(); delete Zotero.FileHandlers._mockHandlers; for (let reader of Zotero.Reader._readers) { reader.close(); } }); after(async function () { win.close(); }); it("should open a PDF internally when no handler is set", async function () { let pdf = await importFileAttachment('wonderland_short.pdf'); await, { location: { pageIndex: 2 } }); let reader = Zotero.Reader.getByTabID(win.Zotero_Tabs.selectedID); assert.ok(reader); let notifierPromise = waitForNotifierEvent('add', 'setting'); await reader._waitForReader(); await notifierPromise; // Check that the reader navigated to the correct page assert.equal(pdf.getAttachmentLastPageIndex(), 2); }); it("should open a PDF in a new window when no handler is set and openInWindow is passed", async function () { let pdf = await importFileAttachment('wonderland_short.pdf'); await, { location: { pageIndex: 2 }, openInWindow: true }); assert.notOk(Zotero.Reader.getByTabID(win.Zotero_Tabs.selectedID)); assert.isNotEmpty(Zotero.Reader.getWindowStates()); }); it("should use matching handler", async function () { let pdf = await importFileAttachment('wonderland_short.pdf'); let wasRun = false; let readerOpenSpy = sinon.spy(Zotero.Reader, 'open'); Zotero.FileHandlers._mockHandlers = { pdf: [ { name: /mock/, async open() { wasRun = true; } } ] }; Zotero.Prefs.set('fileHandler.pdf', 'mock'); await; assert.isTrue(wasRun); assert.isFalse(readerOpenSpy.called); assert.notOk(Zotero.Reader.getByTabID(win.Zotero_Tabs.selectedID)); assert.isEmpty(Zotero.Reader.getWindowStates()); readerOpenSpy.restore(); }); it("should fall back to fallback handler when location is passed", async function () { let pdf = await importFileAttachment('wonderland_short.pdf'); let wasRun = false; let readerOpenSpy = sinon.spy(Zotero.Reader, 'open'); Zotero.FileHandlers._mockHandlers = { pdf: [ { name: /mock/, fallback: true, async open(appPath) { assert.notOk(appPath); // appPath won't be set when called as fallback wasRun = true; } } ] }; // Set our custom handler to something nonexistent, // and stub the system handler to something nonexistent as well Zotero.Prefs.set('fileHandler.pdf', 'some nonexistent tool'); let getSystemHandlerStub = sinon.stub(Zotero.FileHandlers, '_getSystemHandler'); getSystemHandlerStub.returns('some other nonexistent tool'); await, { location: {} }); assert.isTrue(wasRun); assert.isFalse(readerOpenSpy.called); assert.notOk(Zotero.Reader.getByTabID(win.Zotero_Tabs.selectedID)); assert.isEmpty(Zotero.Reader.getWindowStates()); readerOpenSpy.restore(); getSystemHandlerStub.restore(); }); it("should fall back when handler is set to system and we can't retrieve the system handler", async function () { let pdf = await importFileAttachment('wonderland_short.pdf'); let wasRun = false; let readerOpenSpy = sinon.spy(Zotero.Reader, 'open'); let launchFileStub = sinon.stub(Zotero, 'launchFile'); Zotero.FileHandlers._mockHandlers = { pdf: [ { name: new RegExp(''), async open() { wasRun = true; } } ] }; // Set our custom handler to something nonexistent, // and stub the system handler to something nonexistent as well Zotero.Prefs.set('fileHandler.pdf', 'system'); let getSystemHandlerStub = sinon.stub(Zotero.FileHandlers, '_getSystemHandler'); getSystemHandlerStub.returns(false); await, { location: {} }); assert.isFalse(wasRun); assert.isFalse(readerOpenSpy.called); assert.isTrue(launchFileStub.called); assert.notOk(Zotero.Reader.getByTabID(win.Zotero_Tabs.selectedID)); assert.isEmpty(Zotero.Reader.getWindowStates()); readerOpenSpy.restore(); launchFileStub.restore(); getSystemHandlerStub.restore(); }); }); });