/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** Copyright © 2011 Center for History and New Media George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA http://zotero.org This file is part of Zotero. Zotero is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Zotero is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with Zotero. If not, see . ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); import FilePicker from 'zotero/filePicker'; var Zotero = Components.classes["@zotero.org/Zotero;1"] // Currently uses only nsISupports //.getService(Components.interfaces.chnmIZoteroService). .getService(Components.interfaces.nsISupports) .wrappedJSObject; // Fix JSON stringify 2028/2029 "bug" // Borrowed from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16686687/json-stringify-and-u2028-u2029-check if (JSON.stringify(["\u2028\u2029"]) !== '["\\u2028\\u2029"]') { JSON.stringify = function (stringify) { return function () { var str = stringify.apply(this, arguments); if (str && str.indexOf('\u2028') != -1) str = str.replace(/\u2028/g, '\\u2028'); if (str && str.indexOf('\u2029') != -1) str = str.replace(/\u2029/g, '\\u2029'); return str; }; }(JSON.stringify); } // To be used elsewhere (e.g. varDump) function fix2028(str) { if (str.indexOf('\u2028') != -1) str = str.replace(/\u2028/g, '\\u2028'); if (str.indexOf('\u2029') != -1) str = str.replace(/\u2029/g, '\\u2029'); return str; } var Scaffold = new function() { var _browser, _frames, _document; var _translatorsLoadedPromise; var _translatorProvider = null var _editors = {}; var _propertyMap = { 'textbox-translatorID':'translatorID', 'textbox-label':'label', 'textbox-creator':'creator', 'textbox-target':'target', 'textbox-minVersion':'minVersion', 'textbox-maxVersion':'maxVersion', 'textbox-priority':'priority', 'textbox-target-all':'targetAll', 'textbox-hidden-prefs':'hiddenPrefs' }; this.onLoad = async function (e) { if(e.target !== document) return; _document = document; _browser = document.getElementsByTagName('browser')[0]; _browser.addEventListener("pageshow", _updateFrames, true); _updateFrames(); let browserUrl = document.getElementById("browser-url"); browserUrl.addEventListener('keypress', function(e) { if (e.keyCode == e.DOM_VK_RETURN) { _browser.loadURIWithFlags( browserUrl.value, Components.interfaces.nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_BYPASS_CACHE ); } }); var importWin = document.getElementById("editor-import").contentWindow; var codeWin = document.getElementById("editor-code").contentWindow; var testsWin = document.getElementById("editor-tests").contentWindow; _editors.import = importWin.editor; _editors.code = codeWin.editor; _editors.tests = testsWin.editor; _editors.code.getSession().setMode(new codeWin.JavaScriptMode); _editors.code.getSession().setUseSoftTabs(false); // The first code line is preceeded by some metadata lines, such that // the code lines start (usually) at line 15. _editors.code.getSession().setOption("firstLineNumber", 15); _editors.tests.getSession().setUseWorker(false); _editors.tests.getSession().setMode(new testsWin.JavaScriptMode); _editors.tests.getSession().setUseSoftTabs(false); _editors.import.getSession().setMode(new importWin.TextMode); // Set font size from general pref Zotero.setFontSize(document.getElementById('scaffold-pane')); // Set font size of code editor var size = Zotero.Prefs.get("scaffold.fontSize"); if (size) { this.setFontSize(size); } // Set resize handler _document.addEventListener("resize", this.onResize, false); // Disable editing if external editor is enabled, enable when it is disabled document.getElementById('checkbox-editor-external').addEventListener("command", function() { var external = document.getElementById('checkbox-editor-external').checked; _editors.code.setReadOnly(external); _editors.tests.setReadOnly(external); }, true); this.generateTranslatorID(); // Add List fields help menu entries for all other item types var types = Zotero.ItemTypes.getAll().map(t => t.name).sort(); var morePopup = document.getElementById('mb-help-fields-more-popup'); var primaryTypes = ['book', 'bookSection', 'conferencePaper', 'journalArticle', 'magazineArticle', 'newspaperArticle']; for (let type of types) { if (primaryTypes.includes(type)) continue; var menuitem = document.createElement('menuitem'); menuitem.setAttribute('label', type); menuitem.addEventListener('command', () => { Scaffold.addTemplate('templateNewItem', type) }); morePopup.appendChild(menuitem); } if (!Scaffold_Translators.getDirectory()) { if (!await this.promptForTranslatorsDirectory()) { window.close(); return; } } _translatorsLoadedPromise = Scaffold_Translators.load(); _translatorProvider = Scaffold_Translators.getProvider(); }; this.promptForTranslatorsDirectory = async function () { var ps = Services.prompt; var buttonFlags = ps.BUTTON_POS_0 * ps.BUTTON_TITLE_IS_STRING + ps.BUTTON_POS_1 * ps.BUTTON_TITLE_IS_STRING + ps.BUTTON_POS_2 * ps.BUTTON_TITLE_IS_STRING; var index = ps.confirmEx(null, "Scaffold", "To set up Scaffold, select your development directory for Zotero translators.\n\n" + "In most cases, this should be a git clone of the zotero/translators GitHub repository.", buttonFlags, "Choose Directory…", Zotero.getString('general.cancel'), "Open GitHub Repo", null, {} ); // Revert to home directory if (index == 0) { let dir = await this.setTranslatorsDirectory(); if (dir) { return true; } } else if (index == 2) { Zotero.launchURL('https://github.com/zotero/translators'); } return false; }; this.setTranslatorsDirectory = async function () { var fp = new FilePicker(); var oldPath = Zotero.Prefs.get('scaffold.translatorsDir'); if (oldPath) { fp.displayDirectory = oldPath; } fp.init( window, "Select Translators Directory", fp.modeGetFolder ); fp.appendFilters(fp.filterAll); if (await fp.show() != fp.returnOK) { return false; } var path = OS.Path.normalize(fp.file); if (oldPath == path) { return false; } Zotero.Prefs.set('scaffold.translatorsDir', path); Scaffold_Translators.load(true); // async return path; }; this.onResize = function() { // We try to let ACE resize itself _editors.import.resize(); _editors.code.resize(); _editors.tests.resize(); return true; } this.setFontSize = function(size) { var sizeWithPX = size + 'px'; _editors.import.setOptions({fontSize: sizeWithPX}); _editors.code.setOptions({fontSize: sizeWithPX}); _editors.tests.setOptions({fontSize: sizeWithPX}); document.getElementById("scaffold-pane").style.fontSize = sizeWithPX; if (size==11) { // for the default value 11, clear the prefs Zotero.Prefs.clear('scaffold.fontSize'); } else { Zotero.Prefs.set("scaffold.fontSize", size); } } this.increaseFontSize = function() { var currentSize = Zotero.Prefs.get("scaffold.fontSize") || 11; this.setFontSize(currentSize+2); } this.decreaseFontSize = function() { var currentSize = Zotero.Prefs.get("scaffold.fontSize") || 11; this.setFontSize(currentSize-2); } /* * load translator */ this.load = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (translatorID) { var translator = false; if (translatorID === undefined) { var io = {}; io.translatorProvider = _translatorProvider; io.url = _getDocument().location.href; io.rootUrl = _browser.contentDocument.location.href; window.openDialog("chrome://scaffold/content/load.xul", "_blank","chrome,modal", io); translator = io.dataOut; } else { yield _translatorsLoadedPromise; translator = _translatorProvider.get(translatorID); } // No translator was selected in the dialog. if (!translator) return false; for(var id in _propertyMap) { document.getElementById(id).value = translator[_propertyMap[id]] || ""; } //Strip JSON metadata var code = yield translator.getCode(); var lastUpdatedIndex = code.indexOf('"lastUpdated"'); var header = code.substr(0, lastUpdatedIndex + 50); var m = /^\s*{[\S\s]*?}\s*?[\r\n]+/.exec(header); var fixedCode = code.substr(m[0].length); // adjust the first line number when there are an unusual number of metadata lines var linesOfMetadata = m[0].split('\n').length; _editors.code.getSession().setOption("firstLineNumber", linesOfMetadata); // load tests into test editing pane, but clear it first _editors["tests"].getSession().setValue(''); _loadTests(fixedCode); // and remove them from the translator code var testStart = fixedCode.indexOf("/** BEGIN TEST CASES **/"); var testEnd = fixedCode.indexOf("/** END TEST CASES **/"); if (testStart !== -1 && testEnd !== -1) fixedCode = fixedCode.substr(0,testStart) + fixedCode.substr(testEnd+23); // Set up the test running pane this.populateTests(); // Convert whitespace to tabs _editors.code.getSession().setValue(normalizeWhitespace(fixedCode)); // Then go to line 1 _editors.code.gotoLine(1); // Reset configOptions and displayOptions before loading document.getElementById('textbox-configOptions').value = ''; document.getElementById('textbox-displayOptions').value = ''; if (translator.configOptions) { let configOptions = JSON.stringify(translator.configOptions); if (configOptions != '{}') { document.getElementById('textbox-configOptions').value = configOptions; } } if (translator.displayOptions) { let displayOptions = JSON.stringify(translator.displayOptions); if (displayOptions != '{}') { document.getElementById('textbox-displayOptions').value = displayOptions; } } // get translator type; might as well have some fun here var type = translator.translatorType; var types = ["import", "export", "web", "search"]; for(var i=2; i<=16; i*=2) { var mod = type % i; document.getElementById('checkbox-'+types.shift()).checked = !!mod; if(mod) type -= mod; } // get browser support var browserSupport = translator.browserSupport; if(!browserSupport) browserSupport = "g"; const browsers = {gecko:"g", chrome:"c", safari:"s", ie:"i", bookmarklet:"b", server:"v"}; for (var browser in browsers) { document.getElementById('checkbox-'+browser).checked = browserSupport.indexOf(browsers[browser]) !== -1; } }); function _getMetadataObject() { var metadata = { translatorID: document.getElementById('textbox-translatorID').value, label: document.getElementById('textbox-label').value, creator: document.getElementById('textbox-creator').value, target: document.getElementById('textbox-target').value, minVersion: document.getElementById('textbox-minVersion').value, maxVersion: document.getElementById('textbox-maxVersion').value, priority: parseInt(document.getElementById('textbox-priority').value) }; // optional (hidden) metadata if (document.getElementById('textbox-target-all').value) { metadata.targetAll = document.getElementById('textbox-target-all').value; } if (document.getElementById('textbox-hidden-prefs').value) { metadata.hiddenPrefs = document.getElementById('textbox-hidden-prefs').value; } if (document.getElementById('textbox-configOptions').value) { metadata.configOptions = JSON.parse(document.getElementById('textbox-configOptions').value); } if (document.getElementById('textbox-displayOptions').value) { metadata.displayOptions = JSON.parse(document.getElementById('textbox-displayOptions').value); } // no option for this metadata.inRepository = true; metadata.translatorType = 0; if(document.getElementById('checkbox-import').checked) { metadata.translatorType += 1; } if(document.getElementById('checkbox-export').checked) { metadata.translatorType += 2; } if(document.getElementById('checkbox-web').checked) { metadata.translatorType += 4; } if(document.getElementById('checkbox-search').checked) { metadata.translatorType += 8; } if (document.getElementById('checkbox-web').checked) { // save browserSupport only for web tranlsators metadata.browserSupport = ""; if(document.getElementById('checkbox-gecko').checked) { metadata.browserSupport += "g"; } if(document.getElementById('checkbox-chrome').checked) { metadata.browserSupport += "c"; } if(document.getElementById('checkbox-safari').checked) { metadata.browserSupport += "s"; } if(document.getElementById('checkbox-ie').checked) { metadata.browserSupport += "i"; } if(document.getElementById('checkbox-bookmarklet').checked) { metadata.browserSupport += "b"; } if(document.getElementById('checkbox-server').checked) { metadata.browserSupport += "v"; } } var date = new Date(); metadata.lastUpdated = date.getUTCFullYear() +"-"+Zotero.Utilities.lpad(date.getUTCMonth()+1, '0', 2) +"-"+Zotero.Utilities.lpad(date.getUTCDate(), '0', 2) +" "+Zotero.Utilities.lpad(date.getUTCHours(), '0', 2) +":"+Zotero.Utilities.lpad(date.getUTCMinutes(), '0', 2) +":"+Zotero.Utilities.lpad(date.getUTCSeconds(), '0', 2); return metadata; } /* * save translator to database */ this.save = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (updateZotero) { var code = _editors.code.getSession().getValue(); var tests = _editors.tests.getSession().getValue(); code += tests; var metadata = _getMetadataObject(); if (metadata.label === "Untitled") { _logOutput("Can't save an untitled translator."); return; } yield _translatorProvider.save(metadata, code); if (updateZotero) { yield Zotero.Translators.save(metadata, code); yield Zotero.Translators.reinit(); } }); /* * add template code */ this.addTemplate = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (template, second) { switch(template) { case "templateNewItem": var outputObject = {}; outputObject.itemType = Zotero.ItemTypes.getName(second); var typeID = Zotero.ItemTypes.getID(second); var fieldList = Zotero.ItemFields.getItemTypeFields(typeID); for (var i=0; i t.name); document.getElementById('output').value = JSON.stringify(typeNames, null, '\t'); break; case "shortcuts": var value = Zotero.File.getContentsFromURL(`chrome://scaffold/content/templates/shortcuts.txt`); document.getElementById('output').value = value; break default: //newWeb, scrapeEM, scrapeRIS, scrapeBibTeX, scrapeMARC //These names in the XUL file have to match the file names in template folder. var cursorPos = _editors.code.getSession().selection.getCursor(); var value = Zotero.File.getContentsFromURL(`chrome://scaffold/content/templates/${template}.js`); _editors.code.getSession().insert(cursorPos, value); break } }); /* * run translator */ this.run = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (functionToRun) { if (document.getElementById('textbox-label').value == 'Untitled') { alert("Translator title not set"); return; } _clearOutput(); if(document.getElementById('checkbox-editor-external').checked) { // We don't save the translator-- we reload it instead var translatorID = document.getElementById('textbox-translatorID').value; yield this.load(translatorID); } // Handle generic call run('detect'), run('do') if (functionToRun == "detect" || functionToRun == "do") { var isWeb = document.getElementById('checkbox-web').checked; functionToRun += isWeb ? "Web" : "Import"; } if (functionToRun == "detectWeb" || functionToRun == "doWeb") { _run(functionToRun, _getDocument(), _selectItems, _myItemDone, _translators); } else if (functionToRun == "detectImport" || functionToRun == "doImport") { _run(functionToRun, _getImport(), _selectItems, _myItemDone, _translatorsImport); } }); /* * run translator in given mode with given input */ async function _run(functionToRun, input, selectItems, itemDone, detectHandler, done) { if (functionToRun == "detectWeb" || functionToRun == "doWeb") { var translate = new Zotero.Translate.Web(); var utilities = new Zotero.Utilities.Translate(translate); if (!_testTargetRegex(input)) { _logOutput("Target did not match " + _getDocumentURL(input)); if (done) { done(); } return; } translate.setDocument(input); } else if (functionToRun == "detectImport" || functionToRun == "doImport") { var translate = new Zotero.Translate.Import(); translate.setString(input); } translate.setTranslatorProvider(_translatorProvider); translate.setHandler("error", _error); translate.setHandler("debug", _debug); if (done) { translate.setHandler("done", done); } if (functionToRun == "detectWeb") { // get translator var translator = _getTranslatorFromPane(); // don't let target prevent translator from operating translator.target = null; // generate sandbox translate.setHandler("translators", detectHandler); // internal hack to call detect on this translator translate._potentialTranslators = [translator]; translate._foundTranslators = []; translate._currentState = "detect"; translate._detect(); } else if (functionToRun == "doWeb") { // get translator var translator = _getTranslatorFromPane(); // don't let the detectCode prevent the translator from operating translator.detectCode = null; translate.setTranslator(translator); translate.setHandler("select", selectItems); translate.clearHandlers("itemDone"); translate.setHandler("itemDone", itemDone); translate.translate({ // disable saving to database libraryID: false }); } else if (functionToRun == "detectImport") { // get translator var translator = _getTranslatorFromPane(); // don't let target prevent translator from operating translator.target = null; // generate sandbox translate.setHandler("translators", detectHandler); // internal hack to call detect on this translator translate._potentialTranslators = [translator]; translate._foundTranslators = []; translate._currentState = "detect"; translate._detect(); } else if (functionToRun == "doImport") { // get translator var translator = _getTranslatorFromPane(); // don't let the detectCode prevent the translator from operating translator.detectCode = null; translate.setTranslator(translator); translate.clearHandlers("itemDone"); translate.clearHandlers("collectionDone"); translate.setHandler("itemDone", itemDone); translate.setHandler("collectionDone", function(obj, collection) { _logOutput("Collection: "+ collection.name + ", "+collection.children.length+" items"); }); translate.translate({ // disable saving to database libraryID: false }); } } /* * generate translator GUID */ this.generateTranslatorID = function() { document.getElementById("textbox-translatorID").value = _generateGUID(); } /** * Test target regular expression against document URL and log the result */ this.logTargetRegex = function () { _logOutput(_testTargetRegex(_getDocument())); }; /** * Test target regular expression against document URL and return the result */ function _testTargetRegex(doc) { var url = _getDocumentURL(doc); try { var targetRe = new RegExp(document.getElementById('textbox-target').value, "i"); } catch (e) { _logOutput("Regex parse error:\n" + JSON.stringify(e, null, "\t")); } return targetRe.test(url); } /* * called to select items */ function _selectItems(obj, itemList) { var io = { dataIn:itemList, dataOut:null } var newDialog = window.openDialog("chrome://zotero/content/ingester/selectitems.xul", "_blank","chrome,modal,centerscreen,resizable=yes", io); return io.dataOut; } /* * called if an error occurs */ function _error(obj, error) { if(error && error.lineNumber && error.fileName == obj.translator[0].label ) { var lines = _editors.code.getSession().getOption("firstLineNumber"); _editors.code.gotoLine(error.lineNumber-lines+1); // subtract the metadata lines } } /* * logs translator output (instead of logging in the console) */ function _debug(obj, string) { _logOutput(string); } /* * logs item output */ function _myItemDone(obj, item) { Zotero.debug("Item returned"); item = _sanitizeItem(item); _logOutput("Returned item:\n"+Zotero_TranslatorTester._generateDiff(item, Zotero_TranslatorTester._sanitizeItem(item, true))); } /* * prints information from detectCode to window */ function _translators(obj, translators) { if(translators && translators.length != 0) { _logOutput('detectWeb returned type "'+translators[0].itemType+'"'); } else { _logOutput('detectWeb did not match'); } } /* * prints information from detectCode to window, for import */ function _translatorsImport(obj, translators) { if(translators && translators.length != 0 && translators[0].itemType) { _logOutput('detectImport matched'); } else { _logOutput('detectImport did not match'); } } /* * logs debug info (instead of console) */ function _logOutput(string) { var date = new Date(); var output = document.getElementById('output'); if(typeof string != "string") { string = fix2028(Zotero.Utilities.varDump(string)); } if(output.value) output.value += "\n"; output.value += Zotero.Utilities.lpad(date.getHours(), '0', 2) +":"+Zotero.Utilities.lpad(date.getMinutes(), '0', 2) +":"+Zotero.Utilities.lpad(date.getSeconds(), '0', 2) +" "+string.replace(/\n/g, "\n "); // move to end output.inputField.scrollTop = output.inputField.scrollHeight; } /* * gets import text for import translator */ function _getImport() { var text = _editors.import.getSession().getValue(); return text; } /* * transfers metadata to the translator object * Replicated from translator.js */ function _metaToTranslator(translator, metadata) { var props = ["translatorID", "translatorType", "label", "creator", "target", "minVersion", "maxVersion", "priority", "lastUpdated", "inRepository", "configOptions", "displayOptions", "browserSupport", "targetAll", "hiddenPrefs"]; for (var i=0; i2.1 if(Zotero.Translator.RUN_MODE_IN_BROWSER) { translator.runMode = Zotero.Translator.RUN_MODE_IN_BROWSER; } return translator; } /* * loads the translator's tests from the pane */ function _loadTests(code) { var testStart = code.indexOf("/** BEGIN TEST CASES **/"); var testEnd = code.indexOf("/** END TEST CASES **/"); if (testStart !== -1 && testEnd !== -1) { test = code.substring(testStart + 24, testEnd); test = test.replace(/var testCases = /,'').trim(); // The JSON parser doesn't like final semicolons if (test.lastIndexOf(';') == (test.length-1)) test = test.slice(0,-1); try { var testObject = JSON.parse(test); _writeTests(JSON.stringify(testObject, null, "\t")); // Don't modify current tests return testObject; } catch (e) { _logOutput("Exception parsing test JSON:\n\n" + e); return false; } } else { return false; } } /* * writes tests back into the translator */ function _writeTests(testString) { var code = "/** BEGIN TEST CASES **/\nvar testCases = " + testString + "\n/** END TEST CASES **/"; _editors["tests"].getSession().setValue(code); } /* clear tests pane */ function _clearTests() { var listbox = document.getElementById("testing-listbox"); var count = listbox.itemCount; while(count-- > 0){ listbox.removeItemAt(0); } } /* turns an item into a test-safe item * does not check if all fields are valid */ function _sanitizeItem(item) { // Clear attachment document objects if (item && item.attachments && item.attachments.length) { for (var i=0; i 1 ? "\n]" : ']'); } if(!value.itemType) { // Not a Zotero.Item object let str = '{'; function processRow(key, value) { let val = _stringifyTests(value, level+1); if(val === undefined) return; val = val.replace(/\n/g, "\n\t"); return JSON.stringify(''+key) + ': ' + val; } if (level < 2 && value.items) { // Test object. Arrange properties in set order let order = ['type', 'url', 'input', 'defer', 'items']; for (let i=0; i 1 ? ',' : '') + '\n\t' + val; } } else { for (let i in value) { let val = processRow(i, value[i]); if (val === undefined) continue; str += (str.length > 1 ? ',' : '') + '\n\t' + val; } } return str + (str.length > 1 ? "\n}" : '}'); } // Zotero.Item object const topFields = ['itemType', 'title', 'caseName', 'nameOfAct', 'subject', 'creators', 'date', 'dateDecided', 'issueDate', 'dateEnacted']; const bottomFields = ['attachments', 'tags', 'notes', 'seeAlso']; let otherFields = Object.keys(value); let presetFields = topFields.concat(bottomFields); for(let i=0; i 1 ? ',':'') + "\n\t" + JSON.stringify(fields[i]) + ': ' + val; } return str + "\n}"; } /* * adds a new test from the current input/translator * web or import only for now */ this.newTestFromCurrent = function(type) { _clearOutput(); var input, label; if (type == "web" && !document.getElementById('checkbox-web').checked) { _logOutput("Current translator isn't a web translator"); return false; } else if (type == "import" && !document.getElementById('checkbox-import').checked) { _logOutput("Current translator isn't an import translator"); return false; } if (type == "web") { input = _getDocument(); label = Zotero.Proxies.proxyToProper(input.location.href); } else if (type == "import") { input = _getImport(); label = input; } else { return false; } var listbox = document.getElementById("testing-listbox"); var listitem = document.createElement("listitem"); var listcell = document.createElement("listcell"); listcell.setAttribute("label", label); listitem.appendChild(listcell); listcell = document.createElement("listcell"); listcell.setAttribute("label", "Creating..."); listitem.appendChild(listcell); listbox.appendChild(listitem); if (type == "web") { // Creates the test. The test isn't saved yet! let tester = new Zotero_TranslatorTester( _getTranslatorFromPane(), type, _debug, _translatorProvider ); tester.newTest(input, function (obj, newTest) { // "done" handler for do if(newTest) { listcell.setAttribute("label", "New unsaved test"); listitem.setUserData("test-string", JSON.stringify(_sanitizeItemsInTest(newTest)), null); } else { listcell.setAttribute("label", "Creation failed"); } }); } if (type == "import") { var test = {"type" : "import", "input" : input, "items" : []}; // Creates the test. The test isn't saved yet! // TranslatorTester doesn't handle these correctly, so we do it manually _run("doImport", input, null, function(obj, item) { if(item) { test.items.push(Zotero_TranslatorTester._sanitizeItem(item)); } }, null, function(){ listcell.setAttribute("label", "New unsaved test"); listitem.setUserData("test-string", JSON.stringify(test), null); }); } } /* * populate tests pane and url options in browser pane */ this.populateTests = function() { _clearTests(); // Clear entries (but not value) in the url dropdown in the browser tab var browserURL = document.getElementById("browser-url"); var currentURL = browserURL.value; browserURL.removeAllItems(); browserURL.value = currentURL; var tests = _loadTests(_editors["tests"].getSession().getValue()); // We've got tests, let's display them var listbox = document.getElementById("testing-listbox"); for (var i=0; i 0) { let webtester = new Zotero_TranslatorTester( _getTranslatorFromPane(), "web", _debug, _translatorProvider ); webtester.setTests(webtests); webtester.runTests(function(obj, test, status, message) { test["ui-item"].getElementsByTagName("listcell")[1].setAttribute("label", message); }); } if (importtests.length > 0 ) { let importtester = new Zotero_TranslatorTester( _getTranslatorFromPane(), "import", _debug, _translatorProvider ); importtester.setTests(importtests); importtester.runTests(function(obj, test, status, message) { test["ui-item"].getElementsByTagName("listcell")[1].setAttribute("label", message); }); } } /* * Update selected test(s) */ this.updateSelectedTests = function () { _clearOutput(); var listbox = document.getElementById("testing-listbox"); var items = [...listbox.selectedItems]; if(!items || items.length == 0) return false; // No action if nothing selected var tests = []; for (var i=0; i { // Assume sequential. TODO: handle this properly via test ID of some sort if(newTest) { message = "Test updated"; //Zotero.debug(newTest[testsDone]); items[testsDone].setUserData("test-string", JSON.stringify(newTest), null); } else { message = "Update failed" } items[testsDone].getElementsByTagName("listcell")[1].setAttribute("label", message); testsDone++; }, () => { _logOutput("Tests updated."); // Save tests _logOutput("Saving tests and translator."); this.saveTests(); } ); } var TestUpdater = function(tests) { this.testsToUpdate = tests.slice(); this.numTestsTotal = this.testsToUpdate.length; this.newTests = []; this.tester = new Zotero_TranslatorTester( _getTranslatorFromPane(), "web", _debug, _translatorProvider ); } TestUpdater.prototype.updateTests = function(testDoneCallback, doneCallback) { this.testDoneCallback = testDoneCallback || function() { /* no-op */}; this.doneCallback = doneCallback || function() { /* no-op */}; this._updateTests(); } TestUpdater.prototype._updateTests = function() { if(!this.testsToUpdate.length) { this.doneCallback(this.newTests); return; } var test = this.testsToUpdate.shift(); _logOutput("Updating test " + (this.numTestsTotal - this.testsToUpdate.length)); var me = this; if (test.type == "import") { test.items = []; // Re-runs the test. // TranslatorTester doesn't handle these correctly, so we do it manually _run("doImport", test.input, null, function(obj, item) { if(item) { test.items.push(Zotero_TranslatorTester._sanitizeItem(item)); } }, null, function() { if (!test.items.length) test = false; me.newTests.push(test); me.testDoneCallback(test); me._updateTests(); }); // Don't want to run the web portion return true; } _logOutput("Loading web page from " + test.url); var hiddenBrowser = Zotero.HTTP.loadDocuments( test.url, function (doc) { _logOutput("Page loaded"); if (test.defer) { _logOutput("Waiting " + (Zotero_TranslatorTester.DEFER_DELAY/1000) + " second(s) for page content to settle" ); } Zotero.setTimeout( function() { doc = hiddenBrowser.contentDocument; if (doc.location.href != test.url) { _logOutput("Page URL differs from test. Will be updated. "+ doc.location.href); } me.tester.newTest(doc, function(obj, newTest) { Zotero.Browser.deleteHiddenBrowser(hiddenBrowser); if (test.defer) { newTest.defer = true; } newTest = _sanitizeItemsInTest(newTest); me.newTests.push(newTest); me.testDoneCallback(newTest); me._updateTests(); }); }, test.defer ? Zotero_TranslatorTester.DEFER_DELAY : 0, true ) }, null, function(e) { Zotero.logError(e); me.newTests.push(false); me.testDoneCallback(false); me._updateTests(); }, true ); hiddenBrowser.docShell.allowMetaRedirects = true; } /* * Normalize whitespace to the Zotero norm of tabs */ function normalizeWhitespace(text) { return text.replace(/^[ \t]+/gm, function(str) { return str.replace(/ {4}/g, "\t"); }); } /* * Clear output pane */ function _clearOutput() { document.getElementById('output').value = ''; } /* * generates an RFC 4122 compliant random GUID */ function _generateGUID() { var guid = ""; for(var i=0; i<16; i++) { var bite = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255); if(i == 4 || i == 6 || i == 8 || i == 10) { guid += "-"; // version if(i == 6) bite = bite & 0x0f | 0x40; // variant if(i == 8) bite = bite & 0x3f | 0x80; } var str = bite.toString(16); guid += str.length == 1 ? '0' + str : str; } return guid; } /* * updates list of available frames and show URL of active tab */ function _updateFrames() { var doc = _browser.contentDocument; // Show URL of active tab document.getElementById("browser-url").value = doc.location.href; // No need to run if Scaffold isn't open var menulist = _document.getElementById("menulist-testFrame"); if (!_document || !menulist) return true; menulist.removeAllItems(); var popup = _document.createElement("menupopup"); menulist.appendChild(popup); _frames = new Array(); var frames = doc.getElementsByTagName("frame"); if(frames.length) { _getFrames(frames, popup); } else { var item = _document.createElement("menuitem"); item.setAttribute("label", "Default"); popup.appendChild(item); _frames = [doc]; } menulist.selectedIndex = 0; } /* * recursively searches for frames */ function _getFrames(frames, popup) { for (var i=0; i