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        <title>Modern Humanities Research Association (Note without Bibliography)</title>
        <link href="http://www.zotero.org/styles/mhra_note_without_bibliography"/>
        <summary>Bibliography style for the Modern Humanities Research Association</summary>
            <name>Jim Safley</name>
        <et-al min-authors="4" use-first="1" term-name="and-others"></et-al>
        <author name-as-sort-order="no">
            <name and="text" delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-last="always"></name>
        <contributor name-as-sort-order="no">
            <label suffix=" " form="verb"></label>
            <name and="text" delimiter=", "></name>
            <label suffix=". " form="short" ></label>
            <place suffix=": "></place>
            <url prefix=" &lt;" suffix="&gt; "></url>
            <text prefix=" [" suffix=" " term-name="accessed"></text>
            <date suffix="]">
                <day suffix=" "></day>
                <month suffix=" " text-case="capitalize-first"></month>
    <citation suffix="." delimiter="; ">
                    <type name="book">
                        <titles prefix=", " font-style="italic"></titles>
                        <editor prefix=", "></editor>
                        <translator prefix=", "></translator>
                        <titles prefix=" " relation="collection"></titles><!-- this line should print out Zoteros "Series", but it does not -->
                        <!-- this line should be Zoteros "Series Number", what CSL element matches it? -->
                        <edition prefix=", "></edition>
                        <text prefix=" " term-name="edn"></text>
                        <!-- this line should be Zoteros "# of Volumes", what CSL element matches it? -->
                        <group prefix=" (" suffix=")">
                            <date prefix=", ">
                        <volume prefix=", "></volume>
                        <access prefix=" "></access>
                    <type name="chapter">
                        <titles prefix=", " font-style="italic"></titles>
                        <text prefix=", " term-name="in"></text>
                        <titles prefix=" " relation="container" font-style="italic"/>
                        <editor prefix=", "></editor>
                        <translator prefix=", "></translator>
                        <titles prefix=" " relation="collection"></titles><!-- this line should print out Zoteros "Series", but it does not -->
                        <!-- this line should be Zoteros "Series Number", what CSL element matches it? -->
                        <edition prefix=", "></edition>
                        <text prefix=" " term-name="edn"></text> <!-- this line should print out "edn" -->
                        <!-- this line should be Zoteros "# of Volumes", what CSL element matches it? -->
                        <group prefix=" (" suffix=")">
                            <date prefix=", ">
                        <volume prefix=", "></volume>
                        <pages prefix=", "></pages>
                        <access prefix=" "></access>
                    <type name="article">
                        <titles prefix=", " quotes="true"></titles>
                        <titles prefix=", " relation="container" font-style="italic"/>
                        <date prefix=", ">
                            <day suffix=" "></day>
                            <month suffix=" " text-case="capitalize-first"></month>
                        <pages prefix=", "></pages>
                        <access prefix=" "></access>
                    <type name="article-journal">
                        <titles prefix=", " quotes="true"></titles>
                        <titles prefix=", " relation="container" font-style="italic"/>
                        <volume prefix=", "></volume>
                        <issue prefix="."></issue>
                        <date prefix=" (" suffix=")"></date>
                        <pages prefix=", ">
                        <access prefix=" "></access>