#!/usr/bin/env python3 import urllib.request, json, re from functools import cmp_to_key from locale import strcoll locales = { # Keep in sync with locale.js in zotero-client 'ar': 'عربي', 'bg-BG': 'Български', 'br': 'brezhoneg', 'ca-AD': 'Català', 'cs-CZ': 'Čeština', 'da-DK': 'Dansk', 'de': 'Deutsch (Deutschland)', 'en-CA': 'English (Canada)', 'en-US': 'English', 'en-GB': 'English (UK)', 'es-ES': 'Español', 'et-EE': 'Eesti keel', 'fa': 'فارسی', 'fi-FI': 'suomi', 'fr-FR': 'Français', 'gl-ES': 'Galego', 'hu-HU': 'magyar', 'id-ID': 'Bahasa Indonesia', 'is-IS': 'íslenska', 'it-IT': 'Italiano', 'ja-JP': '日本語', 'km': 'ខ្មែរ', 'ko-KR': '한국어', 'lt-LT': 'Lietuvių', 'nl-NL': 'Nederlands', 'nb-NO': 'Norsk bokmål', 'pl-PL': 'Polski', 'pt-BR': 'Português (do Brasil)', 'pt-PT': 'Português (Europeu)', 'ro-RO': 'Română', 'ru-RU': 'Русский', 'sk-SK': 'slovenčina', 'sl-SI': 'Slovenščina', 'sr-RS': 'Српски', 'sv-SE': 'Svenska', 'ta': 'தமிழ்', 'th-TH': 'ไทย', 'tr-TR': 'Türkçe', 'uk-UA': 'Українська', 'vi-VN': 'Tiếng Việt', 'zh-CN': '中文 (简体)', 'zh-TW': '正體中文 (繁體)', # Additional dictionaries not included as client locales # Names from https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/language-tools/ 'de-AT': 'Deutsch (Österreich)', 'de-CH': 'Deutsch (Schweiz)', 'el-GR': 'Ελληνικά', 'es-AR': 'Español (de Argentina)', 'es-MX': 'Español (de México)', 'he-HE': 'עברית', 'hr-HR': 'Hrvatski', 'lv-LV': 'Latviešu', } # Locales to sort before other variants primary_locales = ['de-DE', 'en-US', 'es-ES'] # Generate list of available dictionaries, sorted by user count descending dictionaries = [] with urllib.request.urlopen("https://services.addons.mozilla.org/api/v4/addons/language-tools/?app=firefox&type=dictionary") as resp: dictionary_info_list = json.loads(resp.read().decode())['results'] n = 0 for dictionary_info in dictionary_info_list: n += 1 locale = dictionary_info['target_locale'] guid = dictionary_info['guid'] print(str(n) + '/' + str(len(dictionary_info_list)) + ': ' + dictionary_info['target_locale']) with urllib.request.urlopen("https://services.addons.mozilla.org/api/v4/addons/search/?guid=" + guid) as resp: dictionary = json.loads(resp.read().decode())['results'][0] if dictionary['is_disabled'] or dictionary['status'] != 'public': print('skipping ' + locale + ' ' + guid) continue dictionaries.append({ 'id': guid, 'locale': locale, 'version': dictionary['current_version']['version'], 'updated': dictionary['last_updated'], 'url': dictionary['current_version']['files'][0]['url'], 'users': dictionary['average_daily_users'], }) dictionaries.sort(key=lambda x: x.get('users'), reverse=True) # Find dictionaries best matching the specified locales final_dictionaries = [] for locale in locales: locale_lang = re.split('[-_]', locale)[0] # A locale code with the language duplicated (e.g., 'de-DE'), which may not # be the actual code locale_lang_full = "{}-{}".format(locale_lang, locale_lang.upper()) for i, d in enumerate(dictionaries[:]): # Exact match if (d['locale'] == locale # locale 'de' == dict 'de-DE' or (len(locale) == 2 and d['locale'] == locale_lang_full) # locale 'bg-BG' -> dict 'bg' or (locale == locale_lang_full and d['locale'] == locale_lang)): d['name'] = locales[locale] final_dictionaries.append(d) del(dictionaries[i]) break else: # If nothing found, allow missing differing region ('cs-cZ' -> 'cs') if len(locale) != 2 and locale != locale_lang_full: for i, d in enumerate(dictionaries[:]): if d['locale'] == locale_lang: d['name'] = locales[locale] final_dictionaries.append(d) del(dictionaries[i]) break # Sort dictionaries by language code, with a few exceptions def cmp(a, b): for locale in primary_locales: if a['locale'] == locale and b['locale'].startswith(locale[0:3]): return -1 if b['locale'] == locale and a['locale'].startswith(locale[0:3]): return 1 return strcoll(a['locale'], b['locale']) final_dictionaries = sorted(final_dictionaries, key=cmp_to_key(cmp)) print("") for d in final_dictionaries: print("Downloading {}".format(d['url'])) urllib.request.urlretrieve( d['url'], 'dictionaries/' + d['id'] + '-' + d['version'] + '.xpi' ) del(d['url']) with open('dictionaries/dictionaries.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: json.dump(final_dictionaries, f, ensure_ascii=False, sort_keys=True, indent='\t') # Save a list of unused dictionaries with open('dictionaries/dictionaries-unused.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: json.dump(dictionaries, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent='\t') print('\ndone')