{ "translatorID": "e7e01cac-1e37-4da6-b078-a0e8343b0e98", "label": "unAPI", "creator": "Simon Kornblith", "target": "", "minVersion": "2.1", "maxVersion": "", "priority": 200, "inRepository": true, "translatorType": 4, "browserSupport": "gcs", "lastUpdated": "2011-08-26 18:39:33" } var RECOGNIZABLE_FORMATS = ["rdf_zotero", "rdf_bibliontology", "mods", "marc", "unimarc", "ris", "refer", "bibtex", "rdf_dc"]; var FORMAT_GUIDS = { "rdf_zotero":"5e3ad958-ac79-463d-812b-a86a9235c28f", "rdf_bibliontology":"14763d25-8ba0-45df-8f52-b8d1108e7ac9", "mods":"0e2235e7-babf-413c-9acf-f27cce5f059c", "marc":"a6ee60df-1ddc-4aae-bb25-45e0537be973", "unimarc":"a6ee60df-1ddc-4aae-bb25-45e0537be973", "ris":"32d59d2d-b65a-4da4-b0a3-bdd3cfb979e7", "refer":"881f60f2-0802-411a-9228-ce5f47b64c7d", "bibtex":"9cb70025-a888-4a29-a210-93ec52da40d4", "rdf_dc":"5e3ad958-ac79-463d-812b-a86a9235c28f" }; var unAPIResolver = false; var defaultFormat, unAPIIDs; /** * A class to describe an unAPI format description * @property isSupported {Boolean} Whether Zotero supports a format contained in this description * @property name {String} The unAPI format name, used to retrieve item descriptions * @property translatorID {String} The ID of the translator used to read this format * * @constructor * @param {String} aXML unAPI format description XML */ UnAPIFormat = function(aXML) { var parser = new DOMParser(); var doc = parser.parseFromString(aXML.replace(/]*>/, "").replace(/<\?xml[^>]*\?>/, ""), "text/xml"); var foundFormat = new Object(); // Loop through to determine format name var nodes = doc.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("format"); var nNodes = nodes.length; var node, name, lowerName, format; for(var i=0; i1 HTTP request if(defaultFormat.isSupported) { me.format = defaultFormat; callback(true); } else { // if no supported default format, try format for this item Zotero.Utilities.HTTP.doGet(unAPIResolver+"?id="+me.id, function(text) { me.format = new UnAPIFormat(text); callback(!!me.format.isSupported); }); } }); } } /** * This and the x: prefix in the XPath are to work around an issue with pages * served as application/xhtml+xml * * https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Introduction_to_using_XPath_in_JavaScript#Implementing_a_default_namespace_for_XML_documents */ function nsResolver() { return 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'; } /** * Extracts UnAPIIDs from a document * @param {document} A document object from which to extract unAPIIds * @return {UnAPIID[]} The unAPI ID objects extracted from the document */ function getUnAPIIDs(doc) { // look for a resolver var newUnAPIResolver = doc.evaluate('//x:link[@rel="unapi-server"]', doc, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext(); if(!newUnAPIResolver) return []; newUnAPIResolver = newUnAPIResolver.getAttribute("href"); if(unAPIResolver !== newUnAPIResolver) { // if unAPI resolver has changed, clear defaultFormat = false; unAPIResolver = newUnAPIResolver; unAPIIDs = []; } // look for abbrs var abbrs = doc.evaluate('//x:abbr[contains(@class, " unapi-id") or contains(@class, "unapi-id ") or @class="unapi-id"][@title]', doc, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null); var abbr; var ids = []; while(abbr = abbrs.iterateNext()) { var id = abbr.getAttribute("title"); ids.push(unAPIIDs[id] ? unAPIIDs[id] : new UnAPIID(id)); } return ids; } /** * Retrieves the list of formats available for all items accessible through this unAPI resolver * @param {Function} callback A callback to be passed the format when it is available */ function getDefaultFormat(callback) { if(defaultFormat) { callback(defaultFormat); } else { Zotero.Utilities.HTTP.doGet(unAPIResolver, function(text) { // determine format of this item defaultFormat = new UnAPIFormat(text); callback(defaultFormat); }); } } /** * Determines itemType for detection */ function determineDetectItemType(ids, supportedId) { var id = ids.shift(); id.isSupported(function(isSupported) { if(isSupported && supportedId !== undefined) { // If there are multiple items with valid itemTypes, use "multiple" Zotero.done("multiple"); } else if(ids.length) { // If IDs remain to be handled, handle the next one determineDetectItemType(ids, (isSupported ? id : supportedId)); } else { // If all IDs have been handled, get foundItemType for only supported ID if(isSupported) { id.getItemType(Zotero.done); } else { Zotero.done(false); } } }); } /** * Get all items * @param {UnAPIID[]} ids List of UnAPI IDs * @param {Function} callback Function to pass item array to when items have been retrieved * @param {Zotero.Item[]} items Item array; used for recursive calls **/ function getAllItems(ids, callback, items) { var id = ids.shift(); id.getItems(function(retrievedItems) { var collectedItems = (items ? items.concat(retrievedItems) : retrievedItems); if(ids.length) { getAllItems(ids, callback, collectedItems); } else { callback(collectedItems); } }); } function detectWeb(doc, url) { // get unAPI IDs var ids = getUnAPIIDs(doc); if(!ids.length) return false; // now we need to see if the server actually gives us bibliographic metadata, and determine the // type Zotero.wait(); if(!ids.length === 1) { // Only one item, so we will just get its item type ids[0].getItemType(Zotero.done); } else { // Several items. We will need to call determineDetectItemType determineDetectItemType(ids); } } function doWeb(doc, url) { var ids = getUnAPIIDs(doc); Zotero.wait(); getAllItems(ids, function(items) { // get the domain we're scraping, so we can use it for libraryCatalog domain = doc.location.href.match(/https?:\/\/([^/]+)/); if(items.length == 1) { // If only one item, just complete it items[0].libraryCatalog = domain[1]; items[0].complete(); } else if(items.length > 0) { // If multiple items, extract their titles var itemTitles = []; for(var i in items) { itemTitles[i] = items[i].title; } // Show item selection dialog var chosenItems = Zotero.selectItems(itemTitles); if(!chosenItems) Zotero.done(true); // Complete items for(var i in chosenItems) { items[i].libraryCatalog = domain[1]; items[i].complete(); } } Zotero.done(); return; }); } /** BEGIN TEST CASES **/ var testCases = [ { "type": "web", "url": "http://search8.library.utoronto.ca/UTL/index?N=0&Ntk=Anywhere&Ntt=nimni+challenge+of+post-zionism&Ntx=mode%2Bmatchallpartial&Nu=p_work_normalized&Np=1&formName=search_form_simple", "items": [ { "itemType": "book", "creators": [ { "lastName": "Nimni", "firstName": "Ephraim.", "creatorType": "contributor" } ], "notes": [], "tags": [ "Post-Zionism.", "Zionism -- Philosophy.", "National characteristics, Israeli.", "Israel -- Politics and government." ], "seeAlso": [], "attachments": [ { "url": false } ], "itemID": "4908720 (UTL catalogue ckey)", "title": "The challenge of Post-Zionism : alternatives to Israeli fundamentalist politics", "date": "2003", "publisher": "Zed Books", "place": "New York", "ISBN": "185649893X", "ISSN": "185649893X", "url": "http://www.loc.gov/catdir/description/hol032/2002190908.html", "libraryCatalog": "search8.library.utoronto.ca", "shortTitle": "The challenge of Post-Zionism" } ] }, { "type": "web", "url": "http://search8.library.utoronto.ca/UTL/index?N=0&Ntk=Anywhere&Ntt=adam+smith&Ntx=mode%2Bmatchallpartial&Nu=p_work_normalized&Np=1&formName=search_form_simple", "items": "multiple" } ] /** END TEST CASES **/