'use strict'; const path = require('path'); const gulp = require('gulp'); const del = require('del'); const vfs = require('vinyl-fs'); const gutil = require('gulp-util'); const babel = require('gulp-babel'); const sass = require('gulp-sass'); const os = require('os'); const glob = require('glob'); const Worker = require('tiny-worker'); const NODE_ENV = process.env.NODE_ENV; const reactPatcher = require('./gulp/gulp-react-patcher'); // list of folders from where .js files are compiled and non-js files are symlinked const dirs = [ 'chrome', 'components', 'defaults', 'resource', 'resource/web-library' ]; // list of folders from where all files are symlinked const symlinkDirs = [ 'styles', 'translators' ]; // list of files from root folder to symlink const symlinkFiles = [ 'chrome.manifest', 'install.rdf', 'update.rdf' ]; const jsGlob = `./\{${dirs.join(',')}\}/**/*.js`; function onError(err) { gutil.log(gutil.colors.red('Error:'), err); this.emit('end'); } function onSuccess(msg) { gutil.log(gutil.colors.green('Build:'), msg); } function getJS(source = jsGlob) { return gulp.src(source, { base: '.' }) .pipe(babel()) .pipe(reactPatcher()) .on('error', onError) .on('data', file => { onSuccess(`[js] ${file.path}`); }) .pipe(gulp.dest('./build')); } function getJSParallel(source = jsGlob) { const jsFiles = glob.sync(source); const cpuCount = os.cpus().length; const threadCount = Math.min(cpuCount, jsFiles.length); let threadsActive = threadCount; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { for(let i = 0; i < threadCount; i++) { let worker = new Worker('gulp/babel-worker.js'); worker.onmessage = ev => { if(ev.data.isError) { reject(`Failed while processing ${ev.data.sourcefile}`); } NODE_ENV == 'debug' && console.log(`process ${i} took ${ev.data.processingTime} ms to process ${ev.data.sourcefile}`); NODE_ENV != 'debug' && onSuccess(`[js] ${ev.data.sourcefile}`); if(ev.data.isSkipped) { NODE_ENV == 'debug' && console.log(`process ${i} SKIPPED ${ev.data.sourcefile}`); } let nextFile = jsFiles.pop(); if(nextFile) { worker.postMessage(nextFile); } else { NODE_ENV == 'debug' && console.log(`process ${i} has terminated`); worker.terminate(); if(!--threadsActive) { resolve(); } } }; worker.postMessage(jsFiles.pop()); } NODE_ENV == 'debug' && console.log(`Started ${threadCount} processes for processing JS`); }); } function getSymlinks() { const match = symlinkFiles .concat(dirs.map(d => `${d}/**`)) .concat(symlinkDirs.map(d => `${d}/**`)) .concat([`!{${dirs.join(',')}}/**/*.js`]); return gulp .src(match, { nodir: true, base: '.', read: false }) .on('error', onError) .on('data', file => { onSuccess(`[ln] ${file.path.substr(__dirname.length + 1)}`); }) .pipe(vfs.symlink('build/')); } function getSass() { return gulp .src('scss/*.scss') .on('error', onError) .pipe(sass()) .pipe(gulp.dest('./build/chrome/skin/default/zotero/components/')); } gulp.task('clean', () => { return del('build'); }); gulp.task('symlink', ['clean'], () => { return getSymlinks(); }); gulp.task('js', done => { getJSParallel(jsGlob).then(() => done()); }); gulp.task('sass', () => { return getSass(); }); gulp.task('build', ['js', 'sass', 'symlink']); gulp.task('dev', ['clean'], () => { var interval = 750; let watcher = gulp.watch(jsGlob, { interval }); watcher.on('change', function(event) { getJS(event.path); }); gulp.watch('src/styles/*.scss', { interval }, ['sass']); gulp.start('build'); }); gulp.task('default', ['dev']);