describe("Item pane", function () { var win, doc, itemsView; before(function* () { win = yield loadZoteroPane(); doc = win.document; itemsView = win.ZoteroPane.itemsView; }); after(function () { win.close(); }); describe("Info pane", function () { it("should refresh on item update", function* () { var item = new Zotero.Item('book'); var id = yield item.saveTx(); var itemBox = doc.getElementById('zotero-editpane-item-box'); var label = doc.getAnonymousNodes(itemBox)[0].getElementsByAttribute('fieldname', 'title')[1]; assert.equal(label.textContent, ''); item.setField('title', 'Test'); yield item.saveTx(); var label = doc.getAnonymousNodes(itemBox)[0].getElementsByAttribute('fieldname', 'title')[1]; assert.equal(label.textContent, 'Test'); yield Zotero.Items.erase(id); }) it.skip("should swap creator names", function* () { var item = new Zotero.Item('book'); item.setCreators([ { firstName: "First", lastName: "Last", creatorType: "author" } ]); yield item.saveTx(); var itemBox = doc.getElementById('zotero-editpane-item-box'); var label = doc.getAnonymousNodes(itemBox)[0].getElementsByAttribute('fieldname', 'creator-0-lastName')[0]; var parent = label.parentNode; assert.isTrue(parent.hasAttribute('contextmenu')); var menupopup = doc.getAnonymousNodes(itemBox)[0] .getElementsByAttribute('id', 'zotero-creator-transform-menu')[0]; // Fake a right-click doc.popupNode = parent; menupopup.openPopup( parent, "after_start", 0, 0, true, false, new MouseEvent('click', { button: 2 }) ); var menuitem = menupopup.getElementsByTagName('menuitem')[0];; yield waitForItemEvent('modify'); var creator = item.getCreators()[0]; assert.propertyVal(creator, 'firstName', 'Last'); assert.propertyVal(creator, 'lastName', 'First'); }); it("shouldn't show Swap Names menu for single-field mode", function* () { var item = new Zotero.Item('book'); item.setCreators([ { name: "Name", creatorType: "author" } ]); yield item.saveTx(); var itemBox = doc.getElementById('zotero-editpane-item-box'); var label = doc.getAnonymousNodes(itemBox)[0].getElementsByAttribute('fieldname', 'creator-0-lastName')[0]; assert.isFalse(label.parentNode.hasAttribute('contextmenu')); }); // Note: This issue applies to all context menus in the item box (text transform, name swap), // though the others aren't tested. This might go away with the XUL->HTML transition. it.skip("should save open field after changing creator type", function* () { var item = new Zotero.Item('book'); item.setCreators([ { firstName: "First", lastName: "Last", creatorType: "author" } ]); var id = yield item.saveTx(); var itemBox = doc.getElementById('zotero-editpane-item-box'); var label = doc.getAnonymousNodes(itemBox)[0].getElementsByAttribute('fieldname', 'place')[1];; var textbox = doc.getAnonymousNodes(itemBox)[0].getElementsByAttribute('fieldname', 'place')[1]; textbox.value = "Place"; var menuLabel = doc.getAnonymousNodes(itemBox)[0].getElementsByAttribute('fieldname', 'creator-0-typeID')[0];; var menupopup = itemBox._creatorTypeMenu; var menuItems = menupopup.getElementsByTagName('menuitem'); menuItems[1].click(); yield waitForItemEvent('modify'); assert.equal(item.getField('place'), 'Place'); assert.equal(Zotero.CreatorTypes.getName(item.getCreators()[0].creatorTypeID), 'contributor'); // Wait for no-op saveTx() yield Zotero.Promise.delay(1); }); }) describe("Notes pane", function () { it("should refresh on child note change", function* () { var item; var note1; var note2; yield Zotero.DB.executeTransaction(function* () { item = createUnsavedDataObject('item'); yield; note1 = new Zotero.Item('note'); note1.parentID =; note1.setNote('A'); yield; note2 = new Zotero.Item('note'); note2.parentID =; note2.setNote('B'); yield; }); var tabs = doc.getElementById('zotero-editpane-tabs'); var notesTab = doc.getElementById('zotero-editpane-notes-tab'); var noteRows = doc.getElementById('zotero-editpane-dynamic-notes'); tabs.selectedItem = notesTab; // Wait for note list to update do { yield Zotero.Promise.delay(1); } while (noteRows.childNodes.length !== 2); // Update note text note2.setNote('C'); yield note2.saveTx(); // Wait for note list to update do { yield Zotero.Promise.delay(1); } while (Array.from(noteRows.querySelectorAll('label.zotero-box-label')).every(label => label.value != 'C')); }); it("should refresh on child note trash", function* () { var item; var note1; var note2; yield Zotero.DB.executeTransaction(function* () { item = createUnsavedDataObject('item'); yield; note1 = new Zotero.Item('note'); note1.parentID =; note1.setNote('A'); yield; note2 = new Zotero.Item('note'); note2.parentID =; note2.setNote('B'); yield; }); var tabs = doc.getElementById('zotero-editpane-tabs'); var notesTab = doc.getElementById('zotero-editpane-notes-tab'); var noteRows = doc.getElementById('zotero-editpane-dynamic-notes'); tabs.selectedItem = notesTab; // Wait for note list to update do { yield Zotero.Promise.delay(1); } while (noteRows.childNodes.length !== 2); // Click "-" in first note var promise = waitForDialog(); noteRows.childNodes[0]; yield promise; // Wait for note list to update do { yield Zotero.Promise.delay(1); } while (noteRows.childNodes.length !== 1); }); it("should refresh on child note delete", function* () { var item; var note1; var note2; yield Zotero.DB.executeTransaction(function* () { item = createUnsavedDataObject('item'); yield; note1 = new Zotero.Item('note'); note1.parentID =; note1.setNote('A'); yield; note2 = new Zotero.Item('note'); note2.parentID =; note2.setNote('B'); yield; }); var tabs = doc.getElementById('zotero-editpane-tabs'); var notesTab = doc.getElementById('zotero-editpane-notes-tab'); var noteRows = doc.getElementById('zotero-editpane-dynamic-notes'); tabs.selectedItem = notesTab; // Wait for note list to update do { yield Zotero.Promise.delay(1); } while (noteRows.childNodes.length !== 2); yield note2.eraseTx(); // Wait for note list to update do { yield Zotero.Promise.delay(1); } while (noteRows.childNodes.length !== 1); }); }); describe("Attachment pane", function () { it("should refresh on file rename", function* () { var file = getTestDataDirectory(); file.append('test.png'); var item = yield Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({ file: file }); var newName = 'test2.png'; yield item.renameAttachmentFile(newName); var itemBox = doc.getElementById('zotero-attachment-box'); var label = itemBox._id('fileName'); assert.equal(label.value, newName); }) }) describe("Note editor", function () { it("should refresh on note update", function* () { var item = new Zotero.Item('note'); var id = yield item.saveTx(); // Wait for the editor var noteBox = doc.getElementById('zotero-note-editor'); var val = false; do { try { val = noteBox.noteField.value; } catch (e) {} yield Zotero.Promise.delay(1); } while (val === false) assert.equal(noteBox.noteField.value, ''); item.setNote('


'); yield item.saveTx(); assert.equal(noteBox.noteField.value, '


'); }) }) describe("Feed buttons", function() { describe("Mark as Read/Unread", function() { it("Updates label when state of an item changes", function* () { let feed = yield createFeed(); yield selectLibrary(win, feed.libraryID); let item = yield createDataObject('feedItem', {libraryID: feed.libraryID}); yield itemsView.selectItem(; let button = doc.getElementById('zotero-feed-item-toggleRead-button'); assert.equal(button.getAttribute('label'), Zotero.getString('pane.item.markAsUnread')); yield item.toggleRead(false); assert.equal(button.getAttribute('label'), Zotero.getString('pane.item.markAsRead')); }); }); }); })