// Scholar for Firefox Ingester // Utilities based on code taken from Piggy Bank 2.1.1 (BSD-licensed) // This code is licensed according to the GPL Scholar.Ingester = new Object(); Scholar.Ingester.createHiddenBrowser = function(myWindow) { // Create a hidden browser var newHiddenBrowser = myWindow.document.createElement("browser"); var windows = myWindow.document.getElementsByTagName("window"); windows[0].appendChild(newHiddenBrowser); Scholar.debug("created hidden browser"); return newHiddenBrowser; } Scholar.Ingester.deleteHiddenBrowser = function(myBrowser) { // Delete a hidden browser delete myBrowser; Scholar.debug("deleted hidden browser"); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Scholar.Ingester.ProxyMonitor // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // A singleton for recognizing EZProxies and converting URLs such that databases // will work from outside them. Unfortunately, this only works with the ($495) // EZProxy software. If there are open source alternatives, we should support // them too. /* * Precompile proxy regexps */ Scholar.Ingester.ProxyMonitor = new function() { var _ezProxyRe = new RegExp(); _ezProxyRe.compile("\\?(?:.+&)?(url|qurl)=([^&]+)", "i"); /*var _hostRe = new RegExp(); _hostRe.compile("^https?://(([^/:]+)(?:\:([0-9]+))?)");*/ var ioService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService); var on = false; var _mapFromProxy = null; var _mapToProxy = null; this.init = init; this.proxyToProper = proxyToProper; this.properToProxy = properToProxy; this.observe = observe; function init() { if(!on) { var observerService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIObserverService); observerService.addObserver(this, "http-on-examine-response", false); } on = true; } function observe(channel) { channel.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIHttpChannel); try { if(channel.getResponseHeader("Server") == "EZproxy") { // We're connected to an EZproxy if(channel.responseStatus != "302") { return; } Scholar.debug(channel.URI.spec); // We should be able to scrape the URL out of this var m = _ezProxyRe.exec(channel.URI.spec); if(!m) { return; } // Found URL var variable = m[1]; var properURL = m[2]; if(variable.toLowerCase() == "qurl") { properURL = unescape(properURL); } var properURI = _parseURL(properURL); if(!properURI) { return; } // Get the new URL var newURL = channel.getResponseHeader("Location"); if(!newURL) { return; } var newURI = _parseURL(newURL); if(!newURI) { return; } if(channel.URI.host == newURI.host && channel.URI.port != newURI.port) { // Different ports but the same server means EZproxy active Scholar.debug("EZProxy: host "+newURI.hostPort+" is really "+properURI.hostPort); // Initialize variables here so people who never use EZProxies // don't get the (very very minor) speed hit if(!_mapFromProxy) { _mapFromProxy = new Object(); _mapToProxy = new Object(); } _mapFromProxy[newURI.hostPort] = properURI.hostPort; _mapToProxy[properURI.hostPort] = newURI.hostPort; } } } catch(e) {} } /* * Returns a page's proper url, adjusting for proxying */ function proxyToProper(url) { if(_mapFromProxy) { // EZProxy detection is active var uri = _parseURL(url); if(uri && _mapFromProxy[uri.hostPort]) { url = url.replace(uri.hostPort, _mapFromProxy[uri.hostPort]); Scholar.debug("EZProxy: proper url is "+url); } } return url; } /* * Returns a page's proxied url from the proper url */ function properToProxy(url) { if(_mapToProxy) { // EZProxy detection is active var uri = _parseURL(url); if(uri && _mapToProxy[uri.hostPort]) { // Actually need to map url = url.replace(uri.hostPort, _mapToProxy[uri.hostPort]); Scholar.debug("EZProxy: proxied url is "+url); } } return url; } /* * Parses a url into components (hostPort, port, host, and spec) */ function _parseURL(url) { // create an nsIURI (not sure if this is faster than the regular // expression, but it's at least more kosher) var uri = ioService.newURI(url, null, null); return uri; } }