describe("Zotero.Library", function() { describe("#constructor()", function() { it("should allow no arguments", function() { assert.doesNotThrow(() => new Zotero.Library()); }); }); describe("#libraryID", function() { it("should not allow setting a library ID", function() { let library = new Zotero.Library(); assert.throws(() => library.libraryID = 1); }); it("should return a library ID for a saved library", function() { let library = Zotero.Libraries.get(Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID); assert.isAbove(library.libraryID, 0); }) }); describe("#libraryType", function() { it("should not allow creating a non-basic library", function() { let library = new Zotero.Library(); assert.throws(() => library.libraryType = 'group', /^Invalid library type /); }); it("should not allow setting a library type for a saved library", function* () { let library = yield createGroup(); assert.throws(() => library.libraryType = 'feed'); }); it("should not allow creating new unique libraries", function* () { for (let i=0; i library.libraryVersion = -2); assert.throws(() => library.libraryVersion = "a"); assert.throws(() => library.libraryVersion = 1.1); assert.doesNotThrow(() => library.libraryVersion = 0); assert.doesNotThrow(() => library.libraryVersion = 5); }); it("should not be possible to decrement", function() { let library = new Zotero.Library(); library.libraryVersion = 5; assert.throws(() => library.libraryVersion = 0); }); it("should be possible to set to -1", function() { let library = new Zotero.Library(); library.libraryVersion = 5; assert.doesNotThrow(() => library.libraryVersion = -1); }); }); describe("#editable", function() { it("should return editable status", function() { let library = Zotero.Libraries.get(Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID); assert.isTrue(library.editable, 'user library is editable'); }); it("should allow setting editable status", function* () { let library = yield createGroup({ editable: true }); assert.isTrue(library.editable); assert.isTrue(Zotero.Libraries.isEditable(library.libraryID), "sets editable in cache to true"); library.editable = false; yield library.saveTx(); assert.isFalse(library.editable); assert.isFalse(Zotero.Libraries.isEditable(library.libraryID), "sets editable in cache to false"); }); it("should not be settable for user and publications libraries", function* () { let library = Zotero.Libraries.get(Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID); assert.throws(function() {library.editable = false}, /^Cannot change _libraryEditable for user library$/, "does not allow setting user library as not editable"); library = Zotero.Libraries.get(Zotero.Libraries.publicationsLibraryID); assert.throws(function() {library.editable = false}, /^Cannot change _libraryEditable for publications library$/, "does not allow setting publications library as not editable"); }); }); describe("#filesEditable", function() { it("should return files editable status", function() { let library = Zotero.Libraries.get(Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID); assert.isTrue(library.filesEditable, 'user library is files editable'); }); it("should allow setting files editable status", function* () { let library = yield createGroup({ filesEditable: true }); assert.isTrue(library.filesEditable); assert.isTrue(Zotero.Libraries.isFilesEditable(library.libraryID), "sets files editable in cache to true"); library.filesEditable = false; yield library.saveTx(); assert.isFalse(library.filesEditable); assert.isFalse(Zotero.Libraries.isFilesEditable(library.libraryID), "sets files editable in cache to false"); }); it("should not be settable for user and publications libraries", function* () { let library = Zotero.Libraries.get(Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID); assert.throws(function() {library.filesEditable = false}, /^Cannot change _libraryFilesEditable for user library$/, "does not allow setting user library as not files editable"); library = Zotero.Libraries.get(Zotero.Libraries.publicationsLibraryID); assert.throws(function() {library.filesEditable = false}, /^Cannot change _libraryFilesEditable for publications library$/, "does not allow setting publications library as not files editable"); }); }); describe("#save()", function() { it("should require mandatory parameters to be set", function* () { let library = new Zotero.Library({ editable: true, filesEditable: true }); yield assert.isRejected(library.saveTx(), /^Error: libraryType must be set before saving/, 'libraryType is mandatory'); // Required group params let groupID = Zotero.Utilities.rand(1000, 10000); let name = 'foo'; let description = ''; let version = Zotero.Utilities.rand(1000, 10000); library = new Zotero.Group({ filesEditable: true, groupID, name , description, version }); yield assert.isRejected(library.saveTx(), /^Error: editable must be set before saving/, 'editable is mandatory'); library = new Zotero.Group({ editable: true, groupID, name , description, version }); yield assert.isRejected(library.saveTx(), /^Error: filesEditable must be set before saving/, 'filesEditable is mandatory'); library = new Zotero.Group({ editable: true, filesEditable: true, groupID, name , description, version }); yield assert.isFulfilled(library.saveTx()); }); it("should save new library to DB", function* () { let library = yield createGroup({}); assert.isAbove(library.libraryID, 0, "sets a libraryID"); assert.isTrue(Zotero.Libraries.exists(library.libraryID)); assert.equal(library.libraryType, 'group'); let inDB = yield Zotero.DB.valueQueryAsync('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM libraries WHERE libraryID=?', library.libraryID); assert.ok(inDB, 'added to DB'); }); it("should save library changes to DB", function* () { let library = yield createGroup({ editable: true }); library.editable = false; yield library.saveTx(); assert.isFalse(Zotero.Libraries.isEditable(library.libraryID)); }); }); describe("#erase()", function() { it("should erase a group library", function* () { let library = yield createGroup(); let libraryID = library.libraryID; yield library.eraseTx(); assert.isFalse(Zotero.Libraries.exists(libraryID), "library no longer exists in cache");assert.isFalse(Zotero.Libraries.exists(libraryID)); let inDB = yield Zotero.DB.valueQueryAsync('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM libraries WHERE libraryID=?', libraryID); assert.notOk(inDB, 'removed from DB'); }); it("should erase a read-only library", function* () { let library = yield createGroup({ editable:false, filesEditable:false }); yield assert.isFulfilled(library.eraseTx()); }); it("should not allow erasing permanent libraries", function* () { let library = Zotero.Libraries.get(Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID); yield assert.isRejected(library.eraseTx(), /^Error: Cannot erase library of type 'user'$/, "does not allow erasing user library"); library = Zotero.Libraries.get(Zotero.Libraries.publicationsLibraryID); yield assert.isRejected(library.eraseTx(), /^Error: Cannot erase library of type 'publications'$/, "does not allow erasing publications library"); }); it("should not allow erasing unsaved libraries", function* () { let library = new Zotero.Library(); yield assert.isRejected(library.eraseTx()); }); it("should throw when accessing erased library methods, except for #libraryID", function* () { let library = yield createGroup(); yield library.eraseTx(); assert.doesNotThrow(() => library.libraryID); assert.throws(() =>, /^Group \(\d+\) has been disabled$/); assert.throws(() => library.editable = false, /^Group \(\d+\) has been disabled$/); }); it("should clear child items from caches and DB", function* () { let group = yield createGroup(); let libraryID = group.libraryID; let collection = yield createDataObject('collection', { libraryID }); assert.ok(yield Zotero.Collections.getAsync(; let item = yield createDataObject('item', { libraryID }); assert.ok(yield Zotero.Items.getAsync(; let search = yield createDataObject('search', { libraryID }); assert.ok(yield Zotero.Searches.getAsync(; yield group.eraseTx(); assert.notOk((yield Zotero.Searches.getAsync(, 'search was unloaded'); assert.notOk((yield Zotero.Collections.getAsync(, 'collection was unloaded'); assert.notOk((yield Zotero.Items.getAsync(, 'item was unloaded'); }); }); describe("#hasCollections()", function() { it("should throw if called before saving a library", function() { let library = new Zotero.Library(); assert.throws(() => library.hasCollections()); }); it("should stay up to date as collections are added and removed", function* () { let library = yield createGroup({ editable: true }); let libraryID = library.libraryID; assert.isFalse(library.hasCollections()); let c1 = yield createDataObject('collection', { libraryID }); assert.isTrue(library.hasCollections()); let c2 = yield createDataObject('collection', { libraryID }); assert.isTrue(library.hasCollections()); yield c1.eraseTx(); assert.isTrue(library.hasCollections()); yield c2.eraseTx(); assert.isFalse(library.hasCollections()); }) }); describe("#hasSearches()", function() { it("should throw if called before saving a library", function() { let library = new Zotero.Library(); assert.throws(() => library.hasSearches()); }); it("should stay up to date as searches are added and removed", function* () { let library = yield createGroup({ editable: true }); let libraryID = library.libraryID; assert.isFalse(library.hasSearches()); let s1 = yield createDataObject('search', { libraryID }); assert.isTrue(library.hasSearches()); let s2 = yield createDataObject('search', { libraryID }); assert.isTrue(library.hasSearches()); yield s1.eraseTx(); assert.isTrue(library.hasSearches()); yield s2.eraseTx(); assert.isFalse(library.hasSearches()); }) }); describe("#updateLastSyncTime()", function() { it("should set sync time to current time", function* () { let group = yield createGroup(); assert.isFalse(group.lastSync); group.updateLastSyncTime(); assert.ok(group.lastSync); assert.closeTo(, group.lastSync.getTime(), 1000); yield group.saveTx(); let dbTime = yield Zotero.DB.valueQueryAsync('SELECT lastSync FROM libraries WHERE libraryID=?', group.libraryID); assert.equal(dbTime*1000, group.lastSync.getTime()); }) }); })