/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** Copyright © 2009 Center for History and New Media George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA http://zotero.org This file is part of Zotero. Zotero is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Zotero is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with Zotero. If not, see . ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ Zotero.ProgressWindowSet = new function() { this.add = add; this.tile = tile; this.remove = remove; this.updateTimers = updateTimers; var _progressWindows = []; const X_OFFSET = 25; const Y_OFFSET = 35; const Y_SEPARATOR = 12; const X_WINDOWLESS_OFFSET = 50; const Y_WINDOWLESS_OFFSET = 100; function add(progressWindow, instance) { _progressWindows.push({ progressWindow: progressWindow, instance: instance }); } function tile(progressWin) { var parent = progressWin.opener; var y_sub = null; for (var i=0; i<_progressWindows.length; i++) { var p = _progressWindows[i].progressWindow; // Skip progress windows from other windows if (p.opener != parent) { continue; } if (!y_sub) { y_sub = Y_OFFSET + p.outerHeight; } if (parent) { var right = parent.screenX + parent.outerWidth; var bottom = parent.screenY + parent.outerHeight; } else { var right = progressWin.screen.width + X_OFFSET - X_WINDOWLESS_OFFSET; var bottom = progressWin.screen.height + Y_OFFSET - Y_WINDOWLESS_OFFSET; } p.moveTo(right - p.outerWidth - X_OFFSET, bottom - y_sub); y_sub += p.outerHeight + Y_SEPARATOR; } } function remove(progressWin) { for (var i=0; i<_progressWindows.length; i++) { if (_progressWindows[i].progressWindow == progressWin) { _progressWindows.splice(i, 1); } } } function updateTimers() { if (!_progressWindows.length) { return; } for (var i=0; i<_progressWindows.length; i++) { // Pass |requireMouseOver| so that the window only closes // if the mouse was over it at some point _progressWindows[i].instance.startCloseTimer(null, true); } } } /* * Handles the display of a div showing progress in scraping, indexing, etc. * * Pass the active window into the constructor */ Zotero.ProgressWindow = function(_window){ var self = this, _window = null, _progressWindow = null, _windowLoaded = false, _windowLoading = false, _timeoutID = false, _closing = false, _mouseWasOver = false, _deferredUntilWindowLoad = [], _deferredUntilWindowLoadThis = [], _deferredUntilWindowLoadArgs = []; /** * Shows the progress window */ this.show = function show() { if(_windowLoading || _windowLoaded) { // already loading or loaded return false; } var ww = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/window-watcher;1"]. getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowWatcher); if (!_window){ _window = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator) .getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser"); } if (_window) { _progressWindow = _window.openDialog("chrome://zotero/content/progressWindow.xul", "", "chrome,dialog=no,titlebar=no,popup=yes"); } else { _progressWindow = ww.openWindow(null, "chrome://zotero/content/progressWindow.xul", "", "chrome,dialog=no,titlebar=no,popup=yes", null); } _progressWindow.addEventListener("load", _onWindowLoaded, false); _progressWindow.addEventListener("mouseover", _onMouseOver, false); _progressWindow.addEventListener("mouseout", _onMouseOut, false); _progressWindow.addEventListener("mouseup", _onMouseUp, false); _windowLoading = true; Zotero.ProgressWindowSet.add(_progressWindow, this); return true; } /** * Changes the "headline" shown at the top of the progress window */ this.changeHeadline = _deferUntilWindowLoad(function changeHeadline(text, icon, postText) { var doc = _progressWindow.document, headline = doc.getElementById("zotero-progress-text-headline"); while(headline.hasChildNodes()) headline.removeChild(headline.firstChild); var preNode = doc.createElement("label"); preNode.setAttribute("value", text); preNode.setAttribute("crop", "end"); headline.appendChild(preNode); if(icon) { var img = doc.createElement("image"); img.width = 16; img.height = 16; img.setAttribute("src", icon); headline.appendChild(img); } if(postText) { var postNode = doc.createElement("label"); postNode.style.marginLeft = 0; postNode.setAttribute("value", " "+postText); postNode.setAttribute("crop", "end"); postNode.setAttribute("flex", "1"); headline.appendChild(postNode); } }); /** * Adds a line to the progress window with the specified icon */ this.addLines = _deferUntilWindowLoad(function addLines(labels, icons) { if(typeof labels === "object" && typeof icons === "object") { for (var i in labels) { new this.ItemProgress(icons[i], labels[i]); } } else { new this.ItemProgress(icons, labels); } _move(); }); /** * Add a description to the progress window * * elements are turned into XUL links */ this.addDescription = _deferUntilWindowLoad(function addDescription(text) { var newHB = _progressWindow.document.createElement("hbox"); newHB.setAttribute("class", "zotero-progress-item-hbox"); var newDescription = _progressWindow.document.createElement("description"); var parts = Zotero.Utilities.parseMarkup(text); for each(var part in parts) { if (part.type == 'text') { var elem = _progressWindow.document.createTextNode(part.text); } else if (part.type == 'link') { var elem = _progressWindow.document.createElement('label'); elem.setAttribute('value', part.text); elem.setAttribute('class', 'zotero-text-link'); for (var i in part.attributes) { elem.setAttribute(i, part.attributes[i]); } } newDescription.appendChild(elem); } newHB.appendChild(newDescription); _progressWindow.document.getElementById("zotero-progress-text-box").appendChild(newHB); _move(); }); /** * Sets a timer to close the progress window. If a previous close timer was set, * clears it. * @param {Integer} ms The number of milliseconds to wait before closing the progress * window. * @param {Boolean} [requireMouseOver] If true, wait until the mouse has touched the * window before closing. */ this.startCloseTimer = function startCloseTimer(ms, requireMouseOver) { if (_windowLoaded || _windowLoading) { if (requireMouseOver && !_mouseWasOver) { return; } if (_timeoutID) { _disableTimeout(); } if (typeof ms != 'number') { ms = 2500; } _timeoutID = _progressWindow.setTimeout(_timeout, ms); _closing = true; } } /** * Immediately closes the progress window if it is open. */ this.close = function close() { _disableTimeout(); _windowLoaded = false; _windowLoading = false; Zotero.ProgressWindowSet.remove(_progressWindow); try { _progressWindow.close(); } catch(ex) {} } /** * Creates a new object representing a line in the progressWindow. This is the OO * version of addLines() above. */ this.ItemProgress = _deferUntilWindowLoad(function(iconSrc, title, parentItemProgress) { this._itemText = _progressWindow.document.createElement("description"); this._itemText.appendChild(_progressWindow.document.createTextNode(title)); this._itemText.setAttribute("class", "zotero-progress-item-label"); this._itemText.setAttribute("crop", "end"); this._image = _progressWindow.document.createElement("hbox"); this._image.setAttribute("class", "zotero-progress-item-icon"); this._image.setAttribute("flex", 0); this._image.style.width = "16px"; this._image.style.backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat"; this.setIcon(iconSrc); this._hbox = _progressWindow.document.createElement("hbox"); this._hbox.setAttribute("class", "zotero-progress-item-hbox"); if(parentItemProgress) { this._hbox.style.marginLeft = "16px"; this._hbox.zoteroIsChildItem; } else { this._hbox.setAttribute("parent", "true"); } this._hbox.style.opacity = "0.5"; this._hbox.appendChild(this._image); this._hbox.appendChild(this._itemText); var container = _progressWindow.document.getElementById("zotero-progress-text-box"); if(parentItemProgress) { var nextItem = parentItemProgress._hbox.nextSibling; while(nextItem && nextItem.zoteroIsChildItem) { nextItem = nextItem.nextSibling; } container.insertBefore(this._hbox, nextItem); } else { container.appendChild(this._hbox); } _move(); }); /** * Sets the current save progress for this item. * @param {Integer} percent A percentage from 0 to 100. */ this.ItemProgress.prototype.setProgress = _deferUntilWindowLoad(function(percent) { if(percent != 0 && percent != 100) { // Indication of partial progress, so we will use the circular indicator this._image.style.backgroundImage = "url('chrome://zotero/skin/progress_arcs.png')"; this._image.style.backgroundPosition = "-"+(Math.round(percent/100*nArcs)*16)+"px 0"; this._hbox.style.opacity = percent/200+.5; this._hbox.style.filter = "alpha(opacity = "+(percent/2+50)+")"; } else if(percent == 100) { this._image.style.backgroundImage = "url('"+this._iconSrc+"')"; this._image.style.backgroundPosition = ""; this._hbox.style.opacity = "1"; this._hbox.style.filter = ""; } }); /** * Sets the icon for this item. * @param {Integer} percent A percentage from 0 to 100. */ this.ItemProgress.prototype.setIcon = _deferUntilWindowLoad(function(iconSrc) { this._image.style.backgroundImage = "url('"+iconSrc+"')"; this._image.style.backgroundPosition = ""; this._iconSrc = iconSrc; }); /** * Indicates that an error occurred saving this item. */ this.ItemProgress.prototype.setError = _deferUntilWindowLoad(function() { this._image.style.backgroundImage = "url('chrome://zotero/skin/cross.png')"; this._image.style.backgroundPosition = ""; this._itemText.style.color = "red"; this._hbox.style.opacity = "1"; this._hbox.style.filter = ""; }); function _onWindowLoaded() { _windowLoading = false; _windowLoaded = true; _move(); // do things we delayed because the window was loading for(var i=0; i<_deferredUntilWindowLoad.length; i++) { _deferredUntilWindowLoad[i].apply(_deferredUntilWindowLoadThis[i], _deferredUntilWindowLoadArgs[i]); } _deferredUntilWindowLoad = []; _deferredUntilWindowLoadThis = []; _deferredUntilWindowLoadArgs = []; } function _move() { // sizeToContent() fails in FF3 with multiple lines // if we don't change the height _progressWindow.outerHeight = _progressWindow.outerHeight + 1; _progressWindow.sizeToContent(); Zotero.ProgressWindowSet.tile(_progressWindow); } function _timeout() { self.close(); // could check to see if we're really supposed to close yet // (in case multiple scrapers are operating at once) _timeoutID = false; } function _disableTimeout() { // FIXME: to prevent errors from translator saving (Create New Item appears to still work) // This shouldn't be necessary, and mouseover isn't properly // causing the popup to remain try { _progressWindow.clearTimeout(_timeoutID); } catch (e) {} _timeoutID = false; } /* * Disable the close timer when the mouse is over the window */ function _onMouseOver(e) { _mouseWasOver = true; _disableTimeout(); } /** * Start the close timer when the mouse leaves the window * * Note that this onmouseout doesn't work correctly on popups in Fx2, * so 1) we have to calculate the window borders manually to avoid fading * when the mouse is still over the box, and 2) this only does anything * when the mouse is moved off of the browser window -- otherwise the close * is triggered by onmousemove on appcontent in overlay.xul. */ function _onMouseOut(e) { // |this| refers to progressWindow's XUL window var top = this.screenY + (Zotero.isMac ? 22 : 0); if ((e.screenX >= this.screenX && e.screenX <= (this.screenX + this.outerWidth)) && (e.screenY >= top) && e.screenY <= (top + this.outerHeight)) { return; } if(_closing) self.startCloseTimer(); } function _onMouseUp(e) { self.close(); } /** * Wraps a function to ensure it isn't called until the window is loaded */ function _deferUntilWindowLoad(fn) { return function() { if(_window && _window.closed) return; if(_windowLoaded) { fn.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)); } else { _deferredUntilWindowLoad.push(fn); _deferredUntilWindowLoadThis.push(this); _deferredUntilWindowLoadArgs.push(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)); } } } }