# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.

Var TmpVal
; destination for unused stack pops.
Var Trash

# Helper defines and macros for toolkit applications

 * Avoid creating macros / functions that overwrite registers (see the
 * GetLongPath macro for one way to avoid this)!
 * Before using the registers exchange the passed in params and save existing
 * register values to the stack.
 * Exch $R9 ; exhange the original $R9 with the top of the stack
 * Exch 1   ; exchange the top of the stack with 1 below the top of the stack
 * Exch $R8 ; exchange the original $R8 with the top of the stack
 * Exch 2   ; exchange the top of the stack with 2 below the top of the stack
 * Exch $R7 ; exchange the original $R7 with the top of the stack
 * Push $R6 ; push the original $R6 onto the top of the stack
 * Push $R5 ; push the original $R5 onto the top of the stack
 * Push $R4 ; push the original $R4 onto the top of the stack
 * <do stuff>
 * ; Restore the values.
 * Pop $R4  ; restore the value for $R4 from the top of the stack
 * Pop $R5  ; restore the value for $R5 from the top of the stack
 * Pop $R6  ; restore the value for $R6 from the top of the stack
 * Exch $R7 ; exchange the new $R7 value with the top of the stack
 * Exch 2   ; exchange the top of the stack with 2 below the top of the stack
 * Exch $R8 ; exchange the new $R8 value with the top of the stack
 * Exch 1   ; exchange the top of the stack with 2 below the top of the stack
 * Exch $R9 ; exchange the new $R9 value with the top of the stack
 * When inserting macros in common.nsh from another macro in common.nsh that
 * can be used from the uninstaller _MOZFUNC_UN will be undefined when it is
 * inserted. Use the following to redefine _MOZFUNC_UN with its original value
 * (see the RegCleanMain macro for an example).
 * !insertmacro ${_MOZFUNC_UN_TMP}FileJoin
 * !insertmacro ${_MOZFUNC_UN_TMP}LineFind
 * !insertmacro ${_MOZFUNC_UN_TMP}TextCompareNoDetails
 * !insertmacro ${_MOZFUNC_UN_TMP}TrimNewLines
 * !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
 * !undef _MOZFUNC_UN_TMP

; When including a file provided by NSIS check if its verbose macro is defined
; to prevent loading the file a second time.
  !include TextFunc.nsh

  !include FileFunc.nsh

  !include LogicLib.nsh

  !include WinMessages.nsh

  !include MUI.nsh

; When including WinVer.nsh check if ___WINVER__NSH___ is defined to prevent
; loading the file a second time. NSIS versions prior to 2.21 didn't include
; WinVer.nsh so include it with the /NOFATAL option.
!ifndef ___WINVER__NSH___
  !include /NONFATAL WinVer.nsh

!include x64.nsh

; NSIS provided macros that we have overridden.
!include overrides.nsh

!define SHORTCUTS_LOG "shortcuts_log.ini"

; !define SHCNF_DWORD     0x0003
; !define SHCNF_FLUSH     0x1000
!define SHCNF_DWORDFLUSH  0x1003
  !define SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED 0x08000000

# Macros for debugging

 * The following two macros assist with verifying that a macro doesn't
 * overwrite any registers.
 * Usage:
 * ${debugSetRegisters}
 * <do stuff>
 * ${debugDisplayRegisters}

 * Sets all register values to their name to assist with verifying that a macro
 * doesn't overwrite any registers.
!macro debugSetRegisters
  StrCpy $0 "$$0"
  StrCpy $1 "$$1"
  StrCpy $2 "$$2"
  StrCpy $3 "$$3"
  StrCpy $4 "$$4"
  StrCpy $5 "$$5"
  StrCpy $6 "$$6"
  StrCpy $7 "$$7"
  StrCpy $8 "$$8"
  StrCpy $9 "$$9"
  StrCpy $R0 "$$R0"
  StrCpy $R1 "$$R1"
  StrCpy $R2 "$$R2"
  StrCpy $R3 "$$R3"
  StrCpy $R4 "$$R4"
  StrCpy $R5 "$$R5"
  StrCpy $R6 "$$R6"
  StrCpy $R7 "$$R7"
  StrCpy $R8 "$$R8"
  StrCpy $R9 "$$R9"
!define debugSetRegisters "!insertmacro debugSetRegisters"

 * Displays all register values to assist with verifying that a macro doesn't
 * overwrite any registers.
!macro debugDisplayRegisters
  MessageBox MB_OK \
      "Register Values:$\n\
       $$0 = $0$\n$$1 = $1$\n$$2 = $2$\n$$3 = $3$\n$$4 = $4$\n\
       $$5 = $5$\n$$6 = $6$\n$$7 = $7$\n$$8 = $8$\n$$9 = $9$\n\
       $$R0 = $R0$\n$$R1 = $R1$\n$$R2 = $R2$\n$$R3 = $R3$\n$$R4 = $R4$\n\
       $$R5 = $R5$\n$$R6 = $R6$\n$$R7 = $R7$\n$$R8 = $R8$\n$$R9 = $R9"
!define debugDisplayRegisters "!insertmacro debugDisplayRegisters"

# Modern User Interface (MUI) override macros

; Removed macros in nsis 2.33u (ported from nsis 2.22)


  !ifndef "${DEFINE}"
    !define "${DEFINE}" "${${NAME}}"
  !undef "${NAME}"



  !ifdef MUI_${PAGE}PAGE
    LangString "${NAME}" 0 "${${NAME}}"
    !undef "${NAME}"
    !undef "${NAME}"



    LangString "${NAME}" 0 "${${NAME}}"
    !undef "${NAME}"
    !undef "${NAME}"



  !ifdef "${DEFINE}"
    LangString "${NAME}" 0 "${${NAME}}"
  !undef "${NAME}"



    !ifdef MUI_UN${PAGE}PAGE
      LangString "${NAME}" 0 "${${NAME}}"
      !undef "${NAME}"
      !undef "${NAME}"
    !undef "${NAME}"


; Modified version of the following MUI macros to support Mozilla localization.
; See <NSIS App Dir>/Contrib/Modern UI/System.nsh for more information

  !verbose push
  !verbose ${MUI_VERBOSE}
  !include "${LANGUAGE}.nsh"
  !verbose pop

  !insertmacro MUI_INSERT
    LoadLanguageFile "${LANGUAGE}.nlf"
    !error "Modern UI language file ${LANGUAGE} included twice!"

; Custom version of MUI_LANGUAGEFILE_END. The macro to add the default MUI
; strings and the macros for several strings that are part of the NSIS MUI and
; not in our locale files have been commented out.

#  !include "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Modern UI\Language files\Default.nsh"
    !warning "${LANGUAGE} Modern UI language file version doesn't match. Using default English texts for missing strings."















; Support for using the existing MUI_TEXT_ABORTWARNING string

















 * Creates an InstallOptions file with a UTF-16LE BOM and adds the RTL value
 * to the Settings section.
 * @param   _FILE
 *          The name of the file to be created in $PLUGINSDIR.
!macro InitInstallOptionsFile _FILE
  Push $R9

  FileOpen $R9 "$PLUGINSDIR\${_FILE}" w
  FileWriteWord $R9 "65279"
  FileClose $R9
  WriteIniStr "$PLUGINSDIR\${_FILE}" "Settings" "RTL" "$(^RTL)"

  Pop $R9

# Macros for handling files in use

 * Checks for files in use in the $INSTDIR directory. To check files in
 * sub-directories this macro would need to be rewritten to create
 * sub-directories in the temporary directory used to backup the files that are
 * checked.
 * Example usage:
 *  ; The first string to be pushed onto the stack MUST be "end" to indicate
 *  ; that there are no more files in the $INSTDIR directory to check.
 *  Push "end"
 *  Push "freebl3.dll"
 *  ; The last file pushed should be the app's main exe so if it is in use this
 *  ; macro will return after the first check.
 *  Push "${FileMainEXE}"
 *  ${CheckForFilesInUse} $R9
 * !IMPORTANT - this macro uses the $R7, $R8, and $R9 registers and makes no
 *              attempt to restore their original values.
 * @return  _RESULT
 *          false if all of the files popped from the stack are not in use.
 *          True if any of the files popped from the stack are in use.
 * $R7 = Temporary backup directory where the files will be copied to.
 * $R8 = value popped from the stack. This will either be a file name for a file
 *       in the $INSTDIR directory or "end" to indicate that there are no
 *       additional files to check.
 * $R9 = _RESULT
!macro CheckForFilesInUse

  !ifndef ${_MOZFUNC_UN}CheckForFilesInUse
    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !define ${_MOZFUNC_UN}CheckForFilesInUse "!insertmacro ${_MOZFUNC_UN}CheckForFilesInUseCall"

    Function ${_MOZFUNC_UN}CheckForFilesInUse
      ; Create a temporary backup directory.
      GetTempFileName $R7 "$INSTDIR"
      Delete "$R7"
      SetOutPath "$R7"
      StrCpy $R9 "false"

      Pop $R8
      ${While} $R8 != "end"
        ${Unless} ${FileExists} "$INSTDIR\$R8"
          Pop $R8 ; get next file to check before continuing

        CopyFiles /SILENT "$INSTDIR\$R8" "$R7\$R8" ; try to copy
        ${If} ${Errors}
          ; File is in use
          StrCpy $R9 "true"

        Delete "$INSTDIR\$R8" ; delete original
        ${If} ${Errors}
          ; File is in use
          StrCpy $R9 "true"
          Delete "$R7\$R8" ; delete temp copy

        Pop $R8 ; get next file to check

      ; clear stack
      ${While} $R8 != "end"
        Pop $R8

      ; restore everything
      SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
      CopyFiles /SILENT "$R7\*" "$INSTDIR\"
      RmDir /r "$R7"
      SetOutPath "$EXEDIR"

      Push $R9

    !verbose pop

!macro CheckForFilesInUseCall _RESULT
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Call CheckForFilesInUse
  Pop ${_RESULT}
  !verbose pop

!macro un.CheckForFilesInUseCall _RESULT
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Call un.CheckForFilesInUse
  Pop ${_RESULT}
  !verbose pop

!macro un.CheckForFilesInUse
  !ifndef un.CheckForFilesInUse
    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN "un."

    !insertmacro CheckForFilesInUse

    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN
    !verbose pop

 * The macros below will automatically prepend un. to the function names when
 * they are defined (e.g. !define un.RegCleanMain).
!verbose push
!verbose 3
  !define _MOZFUNC_VERBOSE 3
!verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
!define _MOZFUNC_UN
!define _MOZFUNC_S
!verbose pop

  !verbose push
  !verbose 3
  !verbose pop

 * Displays a MessageBox and then calls abort to prevent continuing to the
 * next page when the specified Window Class is found.
 * @param   _WINDOW_CLASS
 *          The Window Class to search for with FindWindow.
 * @param   _MSG
 *          The message text to display in the message box.
 * $R7 = return value from FindWindow
 * $R9 = _MSG
!macro ManualCloseAppPrompt

  !ifndef ${_MOZFUNC_UN}ManualCloseAppPrompt
    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !define ${_MOZFUNC_UN}ManualCloseAppPrompt "!insertmacro ${_MOZFUNC_UN}ManualCloseAppPromptCall"

    Function ${_MOZFUNC_UN}ManualCloseAppPrompt
      Exch $R9
      Exch 1
      Exch $R8
      Push $R7

      FindWindow $R7 "$R8"
      ${If} $R7 <> 0 ; integer comparison
        MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONQUESTION "$R9" /SD IDOK

      Pop $R7
      Exch $R8
      Exch 1
      Exch $R9

    !verbose pop

!macro ManualCloseAppPromptCall _WINDOW_CLASS _MSG
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Push "${_WINDOW_CLASS}"
  Push "${_MSG}"
  Call ManualCloseAppPrompt
  !verbose pop

!macro un.ManualCloseAppPromptCall _WINDOW_CLASS _MSG
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Push "${_WINDOW_CLASS}"
  Push "${_MSG}"
  Call un.ManualCloseAppPrompt
  !verbose pop

!macro un.ManualCloseAppPrompt
  !ifndef un.ManualCloseAppPrompt
    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN "un."

    !insertmacro ManualCloseAppPrompt

    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN
    !verbose pop

# Macros for working with the registry

 * Writes a registry string using SHCTX and the supplied params and logs the
 * action to the install log and the uninstall log if _LOG_UNINSTALL equals 1.
 * Define NO_LOG to prevent all logging when calling this from the uninstaller.
 * @param   _ROOT
 *          The registry key root as defined by NSIS (e.g. HKLM, HKCU, etc.).
 *          This will only be used for logging.
 * @param   _KEY
 *          The subkey in relation to the key root.
 * @param   _NAME
 *          The key value name to write to.
 * @param   _STR
 *          The string to write to the key value name.
 * @param   _LOG_UNINSTALL
 *          0 = don't add to uninstall log, 1 = add to uninstall log.
 * $R5 = _ROOT
 * $R6 = _KEY
 * $R7 = _NAME
 * $R8 = _STR
!macro WriteRegStr2

  !ifndef ${_MOZFUNC_UN}WriteRegStr2
    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !define ${_MOZFUNC_UN}WriteRegStr2 "!insertmacro ${_MOZFUNC_UN}WriteRegStr2Call"

    Function ${_MOZFUNC_UN}WriteRegStr2
      Exch $R9
      Exch 1
      Exch $R8
      Exch 2
      Exch $R7
      Exch 3
      Exch $R6
      Exch 4
      Exch $R5

      WriteRegStr SHCTX "$R6" "$R7" "$R8"

      !ifndef NO_LOG
        ${If} ${Errors}
          ${LogMsg} "** ERROR Adding Registry String: $R5 | $R6 | $R7 | $R8 **"
          ${If} $R9 == 1 ; add to the uninstall log?
            ${LogUninstall} "RegVal: $R5 | $R6 | $R7"
          ${LogMsg} "Added Registry String: $R5 | $R6 | $R7 | $R8"

      Exch $R5
      Exch 4
      Exch $R6
      Exch 3
      Exch $R7
      Exch 2
      Exch $R8
      Exch 1
      Exch $R9

    !verbose pop

!macro WriteRegStr2Call _ROOT _KEY _NAME _STR _LOG_UNINSTALL
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Push "${_ROOT}"
  Push "${_KEY}"
  Push "${_NAME}"
  Push "${_STR}"
  Push "${_LOG_UNINSTALL}"
  Call WriteRegStr2
  !verbose pop

!macro un.WriteRegStr2Call _ROOT _KEY _NAME _STR _LOG_UNINSTALL
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Push "${_ROOT}"
  Push "${_KEY}"
  Push "${_NAME}"
  Push "${_STR}"
  Push "${_LOG_UNINSTALL}"
  Call un.WriteRegStr2
  !verbose pop

!macro un.WriteRegStr2
  !ifndef un.WriteRegStr2
    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN "un."

    !insertmacro WriteRegStr2

    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN
    !verbose pop

 * Writes a registry dword using SHCTX and the supplied params and logs the
 * action to the install log and the uninstall log if _LOG_UNINSTALL equals 1.
 * Define NO_LOG to prevent all logging when calling this from the uninstaller.
 * @param   _ROOT
 *          The registry key root as defined by NSIS (e.g. HKLM, HKCU, etc.).
 *          This will only be used for logging.
 * @param   _KEY
 *          The subkey in relation to the key root.
 * @param   _NAME
 *          The key value name to write to.
 * @param   _DWORD
 *          The dword to write to the key value name.
 * @param   _LOG_UNINSTALL
 *          0 = don't add to uninstall log, 1 = add to uninstall log.
 * $R5 = _ROOT
 * $R6 = _KEY
 * $R7 = _NAME
 * $R8 = _DWORD
!macro WriteRegDWORD2

  !ifndef ${_MOZFUNC_UN}WriteRegDWORD2
    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !define ${_MOZFUNC_UN}WriteRegDWORD2 "!insertmacro ${_MOZFUNC_UN}WriteRegDWORD2Call"

    Function ${_MOZFUNC_UN}WriteRegDWORD2
      Exch $R9
      Exch 1
      Exch $R8
      Exch 2
      Exch $R7
      Exch 3
      Exch $R6
      Exch 4
      Exch $R5

      WriteRegDWORD SHCTX "$R6" "$R7" "$R8"

      !ifndef NO_LOG
        ${If} ${Errors}
          ${LogMsg} "** ERROR Adding Registry DWord: $R5 | $R6 | $R7 | $R8 **"
          ${If} $R9 == 1 ; add to the uninstall log?
            ${LogUninstall} "RegVal: $R5 | $R6 | $R7"
          ${LogMsg} "Added Registry DWord: $R5 | $R6 | $R7 | $R8"

      Exch $R5
      Exch 4
      Exch $R6
      Exch 3
      Exch $R7
      Exch 2
      Exch $R8
      Exch 1
      Exch $R9

    !verbose pop

  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Push "${_ROOT}"
  Push "${_KEY}"
  Push "${_NAME}"
  Push "${_DWORD}"
  Push "${_LOG_UNINSTALL}"
  Call WriteRegDWORD2
  !verbose pop

  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Push "${_ROOT}"
  Push "${_KEY}"
  Push "${_NAME}"
  Push "${_DWORD}"
  Push "${_LOG_UNINSTALL}"
  Call un.WriteRegDWORD2
  !verbose pop

!macro un.WriteRegDWORD2
  !ifndef un.WriteRegDWORD2
    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN "un."

    !insertmacro WriteRegDWORD2

    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN
    !verbose pop

 * Writes a registry string to HKCR using the supplied params and logs the
 * action to the install log and the uninstall log if _LOG_UNINSTALL equals 1.
 * Define NO_LOG to prevent all logging when calling this from the uninstaller.
 * @param   _ROOT
 *          The registry key root as defined by NSIS (e.g. HKLM, HKCU, etc.).
 *          This will only be used for logging.
 * @param   _KEY
 *          The subkey in relation to the key root.
 * @param   _NAME
 *          The key value name to write to.
 * @param   _STR
 *          The string to write to the key value name.
 * @param   _LOG_UNINSTALL
 *          0 = don't add to uninstall log, 1 = add to uninstall log.
 * $R5 = _ROOT
 * $R6 = _KEY
 * $R7 = _NAME
 * $R8 = _STR
!macro WriteRegStrHKCR

  !ifndef ${_MOZFUNC_UN}WriteRegStrHKCR
    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !define ${_MOZFUNC_UN}WriteRegStrHKCR "!insertmacro ${_MOZFUNC_UN}WriteRegStrHKCRCall"

    Function ${_MOZFUNC_UN}WriteRegStrHKCR
      Exch $R9
      Exch 1
      Exch $R8
      Exch 2
      Exch $R7
      Exch 3
      Exch $R6
      Exch 4
      Exch $R5

      WriteRegStr HKCR "$R6" "$R7" "$R8"

      !ifndef NO_LOG
        ${If} ${Errors}
          ${LogMsg} "** ERROR Adding Registry String: $R5 | $R6 | $R7 | $R8 **"
          ${If} $R9 == 1 ; add to the uninstall log?
            ${LogUninstall} "RegVal: $R5 | $R6 | $R7"
          ${LogMsg} "Added Registry String: $R5 | $R6 | $R7 | $R8"

      Exch $R5
      Exch 4
      Exch $R6
      Exch 3
      Exch $R7
      Exch 2
      Exch $R8
      Exch 1
      Exch $R9

    !verbose pop

  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Push "${_ROOT}"
  Push "${_KEY}"
  Push "${_NAME}"
  Push "${_STR}"
  Push "${_LOG_UNINSTALL}"
  Call WriteRegStrHKCR
  !verbose pop

  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Push "${_ROOT}"
  Push "${_KEY}"
  Push "${_NAME}"
  Push "${_STR}"
  Push "${_LOG_UNINSTALL}"
  Call un.WriteRegStrHKCR
  !verbose pop

!macro un.WriteRegStrHKCR
  !ifndef un.WriteRegStrHKCR
    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN "un."

    !insertmacro WriteRegStrHKCR

    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN
    !verbose pop

!define KEY_SET_VALUE 0x0002
!define KEY_WOW64_64KEY 0x0100
!ifndef HAVE_64BIT_BUILD

# Macros for adding file and protocol handlers

 * Writes common registry values for a handler using SHCTX.
 * @param   _KEY
 *          The subkey in relation to the key root.
 * @param   _VALOPEN
 *          The path and args to launch the application.
 * @param   _VALICON
 *          The path to the binary that contains the icon group for the default icon
 *          followed by a comma and either the icon group's resource index or the icon
 *          group's resource id prefixed with a minus sign
 * @param   _DISPNAME
 *          The display name for the handler. If emtpy no value will be set.
 * @param   _ISPROTOCOL
 *          Sets protocol handler specific registry values when "true".
 * @param   _ISDDE
 *          Sets DDE specific registry values when "true".
 * $R3 = string value of the current registry key path.
 * $R4 = _KEY
 * $R5 = _VALOPEN
 * $R6 = _VALICON
 * $R7 = _DISPNAME
 * $R9 = _ISDDE
!macro AddHandlerValues

  !ifndef ${_MOZFUNC_UN}AddHandlerValues
    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !define ${_MOZFUNC_UN}AddHandlerValues "!insertmacro ${_MOZFUNC_UN}AddHandlerValuesCall"

    Function ${_MOZFUNC_UN}AddHandlerValues
      Exch $R9
      Exch 1
      Exch $R8
      Exch 2
      Exch $R7
      Exch 3
      Exch $R6
      Exch 4
      Exch $R5
      Exch 5
      Exch $R4
      Push $R3

      StrCmp "$R7" "" +6 +1
      ReadRegStr $R3 SHCTX "$R4" "FriendlyTypeName"

      StrCmp "$R3" "" +1 +3
      WriteRegStr SHCTX "$R4" "" "$R7"
      WriteRegStr SHCTX "$R4" "FriendlyTypeName" "$R7"

      StrCmp "$R8" "true" +1 +2
      WriteRegStr SHCTX "$R4" "URL Protocol" ""
      StrCpy $R3 ""
      ReadRegDWord $R3 SHCTX "$R4" "EditFlags"
      StrCmp $R3 "" +1 +3  ; Only add EditFlags if a value doesn't exist
      DeleteRegValue SHCTX "$R4" "EditFlags"
      WriteRegDWord SHCTX "$R4" "EditFlags" 0x00000002

      StrCmp "$R6" "" +2 +1
      WriteRegStr SHCTX "$R4\DefaultIcon" "" "$R6"

      StrCmp "$R5" "" +2 +1
      WriteRegStr SHCTX "$R4\shell\open\command" "" "$R5"

!ifdef DDEApplication
      StrCmp "$R9" "true" +1 +11
      WriteRegStr SHCTX "$R4\shell\open\ddeexec" "" "$\"%1$\",,0,0,,,,"
      WriteRegStr SHCTX "$R4\shell\open\ddeexec" "NoActivateHandler" ""
      WriteRegStr SHCTX "$R4\shell\open\ddeexec\Application" "" "${DDEApplication}"
      WriteRegStr SHCTX "$R4\shell\open\ddeexec\Topic" "" "WWW_OpenURL"
      ; The ifexec key may have been added by another application so try to
      ; delete it to prevent it from breaking this app's shell integration.
      ; Also, IE 6 and below doesn't remove this key when it sets itself as the
      ; default handler and if this key exists IE's shell integration breaks.
      DeleteRegKey HKLM "$R4\shell\open\ddeexec\ifexec"
      DeleteRegKey HKCU "$R4\shell\open\ddeexec\ifexec"


      Pop $R3
      Exch $R4
      Exch 5
      Exch $R5
      Exch 4
      Exch $R6
      Exch 3
      Exch $R7
      Exch 2
      Exch $R8
      Exch 1
      Exch $R9

    !verbose pop

  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Push "${_KEY}"
  Push "${_VALOPEN}"
  Push "${_VALICON}"
  Push "${_DISPNAME}"
  Push "${_ISPROTOCOL}"
  Push "${_ISDDE}"
  Call AddHandlerValues
  !verbose pop

  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Push "${_KEY}"
  Push "${_VALOPEN}"
  Push "${_VALICON}"
  Push "${_DISPNAME}"
  Push "${_ISPROTOCOL}"
  Push "${_ISDDE}"
  Call un.AddHandlerValues
  !verbose pop

!macro un.AddHandlerValues
  !ifndef un.AddHandlerValues
    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN "un."

    !insertmacro AddHandlerValues

    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN
    !verbose pop

 * Writes common registry values for a handler that uses DDE using SHCTX.
 * @param   _KEY
 *          The key name in relation to the HKCR root. SOFTWARE\Classes is
 *          prefixed to this value when using SHCTX.
 * @param   _VALOPEN
 *          The path and args to launch the application.
 * @param   _VALICON
 *          The path to the binary that contains the icon group for the default icon
 *          followed by a comma and either the icon group's resource index or the icon
 *          group's resource id prefixed with a minus sign
 * @param   _DISPNAME
 *          The display name for the handler. If emtpy no value will be set.
 * @param   _ISPROTOCOL
 *          Sets protocol handler specific registry values when "true".
 * @param   _DDE_APPNAME
 *          Sets DDE specific registry values when not an empty string.
 * $R0 = storage for SOFTWARE\Classes
 * $R1 = string value of the current registry key path.
 * $R2 = _KEY
 * $R3 = _VALOPEN
 * $R4 = _VALICON
 * $R5 = _DISPNAME
 * $R9 = _DDE_TOPIC
!macro AddDDEHandlerValues

  !ifndef ${_MOZFUNC_UN}AddDDEHandlerValues
    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !define ${_MOZFUNC_UN}AddDDEHandlerValues "!insertmacro ${_MOZFUNC_UN}AddDDEHandlerValuesCall"

    Function ${_MOZFUNC_UN}AddDDEHandlerValues
      Exch $R9
      Exch 1
      Exch $R8
      Exch 2
      Exch $R7
      Exch 3
      Exch $R6
      Exch 4
      Exch $R5
      Exch 5
      Exch $R4
      Exch 6
      Exch $R3
      Exch 7
      Exch $R2
      Push $R1
      Push $R0

      StrCpy $R0 "SOFTWARE\Classes"
      StrCmp "$R5" "" +6 +1
      ReadRegStr $R1 SHCTX "$R2" "FriendlyTypeName"

      StrCmp "$R1" "" +1 +3
      WriteRegStr SHCTX "$R0\$R2" "" "$R5"
      WriteRegStr SHCTX "$R0\$R2" "FriendlyTypeName" "$R5"

      StrCmp "$R6" "true" +1 +2
      WriteRegStr SHCTX "$R0\$R2" "URL Protocol" ""
      StrCpy $R1 ""
      ReadRegDWord $R1 SHCTX "$R0\$R2" "EditFlags"
      StrCmp $R1 "" +1 +3  ; Only add EditFlags if a value doesn't exist
      DeleteRegValue SHCTX "$R0\$R2" "EditFlags"
      WriteRegDWord SHCTX "$R0\$R2" "EditFlags" 0x00000002

      StrCmp "$R4" "" +2 +1
      WriteRegStr SHCTX "$R0\$R2\DefaultIcon" "" "$R4"

      WriteRegStr SHCTX "$R0\$R2\shell" "" "open"
      WriteRegStr SHCTX "$R0\$R2\shell\open\command" "" "$R3"

      WriteRegStr SHCTX "$R0\$R2\shell\open\ddeexec" "" "$R8"
      WriteRegStr SHCTX "$R0\$R2\shell\open\ddeexec" "NoActivateHandler" ""
      WriteRegStr SHCTX "$R0\$R2\shell\open\ddeexec\Application" "" "$R7"
      WriteRegStr SHCTX "$R0\$R2\shell\open\ddeexec\Topic" "" "$R9"

      ; The ifexec key may have been added by another application so try to
      ; delete it to prevent it from breaking this app's shell integration.
      ; Also, IE 6 and below doesn't remove this key when it sets itself as the
      ; default handler and if this key exists IE's shell integration breaks.
      DeleteRegKey HKLM "$R0\$R2\shell\open\ddeexec\ifexec"
      DeleteRegKey HKCU "$R0\$R2\shell\open\ddeexec\ifexec"

      Pop $R0
      Pop $R1
      Exch $R2
      Exch 7
      Exch $R3
      Exch 6
      Exch $R4
      Exch 5
      Exch $R5
      Exch 4
      Exch $R6
      Exch 3
      Exch $R7
      Exch 2
      Exch $R8
      Exch 1
      Exch $R9

    !verbose pop

  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Push "${_KEY}"
  Push "${_VALOPEN}"
  Push "${_VALICON}"
  Push "${_DISPNAME}"
  Push "${_ISPROTOCOL}"
  Push "${_DDE_APPNAME}"
  Push "${_DDE_DEFAULT}"
  Push "${_DDE_TOPIC}"
  Call AddDDEHandlerValues
  !verbose pop

  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Push "${_KEY}"
  Push "${_VALOPEN}"
  Push "${_VALICON}"
  Push "${_DISPNAME}"
  Push "${_ISPROTOCOL}"
  Push "${_DDE_APPNAME}"
  Push "${_DDE_DEFAULT}"
  Push "${_DDE_TOPIC}"
  Call un.AddDDEHandlerValues
  !verbose pop

!macro un.AddDDEHandlerValues
  !ifndef un.AddDDEHandlerValues
    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN "un."

    !insertmacro AddDDEHandlerValues

    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN
    !verbose pop

# Macros for handling DLL registration

!macro RegisterDLL DLL

  ; The x64 regsvr32.exe registers x86 DLL's properly on Windows Vista and above
  ; (not on Windows XP http://support.microsoft.com/kb/282747) so just use it
  ; when installing on an x64 systems even when installing an x86 application.
  ${If} ${RunningX64}
    ExecWait '"$SYSDIR\regsvr32.exe" /s "${DLL}"'
    RegDLL "${DLL}"


!macro UnregisterDLL DLL

  ; The x64 regsvr32.exe registers x86 DLL's properly on Windows Vista and above
  ; (not on Windows XP http://support.microsoft.com/kb/282747) so just use it
  ; when installing on an x64 systems even when installing an x86 application.
  ${If} ${RunningX64}
    ExecWait '"$SYSDIR\regsvr32.exe" /s /u "${DLL}"'
    UnRegDLL "${DLL}"


!define RegisterDLL `!insertmacro RegisterDLL`
!define UnregisterDLL `!insertmacro UnregisterDLL`

# Macros for retrieving existing install paths

 * Finds a second installation of the application so we can make informed
 * decisions about registry operations. This uses SHCTX to determine the
 * registry hive so you must call SetShellVarContext first.
 * @param   _KEY
 *          The registry subkey (typically this will be Software\Mozilla).
 * @return  _RESULT
 *          false if a second install isn't found, path to the main exe if a
 *          second install is found.
 * $R3 = stores the long path to $INSTDIR
 * $R4 = counter for the outer loop's EnumRegKey
 * $R5 = return value from ReadRegStr and RemoveQuotesFromPath
 * $R6 = return value from GetParent
 * $R7 = return value from the loop's EnumRegKey
 * $R8 = storage for _KEY
 * $R9 = _KEY and _RESULT
!macro GetSecondInstallPath

  !ifndef ${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetSecondInstallPath
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN_TMP ${_MOZFUNC_UN}
    !insertmacro ${_MOZFUNC_UN_TMP}GetParent
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN ${_MOZFUNC_UN_TMP}
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN_TMP

    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !define ${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetSecondInstallPath "!insertmacro ${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetSecondInstallPathCall"

    Function ${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetSecondInstallPath
      Exch $R9
      Push $R8
      Push $R7
      Push $R6
      Push $R5
      Push $R4
      Push $R3

      Push $INSTDIR
      Call ${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetLongPath
      Pop $R3

      StrCpy $R4 0       ; set the counter for the loop to 0
      StrCpy $R8 "$R9"   ; Registry key path to search
      StrCpy $R9 "false" ; default return value

      EnumRegKey $R7 SHCTX $R8 $R4
      StrCmp $R7 "" end +1  ; if empty there are no more keys to enumerate
      IntOp $R4 $R4 + 1     ; increment the loop's counter
      ReadRegStr $R5 SHCTX "$R8\$R7\bin" "PathToExe"
      IfErrors loop

      Push $R5
      Call ${_MOZFUNC_UN}RemoveQuotesFromPath
      Pop $R5

      IfFileExists "$R5" +1 loop
      Push $R5
      Call ${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetLongPath
      Pop $R5
      ${${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetParent} "$R5" $R6
      StrCmp "$R6" "$R3" loop +1
      StrCmp "$R6\${FileMainEXE}" "$R5" +1 loop
      StrCpy $R9 "$R5"


      Pop $R3
      Pop $R4
      Pop $R5
      Pop $R6
      Pop $R7
      Pop $R8
      Exch $R9

    !verbose pop

!macro GetSecondInstallPathCall _KEY _RESULT
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Push "${_KEY}"
  Call GetSecondInstallPath
  Pop ${_RESULT}
  !verbose pop

!macro un.GetSecondInstallPathCall _KEY _RESULT
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Push "${_KEY}"
  Call un.GetSecondInstallPath
  Pop ${_RESULT}
  !verbose pop

!macro un.GetSecondInstallPath
  !ifndef un.GetSecondInstallPath
    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN "un."

    !insertmacro GetSecondInstallPath

    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN
    !verbose pop

 * Finds an existing installation path for the application based on the
 * application's executable name so we can default to using this path for the
 * install. If there is zero or more than one installation of the application
 * then we default to the default installation path. This uses SHCTX to
 * determine the registry hive to read from so you must call SetShellVarContext
 * first.
 * @param   _KEY
 *          The registry subkey (typically this will be Software\Mozilla\App Name).
 * @return  _RESULT
 *          false if a single install location for this app name isn't found,
 *          path to the install directory if a single install location is found.
 * $R5 = counter for the loop's EnumRegKey
 * $R6 = return value from EnumRegKey
 * $R7 = return value from ReadRegStr
 * $R8 = storage for _KEY
 * $R9 = _KEY and _RESULT
!macro GetSingleInstallPath

  !ifndef ${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetSingleInstallPath
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN_TMP ${_MOZFUNC_UN}
    !insertmacro ${_MOZFUNC_UN_TMP}GetParent
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN ${_MOZFUNC_UN_TMP}
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN_TMP

    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !define ${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetSingleInstallPath "!insertmacro ${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetSingleInstallPathCall"

    Function ${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetSingleInstallPath
      Exch $R9
      Push $R8
      Push $R7
      Push $R6
      Push $R5

      StrCpy $R8 $R9
      StrCpy $R9 "false"
      StrCpy $R5 0  ; set the counter for the loop to 0

      EnumRegKey $R6 SHCTX $R8 $R5
      IfErrors cleanup
      StrCmp $R6 "" cleanup +1  ; if empty there are no more keys to enumerate
      IntOp $R5 $R5 + 1         ; increment the loop's counter
      ReadRegStr $R7 SHCTX "$R8\$R6\Main" "PathToExe"
      IfErrors loop
      Push $R7
      Call ${_MOZFUNC_UN}RemoveQuotesFromPath
      Pop $R7
      GetFullPathName $R7 "$R7"
      IfErrors loop

      StrCmp "$R9" "false" +1 +3
      StrCpy $R9 "$R7"
      GoTo Loop

      StrCpy $R9 "false"

      StrCmp $R9 "false" end +1
      Push $R9
      Call ${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetLongPath
      Pop $R9
      ${${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetParent} "$R9" $R9


      Pop $R5
      Pop $R6
      Pop $R7
      Pop $R8
      Exch $R9

    !verbose pop

!macro GetSingleInstallPathCall _KEY _RESULT
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Push "${_KEY}"
  Call GetSingleInstallPath
  Pop ${_RESULT}
  !verbose pop

!macro un.GetSingleInstallPathCall _KEY _RESULT
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Push "${_KEY}"
  Call un.GetSingleInstallPath
  Pop ${_RESULT}
  !verbose pop

!macro un.GetSingleInstallPath
  !ifndef un.GetSingleInstallPath
    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN "un."

    !insertmacro GetSingleInstallPath

    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN
    !verbose pop

# Macros for working with the file system

 * Attempts to delete a file if it exists. This will fail if the file is in use.
 * @param   _FILE
 *          The path to the file that is to be deleted.
!macro DeleteFile _FILE
  ${If} ${FileExists} "${_FILE}"
    Delete "${_FILE}"
!define DeleteFile "!insertmacro DeleteFile"

 * Removes a directory if it exists and is empty.
 * @param   _DIR
 *          The path to the directory that is to be removed.
!macro RemoveDir _DIR
  ${If} ${FileExists} "${_DIR}"
    RmDir "${_DIR}"
!define RemoveDir "!insertmacro RemoveDir"

 * Checks whether it is possible to create and delete a directory and a file in
 * the install directory. Creation and deletion of files and directories are
 * checked since a user may have rights for one and not the other. If creation
 * and deletion of a file and a directory are successful this macro will return
 * true... if not, this it return false.
 * @return  _RESULT
 *          true if files and directories can be created and deleted in the
 *          install directory otherwise false.
 * $R8 = temporary filename in the installation directory returned from
 *       GetTempFileName.
 * $R9 = _RESULT
!macro CanWriteToInstallDir

  !ifndef ${_MOZFUNC_UN}CanWriteToInstallDir
    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !define ${_MOZFUNC_UN}CanWriteToInstallDir "!insertmacro ${_MOZFUNC_UN}CanWriteToInstallDirCall"

    Function ${_MOZFUNC_UN}CanWriteToInstallDir
      Push $R9
      Push $R8

      StrCpy $R9 "true"

      ; IfFileExists returns false for $INSTDIR when $INSTDIR is the root of a
      ; UNC path so always try to create $INSTDIR
      CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\"
      GetTempFileName $R8 "$INSTDIR\"

      ${Unless} ${FileExists} $R8 ; Can files be created?
        StrCpy $R9 "false"
        Goto done

      Delete $R8
      ${If} ${FileExists} $R8 ; Can files be deleted?
        StrCpy $R9 "false"
        Goto done

      CreateDirectory $R8
      ${Unless} ${FileExists} $R8  ; Can directories be created?
        StrCpy $R9 "false"
        Goto done

      RmDir $R8
      ${If} ${FileExists} $R8  ; Can directories be deleted?
        StrCpy $R9 "false"
        Goto done


      RmDir "$INSTDIR\" ; Only remove $INSTDIR if it is empty

      Pop $R8
      Exch $R9

    !verbose pop

!macro CanWriteToInstallDirCall _RESULT
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Call CanWriteToInstallDir
  Pop ${_RESULT}
  !verbose pop

!macro un.CanWriteToInstallDirCall _RESULT
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Call un.CanWriteToInstallDir
  Pop ${_RESULT}
  !verbose pop

!macro un.CanWriteToInstallDir
  !ifndef un.CanWriteToInstallDir
    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN "un."

    !insertmacro CanWriteToInstallDir

    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN
    !verbose pop

 * Checks whether there is sufficient free space available for the installation
 * directory using GetDiskFreeSpaceExW which respects disk quotas. This macro
 * will calculate the size of all sections that are selected, compare that with
 * the free space available, and if there is sufficient free space it will
 * return true... if not, it will return false.
 * @return  _RESULT
 *          "true" if there is sufficient free space otherwise "false".
 * $R5 = return value from SectionGetSize
 * $R6 = return value from SectionGetFlags
 *       return value from an 'and' comparison of SectionGetFlags (1=selected)
 *       return value for lpFreeBytesAvailable from GetDiskFreeSpaceExW
 *       return value for System::Int64Op $R6 / 1024
 *       return value for System::Int64Op $R6 > $R8
 * $R7 = the counter for enumerating the sections
 *       the temporary file name for the directory created under $INSTDIR passed
 *       to GetDiskFreeSpaceExW.
 * $R8 = sum in KB of all selected sections
 * $R9 = _RESULT
!macro CheckDiskSpace

  !ifndef ${_MOZFUNC_UN}CheckDiskSpace
    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !define ${_MOZFUNC_UN}CheckDiskSpace "!insertmacro ${_MOZFUNC_UN}CheckDiskSpaceCall"

    Function ${_MOZFUNC_UN}CheckDiskSpace
      Push $R9
      Push $R8
      Push $R7
      Push $R6
      Push $R5


      StrCpy $R9 "true" ; default return value
      StrCpy $R8 "0"    ; sum in KB of all selected sections
      StrCpy $R7 "0"    ; counter for enumerating sections

      ; Enumerate the sections and sum up the sizes of the sections that are
      ; selected.
      SectionGetFlags $R7 $R6
      IfErrors +7 +1
      IntOp $R6 ${SF_SELECTED} & $R6
      IntCmp $R6 0 +3 +1 +1
      SectionGetSize $R7 $R5
      IntOp $R8 $R8 + $R5
      IntOp $R7 $R7 + 1
      GoTo -7

      ; The directory passed to GetDiskFreeSpaceExW must exist for the call to
      ; succeed.  Since the CanWriteToInstallDir macro is called prior to this
      ; macro the call to CreateDirectory will always succeed.

      ; IfFileExists returns false for $INSTDIR when $INSTDIR is the root of a
      ; UNC path so always try to create $INSTDIR
      CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\"
      GetTempFileName $R7 "$INSTDIR\"
      Delete "$R7"
      CreateDirectory "$R7"

      System::Call 'kernel32::GetDiskFreeSpaceExW(w, *l, *l, *l) i(R7, .R6, ., .) .'

      ; Convert to KB for comparison with $R8 which is in KB
      System::Int64Op $R6 / 1024
      Pop $R6

      System::Int64Op $R6 > $R8
      Pop $R6

      IntCmp $R6 1 end +1 +1
      StrCpy $R9 "false"

      RmDir "$R7"
      RmDir "$INSTDIR\" ; Only remove $INSTDIR if it is empty


      Pop $R5
      Pop $R6
      Pop $R7
      Pop $R8
      Exch $R9

    !verbose pop

!macro CheckDiskSpaceCall _RESULT
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Call CheckDiskSpace
  Pop ${_RESULT}
  !verbose pop

!macro un.CheckDiskSpaceCall _RESULT
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Call un.CheckDiskSpace
  Pop ${_RESULT}
  !verbose pop

!macro un.CheckDiskSpace
  !ifndef un.CheckDiskSpace
    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN "un."

    !insertmacro CheckDiskSpace

    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN
    !verbose pop

* Returns the path found within a passed in string. The path is quoted or not
* with the exception of an unquoted non 8dot3 path without arguments that is
* also not a DefaultIcon path, is a 8dot3 path or not, has command line
* arguments, or is a registry DefaultIcon path (e.g. <path to binary>,# where #
* is the icon's resuorce id). The string does not need to be a valid path or
* exist. It is up to the caller to pass in a string of one of the forms noted
* above and to verify existence if necessary.
* Examples:
* In:  C:\PROGRA~1\MOZILL~1\FIREFOX.EXE -flag "%1"
* In:  "C:\PROGRA~1\MOZILL~1\FIREFOX.EXE" -flag "%1"
* In:  "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -flag "%1"
* In:  C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe,0
* In:  "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"
* Out: C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe
* @param   _IN_PATH
*          The string containing the path.
* @param   _OUT_PATH
*          The register to store the path to.
* $R7 = counter for the outer loop's EnumRegKey
* $R8 = return value from ReadRegStr
* $R9 = _IN_PATH and _OUT_PATH
!macro GetPathFromString

  !ifndef ${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetPathFromString
    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !define ${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetPathFromString "!insertmacro ${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetPathFromStringCall"

    Function ${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetPathFromString
      Exch $R9
      Push $R8
      Push $R7

      StrCpy $R7 0          ; Set the counter to 0.

      ; Handle quoted paths with arguments.
      StrCpy $R8 $R9 1      ; Copy the first char.
      StrCmp $R8 '"' +2 +1  ; Is it a "?
      StrCmp $R8 "'" +1 +9  ; Is it a '?
      StrCpy $R9 $R9 "" 1   ; Remove the first char.
      IntOp $R7 $R7 + 1     ; Increment the counter.
      StrCpy $R8 $R9 1 $R7  ; Starting from the counter copy the next char.
      StrCmp $R8 "" end +1  ; Are there no more chars?
      StrCmp $R8 '"' +2 +1  ; Is it a " char?
      StrCmp $R8 "'" +1 -4  ; Is it a ' char?
      StrCpy $R9 $R9 $R7    ; Copy chars up to the counter.
      GoTo end

      ; Handle DefaultIcon paths. DefaultIcon paths are not quoted and end with
      ; a , and a number.
      IntOp $R7 $R7 - 1     ; Decrement the counter.
      StrCpy $R8 $R9 1 $R7  ; Copy one char from the end minus the counter.
      StrCmp $R8 '' +4 +1   ; Are there no more chars?
      StrCmp $R8 ',' +1 -3  ; Is it a , char?
      StrCpy $R9 $R9 $R7    ; Copy chars up to the end minus the counter.
      GoTo end

      ; Handle unquoted paths with arguments. An unquoted path with arguments
      ; must be an 8dot3 path.
      StrCpy $R7 -1          ; Set the counter to -1 so it will start at 0.
      IntOp $R7 $R7 + 1      ; Increment the counter.
      StrCpy $R8 $R9 1 $R7   ; Starting from the counter copy the next char.
      StrCmp $R8 "" end +1   ; Are there no more chars?
      StrCmp $R8 " " +1 -3   ; Is it a space char?
      StrCpy $R9 $R9 $R7     ; Copy chars up to the counter.


      Pop $R7
      Pop $R8
      Exch $R9

    !verbose pop

!macro GetPathFromStringCall _IN_PATH _OUT_PATH
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Push "${_IN_PATH}"
  Call GetPathFromString
  Pop ${_OUT_PATH}
  !verbose pop

!macro un.GetPathFromStringCall _IN_PATH _OUT_PATH
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Push "${_IN_PATH}"
  Call un.GetPathFromString
  Pop ${_OUT_PATH}
  !verbose pop

!macro un.GetPathFromString
  !ifndef un.GetPathFromString
    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN "un."

    !insertmacro GetPathFromString

    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN
    !verbose pop

 * Removes the quotes from each end of a string if present.
 * inputs:
 *   @0 = _IN_PATH - The string containing the path.
 * outputs:
 *   @0 = _OUT_PATH - The register to store the long path.
 * internal:
 *   $R7 = storage for single character comparison
 *   $R8 = storage for _IN_PATH
 *   $R9 = _IN_PATH and _OUT_PATH
!macro RemoveQuotesFromPath UN
Function ${UN}RemoveQuotesFromPath
  Exch $R9
  Push $R8
  Push $R7

  StrCpy $R7 "$R9" 1
  StrCmp $R7 "$\"" +1 +2
  StrCpy $R9 "$R9" "" 1

  StrCpy $R7 "$R9" "" -1
  StrCmp $R7 "$\"" +1 +2
  StrCpy $R9 "$R9" -1

  Pop $R7
  Pop $R8
  Exch $R9

!insertmacro RemoveQuotesFromPath ""
!insertmacro RemoveQuotesFromPath "un."

 * Returns the long path for an existing file or directory. GetLongPathNameW
 * may not be available on Win95 if Microsoft Layer for Unicode is not
 * installed and GetFullPathName only returns a long path for the last file or
 * directory that doesn't end with a \ in the path that it is passed. If the
 * path does not exist on the file system this will return an empty string. To
 * provide a consistent result trailing back-slashes are always removed.
 * Note: 1024 used by GetLongPathNameW is the maximum NSIS string length.
 * @param   _IN_PATH
 *          The string containing the path.
 * @param   _OUT_PATH
 *          The register to store the long path.
 * $R4 = counter value when the previous \ was found
 * $R5 = directory or file name found during loop
 * $R6 = return value from GetLongPathNameW and loop counter
 * $R7 = long path from GetLongPathNameW and single char from path for comparison
 * $R8 = storage for _IN_PATH
!macro GetLongPath UN
Function ${UN}GetLongPath
  Exch $R9
  Push $R8
  Push $R7
  Push $R6
  Push $R5
  Push $R4


  GetFullPathName $R8 "$R9"
  IfErrors end_GetLongPath +1 ; If the path doesn't exist return an empty string.

  System::Call 'kernel32::GetLongPathNameW(w R8, w .R7, i 1024)i .R6'
  StrCmp "$R7" "" +4 +1 ; Empty string when GetLongPathNameW is not present.
  StrCmp $R6 0 +3 +1    ; Should never equal 0 since the path exists.
  StrCpy $R9 "$R7"
  GoTo end_GetLongPath

  ; Do it the hard way.
  StrCpy $R4 0     ; Stores the position in the string of the last \ found.
  StrCpy $R6 -1    ; Set the counter to -1 so it will start at 0.

  IntOp $R6 $R6 + 1      ; Increment the counter.
  StrCpy $R7 $R8 1 $R6   ; Starting from the counter copy the next char.
  StrCmp $R7 "" +2 +1    ; Are there no more chars?
  StrCmp $R7 "\" +1 -3   ; Is it a \?

  ; Copy chars starting from the previously found \ to the counter.
  StrCpy $R5 $R8 $R6 $R4

  ; If this is the first \ found we want to swap R9 with R5 so a \ will
  ; be appended to the drive letter and colon (e.g. C: will become C:\).
  StrCmp $R4 0 +1 +3
  StrCpy $R9 $R5
  StrCpy $R5 ""

  GetFullPathName $R9 "$R9\$R5"

  StrCmp $R7 "" end_GetLongPath +1 ; Are there no more chars?

  ; Store the counter for the current \ and prefix it for StrCpy operations.
  StrCpy $R4 "+$R6"
  IntOp $R6 $R6 + 1      ; Increment the counter so we skip over the \.
  StrCpy $R8 $R8 "" $R6  ; Copy chars starting from the counter to the end.
  StrCpy $R6 -1          ; Reset the counter to -1 so it will start over at 0.
  GoTo loop_GetLongPath

  ; If there is a trailing slash remove it
  StrCmp $R9 "" +4 +1
  StrCpy $R8 "$R9" "" -1
  StrCmp $R8 "\" +1 +2
  StrCpy $R9 "$R9" -1


  Pop $R4
  Pop $R5
  Pop $R6
  Pop $R7
  Pop $R8
  Exch $R9

!insertmacro GetLongPath ""
!insertmacro GetLongPath "un."

# Macros for cleaning up the registry and file system

 * Removes registry keys that reference this install location and for paths that
 * no longer exist. This uses SHCTX to determine the registry hive so you must
 * call SetShellVarContext first.
 * @param   _KEY
 *          The registry subkey (typically this will be Software\Mozilla).
 * XXXrstrong - there is the potential for Key: Software/Mozilla/AppName,
 * ValueName: CurrentVersion, ValueData: AppVersion to reference a key that is
 * no longer available due to this cleanup. This should be no worse than prior
 * to this reg cleanup since the referenced key would be for an app that is no
 * longer installed on the system.
 * $R0 = on x64 systems set to 'false' at the beginning of the macro when
 *       enumerating the x86 registry view and set to 'true' when enumerating
 *       the x64 registry view.
 * $R1 = stores the long path to $INSTDIR
 * $R2 = return value from the stack from the GetParent and GetLongPath macros
 * $R3 = return value from the outer loop's EnumRegKey
 * $R4 = return value from the inner loop's EnumRegKey
 * $R5 = return value from ReadRegStr
 * $R6 = counter for the outer loop's EnumRegKey
 * $R7 = counter for the inner loop's EnumRegKey
 * $R8 = return value from the stack from the RemoveQuotesFromPath macro
 * $R9 = _KEY
!macro RegCleanMain

  !ifndef ${_MOZFUNC_UN}RegCleanMain
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN_TMP ${_MOZFUNC_UN}
    !insertmacro ${_MOZFUNC_UN_TMP}GetParent
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN ${_MOZFUNC_UN_TMP}
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN_TMP

    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !define ${_MOZFUNC_UN}RegCleanMain "!insertmacro ${_MOZFUNC_UN}RegCleanMainCall"

    Function ${_MOZFUNC_UN}RegCleanMain
      Exch $R9
      Push $R8
      Push $R7
      Push $R6
      Push $R5
      Push $R4
      Push $R3
      Push $R2
      Push $R1
      Push $R0

      Push $INSTDIR
      Call ${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetLongPath
      Pop $R1

      StrCpy $R6 0  ; set the counter for the outer loop to 0

      ${If} ${RunningX64}
        StrCpy $R0 "false"
        ; Set the registry to the 32 bit registry for 64 bit installations or to
        ; the 64 bit registry for 32 bit installations at the beginning so it can
        ; easily be set back to the correct registry view when finished.
        !ifdef HAVE_64BIT_BUILD
          SetRegView 32
          SetRegView 64

      EnumRegKey $R3 SHCTX $R9 $R6
      StrCmp $R3 "" end +1  ; if empty there are no more keys to enumerate
      IntOp $R6 $R6 + 1     ; increment the outer loop's counter
      ReadRegStr $R5 SHCTX "$R9\$R3\bin" "PathToExe"
      IfErrors 0 outercontinue
      StrCpy $R7 0  ; set the counter for the inner loop to 0

      EnumRegKey $R4 SHCTX "$R9\$R3" $R7
      StrCmp $R4 "" outerloop +1  ; if empty there are no more keys to enumerate
      IntOp $R7 $R7 + 1  ; increment the inner loop's counter
      ReadRegStr $R5 SHCTX "$R9\$R3\$R4\Main" "PathToExe"
      IfErrors innerloop

      Push $R5
      Call ${_MOZFUNC_UN}RemoveQuotesFromPath
      Pop $R8
      ${${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetParent} "$R8" $R2
      Push $R2
      Call ${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetLongPath
      Pop $R2
      IfFileExists "$R2" +1 innerloop
      StrCmp "$R2" "$R1" +1 innerloop

      DeleteRegKey SHCTX "$R9\$R3\$R4"
      IfErrors innerloop
      IntOp $R7 $R7 - 1 ; decrement the inner loop's counter when the key is deleted successfully.
      DeleteRegKey /ifempty SHCTX "$R9\$R3"
      IfErrors innerloop outerdecrement

      Push $R5
      Call ${_MOZFUNC_UN}RemoveQuotesFromPath
      Pop $R8
      ${${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetParent} "$R8" $R2
      Push $R2
      Call ${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetLongPath
      Pop $R2
      IfFileExists "$R2" +1 outerloop
      StrCmp "$R2" "$R1" +1 outerloop

      DeleteRegKey SHCTX "$R9\$R3"
      IfErrors outerloop

      IntOp $R6 $R6 - 1 ; decrement the outer loop's counter when the key is deleted successfully.
      ; Attempt to delete Software/Zotero. There is nothing we can do if the
      ; user lacks permissions to delete this key.
      DeleteRegKey /ifempty SHCTX "$R9"
      GoTo outerloop

      ${If} ${RunningX64}
      ${AndIf} "$R0" == "false"
        ; Set the registry to the correct view.
        !ifdef HAVE_64BIT_BUILD
          SetRegView 64
          SetRegView 32

        StrCpy $R6 0  ; set the counter for the outer loop to 0
        StrCpy $R0 "true"
        GoTo outerloop


      Pop $R0
      Pop $R1
      Pop $R2
      Pop $R3
      Pop $R4
      Pop $R5
      Pop $R6
      Pop $R7
      Pop $R8
      Exch $R9

    !verbose pop

!macro RegCleanMainCall _KEY
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Push "${_KEY}"
  Call RegCleanMain
  !verbose pop

!macro un.RegCleanMainCall _KEY
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Push "${_KEY}"
  Call un.RegCleanMain
  !verbose pop

!macro un.RegCleanMain
  !ifndef un.RegCleanMain
    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN "un."

    !insertmacro RegCleanMain

    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN
    !verbose pop

 * Searches for registry keys under \Software\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall
 * that reference this install location in both the 32 bit and 64 bit registry
 * view. This macro uses SHCTX to determine the registry hive so you must call
 * SetShellVarContext first.
 * inputs:
 *   @0 = This determines which keys form a match. It will be overwritten on return.
 *   @1 = counter. Set to 0 on first call
 * outputs:
 *   @0 = Set to registry key on every return.
 *   @1 = counter. Gets set so that you can call function again for another
 *        search result. Sets to 0 when all keys are exhausted.
 *   error flag: This flag will be set when no results were found
 * internal:
 *   $R4 = stores the long path to $INSTDIR
 *   $R5 = return value from ReadRegStr
 *   $R6 = string for the base reg key
 *   $R7 = return value from EnumRegKey
 *   $R8 = Boolean value. True means a result has been found
 *   $R9 = return value from the stack from the RemoveQuotesFromPath and
           GetLongPath macros
!macro IterateUninstallKeys UN
Function ${UN}IterateUninstallKeys
  Exch $0
  Exch 1
  Exch $1
  Push $R9
  Push $R8
  Push $R7
  Push $R6
  Push $R5
  Push $R4

  Push $0
  Call ${UN}GetLongPath
  Pop $R4
  StrCpy $R6 "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"
  StrCpy $R7 ""
  StrCpy $R8 "False"

  EnumRegKey $R7 SHCTX $R6 $1
  StrCmp $R7 "" end +1
  IntOp $1 $1 + 1 ; Increment the counter
  ReadRegStr $R5 SHCTX "$R6\$R7" "InstallLocation"
  IfErrors loop
  Push $R5
  Call ${UN}RemoveQuotesFromPath
  Call ${UN}GetLongPath
  Pop $R9
  StrCmp "$R9" "$R4" +1 loop
  StrCpy $R8 "True"

  StrCmp $R8 "False" 0 +2
  StrCpy $0 "$R6\$R7"

  Pop $R4
  Pop $R5
  Pop $R6
  Pop $R7
  Pop $R8
  Pop $R9
  Exch $1
  Exch 1
  Exch $0

!insertmacro IterateUninstallKeys ""
!insertMacro IterateUninstallKeys "un."

 * Removes all registry keys from \Software\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall
 * that reference this install location in both the 32 bit and 64 bit registry
 * view. This macro uses SHCTX to determine the registry hive so you must call
 * SetShellVarContext first.
 * input:
 *   INSTDIR = used by IterateUninstallKeys to determine what needs to be deleted.
!macro RegCleanUninstall

  !ifndef ${_MOZFUNC_UN}RegCleanUninstall
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN_TMP ${_MOZFUNC_UN}
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN ${_MOZFUNC_UN_TMP}
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN_TMP

    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !define ${_MOZFUNC_UN}RegCleanUninstall "!insertmacro ${_MOZFUNC_UN}RegCleanUninstallCall"

    Function ${_MOZFUNC_UN}RegCleanUninstall
      Push $1
      Push $0

      StrCpy $0 "0"

      Push $0
      Push $INSTDIR
      Call ${_MOZFUNC_UN}IterateUninstallKeys
      ; The error flag means no key was found.
      IfErrors done
      Pop $1
      Pop $0
      DeleteRegKey SHCTX "$1"
      IfErrors loop
      IntOp $0 $0 - 1 ; Decrement the counter on successful deletion
      Goto loop
      Pop $Trash
      Pop $Trash

      Pop $0
      Pop $1

    !verbose pop

!macro RegCleanUninstallCall
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Call RegCleanUninstall
  !verbose pop

!macro un.RegCleanUninstallCall
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Call un.RegCleanUninstall
  !verbose pop

!macro un.RegCleanUninstall
  !ifndef un.RegCleanUninstall
    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN "un."

    !insertmacro RegCleanUninstall

    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN
    !verbose pop

 * Removes an application specific handler registry key under Software\Classes
 * for both HKCU and HKLM when its open command refers to this install
 * location or the install location doesn't exist.
 * @param   _HANDLER_NAME
 *          The registry name for the handler.
 * $R7 = stores the long path to the $INSTDIR
 * $R8 = stores the path to the open command's parent directory
!macro RegCleanAppHandler

  !ifndef ${_MOZFUNC_UN}RegCleanAppHandler
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN_TMP ${_MOZFUNC_UN}
    !insertmacro ${_MOZFUNC_UN_TMP}GetParent
    !insertmacro ${_MOZFUNC_UN_TMP}GetPathFromString
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN ${_MOZFUNC_UN_TMP}
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN_TMP

    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !define ${_MOZFUNC_UN}RegCleanAppHandler "!insertmacro ${_MOZFUNC_UN}RegCleanAppHandlerCall"

    Function ${_MOZFUNC_UN}RegCleanAppHandler
      Exch $R9
      Push $R8
      Push $R7

      ReadRegStr $R8 HKCU "Software\Classes\$R9\shell\open\command" ""
      IfErrors next +1
      ${${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetPathFromString} "$R8" $R8
      ${${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetParent} "$R8" $R8
      IfFileExists "$R8" +3 +1
      DeleteRegKey HKCU "Software\Classes\$R9"
      GoTo next

      Push $R8
      Call ${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetLongPath
      Pop $R8
      Push $INSTDIR
      Call ${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetLongPath
      Pop $R7
      StrCmp "$R7" "$R8" +1 next
      DeleteRegKey HKCU "Software\Classes\$R9"

      ReadRegStr $R8 HKLM "Software\Classes\$R9\shell\open\command" ""
      IfErrors end
      ${${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetPathFromString} "$R8" $R8
      ${${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetParent} "$R8" $R8
      IfFileExists "$R8" +3 +1
      DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Classes\$R9"
      GoTo end

      Push $R8
      Call ${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetLongPath
      Pop $R8
      Push $INSTDIR
      Call ${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetLongPath
      Pop $R7
      StrCmp "$R7" "$R8" +1 end
      DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Classes\$R9"


      Pop $R7
      Pop $R8
      Exch $R9

    !verbose pop

!macro RegCleanAppHandlerCall _HANDLER_NAME
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Push "${_HANDLER_NAME}"
  Call RegCleanAppHandler
  !verbose pop

!macro un.RegCleanAppHandlerCall _HANDLER_NAME
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Push "${_HANDLER_NAME}"
  Call un.RegCleanAppHandler
  !verbose pop

!macro un.RegCleanAppHandler
  !ifndef un.RegCleanAppHandler
    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN "un."

    !insertmacro RegCleanAppHandler

    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN
    !verbose pop

 * Cleans up the registry for a protocol handler when its open command
 * refers to this install location. For HKCU the registry key is deleted
 * and for HKLM the values set by the application are deleted.
 * @param   _HANDLER_NAME
 *          The registry name for the handler.
 * $R7 = stores the long path to $INSTDIR
 * $R8 = stores the the long path to the open command's parent directory
!macro un.RegCleanProtocolHandler

  !ifndef un.RegCleanProtocolHandler
    !insertmacro un.GetParent
    !insertmacro un.GetPathFromString

    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !define un.RegCleanProtocolHandler "!insertmacro un.RegCleanProtocolHandlerCall"

    Function un.RegCleanProtocolHandler
      Exch $R9
      Push $R8
      Push $R7

      ReadRegStr $R8 HKCU "Software\Classes\$R9\shell\open\command" ""
      Push $INSTDIR
      Call un.GetLongPath
      Pop $R7

      StrCmp "$R8" "" next +1
      ${un.GetPathFromString} "$R8" $R8
      ${un.GetParent} "$R8" $R8
      Push $R8
      Call un.GetLongPath
      Pop $R8
      StrCmp "$R7" "$R8" +1 next
      DeleteRegKey HKCU "Software\Classes\$R9"

      ReadRegStr $R8 HKLM "Software\Classes\$R9\shell\open\command" ""
      StrCmp "$R8" "" end +1
      Push $INSTDIR
      Call un.GetLongPath
      Pop $R7
      ${un.GetPathFromString} "$R8" $R8
      ${un.GetParent} "$R8" $R8
      Push $R8
      Call un.GetLongPath
      Pop $R8
      StrCmp "$R7" "$R8" +1 end
      DeleteRegValue HKLM "Software\Classes\$R9\DefaultIcon" ""
      DeleteRegValue HKLM "Software\Classes\$R9\shell\open" ""
      DeleteRegValue HKLM "Software\Classes\$R9\shell\open\command" ""
      DeleteRegValue HKLM "Software\Classes\$R9\shell\ddeexec" ""
      DeleteRegValue HKLM "Software\Classes\$R9\shell\ddeexec\Application" ""
      DeleteRegValue HKLM "Software\Classes\$R9\shell\ddeexec\Topic" ""


      Pop $R7
      Pop $R8
      Exch $R9

    !verbose pop

!macro un.RegCleanProtocolHandlerCall _HANDLER_NAME
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Push "${_HANDLER_NAME}"
  Call un.RegCleanProtocolHandler
  !verbose pop

 * Cleans up the registry for a file handler when the passed in value equals
 * the default value for the file handler. For HKCU the registry key is deleted
 * and for HKLM the default value is deleted.
 * @param   _HANDLER_NAME
 *          The registry name for the handler.
 * @param   _DEFAULT_VALUE
 *          The value to check for against the handler's default value.
 * $R6 = stores the long path to $INSTDIR
!macro RegCleanFileHandler

  !ifndef ${_MOZFUNC_UN}RegCleanFileHandler
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN_TMP ${_MOZFUNC_UN}
    !insertmacro ${_MOZFUNC_UN_TMP}GetParent
    !insertmacro ${_MOZFUNC_UN_TMP}GetPathFromString
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN ${_MOZFUNC_UN_TMP}
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN_TMP

    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !define ${_MOZFUNC_UN}RegCleanFileHandler "!insertmacro ${_MOZFUNC_UN}RegCleanFileHandlerCall"

    Function ${_MOZFUNC_UN}RegCleanFileHandler
      Exch $R9
      Exch 1
      Exch $R8
      Push $R7

      ReadRegStr $R7 HKCU "Software\Classes\$R9" ""
      StrCmp "$R7" "$R8" +1 +2
      DeleteRegKey HKCU "Software\Classes\$R9"

      ReadRegStr $R7 HKLM "Software\Classes\$R9" ""
      StrCmp "$R7" "$R8" +1 +2
      DeleteRegValue HKLM "Software\Classes\$R9" ""


      Pop $R7
      Exch $R8
      Exch 1
      Exch $R9

    !verbose pop

!macro RegCleanFileHandlerCall _HANDLER_NAME _DEFAULT_VALUE
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Push "${_DEFAULT_VALUE}"
  Push "${_HANDLER_NAME}"
  Call RegCleanFileHandler
  !verbose pop

!macro un.RegCleanFileHandlerCall _HANDLER_NAME _DEFAULT_VALUE
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Push "${_DEFAULT_VALUE}"
  Push "${_HANDLER_NAME}"
  Call un.RegCleanFileHandler
  !verbose pop

!macro un.RegCleanFileHandler
  !ifndef un.RegCleanFileHandler
    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN "un."

    !insertmacro RegCleanFileHandler

    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN
    !verbose pop

 * Checks if a handler's open command points to this installation directory.
 * Uses SHCTX to determine the registry hive (e.g. HKLM or HKCU) to check.
 * @param   _HANDLER_NAME
 *          The registry name for the handler.
 * @param   _RESULT
 *          true if it is the handler's open command points to this
 *          installation directory and false if it does not.
 * $R7 = stores the value of the open command and the path macros return values
 * $R8 = stores the handler's registry key name
!macro IsHandlerForInstallDir

  !ifndef ${_MOZFUNC_UN}IsHandlerForInstallDir
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN_TMP ${_MOZFUNC_UN}
    !insertmacro ${_MOZFUNC_UN_TMP}GetParent
    !insertmacro ${_MOZFUNC_UN_TMP}GetPathFromString
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN ${_MOZFUNC_UN_TMP}
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN_TMP

    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !define ${_MOZFUNC_UN}IsHandlerForInstallDir "!insertmacro ${_MOZFUNC_UN}IsHandlerForInstallDirCall"

    Function ${_MOZFUNC_UN}IsHandlerForInstallDir
      Exch $R9
      Push $R8
      Push $R7

      StrCpy $R8 "$R9"
      StrCpy $R9 "false"
      ReadRegStr $R7 SHCTX "Software\Classes\$R8\shell\open\command" ""

      ${If} $R7 != ""
        ${GetPathFromString} "$R7" $R7
        ${GetParent} "$R7" $R7
        Push $R7
        Call GetLongPath
        Pop $R7
        ${If} $R7 == $INSTDIR
          StrCpy $R9 "true"


      Pop $R7
      Pop $R8
      Exch $R9

    !verbose pop

!macro IsHandlerForInstallDirCall _HANDLER_NAME _RESULT
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Push "${_HANDLER_NAME}"
  Call IsHandlerForInstallDir
  Pop "${_RESULT}"
  !verbose pop

!macro un.IsHandlerForInstallDirCall _HANDLER_NAME _RESULT
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Push "${_HANDLER_NAME}"
  Call un.IsHandlerForInstallDir
  Pop "${_RESULT}"
  !verbose pop

!macro un.IsHandlerForInstallDir
  !ifndef un.IsHandlerForInstallDir
    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN "un."

    !insertmacro IsHandlerForInstallDir

    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN
    !verbose pop

 * If present removes the updates directory located in the profile's local
 * directory for this installation.
 * @param   _REL_PROFILE_PATH
 *          The relative path to the profile directory from $LOCALAPPDATA.
 * $R4 = various path values.
 * $R5 = length of the long path to $PROGRAMFILES
 * $R6 = length of the long path to $INSTDIR
 * $R7 = long path to $PROGRAMFILES
 * $R8 = long path to $INSTDIR
!macro CleanUpdatesDir

  !ifndef ${_MOZFUNC_UN}CleanUpdatesDir
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN_TMP ${_MOZFUNC_UN}
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN ${_MOZFUNC_UN_TMP}
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN_TMP

    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !define ${_MOZFUNC_UN}CleanUpdatesDir "!insertmacro ${_MOZFUNC_UN}CleanUpdatesDirCall"

    Function ${_MOZFUNC_UN}CleanUpdatesDir
      Exch $R9
      Push $R8
      Push $R7
      Push $R6
      Push $R5
      Push $R4

      StrCmp $R9 "" end +1 ; The relative path to the app's profiles is required
      Push $INSTDIR
      Call ${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetLongPath
      Pop $R8
      StrCmp $R8 "" end +1
      Call ${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetLongPath
      Pop $R7
      StrCmp $R7 "" end +1

      StrLen $R6 "$R8"
      StrLen $R5 "$R7"
      ; Only continue If the length of $INSTDIR is greater than the length of
      IntCmp $R6 $R5 end end +1

      ; Copy from the start of $INSTDIR the length of $PROGRAMFILES
      StrCpy $R4 "$R8" $R5
      StrCmp "$R4" "$R7" +1 end ; Check if $INSTDIR is under $PROGRAMFILES

      ; Copy the relative path to $INSTDIR from $PROGRAMFILES
      StrCpy $R4 "$R8" "" $R5

      ; Concatenate the path to $LOCALAPPDATA the relative profile path and the
      ; relative path to $INSTDIR from $PROGRAMFILES
      StrCpy $R4 "$LOCALAPPDATA\$R9$R4"
      Push $R4
      Call ${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetLongPath
      Pop $R4
      StrCmp $R4 "" end +1

      IfFileExists "$R4\updates" +1 end
      RmDir /r "$R4"


      Pop $R4
      Pop $R5
      Pop $R6
      Pop $R7
      Pop $R8
      Exch $R9

    !verbose pop

!macro CleanUpdatesDirCall _REL_PROFILE_PATH
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Call CleanUpdatesDir
  !verbose pop

!macro un.CleanUpdatesDirCall _REL_PROFILE_PATH
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Call un.CleanUpdatesDir
  !verbose pop

!macro un.CleanUpdatesDir
  !ifndef un.CleanUpdatesDir
    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN "un."

    !insertmacro CleanUpdatesDir

    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN
    !verbose pop

 * Deletes shortcuts and Start Menu directories under Programs as specified by
 * the shortcuts log ini file and on Windows 7 unpins TaskBar and Start Menu
 * shortcuts. The shortcuts will not be deleted if the shortcut target isn't for
 * this install location which is determined by the shortcut having a target of
 * $INSTDIR\${FileMainEXE}. The context (All Users or Current User) of the
 * $DESKTOP and $SMPROGRAMS constants depends on the
 * SetShellVarContext setting and must be set by the caller of this macro. There
 * is no All Users context for $QUICKLAUNCH but this will not cause a problem
 * since the macro will just continue past the $QUICKLAUNCH shortcut deletion
 * section on subsequent calls.
 * The ini file sections must have the following format (the order of the
 * sections in the ini file is not important):
 * ; RelativePath is the directory relative from the Start Menu
 * ; Programs directory.
 * RelativePath=Mozilla App
 * ; Shortcut1 is the first shortcut, Shortcut2 is the second shortcut, and so
 * ; on. There must not be a break in the sequence of the numbers.
 * Shortcut1=Mozilla App.lnk
 * Shortcut2=Mozilla App (Safe Mode).lnk
 * ; Shortcut1 is the first shortcut, Shortcut2 is the second shortcut, and so
 * ; on. There must not be a break in the sequence of the numbers.
 * Shortcut1=Mozilla App.lnk
 * Shortcut2=Mozilla App (Safe Mode).lnk
 * ; Shortcut1 is the first shortcut, Shortcut2 is the second shortcut, and so
 * ; on. There must not be a break in the sequence of the numbers for the
 * ; suffix.
 * Shortcut1=Mozilla App.lnk
 * Shortcut2=Mozilla App (Safe Mode).lnk
 * ; Shortcut1 is the first shortcut, Shortcut2 is the second shortcut, and so
 * ; on. There must not be a break in the sequence of the numbers for the
 * ; suffix.
 * Shortcut1=Mozilla App.lnk
 * Shortcut2=Mozilla App (Safe Mode).lnk
 * $R4 = counter for appending to Shortcut for enumerating the ini file entries
 * $R5 = return value from ShellLink::GetShortCutTarget and
 *       ApplicationID::UninstallPinnedItem
 * $R6 = find handle and the long path to the Start Menu Programs directory
 *       (e.g. $SMPROGRAMS)
 * $R7 = path to the $QUICKLAUNCH\User Pinned directory and the return value
 *       from ReadINIStr for the relative path to the applications directory
 *       under the Start Menu Programs directory and the long path to this
 *       directory
 * $R8 = return filename from FindFirst / FindNext and the return value from
 *       ReadINIStr for enumerating shortcuts
 * $R9 = long path to the shortcuts log ini file
!macro DeleteShortcuts

  !ifndef ${_MOZFUNC_UN}DeleteShortcuts
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN_TMP ${_MOZFUNC_UN}
    !insertmacro ${_MOZFUNC_UN_TMP}GetParent
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN ${_MOZFUNC_UN_TMP}
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN_TMP

    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !define ${_MOZFUNC_UN}DeleteShortcuts "!insertmacro ${_MOZFUNC_UN}DeleteShortcutsCall"

    Function ${_MOZFUNC_UN}DeleteShortcuts
      Push $R9
      Push $R8
      Push $R7
      Push $R6
      Push $R5
      Push $R4

      ${If} ${AtLeastWin7}
        ; Since shortcuts that are pinned can later be removed without removing
        ; the pinned shortcut unpin the pinned shortcuts for the application's
        ; main exe using the pinned shortcuts themselves.
        StrCpy $R7 "$QUICKLAUNCH\User Pinned"

        ${If} ${FileExists} "$R7\TaskBar"
          ; Delete TaskBar pinned shortcuts for the application's main exe
          FindFirst $R6 $R8 "$R7\TaskBar\*.lnk"
            ${If} ${FileExists} "$R7\TaskBar\$R8"
              ShellLink::GetShortCutTarget "$R7\TaskBar\$R8"
              Pop $R5
              Push $R5
              Call ${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetLongPath
              Pop $R5
              ${If} "$R5" == "$INSTDIR\${FileMainEXE}"
                ApplicationID::UninstallPinnedItem "$R7\TaskBar\$R8"
                Pop $R5
            FindNext $R6 $R8
            ${If} ${Errors}
          FindClose $R6

        ${If} ${FileExists} "$R7\StartMenu"
          ; Delete Start Menu pinned shortcuts for the application's main exe
          FindFirst $R6 $R8 "$R7\StartMenu\*.lnk"
            ${If} ${FileExists} "$R7\StartMenu\$R8"
              ShellLink::GetShortCutTarget "$R7\StartMenu\$R8"
              Pop $R5
              Push $R5
              Call ${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetLongPath
              Pop $R5
              ${If} "$R5" == "$INSTDIR\${FileMainEXE}"
                  ApplicationID::UninstallPinnedItem "$R7\StartMenu\$R8"
                  Pop $R5
            FindNext $R6 $R8
            ${If} ${Errors}
          FindClose $R6

      ; Don't call ApplicationID::UninstallPinnedItem since pinned items for
      ; this application were removed above and removing them below will remove
      ; the association of side by side installations.
      Push "$INSTDIR\uninstall\${SHORTCUTS_LOG}"
      Call ${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetLongPath
      Pop $R9
      ${If} ${FileExists} "$R9"
        ; Delete Start Menu shortcuts for this application
        StrCpy $R4 -1
          IntOp $R4 $R4 + 1 ; Increment the counter
          ReadINIStr $R8 "$R9" "STARTMENU" "Shortcut$R4"
          ${If} ${Errors}

          ${If} ${FileExists} "$SMPROGRAMS\$R8"
            ShellLink::GetShortCutTarget "$SMPROGRAMS\$R8"
            Pop $R5
            Push $R5
            Call ${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetLongPath
            Pop $R5
            ${If} "$INSTDIR\${FileMainEXE}" == "$R5"
              Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$R8"

        ; Delete Quick Launch shortcuts for this application
        StrCpy $R4 -1
          IntOp $R4 $R4 + 1 ; Increment the counter
          ReadINIStr $R8 "$R9" "QUICKLAUNCH" "Shortcut$R4"
          ${If} ${Errors}

          ${If} ${FileExists} "$QUICKLAUNCH\$R8"
            ShellLink::GetShortCutTarget "$QUICKLAUNCH\$R8"
            Pop $R5
            Push $R5
            Call ${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetLongPath
            Pop $R5
            ${If} "$INSTDIR\${FileMainEXE}" == "$R5"
              Delete "$QUICKLAUNCH\$R8"

        ; Delete Desktop shortcuts for this application
        StrCpy $R4 -1
          IntOp $R4 $R4 + 1 ; Increment the counter
          ReadINIStr $R8 "$R9" "DESKTOP" "Shortcut$R4"
          ${If} ${Errors}

          ${If} ${FileExists} "$DESKTOP\$R8"
            ShellLink::GetShortCutTarget "$DESKTOP\$R8"
            Pop $R5
            Push $R5
            Call ${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetLongPath
            Pop $R5
            ${If} "$INSTDIR\${FileMainEXE}" == "$R5"
              Delete "$DESKTOP\$R8"

        Push $SMPROGRAMS
        Call ${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetLongPath
        Pop $R6

        ; Delete Start Menu Programs shortcuts for this application
        ReadINIStr $R7 "$R9" "SMPROGRAMS" "RelativePathToDir"
        Push "$R6\$R7"
        Call ${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetLongPath
        Pop $R7
        ${Unless} "$R7" == ""
          StrCpy $R4 -1
            IntOp $R4 $R4 + 1 ; Increment the counter
            ReadINIStr $R8 "$R9" "SMPROGRAMS" "Shortcut$R4"
            ${If} ${Errors}

            ${If} ${FileExists} "$R7\$R8"
              ShellLink::GetShortCutTarget "$R7\$R8"
              Pop $R5
              Push $R5
              Call ${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetLongPath
              Pop $R5
              ${If} "$INSTDIR\${FileMainEXE}" == "$R5"
                Delete "$R7\$R8"

          ; Delete Start Menu Programs directories for this application
            ${If} "$R6" == "$R7"
            RmDir "$R7"
            ${If} ${Errors}
            ${${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetParent} "$R7" $R7


      Pop $R4
      Pop $R5
      Pop $R6
      Pop $R7
      Pop $R8
      Pop $R9

    !verbose pop

!macro DeleteShortcutsCall
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Call DeleteShortcuts
  !verbose pop

!macro un.DeleteShortcutsCall
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Call un.DeleteShortcuts
  !verbose pop

!macro un.DeleteShortcuts
  !ifndef un.DeleteShortcuts
    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN "un."

    !insertmacro DeleteShortcuts

    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN
    !verbose pop

# Macros for parsing and updating the uninstall.log

 * Updates the uninstall.log with new files added by software update.
 * When modifying this macro be aware that LineFind uses all registers except
 * $R0-$R3 and TextCompareNoDetails uses all registers except $R0-$R9 so be
 * cautious. Callers of this macro are not affected.
!macro UpdateUninstallLog

  !ifndef UpdateUninstallLog
    !insertmacro FileJoin
    !insertmacro LineFind
    !insertmacro TextCompareNoDetails
    !insertmacro TrimNewLines

    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !define UpdateUninstallLog "!insertmacro UpdateUninstallLogCall"

    Function UpdateUninstallLog
      Push $R3
      Push $R2
      Push $R1
      Push $R0


      GetFullPathName $R3 "$INSTDIR\uninstall"
      ${If} ${FileExists} "$R3\uninstall.update"
        ${LineFind} "$R3\uninstall.update" "" "1:-1" "CleanupUpdateLog"

        GetTempFileName $R2 "$R3"
        FileOpen $R1 "$R2" w
        ${TextCompareNoDetails} "$R3\uninstall.update" "$R3\uninstall.log" "SlowDiff" "CreateUpdateDiff"
        FileClose $R1

        IfErrors +2 0
        ${FileJoin} "$R3\uninstall.log" "$R2" "$R3\uninstall.log"

        ${DeleteFile} "$R2"


      Pop $R0
      Pop $R1
      Pop $R2
      Pop $R3

    ; This callback MUST use labels vs. relative line numbers.
    Function CleanupUpdateLog
      StrCpy $R2 "$R9" 12
      StrCmp "$R2" "EXECUTE ADD " +1 skip
      StrCpy $R9 "$R9" "" 12

      Push $R6
      Push $R5
      Push $R4
      StrCpy $R4 ""         ; Initialize to an empty string.
      StrCpy $R6 -1         ; Set the counter to -1 so it will start at 0.

      IntOp $R6 $R6 + 1     ; Increment the counter.
      StrCpy $R5 $R9 1 $R6  ; Starting from the counter copy the next char.
      StrCmp $R5 "" copy    ; Are there no more chars?
      StrCmp $R5 "/" +1 +2  ; Is the char a /?
      StrCpy $R5 "\"        ; Replace the char with a \.

      StrCpy $R4 "$R4$R5"
      GoTo loop

      StrCpy $R9 "File: \$R4"
      Pop $R6
      Pop $R5
      Pop $R4
      GoTo end

      StrCpy $0 "SkipWrite"

      Push $0

    Function CreateUpdateDiff
      ${TrimNewLines} "$9" $9
      ${If} $9 != ""
        FileWrite $R1 "$9$\r$\n"

      Push 0

    !verbose pop

!macro UpdateUninstallLogCall
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Call UpdateUninstallLog
  !verbose pop

 * Copies files from a source directory to a destination directory with logging
 * to the uninstall.log. If any destination files are in use a reboot will be
 * necessary to complete the installation and the reboot flag (see IfRebootFlag
 * in the NSIS documentation).
 * @param   _PATH_TO_SOURCE
 *          Source path to copy the files from. This must not end with a \.
 *          Destination path to copy the files to. This must not end with a \.
 *          Prefix for the directory creation error message. The directory path
 *          will be inserted below this string.
 *          Suffix for the directory creation error message. The directory path
 *          will be inserted above this string.
 * $0  = destination file's parent directory used in the create_dir label
 * $R0 = copied value from $R6 (e.g. _PATH_TO_SOURCE)
 * $R1 = copied value from $R7 (e.g. _PATH_TO_DESTINATION)
 * $R2 = string length of the path to source
 * $R3 = relative path from the path to source
 * $R4 = copied value from $R8 (e.g. _PREFIX_ERROR_CREATEDIR)
 * $R5 = copied value from $R9 (e.g. _SUFFIX_ERROR_CREATEDIR)
 * note: the LocateNoDetails macro uses these registers so we copy the values
 *       to other registers.
 * $R6 = initially _PATH_TO_SOURCE and then set to "size" ($R6="" if directory,
 *       $R6="0" if file with /S=)"path\name" in callback
 * $R7 = initially _PATH_TO_DESTINATION and then set to "name" in callback
 * $R8 = initially _PREFIX_ERROR_CREATEDIR and then set to "path" in callback
 * $R9 = initially _SUFFIX_ERROR_CREATEDIR and then set to "path\name" in
 *       callback
!macro CopyFilesFromDir

  !ifndef CopyFilesFromDir
    !insertmacro LocateNoDetails
    !insertmacro OnEndCommon
    !insertmacro WordReplace

    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !define CopyFilesFromDir "!insertmacro CopyFilesFromDirCall"

    Function CopyFilesFromDir
      Exch $R9
      Exch 1
      Exch $R8
      Exch 2
      Exch $R7
      Exch 3
      Exch $R6
      Push $R5
      Push $R4
      Push $R3
      Push $R2
      Push $R1
      Push $R0
      Push $0

      StrCpy $R0 "$R6"
      StrCpy $R1 "$R7"
      StrCpy $R4 "$R8"
      StrCpy $R5 "$R9"

      StrLen $R2 "$R0"

      ${LocateNoDetails} "$R0" "/L=FD" "CopyFileCallback"

      Pop $0
      Pop $R0
      Pop $R1
      Pop $R2
      Pop $R3
      Pop $R4
      Pop $R5
      Exch $R6
      Exch 3
      Exch $R7
      Exch 2
      Exch $R8
      Exch 1
      Exch $R9

    Function CopyFileCallback
      StrCpy $R3 $R8 "" $R2 ; $R3 always begins with a \.

      StrCmp $R6 "" +1 copy_file
      IfFileExists "$R1$R3\$R7" end +1
      StrCpy $0 "$R1$R3\$R7"

      CreateDirectory "$0"
      IfFileExists "$0" +1 err_create_dir  ; protect against looping.
      ${LogMsg} "Created Directory: $0"
      StrCmp $R6 "" end copy_file

      ${LogMsg} "** ERROR Creating Directory: $0 **"
      MessageBox MB_RETRYCANCEL|MB_ICONQUESTION "$R4$\r$\n$\r$\n$0$\r$\n$\r$\n$R5" IDRETRY retry

      StrCpy $0 "$R1$R3"
      StrCmp "$0" "$INSTDIR" +2 +1
      IfFileExists "$0" +1 create_dir

      ${DeleteFile} "$R1$R3\$R7"
      IfErrors +1 dest_clear
      Rename "$R1$R3\$R7" "$R1$R3\$R7.moz-delete"
      IfErrors +1 reboot_delete

      ; file will replace destination file on reboot
      Rename "$R9" "$R9.moz-upgrade"
      CopyFiles /SILENT "$R9.moz-upgrade" "$R1$R3"
      Rename /REBOOTOK "$R1$R3\$R7.moz-upgrade" "$R1$R3\$R7"
      ${LogMsg} "Copied File: $R1$R3\$R7.moz-upgrade"
      ${LogMsg} "Delayed Install File (Reboot Required): $R1$R3\$R7"
      GoTo log_uninstall

      ; file will be deleted on reboot
      CopyFiles /SILENT $R9 "$R1$R3"
      Delete /REBOOTOK "$R1$R3\$R7.moz-delete"
      ${LogMsg} "Installed File: $R1$R3\$R7"
      ${LogMsg} "Delayed Delete File (Reboot Required): $R1$R3\$R7.moz-delete"
      GoTo log_uninstall

      ; destination file doesn't exist - coast is clear
      CopyFiles /SILENT $R9 "$R1$R3"
      ${LogMsg} "Installed File: $R1$R3\$R7"

      ; If the file is installed into the installation directory remove the
      ; installation directory's path from the file path when writing to the
      ; uninstall.log so it will be a relative path. This allows the same
      ; helper.exe to be used with zip builds if we supply an uninstall.log.
      ${WordReplace} "$R1$R3\$R7" "$INSTDIR" "" "+" $R3
      ${LogUninstall} "File: $R3"

      Push 0

    !verbose pop

  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Push "${_PATH_TO_SOURCE}"
  Call CopyFilesFromDir
  !verbose pop

 * Parses the uninstall.log on install to first remove a previous installation's
 * files and then their directories if empty prior to installing.
 * When modifying this macro be aware that LineFind uses all registers except
 * $R0-$R3 so be cautious. Callers of this macro are not affected.
!macro OnInstallUninstall

  !ifndef OnInstallUninstall
    !insertmacro GetParent
    !insertmacro LineFind
    !insertmacro TrimNewLines

    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !define OnInstallUninstall "!insertmacro OnInstallUninstallCall"

    Function OnInstallUninstall
      Push $R9
      Push $R8
      Push $R7
      Push $R6
      Push $R5
      Push $R4
      Push $R3
      Push $R2
      Push $R1
      Push $R0
      Push $TmpVal

      IfFileExists "$INSTDIR\uninstall\uninstall.log" +1 end

      ${LogHeader} "Removing Previous Installation"

      ; Copy the uninstall log file to a temporary file
      GetTempFileName $TmpVal
      CopyFiles /SILENT /FILESONLY "$INSTDIR\uninstall\uninstall.log" "$TmpVal"

      ; Delete files
      ${LineFind} "$TmpVal" "/NUL" "1:-1" "RemoveFilesCallback"

      ; Remove empty directories
      ${LineFind} "$TmpVal" "/NUL" "1:-1" "RemoveDirsCallback"

      ; Delete the temporary uninstall log file
      Delete /REBOOTOK "$TmpVal"

      ; Delete the uninstall log file
      Delete "$INSTDIR\uninstall\uninstall.log"


      Pop $TmpVal
      Pop $R0
      Pop $R1
      Pop $R2
      Pop $R3
      Pop $R4
      Pop $R5
      Pop $R6
      Pop $R7
      Pop $R8
      Pop $R9

    Function RemoveFilesCallback
      ${TrimNewLines} "$R9" $R9
      StrCpy $R1 "$R9" 5       ; Copy the first five chars

      StrCmp "$R1" "File:" +1 end
      StrCpy $R9 "$R9" "" 6    ; Copy string starting after the 6th char
      StrCpy $R0 "$R9" 1       ; Copy the first char

      StrCmp "$R0" "\" +1 end  ; If this isn't a relative path goto end
      StrCmp "$R9" "\install.log" end +1 ; Skip the install.log
      StrCmp "$R9" "\MapiProxy_InUse.dll" end +1 ; Skip the MapiProxy_InUse.dll
      StrCmp "$R9" "\mozMapi32_InUse.dll" end +1 ; Skip the mozMapi32_InUse.dll

      StrCpy $R1 "$INSTDIR$R9" ; Copy the install dir path and suffix it with the string
      IfFileExists "$R1" +1 end

      Delete "$R1"
      ${Unless} ${Errors}
        ${LogMsg} "Deleted File: $R1"
        Goto end

      Rename "$R1" "$R1.moz-delete"
      ${Unless} ${Errors}
        Delete /REBOOTOK "$R1.moz-delete"
        ${LogMsg} "Delayed Delete File (Reboot Required): $R1.moz-delete"
        GoTo end

      ; Check if the file exists in the source. If it does the new file will
      ; replace the existing file when the system is rebooted. If it doesn't
      ; the file will be deleted when the system is rebooted.
      ${Unless} ${FileExists} "$EXEDIR\core$R9"
      ${AndUnless}  ${FileExists} "$EXEDIR\optional$R9"
        Delete /REBOOTOK "$R1"
        ${LogMsg} "Delayed Delete File (Reboot Required): $R1"


      Push 0

    ; Using locate will leave file handles open to some of the directories
    ; which will prevent the deletion of these directories. This parses the
    ; uninstall.log and uses the file entries to find / remove empty
    ; directories.
    Function RemoveDirsCallback
      ${TrimNewLines} "$R9" $R9
      StrCpy $R0 "$R9" 5          ; Copy the first five chars
      StrCmp "$R0" "File:" +1 end

      StrCpy $R9 "$R9" "" 6       ; Copy string starting after the 6th char
      StrCpy $R0 "$R9" 1          ; Copy the first char

      StrCpy $R1 "$INSTDIR$R9"    ; Copy the install dir path and suffix it with the string
      StrCmp "$R0" "\" loop end   ; If this isn't a relative path goto end

      ${GetParent} "$R1" $R1         ; Get the parent directory for the path
      StrCmp "$R1" "$INSTDIR" end +1 ; If the directory is the install dir goto end

      IfFileExists "$R1" +1 loop  ; Only try to remove the dir if it exists
      RmDir "$R1"     ; Remove the dir
      IfErrors end +1  ; If we fail there is no use trying to remove its parent dir
      ${LogMsg} "Deleted Directory: $R1"
      GoTo loop


      Push 0

    !verbose pop

!macro OnInstallUninstallCall
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Call OnInstallUninstall
  !verbose pop

 * Parses the uninstall.log to unregister dll's, remove files, and remove
 * empty directories for this installation.
 * When modifying this macro be aware that LineFind uses all registers except
 * $R0-$R3 so be cautious. Callers of this macro are not affected.
!macro un.ParseUninstallLog

  !ifndef un.ParseUninstallLog
    !insertmacro un.GetParent
    !insertmacro un.LineFind
    !insertmacro un.TrimNewLines

    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !define un.ParseUninstallLog "!insertmacro un.ParseUninstallLogCall"

    Function un.ParseUninstallLog
      Push $R9
      Push $R8
      Push $R7
      Push $R6
      Push $R5
      Push $R4
      Push $R3
      Push $R2
      Push $R1
      Push $R0
      Push $TmpVal

      IfFileExists "$INSTDIR\uninstall\uninstall.log" +1 end

      ; Copy the uninstall log file to a temporary file
      GetTempFileName $TmpVal
      CopyFiles /SILENT /FILESONLY "$INSTDIR\uninstall\uninstall.log" "$TmpVal"

      ; Unregister DLL's
      ${un.LineFind} "$TmpVal" "/NUL" "1:-1" "un.UnRegDLLsCallback"

      ; Delete files
      ${un.LineFind} "$TmpVal" "/NUL" "1:-1" "un.RemoveFilesCallback"

      ; Remove empty directories
      ${un.LineFind} "$TmpVal" "/NUL" "1:-1" "un.RemoveDirsCallback"

      ; Delete the temporary uninstall log file
      Delete /REBOOTOK "$TmpVal"


      Pop $TmpVal
      Pop $R0
      Pop $R1
      Pop $R2
      Pop $R3
      Pop $R4
      Pop $R5
      Pop $R6
      Pop $R7
      Pop $R8
      Pop $R9

    Function un.RemoveFilesCallback
      ${un.TrimNewLines} "$R9" $R9
      StrCpy $R1 "$R9" 5

      StrCmp "$R1" "File:" +1 end
      StrCpy $R9 "$R9" "" 6
      StrCpy $R0 "$R9" 1

      StrCpy $R1 "$INSTDIR$R9"
      StrCmp "$R0" "\" +2 +1
      StrCpy $R1 "$R9"

      IfFileExists "$R1" +1 end
      Delete "$R1"
      IfErrors +1 end
      Rename "$R1" "$R1.moz-delete"
      IfErrors +1 +3
      Delete /REBOOTOK "$R1"
      GoTo end

      Delete /REBOOTOK "$R1.moz-delete"


      Push 0

    Function un.UnRegDLLsCallback
      ${un.TrimNewLines} "$R9" $R9
      StrCpy $R1 "$R9" 7

      StrCmp $R1 "DLLReg:" +1 end
      StrCpy $R9 "$R9" "" 8
      StrCpy $R0 "$R9" 1

      StrCpy $R1 "$INSTDIR$R9"
      StrCmp $R0 "\" +2 +1
      StrCpy $R1 "$R9"

      ${UnregisterDLL} $R1


      Push 0

    ; Using locate will leave file handles open to some of the directories
    ; which will prevent the deletion of these directories. This parses the
    ; uninstall.log and uses the file entries to find / remove empty
    ; directories.
    Function un.RemoveDirsCallback
      ${un.TrimNewLines} "$R9" $R9
      StrCpy $R0 "$R9" 5          ; Copy the first five chars
      StrCmp "$R0" "File:" +1 end

      StrCpy $R9 "$R9" "" 6       ; Copy string starting after the 6th char
      StrCpy $R0 "$R9" 1          ; Copy the first char

      StrCpy $R1 "$INSTDIR$R9"    ; Copy the install dir path and suffix it with the string
      StrCmp "$R0" "\" loop       ; If this is a relative path goto the loop
      StrCpy $R1 "$R9"            ; Already a full path so copy the string

      ${un.GetParent} "$R1" $R1   ; Get the parent directory for the path
      StrCmp "$R1" "$INSTDIR" end ; If the directory is the install dir goto end

      ; We only try to remove empty directories but the Desktop, StartMenu, and
      ; QuickLaunch directories can be empty so guard against removing them.
      SetShellVarContext all          ; Set context to all users
      StrCmp "$R1" "$DESKTOP" end     ; All users desktop
      StrCmp "$R1" "$STARTMENU" end   ; All users start menu

      SetShellVarContext current      ; Set context to all users
      StrCmp "$R1" "$DESKTOP" end     ; Current user desktop
      StrCmp "$R1" "$STARTMENU" end   ; Current user start menu
      StrCmp "$R1" "$QUICKLAUNCH" end ; Current user quick launch

      IfFileExists "$R1" +1 +3  ; Only try to remove the dir if it exists
      RmDir "$R1"    ; Remove the dir
      IfErrors end   ; If we fail there is no use trying to remove its parent dir

      StrCmp "$R0" "\" loop end  ; Only loop when the path is relative to the install dir


      Push 0

    !verbose pop

!macro un.ParseUninstallLogCall
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Call un.ParseUninstallLog
  !verbose pop

 * Finds a valid Start Menu shortcut in the uninstall log and returns the
 * relative path from the Start Menu's Programs directory to the shortcut's
 * directory.
 * When modifying this macro be aware that LineFind uses all registers except
 * $R0-$R3 so be cautious. Callers of this macro are not affected.
 * @return  _REL_PATH_TO_DIR
 *          The relative path to the application's Start Menu directory from the
 *          Start Menu's Programs directory.
!macro FindSMProgramsDir

  !ifndef FindSMProgramsDir
    !insertmacro GetParent
    !insertmacro LineFind
    !insertmacro TrimNewLines

    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !define FindSMProgramsDir "!insertmacro FindSMProgramsDirCall"

    Function FindSMProgramsDir
      Exch $R3
      Push $R2
      Push $R1
      Push $R0

      StrCpy $R3 ""
      ${If} ${FileExists} "$INSTDIR\uninstall\uninstall.log"
        ${LineFind} "$INSTDIR\uninstall\uninstall.log" "/NUL" "1:-1" "FindSMProgramsDirRelPath"

      Pop $R0
      Pop $R1
      Pop $R2
      Exch $R3

    ; This callback MUST use labels vs. relative line numbers.
    Function FindSMProgramsDirRelPath
      Push 0
      ${TrimNewLines} "$R9" $R9
      StrCpy $R4 "$R9" 5

      StrCmp "$R4" "File:" +1 end_FindSMProgramsDirRelPath
      StrCpy $R9 "$R9" "" 6
      StrCpy $R4 "$R9" 1

      StrCmp "$R4" "\" end_FindSMProgramsDirRelPath +1

      SetShellVarContext all
      Push $SMPROGRAMS
      Call GetLongPath
      Pop $R4
      StrLen $R2 "$R4"
      StrCpy $R1 "$R9" $R2
      StrCmp "$R1" "$R4" +1 end_FindSMProgramsDirRelPath
      IfFileExists "$R9" +1 end_FindSMProgramsDirRelPath
      ShellLink::GetShortCutTarget "$R9"
      Pop $R0
      StrCmp "$INSTDIR\${FileMainEXE}" "$R0" +1 end_FindSMProgramsDirRelPath
      ${GetParent} "$R9" $R3
      IntOp $R2 $R2 + 1
      StrCpy $R3 "$R3" "" $R2

      Pop $R4             ; Remove the previously pushed 0 from the stack and
      push "StopLineFind" ; push StopLineFind to stop finding more lines.



    !verbose pop

!macro FindSMProgramsDirCall _REL_PATH_TO_DIR
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Call FindSMProgramsDir
  !verbose pop

# Macros for custom branding

 * Sets BrandFullName and / or BrandShortName to values provided in the specified
 * ini file and defaults to BrandShortName and BrandFullName as defined in
 * branding.nsi when the associated ini file entry is not specified.
 * ini file format:
 * [Branding]
 * BrandFullName=Custom Full Name
 * BrandShortName=Custom Short Name
 * @param   _PATH_TO_INI
 *          Path to the ini file.
 * $R6 = return value from ReadINIStr
 * $R7 = stores BrandShortName
 * $R8 = stores BrandFullName
 * $R9 = _PATH_TO_INI
!macro SetBrandNameVars

  !ifndef ${_MOZFUNC_UN}SetBrandNameVars
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN_TMP ${_MOZFUNC_UN}
    !insertmacro ${_MOZFUNC_UN_TMP}WordReplace
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN ${_MOZFUNC_UN_TMP}
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN_TMP

    ; Prevent declaring vars twice when the SetBrandNameVars macro is
    ; inserted into both the installer and uninstaller.
    !ifndef SetBrandNameVars
      Var BrandFullName
      Var BrandFullNameDA
      Var BrandShortName

    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !define ${_MOZFUNC_UN}SetBrandNameVars "!insertmacro ${_MOZFUNC_UN}SetBrandNameVarsCall"

    Function ${_MOZFUNC_UN}SetBrandNameVars
      Exch $R9
      Push $R8
      Push $R7
      Push $R6

      StrCpy $R8 "${BrandFullName}"
      StrCpy $R7 "${BrandShortName}"

      IfFileExists "$R9" +1 finish

      ReadINIStr $R6 $R9 "Branding" "BrandFullName"
      IfErrors +2 +1
      StrCpy $R8 "$R6"

      ReadINIStr $R6 $R9 "Branding" "BrandShortName"
      IfErrors +2 +1
      StrCpy $R7 "$R6"

      StrCpy $BrandFullName "$R8"
      ${${_MOZFUNC_UN}WordReplace} "$R8" "&" "&&" "+" $R8
      StrCpy $BrandFullNameDA "$R8"
      StrCpy $BrandShortName "$R7"

      Pop $R6
      Pop $R7
      Pop $R8
      Exch $R9

    !verbose pop

!macro SetBrandNameVarsCall _PATH_TO_INI
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Push "${_PATH_TO_INI}"
  Call SetBrandNameVars
  !verbose pop

!macro un.SetBrandNameVarsCall _PATH_TO_INI
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Push "${_PATH_TO_INI}"
  Call un.SetBrandNameVars
  !verbose pop

!macro un.SetBrandNameVars
  !ifndef un.SetBrandNameVars
    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN "un."

    !insertmacro SetBrandNameVars

    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN
    !verbose pop

 * Replaces the wizard's header image with the one specified.
 * @param   _PATH_TO_IMAGE
 *          Fully qualified path to the bitmap to use for the header image.
 * $R8 = hwnd for the control returned from GetDlgItem.
!macro ChangeMUIHeaderImage

  !ifndef ${_MOZFUNC_UN}ChangeMUIHeaderImage
    Var hHeaderBitmap

    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !define ${_MOZFUNC_UN}ChangeMUIHeaderImage "!insertmacro ${_MOZFUNC_UN}ChangeMUIHeaderImageCall"

    Function ${_MOZFUNC_UN}ChangeMUIHeaderImage
      Exch $R9
      Push $R8

      GetDlgItem $R8 $HWNDPARENT 1046
      System::Call 'user32::LoadImageW(i 0, w "$R9", i 0, i 0, i 0, i 0x0010|0x2000) i.s'
      Pop $hHeaderBitmap
      SendMessage $R8 ${STM_SETIMAGE} 0 $hHeaderBitmap
      ; There is no way to specify a show function for a custom page so hide
      ; and then show the control to force the bitmap to redraw.
      ShowWindow $R8 ${SW_HIDE}
      ShowWindow $R8 ${SW_SHOW}

      Pop $R8
      Exch $R9

    !verbose pop

!macro ChangeMUIHeaderImageCall _PATH_TO_IMAGE
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Push "${_PATH_TO_IMAGE}"
  Call ChangeMUIHeaderImage
  !verbose pop

!macro un.ChangeMUIHeaderImageCall _PATH_TO_IMAGE
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Push "${_PATH_TO_IMAGE}"
  Call un.ChangeMUIHeaderImage
  !verbose pop

!macro un.ChangeMUIHeaderImage
  !ifndef un.ChangeMUIHeaderImage
    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN "un."

    !insertmacro ChangeMUIHeaderImage

    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN
    !verbose pop

# User interface callback helper macros

 * Unloads dll's and releases references when the installer and uninstaller
 * exit.
!macro OnEndCommon

  !ifndef ${_MOZFUNC_UN}OnEndCommon
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN_TMP ${_MOZFUNC_UN}
    !insertmacro ${_MOZFUNC_UN_TMP}UnloadUAC
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN ${_MOZFUNC_UN_TMP}
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN_TMP

    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !define ${_MOZFUNC_UN}OnEndCommon "!insertmacro ${_MOZFUNC_UN}OnEndCommonCall"

    Function ${_MOZFUNC_UN}OnEndCommon

      StrCmp $hHeaderBitmap "" +3 +1
      System::Call "gdi32::DeleteObject(i s)" $hHeaderBitmap
      StrCpy $hHeaderBitmap ""

      System::Free 0


    !verbose pop

!macro OnEndCommonCall
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Call OnEndCommon
  !verbose pop

!macro un.OnEndCommonCall
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Call un.OnEndCommon
  !verbose pop

!macro un.OnEndCommon
  !ifndef un.OnEndCommon
    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN "un."

    !insertmacro OnEndCommon

    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN
    !verbose pop

 * Called from the installer's .onInit function not to be confused with the
 * uninstaller's .onInit or the uninstaller's un.onInit functions.
 *          Message displayed when the Windows version is not supported.
 * $R5 = return value from the GetSize macro
 * $R6 = general string values, return value from GetTempFileName, return
 *       value from the GetSize macro
 * $R7 = full path to the configuration ini file
 * $R8 = used for OS Version and Service Pack detection and the return value
 *       from the GetParameters macro
!macro InstallOnInitCommon

  !ifndef InstallOnInitCommon
    !insertmacro ElevateUAC
    !insertmacro GetOptions
    !insertmacro GetParameters
    !insertmacro GetSize

    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !define InstallOnInitCommon "!insertmacro InstallOnInitCommonCall"

    Function InstallOnInitCommon
      Exch $R9
      Push $R8
      Push $R7
      Push $R6
      Push $R5

      !ifdef HAVE_64BIT_BUILD
        ${Unless} ${RunningX64}
        ${OrUnless} ${AtLeastWin7}
          MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "$R9" IDOK
          ; Nothing initialized so no need to call OnEndCommon

        SetRegView 64
        ${Unless} ${AtLeastWin7}
          MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "$R9" IDOK
          ; Nothing initialized so no need to call OnEndCommon

      ${GetParameters} $R8

      ; Require elevation if the user can elevate

      ${If} $R8 != ""
        ${Unless} ${Silent}
          ; Manually check for /S in the command line due to Bug 506867
          ${GetOptions} "$R8" "/S" $R7
          ${Unless} ${Errors}
            SetSilent silent
            ; Support for the deprecated -ms command line argument. The new command
            ; line arguments are not supported when -ms is used.
            ${GetOptions} "$R8" "-ms" $R7
            ${Unless} ${Errors}
              SetSilent silent

        ; Support for specifying an installation configuration file.
        ${GetOptions} "$R8" "/INI=" $R7
        ${Unless} ${Errors}
          ; The configuration file must also exist
          ${If} ${FileExists} "$R7"
            SetSilent silent
            ReadINIStr $R8 $R7 "Install" "InstallDirectoryName"
            ${If} $R8 != ""
              !ifdef HAVE_64BIT_BUILD
                StrCpy $INSTDIR "$PROGRAMFILES64\$R8"
                StrCpy $INSTDIR "$PROGRAMFILES32\$R8"
              ReadINIStr $R8 $R7 "Install" "InstallDirectoryPath"
              ${If} $R8 != ""
                StrCpy $INSTDIR "$R8"

            ; Quit if we are unable to create the installation directory or we are
            ; unable to write to a file in the installation directory.
            ${If} ${FileExists} "$INSTDIR"
              GetTempFileName $R6 "$INSTDIR"
              FileOpen $R5 "$R6" w
              FileWrite $R5 "Write Access Test"
              FileClose $R5
              Delete $R6
              ${If} ${Errors}
                ; Nothing initialized so no need to call OnEndCommon
              CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR"
              ${If} ${Errors}
                ; Nothing initialized so no need to call OnEndCommon

            ReadINIStr $R8 $R7 "Install" "QuickLaunchShortcut"
            ${If} $R8 == "false"
              StrCpy $AddQuickLaunchSC "0"
              StrCpy $AddQuickLaunchSC "1"

            ReadINIStr $R8 $R7 "Install" "DesktopShortcut"
            ${If} $R8 == "false"
              StrCpy $AddDesktopSC "0"
              StrCpy $AddDesktopSC "1"

            ReadINIStr $R8 $R7 "Install" "StartMenuShortcuts"
            ${If} $R8 == "false"
              StrCpy $AddStartMenuSC "0"
              StrCpy $AddStartMenuSC "1"

            !ifndef NO_STARTMENU_DIR
              ReadINIStr $R8 $R7 "Install" "StartMenuDirectoryName"
              ${If} $R8 != ""
                StrCpy $StartMenuDir "$R8"

      Pop $R5
      Pop $R6
      Pop $R7
      Pop $R8
      Exch $R9

    !verbose pop

!macro InstallOnInitCommonCall _WARN_UNSUPPORTED_MSG
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Call InstallOnInitCommon
  !verbose pop

 * Called from the MUI leaveOptions function to set the value of $INSTDIR.
!macro LeaveOptionsCommon

  !ifndef LeaveOptionsCommon
    !insertmacro CanWriteToInstallDir

    !insertmacro GetSingleInstallPath

    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !define LeaveOptionsCommon "!insertmacro LeaveOptionsCommonCall"

    Function LeaveOptionsCommon
      Push $R9

      SetShellVarContext all      ; Set SHCTX to HKLM
      ${GetSingleInstallPath} "Software\Zotero\${BrandFullNameInternal}" $R9

      StrCmp "$R9" "false" +1 finish_get_install_dir

      SetShellVarContext current  ; Set SHCTX to HKCU
      ${GetSingleInstallPath} "Software\Zotero\${BrandFullNameInternal}" $R9

      StrCmp "$R9" "false" +2 +1
      StrCpy $INSTDIR "$R9"

      ; If the user doesn't have write access to the installation directory set
      ; the installation directory to a subdirectory of the user's local
      ; application directory (e.g. non-roaming).
      ${CanWriteToInstallDir} $R9
      StrCmp "$R9" "false" +1 finish_check_install_dir
      StrCpy $INSTDIR "$LOCALAPPDATA\${BrandFullName}\"

      IfFileExists "$INSTDIR" +3 +1
      Pop $R9

      ; Always display the long path if the path already exists.
      Push $INSTDIR
      Call GetLongPath
      Pop $INSTDIR

      ; The call to GetLongPath returns a long path without a trailing
      ; back-slash. Append a \ to the path to prevent the directory
      ; name from being appended when using the NSIS create new folder.
      ; http://www.nullsoft.com/free/nsis/makensis.htm#InstallDir
      StrCpy $INSTDIR "$INSTDIR\"

      Pop $R9

    !verbose pop

!macro LeaveOptionsCommonCall
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Call LeaveOptionsCommon
  !verbose pop

# Install Section common macros.

 * Performs common cleanup operations prior to the actual installation.
 * This macro should be called first when installation starts.
!macro InstallStartCleanupCommon

  !ifndef InstallStartCleanupCommon
    !insertmacro EndUninstallLog
    !insertmacro OnInstallUninstall

    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !define InstallStartCleanupCommon "!insertmacro InstallStartCleanupCommonCall"

    Function InstallStartCleanupCommon

      ; Remove files not removed by parsing the uninstall.log
      Delete "$INSTDIR\install_wizard.log"
      Delete "$INSTDIR\install_status.log"

      RmDir /r "$INSTDIR\updates"
      Delete "$INSTDIR\updates.xml"
      Delete "$INSTDIR\active-update.xml"

      RmDir /r "$INSTDIR\distribution"

      ; Remove files from the uninstall directory.
      ${If} ${FileExists} "$INSTDIR\uninstall"
        Delete "$INSTDIR\uninstall\*wizard*"
        Delete "$INSTDIR\uninstall\uninstall.ini"
        Delete "$INSTDIR\uninstall\cleanup.log"
        Delete "$INSTDIR\uninstall\uninstall.update"

      ; Since we write to the uninstall.log in this directory during the
      ; installation create the directory if it doesn't already exist.
      IfFileExists "$INSTDIR\uninstall" +2 +1
      CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\uninstall"

      ; Application update uses a directory named tobedeleted in the $INSTDIR to
      ; delete files on OS reboot when they are in use. Try to delete this
      ; directory if it exists.
      ${If} ${FileExists} "$INSTDIR\tobedeleted"
        RmDir /r "$INSTDIR\tobedeleted"

    !verbose pop

!macro InstallStartCleanupCommonCall
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Call InstallStartCleanupCommon
  !verbose pop

 * Performs common cleanup operations after the actual installation.
 * This macro should be called last during the installation.
!macro InstallEndCleanupCommon

  !ifndef InstallEndCleanupCommon
    !insertmacro EndUninstallLog

    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !define InstallEndCleanupCommon "!insertmacro InstallEndCleanupCommonCall"

    Function InstallEndCleanupCommon

      ; Close the file handle to the uninstall.log


    !verbose pop

!macro InstallEndCleanupCommonCall
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Call InstallEndCleanupCommon
  !verbose pop

# UAC Related Macros

 * Provides UAC elevation support for Vista and above (requires the UAC plugin).
 * $0 = return values from calls to the UAC plugin (always uses $0)
 * $R9 = return values from GetParameters and GetOptions macros
!macro ElevateUAC

  !ifndef ${_MOZFUNC_UN}ElevateUAC
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN_TMP ${_MOZFUNC_UN}
    !insertmacro ${_MOZFUNC_UN_TMP}GetOptions
    !insertmacro ${_MOZFUNC_UN_TMP}GetParameters
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN ${_MOZFUNC_UN_TMP}
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN_TMP

    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !define ${_MOZFUNC_UN}ElevateUAC "!insertmacro ${_MOZFUNC_UN}ElevateUACCall"

    Function ${_MOZFUNC_UN}ElevateUAC
      Push $R9
      Push $0

        ${If} ${AtLeastWinVista}
          ; If the user is not an admin already
          ${If} "$0" != "1"
            ; If the system supports UAC
            ${If} "$0" == "1"
              ; If the user account has a split token
              ${If} "$0" == "3"
                ; Nothing besides UAC initialized so no need to call OnEndCommon
            ${GetParameters} $R9
            ${If} $R9 != ""
              ${GetOptions} "$R9" "/UAC:" $0
              ; If the command line contains /UAC then we need to initialize
              ; the UAC plugin to use UAC::ExecCodeSegment to execute code in
              ; the non-elevated context.
              ${Unless} ${Errors}
      ${If} ${AtLeastWinVista}
        ; If the user is not an admin already
        ${If} "$0" != "1"
          ; If the system supports UAC require that the user elevate
          ${If} "$0" == "1"
            ; If the user account has a split token
            ${If} "$0" == "3"
              ; Nothing besides UAC initialized so no need to call OnEndCommon
            ; Check if UAC is enabled. If the user has turned UAC on or off
            ; without rebooting this value will be incorrect. This is an
            ; edgecase that we have to live with when trying to allow
            ; installing when the user doesn't have privileges such as a public
            ; computer while trying to also achieve UAC elevation. When this
            ; happens the user will be presented with the runas dialog if the
            ; value is 1 and won't be presented with the UAC dialog when the
            ; value is 0.
            ReadRegDWord $R9 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System" "EnableLUA"
            ${If} "$R9" == "1"
              ; This will display the UAC version of the runas dialog which
              ; requires a password for an existing user account.
              ${If} "$0" == "0" ; Was elevation successful
                ; Nothing besides UAC initialized so no need to call OnEndCommon
              ; Unload UAC since the elevation request was not successful and
              ; install anyway.
          ${${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetParameters} $R9
          ${${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetOptions} "$R9" "/UAC:" $R9
          ; If the command line contains /UAC then we need to initialize the UAC
          ; plugin to use UAC::ExecCodeSegment to execute code in the
          ; non-elevated context.
          ${Unless} ${Errors}


      Pop $0
      Pop $R9

    !verbose pop

!macro ElevateUACCall
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Call ElevateUAC
  !verbose pop

!macro un.ElevateUACCall
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Call un.ElevateUAC
  !verbose pop

!macro un.ElevateUAC
  !ifndef un.ElevateUAC
    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN "un."

    !insertmacro ElevateUAC

    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN
    !verbose pop

 * Unloads the UAC plugin so the NSIS plugins can be removed when the installer
 * and uninstaller exit.
 * $R9 = return values from GetParameters and GetOptions macros
!macro UnloadUAC

  !ifndef ${_MOZFUNC_UN}UnloadUAC
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN_TMP_UnloadUAC ${_MOZFUNC_UN}
    !insertmacro ${_MOZFUNC_UN_TMP_UnloadUAC}GetOptions
    !insertmacro ${_MOZFUNC_UN_TMP_UnloadUAC}GetParameters
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN ${_MOZFUNC_UN_TMP_UnloadUAC}
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN_TMP_UnloadUAC

    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !define ${_MOZFUNC_UN}UnloadUAC "!insertmacro ${_MOZFUNC_UN}UnloadUACCall"

    Function ${_MOZFUNC_UN}UnloadUAC
      ${Unless} ${AtLeastWinVista}

      Push $R9

      ${${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetParameters} $R9
      ${${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetOptions} "$R9" "/UAC:" $R9
      ; If the command line contains /UAC then we need to unload the UAC plugin
      IfErrors +2 +1


      Pop $R9

    !verbose pop

!macro UnloadUACCall
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Call UnloadUAC
  !verbose pop

!macro un.UnloadUACCall
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Call un.UnloadUAC
  !verbose pop

!macro un.UnloadUAC
  !ifndef un.UnloadUAC
    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN "un."

    !insertmacro UnloadUAC

    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN
    !verbose pop

# Macros for uninstall.log and install.log logging
# Since these are used by other macros they should be inserted first. All of
# these macros can be easily inserted using the _LoggingCommon macro.

 * Adds all logging macros in the correct order in one fell swoop as well as
 * the vars for the install.log and uninstall.log file handles.
!macro _LoggingCommon
  Var /GLOBAL fhInstallLog
  Var /GLOBAL fhUninstallLog
  !insertmacro StartInstallLog
  !insertmacro EndInstallLog
  !insertmacro StartUninstallLog
  !insertmacro EndUninstallLog
!define _LoggingCommon "!insertmacro _LoggingCommon"

 * Creates a file named install.log in the install directory (e.g. $INSTDIR)
 * and adds the installation started message to the install.log for this
 * installation. This also adds the fhInstallLog and fhUninstallLog vars used
 * for logging.
 * $fhInstallLog = filehandle for $INSTDIR\install.log
 * @param   _APP_NAME
 *          Typically the BrandFullName
 * @param   _AB_CD
 *          The locale identifier
 * @param   _APP_VERSION
 *          The application version
 * @param   _GRE_VERSION
 *          The Gecko Runtime Engine version
 * $R6 = _APP_NAME
 * $R7 = _AB_CD
!macro StartInstallLog

  !ifndef StartInstallLog
    !insertmacro GetTime

    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !define StartInstallLog "!insertmacro StartInstallLogCall"

    Function StartInstallLog
      Exch $R9
      Exch 1
      Exch $R8
      Exch 2
      Exch $R7
      Exch 3
      Exch $R6
      Push $R5
      Push $R4
      Push $R3
      Push $R2
      Push $R1
      Push $R0
      Push $9

      ${DeleteFile} "$INSTDIR\install.log"
      FileOpen $fhInstallLog "$INSTDIR\install.log" w
      FileWriteWord $fhInstallLog "65279"

      ${GetTime} "" "L" $9 $R0 $R1 $R2 $R3 $R4 $R5
      FileWriteUTF16LE $fhInstallLog "$R6 Installation Started: $R1-$R0-$9 $R3:$R4:$R5"

      ${LogHeader} "Installation Details"
      ${LogMsg} "Install Dir: $INSTDIR"
      ${LogMsg} "Locale     : $R7"
      ${LogMsg} "App Version: $R8"
      ${LogMsg} "GRE Version: $R9"

      ${If} ${IsWinXP}
        ${LogMsg} "OS Name    : Windows XP"
      ${ElseIf} ${IsWin2003}
        ${LogMsg} "OS Name    : Windows 2003"
      ${ElseIf} ${IsWinVista}
        ${LogMsg} "OS Name    : Windows Vista"
      ${ElseIf} ${IsWin7}
        ${LogMsg} "OS Name    : Windows 7"
      ${ElseIf} ${IsWin8}
        ${LogMsg} "OS Name    : Windows 8"
      ${ElseIf} ${AtLeastWin8}
        ${LogMsg} "OS Name    : Above Windows 8"
        ${LogMsg} "OS Name    : Unable to detect"

      !ifdef HAVE_64BIT_BUILD
        ${LogMsg} "Target CPU : x64"
        ${LogMsg} "Target CPU : x86"

      Pop $9
      Pop $R0
      Pop $R1
      Pop $R2
      Pop $R3
      Pop $R4
      Pop $R5
      Exch $R6
      Exch 3
      Exch $R7
      Exch 2
      Exch $R8
      Exch 1
      Exch $R9

    !verbose pop

  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Push "${_APP_NAME}"
  Push "${_AB_CD}"
  Push "${_APP_VERSION}"
  Push "${_GRE_VERSION}"
  Call StartInstallLog
  !verbose pop

 * Writes the installation finished message to the install.log and closes the
 * file handles to the install.log and uninstall.log
 * @param   _APP_NAME
 * $R9 = _APP_NAME
!macro EndInstallLog

  !ifndef EndInstallLog
    !insertmacro GetTime

    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !define EndInstallLog "!insertmacro EndInstallLogCall"

    Function EndInstallLog
      Exch $R9
      Push $R8
      Push $R7
      Push $R6
      Push $R5
      Push $R4
      Push $R3
      Push $R2

      ${GetTime} "" "L" $R2 $R3 $R4 $R5 $R6 $R7 $R8
      FileWriteUTF16LE $fhInstallLog "$R9 Installation Finished: $R4-$R3-$R2 $R6:$R7:$R8$\r$\n"
      FileClose $fhInstallLog

      Pop $R2
      Pop $R3
      Pop $R4
      Pop $R5
      Pop $R6
      Pop $R7
      Pop $R8
      Exch $R9

    !verbose pop

!macro EndInstallLogCall _APP_NAME
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Push "${_APP_NAME}"
  Call EndInstallLog
  !verbose pop

 * Opens the file handle to the uninstall.log.
 * $fhUninstallLog = filehandle for $INSTDIR\uninstall\uninstall.log
!macro StartUninstallLog

  !ifndef StartUninstallLog
    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !define StartUninstallLog "!insertmacro StartUninstallLogCall"

    Function StartUninstallLog
      FileOpen $fhUninstallLog "$INSTDIR\uninstall\uninstall.log" w

    !verbose pop

!macro StartUninstallLogCall
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Call StartUninstallLog
  !verbose pop

 * Closes the file handle to the uninstall.log.
!macro EndUninstallLog

  !ifndef EndUninstallLog

    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !define EndUninstallLog "!insertmacro EndUninstallLogCall"

    Function EndUninstallLog
      FileClose $fhUninstallLog

    !verbose pop

!macro EndUninstallLogCall
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Call EndUninstallLog
  !verbose pop

 * Adds a section header to the human readable log.
 * @param   _HEADER
 *          The header text to write to the log.
!macro LogHeader _HEADER
  FileWriteUTF16LE $fhInstallLog "${_HEADER}"
!define LogHeader "!insertmacro LogHeader"

 * Adds a section message to the human readable log.
 * @param   _MSG
 *          The message text to write to the log.
!macro LogMsg _MSG
  FileWriteUTF16LE $fhInstallLog "  ${_MSG}$\r$\n"
!define LogMsg "!insertmacro LogMsg"

 * Adds an uninstall entry to the uninstall log.
 * @param   _MSG
 *          The message text to write to the log.
!macro LogUninstall _MSG
  FileWrite $fhUninstallLog "${_MSG}$\r$\n"
!define LogUninstall "!insertmacro LogUninstall"

 * Adds a section divider to the human readable log.
!macro WriteLogSeparator
  FileWriteUTF16LE $fhInstallLog "$\r$\n----------------------------------------\
!define WriteLogSeparator "!insertmacro WriteLogSeparator"

# Macros for managing the shortcuts log ini file

 * Adds the most commonly used shortcut logging macros for the installer in one
 * fell swoop.
!macro _LoggingShortcutsCommon
  !insertmacro LogDesktopShortcut
  !insertmacro LogQuickLaunchShortcut
  !insertmacro LogSMProgramsShortcut
!define _LoggingShortcutsCommon "!insertmacro _LoggingShortcutsCommon"

 * Creates the shortcuts log ini file with a UTF-16LE BOM if it doesn't exist.
!macro initShortcutsLog
  Push $R9

  IfFileExists "$INSTDIR\uninstall\${SHORTCUTS_LOG}" +4 +1
  FileOpen $R9 "$INSTDIR\uninstall\${SHORTCUTS_LOG}" w
  FileWriteWord $R9 "65279"
  FileClose $R9

  Pop $R9
!define initShortcutsLog "!insertmacro initShortcutsLog"

 * Adds shortcut entries to the shortcuts log ini file. This macro is primarily
 * a helper used by the LogDesktopShortcut, LogQuickLaunchShortcut, and
 * LogSMProgramsShortcut macros but it can be used by other code if desired. If
 * the value already exists the the value is not written to the file.
 * @param   _SECTION_NAME
 *          The section name to write to in the shortcut log ini file
 * @param   _FILE_NAME
 *          The shortcut's file name
 * $R6 = return value from ReadIniStr for the shortcut file name
 * $R7 = counter for supporting multiple shortcuts in the same location
 * $R9 = _FILE_NAME
!macro LogShortcut

  !ifndef LogShortcut
    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !define LogShortcut "!insertmacro LogShortcutCall"

    Function LogShortcut
      Exch $R9
      Exch 1
      Exch $R8
      Push $R7
      Push $R6


      !insertmacro initShortcutsLog

      StrCpy $R6 ""
      StrCpy $R7 -1

      StrCmp "$R6" "$R9" +5 +1 ; if the shortcut already exists don't add it
      IntOp $R7 $R7 + 1 ; increment the counter
      ReadIniStr $R6 "$INSTDIR\uninstall\${SHORTCUTS_LOG}" "$R8" "Shortcut$R7"
      IfErrors +1 -3
      WriteINIStr "$INSTDIR\uninstall\${SHORTCUTS_LOG}" "$R8" "Shortcut$R7" "$R9"


      Pop $R6
      Pop $R7
      Exch $R8
      Exch 1
      Exch $R9

    !verbose pop

!macro LogShortcutCall _SECTION_NAME _FILE_NAME
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Push "${_SECTION_NAME}"
  Push "${_FILE_NAME}"
  Call LogShortcut
  !verbose pop

 * Adds a Desktop shortcut entry to the shortcuts log ini file.
 * @param   _FILE_NAME
 *          The shortcut file name (e.g. shortcut.lnk)
!macro LogDesktopShortcut

  !ifndef LogDesktopShortcut
    !insertmacro LogShortcut

    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !define LogDesktopShortcut "!insertmacro LogDesktopShortcutCall"

    Function LogDesktopShortcut
      Call LogShortcut

    !verbose pop

!macro LogDesktopShortcutCall _FILE_NAME
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Push "DESKTOP"
  Push "${_FILE_NAME}"
  Call LogDesktopShortcut
  !verbose pop

 * Adds a QuickLaunch shortcut entry to the shortcuts log ini file.
 * @param   _FILE_NAME
 *          The shortcut file name (e.g. shortcut.lnk)
!macro LogQuickLaunchShortcut

  !ifndef LogQuickLaunchShortcut
    !insertmacro LogShortcut

    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !define LogQuickLaunchShortcut "!insertmacro LogQuickLaunchShortcutCall"

    Function LogQuickLaunchShortcut
      Call LogShortcut

    !verbose pop

!macro LogQuickLaunchShortcutCall _FILE_NAME
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Push "${_FILE_NAME}"
  Call LogQuickLaunchShortcut
  !verbose pop

 * Adds a Start Menu shortcut entry to the shortcuts log ini file.
 * @param   _FILE_NAME
 *          The shortcut file name (e.g. shortcut.lnk)
!macro LogStartMenuShortcut

  !ifndef LogStartMenuShortcut
    !insertmacro LogShortcut

    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !define LogStartMenuShortcut "!insertmacro LogStartMenuShortcutCall"

    Function LogStartMenuShortcut
      Call LogShortcut

    !verbose pop

!macro LogStartMenuShortcutCall _FILE_NAME
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Push "${_FILE_NAME}"
  Call LogStartMenuShortcut
  !verbose pop

 * Adds a Start Menu Programs shortcut entry to the shortcuts log ini file.
 * @param   _FILE_NAME
 *          The shortcut file name (e.g. shortcut.lnk)
!macro LogSMProgramsShortcut

  !ifndef LogSMProgramsShortcut
    !insertmacro LogShortcut

    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !define LogSMProgramsShortcut "!insertmacro LogSMProgramsShortcutCall"

    Function LogSMProgramsShortcut
      Call LogShortcut

    !verbose pop

!macro LogSMProgramsShortcutCall _FILE_NAME
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Push "${_FILE_NAME}"
  Call LogSMProgramsShortcut
  !verbose pop

 * Adds the relative path from the Start Menu Programs directory for the
 * application's Start Menu directory if it is different from the existing value
 * to the shortcuts log ini file.
 * @param   _REL_PATH_TO_DIR
 *          The relative path from the Start Menu Programs directory to the
 *          program's directory.
!macro LogSMProgramsDirRelPath _REL_PATH_TO_DIR
  Push $R9

  !insertmacro initShortcutsLog

  ReadINIStr $R9 "$INSTDIR\uninstall\${SHORTCUTS_LOG}" "SMPROGRAMS" "RelativePathToDir"
  StrCmp "$R9" "${_REL_PATH_TO_DIR}" +2 +1
  WriteINIStr "$INSTDIR\uninstall\${SHORTCUTS_LOG}" "SMPROGRAMS" "RelativePathToDir" "${_REL_PATH_TO_DIR}"

  Pop $R9
!define LogSMProgramsDirRelPath "!insertmacro LogSMProgramsDirRelPath"

 * Copies the value for the relative path from the Start Menu programs directory
 * (e.g. $SMPROGRAMS) to the Start Menu directory as it is stored in the
 * shortcuts log ini file to the variable specified in the first parameter.
!macro GetSMProgramsDirRelPath _VAR
!define GetSMProgramsDirRelPath "!insertmacro GetSMProgramsDirRelPath"

 * Copies the shortcuts log ini file path to the variable specified in the
 * first parameter.
!macro GetShortcutsLogPath _VAR
  StrCpy ${_VAR} "$INSTDIR\uninstall\${SHORTCUTS_LOG}"
!define GetShortcutsLogPath "!insertmacro GetShortcutsLogPath"

 * Deletes the shortcuts log ini file.
!macro DeleteShortcutsLogFile
  ${DeleteFile} "$INSTDIR\uninstall\${SHORTCUTS_LOG}"
!define DeleteShortcutsLogFile "!insertmacro DeleteShortcutsLogFile"

# Macros for managing specific Windows version features

 * Sets the permitted layered service provider (LSP) categories on Windows
 * Vista and above for the application. Consumers should call this after an
 * installation log section has completed since this macro will log the results
 * to the installation log along with a header.
 * !IMPORTANT - When calling this macro from an uninstaller do not specify a
 *              parameter. The paramter is hardcoded with 0x00000000 to remove
 *              the LSP category for the application when performing an
 *              uninstall.
 * @param   _LSP_CATEGORIES
 *          The permitted LSP categories for the application. When called by an
 *          uninstaller this will always be 0x00000000.
 * $R5 = error code popped from the stack for the WSCSetApplicationCategory call
 * $R6 = return value from the WSCSetApplicationCategory call
 * $R7 = string length for the long path to the main application executable
 * $R8 = long path to the main application executable
!macro SetAppLSPCategories

  !ifndef ${_MOZFUNC_UN}SetAppLSPCategories
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN_TMP ${_MOZFUNC_UN}
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN ${_MOZFUNC_UN_TMP}
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN_TMP

    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !define ${_MOZFUNC_UN}SetAppLSPCategories "!insertmacro ${_MOZFUNC_UN}SetAppLSPCategoriesCall"

    Function ${_MOZFUNC_UN}SetAppLSPCategories
      ${Unless} ${AtLeastWinVista}

      Exch $R9
      Push $R8
      Push $R7
      Push $R6
      Push $R5

      Push "$INSTDIR\${FileMainEXE}"
      Call ${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetLongPath
      Pop $R8
      StrLen $R7 "$R8"

      ; Remove existing categories by setting the permitted categories to
      ; 0x00000000 since new categories are ANDed with existing categories. If
      ; the param value stored in $R9 is 0x00000000 then skip the removal since
      ; the categories  will be removed by the second call to
      ; WSCSetApplicationCategory.
      StrCmp "$R9" "0x00000000" +2 +1
      System::Call "Ws2_32::WSCSetApplicationCategory(w R8, i R7, w n, i 0,\
                                                      i 0x00000000, i n, *i) i"

      ; Set the permitted LSP categories
      System::Call "Ws2_32::WSCSetApplicationCategory(w R8, i R7, w n, i 0,\
                                                      i R9, i n, *i .s) i.R6"
      Pop $R5

!ifndef NO_LOG
      ${LogHeader} "Setting Permitted LSP Categories"
      StrCmp "$R6" 0 +3 +1
      ${LogMsg} "** ERROR Setting LSP Categories: $R5 **"
      GoTo +2
      ${LogMsg} "Permitted LSP Categories: $R9"


      Pop $R5
      Pop $R6
      Pop $R7
      Pop $R8
      Pop $R9

    !verbose pop

!macro SetAppLSPCategoriesCall _LSP_CATEGORIES
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Call SetAppLSPCategories
  !verbose pop

!macro un.SetAppLSPCategoriesCall
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Push "0x00000000"
  Call un.SetAppLSPCategories
  !verbose pop

!macro un.SetAppLSPCategories
  !ifndef un.SetAppLSPCategories
    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN "un."

    !insertmacro SetAppLSPCategories

    !undef _MOZFUNC_UN
    !define _MOZFUNC_UN
    !verbose pop

 * Gets the number of pinned shortcut lnk files pinned to the Task Bar.
 * @return  _RESULT
 *          number of pinned shortcut lnk files.
 * $R7 = file name returned from FindFirst and FindNext
 * $R8 = find handle for FindFirst and FindNext
 * $R9 = _RESULT
!macro PinnedToTaskBarLnkCount

  !ifndef PinnedToTaskBarLnkCount

    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !define PinnedToTaskBarLnkCount "!insertmacro PinnedToTaskBarLnkCountCall"

    Function PinnedToTaskBarLnkCount
      Push $R9
      Push $R8
      Push $R7

      StrCpy $R9 0

      ${If} ${AtLeastWin7}
      ${AndIf} ${FileExists} "$QUICKLAUNCH\User Pinned\TaskBar"
        FindFirst $R8 $R7 "$QUICKLAUNCH\User Pinned\TaskBar\*.lnk"
          ${If} ${FileExists} "$QUICKLAUNCH\User Pinned\TaskBar\$R7"
            IntOp $R9 $R9 + 1
          FindNext $R8 $R7
          ${If} ${Errors}
        FindClose $R8


      Pop $R7
      Pop $R8
      Exch $R9

    !verbose pop

!macro PinnedToTaskBarLnkCountCall _RESULT
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Call PinnedToTaskBarLnkCount
  Pop ${_RESULT}
  !verbose pop

 * Update Start Menu / TaskBar lnk files that point to the executable's path
 * passed to the macro and all other shortcuts installed by the application with
 * the current application user model ID. Requires ApplicationID.
 * NOTE: this does not update Desktop shortcut application user model ID due to
 *       bug 633728.
 * @param   _EXE_PATH
 *          The main application executable path
 * @param   _APP_ID
 *          The application user model ID for the current install
 * @return  _RESULT
 *          false if no pinned shotcuts were found for this install location.
 *          true if pinned shotcuts were found for this install location.
!macro UpdateShortcutAppModelIDs

  !ifndef UpdateShortcutAppModelIDs
    !verbose push
    !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
    !define UpdateShortcutAppModelIDs "!insertmacro UpdateShortcutAppModelIDsCall"

    Function UpdateShortcutAppModelIDs
      ; stack: path, appid
      Exch $R9 ; stack: $R9, appid | $R9 = path
      Exch 1   ; stack: appid, $R9
      Exch $R8 ; stack: $R8, $R9   | $R8 = appid
      Push $R7 ; stack: $R7, $R8, $R9
      Push $R6
      Push $R5
      Push $R4
      Push $R3 ; stack: $R3, $R5, $R6, $R7, $R8, $R9
      Push $R2

      ; $R9 = main application executable path
      ; $R8 = appid
      ; $R7 = path to the application's start menu programs directory
      ; $R6 = path to the shortcut log ini file
      ; $R5 = shortcut filename
      ; $R4 = GetShortCutTarget result

      StrCpy $R3 "false"

      ${If} ${AtLeastWin7}
        ; installed shortcuts
        Push  "$INSTDIR\uninstall\${SHORTCUTS_LOG}"
        Call ${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetLongPath
        Pop $R6
        ${If} ${FileExists} "$R6"
          ; Update the Start Menu shortcuts' App ID for this application
          StrCpy $R2 -1
            IntOp $R2 $R2 + 1 ; Increment the counter
            ReadINIStr $R5 "$R6" "STARTMENU" "Shortcut$R2"
            ${If} ${Errors}

            ${If} ${FileExists} "$SMPROGRAMS\$R5"
              ShellLink::GetShortCutTarget "$SMPROGRAMS\$$R5"
              Pop $R4
              Push $R4
              Call GetLongPath
              Pop $R4
              ${If} "$R4" == "$R9" ; link path == install path
                ApplicationID::Set "$SMPROGRAMS\$R5" "$R8"
                Pop $R4

          ; Update the Quick Launch shortcuts' App ID for this application
          StrCpy $R2 -1
            IntOp $R2 $R2 + 1 ; Increment the counter
            ReadINIStr $R5 "$R6" "QUICKLAUNCH" "Shortcut$R2"
            ${If} ${Errors}

            ${If} ${FileExists} "$QUICKLAUNCH\$R5"
              ShellLink::GetShortCutTarget "$QUICKLAUNCH\$R5"
              Pop $R4
              Push $R4
              Call GetLongPath
              Pop $R4
              ${If} "$R4" == "$R9" ; link path == install path
                ApplicationID::Set "$QUICKLAUNCH\$R5" "$R8"
                Pop $R4

          ; Update the Start Menu Programs shortcuts' App ID for this application
          ReadINIStr $R7 "$R6" "SMPROGRAMS" "RelativePathToDir"
          ${Unless} ${Errors}
            Push "$SMPROGRAMS\$R7"
            Call ${_MOZFUNC_UN}GetLongPath
            Pop $R7
            ${Unless} "$R7" == ""
              StrCpy $R2 -1
                IntOp $R2 $R2 + 1 ; Increment the counter
                ReadINIStr $R5 "$R6" "SMPROGRAMS" "Shortcut$R2"
                ${If} ${Errors}

                ${If} ${FileExists} "$R7\$R5"
                  ShellLink::GetShortCutTarget "$R7\$R5"
                  Pop $R4
                  Push "$R4"
                  Call GetLongPath
                  Pop $R4
                  ${If} "$R4" == "$R9" ; link path == install path
                    ApplicationID::Set "$R7\$R5" "$R8"
                    Pop $R4

        StrCpy $R7 "$QUICKLAUNCH\User Pinned"
        StrCpy $R3 "false"

        ; $R9 = main application executable path
        ; $R8 = appid
        ; $R7 = user pinned path
        ; $R6 = find handle
        ; $R5 = found filename
        ; $R4 = GetShortCutTarget result

        ; TaskBar links
        FindFirst $R6 $R5 "$R7\TaskBar\*.lnk"
          ${If} ${FileExists} "$R7\TaskBar\$R5"
            ShellLink::GetShortCutTarget "$R7\TaskBar\$R5"
            Pop $R4
            ${If} "$R4" == "$R9" ; link path == install path
              ApplicationID::Set "$R7\TaskBar\$R5" "$R8"
              Pop $R4 ; pop Set result off the stack
              StrCpy $R3 "true"
          FindNext $R6 $R5
          ${If} ${Errors}
        FindClose $R6

        ; Start menu links
        FindFirst $R6 $R5 "$R7\StartMenu\*.lnk"
          ${If} ${FileExists} "$R7\StartMenu\$R5"
            ShellLink::GetShortCutTarget "$R7\StartMenu\$R5"
            Pop $R4
            ${If} "$R4" == "$R9" ; link path == install path
              ApplicationID::Set "$R7\StartMenu\$R5" "$R8"
              Pop $R4 ; pop Set result off the stack
              StrCpy $R3 "true"
          FindNext $R6 $R5
          ${If} ${Errors}
        FindClose $R6


      StrCpy $R9 $R3

      Pop $R2
      Pop $R3  ; stack: $R4, $R5, $R6, $R7, $R8, $R9
      Pop $R4  ; stack: $R5, $R6, $R7, $R8, $R9
      Pop $R5  ; stack: $R6, $R7, $R8, $R9
      Pop $R6  ; stack: $R7, $R8, $R9
      Pop $R7  ; stack: $R8, $R9
      Exch $R8 ; stack: appid, $R9 | $R8 = old $R8
      Exch 1   ; stack: $R9, appid
      Exch $R9 ; stack: path, appid | $R9 = old $R9

    !verbose pop

!macro UpdateShortcutAppModelIDsCall _EXE_PATH _APP_ID _RESULT
  !verbose push
  !verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
  Push "${_APP_ID}"
  Push "${_EXE_PATH}"
  Call UpdateShortcutAppModelIDs
  Pop ${_RESULT}
  !verbose pop