#!/bin/bash # Increase open files limit # # Mozilla file functions (OS.File.move()/copy(), NetUtil.asyncFetch/asyncCopy()) can leave file # descriptors open for a few seconds (even with an explicit inputStream.close() in the case of # the latter), so a source installation that copies ~500 translators and styles (with fds for # source and target) can exceed the default 1024 limit. # Current hard-limit on Ubuntu 16.10 is 4096 ulimit -n 4096 # Allow profile downgrade for Zotero export MOZ_ALLOW_DOWNGRADE=1 # Don't create dedicated profile (default-esr) export MOZ_LEGACY_PROFILES=1 # Use wayland backend when available export MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 CALLDIR="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")" "$CALLDIR/zotero-bin" -app "$CALLDIR/app/application.ini" "$@"