describe("Zotero.Items", function () { var win, collectionsView, zp; before(function* () { this.timeout(10000); win = yield loadZoteroPane(); collectionsView = win.ZoteroPane.collectionsView; zp = win.ZoteroPane; }) beforeEach(function () { return selectLibrary(win); }) after(function () { win.close(); }) describe("#addToPublications", function () { it("should add an item to My Publications", function* () { var item = yield createDataObject('item'); yield Zotero.Items.addToPublications([item]); assert.isTrue(item.inPublications); assert.equal( (yield Zotero.DB.valueQueryAsync( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM publicationsItems WHERE itemID=?",, 1 ); }); describe("#license", function () { it("should set a license if specified", function* () { var item = createUnsavedDataObject('item'); item.setField('rights', 'Test'); yield item.saveTx(); yield Zotero.Items.addToPublications( [item], { license: 'reserved', licenseName: 'All Rights Reserved', keepRights: false } ); assert.equal(item.getField('rights'), 'All Rights Reserved'); }); it("should keep existing Rights field if .keepRights is true", function* () { var item1 = createUnsavedDataObject('item'); item1.setField('rights', 'Test'); yield item1.saveTx(); var item2 = yield createDataObject('item'); yield Zotero.Items.addToPublications( [item1, item2], { license: 'reserved', licenseName: 'All Rights Reserved', keepRights: true } ); assert.equal(item1.getField('rights'), 'Test'); assert.equal(item2.getField('rights'), 'All Rights Reserved'); }); it("shouldn't set a license if not specified", function* () { var item = createUnsavedDataObject('item'); item.setField('rights', 'Test'); yield item.saveTx(); yield Zotero.Items.addToPublications([item]); assert.equal(item.getField('rights'), 'Test'); }); }); it("should add child notes if .childNotes is true", function* () { var item = yield createDataObject('item'); var note = yield createDataObject('item', { itemType: 'note', parentID: }); var attachment = yield Zotero.Attachments.linkFromURL({ url: "", parentItemID:, title: "Example" }); yield Zotero.Items.addToPublications([item], { childNotes: true }); assert.isTrue(note.inPublications); assert.equal( (yield Zotero.DB.valueQueryAsync( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM publicationsItems WHERE itemID=?",, 1 ); assert.isFalse(attachment.inPublications); }); it("should add child link attachments if .childLinks is true", function* () { var item = yield createDataObject('item'); var attachment1 = yield Zotero.Attachments.linkFromURL({ url: "", parentItemID:, title: "Example" }); var attachment2 = yield importFileAttachment('test.png', { parentItemID: }); var note = yield createDataObject('item', { itemType: 'note', parentID: }); yield Zotero.Items.addToPublications([item], { childLinks: true }); assert.isTrue(attachment1.inPublications); assert.equal( (yield Zotero.DB.valueQueryAsync( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM publicationsItems WHERE itemID=?",, 1 ); assert.isFalse(attachment2.inPublications); assert.isFalse(note.inPublications); }); it("should add child file attachments if .childFileAttachments is true", function* () { var item = yield createDataObject('item'); var attachment1 = yield importFileAttachment('test.png', { parentItemID: }); var attachment2 = yield Zotero.Attachments.linkFromURL({ url: "", parentItemID:, title: "Example" }); var note = yield createDataObject('item', { itemType: 'note', parentID: }); yield Zotero.Items.addToPublications([item], { childFileAttachments: true }); assert.isTrue(attachment1.inPublications); assert.equal( (yield Zotero.DB.valueQueryAsync( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM publicationsItems WHERE itemID=?",, 1 ); assert.isFalse(attachment2.inPublications); assert.isFalse(note.inPublications); }); }); describe("#removeFromPublications", function () { it("should remove an item from My Publications", function* () { var item = yield createDataObject('item'); item.inPublications = true; yield item.saveTx(); assert.equal( (yield Zotero.DB.valueQueryAsync( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM publicationsItems WHERE itemID=?",, 1 ); yield Zotero.Items.removeFromPublications([item]); assert.isFalse(item.inPublications); assert.equal( (yield Zotero.DB.valueQueryAsync( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM publicationsItems WHERE itemID=?",, 0 ); }); }); describe("#copyChildItems()", function () { var group; before(async function () { group = await createGroup(); }); after(async function () { await group.eraseTx(); }); it("should copy annotations from a group library to a personal library", async function () { await Zotero.Users.setCurrentUserID(1); await Zotero.Users.setName(1, 'Name 1'); await Zotero.Users.setName(12345, 'Name 2'); var userLibraryID = Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID; var item = await createDataObject('item', { libraryID: group.libraryID }); var file = getTestDataDirectory(); file.append('test.pdf'); var attachment = await Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({ file, parentItemID: }); // Annotation by this user var annotation1 = await createAnnotation('highlight', attachment); await annotation1.saveTx(); // Annotation by this user with createdByUserID set var annotation2 = await createAnnotation('highlight', attachment); annotation2.createdByUserID = 1; await annotation2.saveTx({ skipEditCheck: true }); // Annotation by another user var annotation3 = await createAnnotation('highlight', attachment); annotation3.createdByUserID = 12345; await annotation3.saveTx({ skipEditCheck: true }); var newItem = item.clone(userLibraryID); await newItem.saveTx(); var newAttachment = attachment.clone(userLibraryID); await newAttachment.saveTx(); await Zotero.DB.executeTransaction(async function () { await Zotero.Items.copyChildItems(attachment, newAttachment); }); // Check annotations var annotations = newAttachment.getAnnotations(); assert.lengthOf(annotations, 3); var newAnnotation1 = annotations.find(o => o.annotationText == annotation1.annotationText); var newAnnotation2 = annotations.find(o => o.annotationText == annotation2.annotationText); var newAnnotation3 = annotations.find(o => o.annotationText == annotation3.annotationText); // Current user's name shouldn't have been transferred assert.isNull(newAnnotation1.annotationAuthorName); assert.isNull(newAnnotation2.annotationAuthorName); // Other user's should've been transferred assert.equal(newAnnotation3.annotationAuthorName, 'Name 2'); }); }); describe("#merge()", function () { it("should merge two items", function* () { var item1 = yield createDataObject('item'); var item2 = yield createDataObject('item'); var item2URI = Zotero.URI.getItemURI(item2); yield Zotero.Items.merge(item1, [item2]); assert.isFalse(item1.deleted); assert.isTrue(item2.deleted); // Check for merge-tracking relation assert.isFalse(item1.hasChanged()); var rels = item1.getRelationsByPredicate(Zotero.Relations.replacedItemPredicate); assert.lengthOf(rels, 1); assert.equal(rels[0], item2URI); }) it("should merge three items", async function () { var item1 = await createDataObject('item'); var item2 = await createDataObject('item'); var item3 = await createDataObject('item'); var item2URI = Zotero.URI.getItemURI(item2); var item3URI = Zotero.URI.getItemURI(item3); await Zotero.Items.merge(item1, [item2, item3]); assert.isFalse(item1.deleted); assert.isTrue(item2.deleted); assert.isTrue(item3.deleted); // Check for merge-tracking relation assert.isFalse(item1.hasChanged()); var rels = item1.getRelationsByPredicate(Zotero.Relations.replacedItemPredicate); assert.lengthOf(rels, 2); assert.sameMembers(rels, [item2URI, item3URI]); }) it("should use the earliest Date Added", async function () { var item1 = await createDataObject('item', { dateAdded: '2019-01-02 00:00:00' }); var item2 = await createDataObject('item', { dateAdded: '2019-01-01 00:00:00' }); var item3 = await createDataObject('item', { dateAdded: '2019-01-03 00:00:00' }); await Zotero.Items.merge(item1, [item2, item3]); assert.equal(item1.dateAdded, '2019-01-01 00:00:00'); }); it("should keep automatic tag on non-master item as automatic", async function () { var item1 = await createDataObject('item', { tags: [{ tag: 'A' }] }); var item2 = await createDataObject('item', { tags: [{ tag: 'B', type: 1 }] }); await Zotero.Items.merge(item1, [item2]); var tags = item1.getTags(); var tag = tags.find(x => x.tag == 'B'); assert.propertyVal(tag, 'type', 1); }); it("should skip automatic tag on non-master item that exists as manual tag on master", async function () { var item1 = await createDataObject('item', { tags: [{ tag: 'A' }, { tag: 'B' }] }); var item2 = await createDataObject('item', { tags: [{ tag: 'B', type: 1 }] }); await Zotero.Items.merge(item1, [item2]); var tags = item1.getTags(); var tag = tags.find(x => x.tag == 'B'); assert.notProperty(tag, 'type'); }); it("should keep automatic tag on master if it also exists on non-master item", async function () { var item1 = await createDataObject('item', { tags: [{ tag: 'B', type: 1 }] }); var item2 = await createDataObject('item', { tags: [{ tag: 'B', type: 1 }] }); await Zotero.Items.merge(item1, [item2]); var tags = item1.getTags(); assert.propertyVal(tags[0], 'type', 1); }); it("should merge two items when servant is linked to an item absent from cache", function* () { // two group libraries var groupOneInfo = yield createGroup({ id: 25026, name: "Group One" }); var libraryOneID = Zotero.Groups.getLibraryIDFromGroupID(; var groupTwoInfo = yield createGroup({ id: 11592, name: "Group Two" }); var libraryTwoID = Zotero.Groups.getLibraryIDFromGroupID(; assert.notEqual(libraryOneID, libraryTwoID); // two items in the first library var item1 = yield createDataObject('item', {libraryID: libraryOneID}); var item2 = yield createDataObject('item', {libraryID: libraryOneID}); var item2URI = Zotero.URI.getItemURI(item2); // one item in the second library, linked to item2 as if it dragged and dropped from it var itemX = yield createDataObject('item', {libraryID: libraryTwoID}); yield itemX.addLinkedItem(item2); // check that the owl:sameAs relation has been registered okay var rels = itemX.getRelationsByPredicate(Zotero.Relations.linkedObjectPredicate); assert.lengthOf(rels, 1); assert.equal(rels[0], item2URI); // the freshly minted item is in objectCache, but it might be absent in production, // so we clobber it in this test assert(!!Zotero.Items._objectCache[], "itemX is in object cache") delete Zotero.Items._objectCache[]; // merge the two items in the first library yield Zotero.Items.merge(item1, [item2]); // check that the merge completed okay assert.isFalse(item1.deleted); assert.isTrue(item2.deleted); // Check for merge-tracking relation assert.isFalse(item1.hasChanged()); var rels = item1.getRelationsByPredicate(Zotero.Relations.replacedItemPredicate); assert.lengthOf(rels, 1); assert.equal(rels[0], item2URI); }) it("should move merge-tracking relation from replaced item to master", function* () { var item1 = yield createDataObject('item'); var item2 = yield createDataObject('item'); var item2URI = Zotero.URI.getItemURI(item2); var item3 = yield createDataObject('item'); var item3URI = Zotero.URI.getItemURI(item3); yield Zotero.Items.merge(item2, [item3]); yield Zotero.Items.merge(item1, [item2]); // Check for merge-tracking relation from 1 to 3 var rels = item1.getRelationsByPredicate(Zotero.Relations.replacedItemPredicate); assert.lengthOf(rels, 2); assert.sameMembers(rels, [item2URI, item3URI]); }) // Same as test in itemPaneTest, but without the UI it("should transfer merge-tracking relations when merging two pairs into one item", async function () { var item1 = await createDataObject('item', { title: 'A' }); var item2 = await createDataObject('item', { title: 'B' }); var item3 = await createDataObject('item', { title: 'C' }); var item4 = await createDataObject('item', { title: 'D' }); var uris = [item2, item3, item4].map(item => Zotero.URI.getItemURI(item)); await Zotero.Items.merge(item1, [item2]); await Zotero.Items.merge(item3, [item4]); await Zotero.Items.merge(item1, [item3]); // Remaining item should include all other URIs assert.sameMembers( item1.getRelations()[Zotero.Relations.replacedItemPredicate], uris ); }); it("should update relations pointing to replaced item to point to master", function* () { var item1 = yield createDataObject('item'); var item1URI = Zotero.URI.getItemURI(item1); var item2 = yield createDataObject('item'); var item2URI = Zotero.URI.getItemURI(item2); var item3 = createUnsavedDataObject('item'); var predicate = Zotero.Relations.relatedItemPredicate; item3.addRelation(predicate, item2URI); yield item3.saveTx(); yield Zotero.Items.merge(item1, [item2]); // Check for related-item relation from 3 to 1 var rels = item3.getRelationsByPredicate(predicate); assert.deepEqual(rels, [item1URI]); }) it("should not update relations pointing to replaced item in other libraries", function* () { var group1 = yield createGroup(); var group2 = yield createGroup(); var item1 = yield createDataObject('item', { libraryID: group1.libraryID }); var item1URI = Zotero.URI.getItemURI(item1); var item2 = yield createDataObject('item', { libraryID: group1.libraryID }); var item2URI = Zotero.URI.getItemURI(item2); var item3 = createUnsavedDataObject('item', { libraryID: group2.libraryID }); var predicate = Zotero.Relations.linkedObjectPredicate; item3.addRelation(predicate, item2URI); yield item3.saveTx(); yield Zotero.Items.merge(item1, [item2]); // Check for related-item relation from 3 to 2 var rels = item3.getRelationsByPredicate(predicate); assert.deepEqual(rels, [item2URI]); }) it("should merge identical attachments based on file hash", async function () { let item1 = await createDataObject('item', { setTitle: true }); let attachment1 = await importPDFAttachment(item1); let item2 = item1.clone(); await item2.saveTx(); let attachment2 = await importPDFAttachment(item2); await Zotero.Items.merge(item1, [item2]); assert.isFalse(item1.deleted); assert.isFalse(attachment1.deleted); assert.equal(item1.numAttachments(true), 1); assert.isTrue(item2.deleted); assert.isTrue(attachment2.deleted); }); it("should merge one attachment per item into the master attachment", async function () { let item1 = await createDataObject('item', { setTitle: true }); let attachment1 = await importPDFAttachment(item1); let item2 = item1.clone(); await item2.saveTx(); let attachment2 = await importPDFAttachment(item2); let item3 = item1.clone(); await item3.saveTx(); let attachment3 = await importPDFAttachment(item3); await Zotero.Items.merge(item1, [item2, item3]); assert.isFalse(item1.deleted); assert.isFalse(attachment1.deleted); assert.equal(item1.numAttachments(true), 1); assert.isTrue(item2.deleted); assert.isTrue(attachment2.deleted); assert.isTrue(item3.deleted); assert.isTrue(attachment3.deleted); }); it("should merge identical attachments based on content hash", async function () { let item1 = await createDataObject('item', { setTitle: true }); let attachment1 = await importPDFAttachment(item1); let item2 = item1.clone(); await item2.saveTx(); let attachment2 = await importFileAttachment('duplicatesMerge_test_new_md5.pdf', { parentItemID: }); assert.equal(await attachment1.attachmentText, await attachment2.attachmentText); assert.notEqual(await attachment1.attachmentHash, await attachment2.attachmentHash); await Zotero.Items.merge(item1, [item2]); assert.isFalse(item1.deleted); assert.isFalse(attachment1.deleted); assert.equal(item1.numAttachments(true), 1); assert.isTrue(item2.deleted); assert.isTrue(attachment2.deleted); }); it("should merge identical attachments based on content hash when unindexed", async function () { let item1 = await createDataObject('item'); let attachment1 = await importPDFAttachment(item1); let item2 = item1.clone(); await item2.saveTx(); let attachment2 = await importFileAttachment('duplicatesMerge_test_new_md5.pdf', { parentItemID: }); await Zotero.DB.executeTransaction(async () => { await Zotero.FullText.clearItemWords(; await Zotero.FullText.clearItemWords(; }); await Zotero.Items.merge(item1, [item2]); assert.isFalse(item1.deleted); assert.isFalse(attachment1.deleted); assert.equal(item1.numAttachments(true), 1); assert.isTrue(item2.deleted); assert.isTrue(attachment2.deleted); }); it("shouldn't merge attachments based on content hash when files are empty", async function () { let item1 = await createDataObject('item', { setTitle: true }); let attachment1 = await importFileAttachment('empty.pdf', { parentItemID: }); let item2 = item1.clone(); await item2.saveTx(); let attachment2 = await importFileAttachment('duplicatesMerge_empty_new_md5.pdf', { parentItemID: }); assert.equal(await attachment1.attachmentText, await attachment2.attachmentText); assert.notEqual(await attachment1.attachmentHash, await attachment2.attachmentHash); assert.isEmpty(await attachment1.attachmentText); await Zotero.Items.merge(item1, [item2]); assert.isFalse(item1.deleted); assert.isFalse(attachment1.deleted); assert.equal(item1.numAttachments(true), 2); assert.isTrue(item2.deleted); assert.isFalse(attachment2.deleted); }); it("should ignore attachment with missing file", async function () { let item1 = await createDataObject('item'); let attachment1 = await importPDFAttachment(item1); let item2 = item1.clone(); await item2.saveTx(); let attachment2 = await importPDFAttachment(item2); // Delete the attachment file await OS.File.remove(await attachment2.getFilePathAsync()); await Zotero.Items.merge(item1, [item2]); assert.isFalse(item1.deleted); assert.isFalse(attachment1.deleted); assert.equal(item1.numAttachments(true), 2); assert.isTrue(item2.deleted); assert.isFalse(attachment2.deleted); }); it("should allow small differences when hashing content", async function () { let item1 = await createDataObject('item', { setTitle: true }); let attachment1 = await importFileAttachment('duplicatesMerge_JSTOR_1.pdf', { parentItemID: }); let item2 = item1.clone(); await item2.saveTx(); let attachment2 = await importFileAttachment('duplicatesMerge_JSTOR_2.pdf', { parentItemID: }); assert.notEqual(await attachment1.attachmentText, await attachment2.attachmentText); assert.notEqual(await attachment1.attachmentHash, await attachment2.attachmentHash); assert.equal( (await Zotero.Items._hashAttachmentText(attachment1)).fromText, (await Zotero.Items._hashAttachmentText(attachment2)).fromText ); await Zotero.Items.merge(item1, [item2]); assert.isFalse(item1.deleted); assert.isFalse(attachment1.deleted); assert.equal(item1.numAttachments(true), 1); assert.isTrue(item2.deleted); assert.isTrue(attachment2.deleted); }); it("should keep similar but not identical attachments separate", async function () { let item1 = await createDataObject('item', { setTitle: true }); let attachment1 = await importFileAttachment('wonderland_short.pdf', { parentItemID: }); let item2 = item1.clone(); await item2.saveTx(); let attachment2 = await importFileAttachment('wonderland_long.pdf', { parentItemID: }); assert.notEqual(await attachment1.attachmentText, await attachment2.attachmentText); assert.notEqual(await attachment1.attachmentHash, await attachment2.attachmentHash); await Zotero.Items.merge(item1, [item2]); assert.isFalse(item1.deleted); assert.isFalse(attachment1.deleted); assert.equal(item1.numAttachments(true), 2); assert.isTrue(item2.deleted); assert.isFalse(attachment2.deleted); }); it("should only match attachments one-to-one", async function () { let item1 = await createDataObject('item', { setTitle: true }); let attachment1 = await importFileAttachment('wonderland_short_watermarked_1.pdf', { parentItemID: }); let item2 = item1.clone(); await item2.saveTx(); let attachment2 = await importFileAttachment('wonderland_short_watermarked_2.pdf', { parentItemID: }); let attachment3 = await importFileAttachment('wonderland_short_watermarked_2.pdf', { parentItemID: }); await Zotero.Items.merge(item1, [item2]); assert.isFalse(item1.deleted); assert.isFalse(attachment1.deleted); assert.equal(item1.numAttachments(true), 2); assert.isTrue(item2.deleted); // Doesn't matter which got merged assert.isTrue((attachment2.deleted || attachment3.deleted) && !(attachment2.deleted && attachment3.deleted)); }); it("should copy annotations when merging", async function () { let item1 = await createDataObject('item', { setTitle: true }); let attachment1 = await importPDFAttachment(item1); let annotation1 = await createAnnotation('note', attachment1); let item2 = item1.clone(); await item2.saveTx(); let attachment2 = await importPDFAttachment(item2); let annotation2 = await createAnnotation('highlight', attachment2); let annotation2Note = await Zotero.EditorInstance.createNoteFromAnnotations([annotation2], { parentID: }); assert.include(annotation2Note.getNote(), attachment2.key); await Zotero.Items.merge(item1, [item2]); assert.isFalse(item1.deleted); assert.isFalse(attachment1.deleted); assert.isFalse(annotation1.deleted); assert.equal(item1.numAttachments(true), 1); assert.isTrue(item2.deleted); assert.isTrue(attachment2.deleted); assert.isFalse(annotation2.deleted); assert.equal(annotation1.parentItemID,; assert.equal(annotation2.parentItemID,; assert.notInclude(annotation2Note.getNote(), item2.key); assert.include(annotation2Note.getNote(), item1.key); assert.notInclude(annotation2Note.getNote(), attachment2.key); assert.include(annotation2Note.getNote(), attachment1.key); }); it("should merge attachments in group library with annotation created by another user", async function () { var otherUserID = 92624235; await Zotero.Users.setName(otherUserID, 'merged-annotation-user'); let group = await createGroup(); let item1 = await createDataObject('item', { libraryID: group.libraryID }); let attachment1 = await importPDFAttachment(item1); let annotation1 = await createAnnotation('note', attachment1); let item2 = item1.clone(); await item2.saveTx(); let attachment2 = await importPDFAttachment(item2); let annotation2 = await createAnnotation('highlight', attachment2, { createdByUserID: otherUserID }); await Zotero.Items.merge(item1, [item2]); assert.equal(annotation2.parentItemID,; assert.equal(annotation2.createdByUserID, otherUserID); }); it("should update all item keys when moving notes", async function () { let attachmentFilenames = [ 'recognizePDF_test_arXiv.pdf', 'recognizePDF_test_DOI.pdf', 'recognizePDF_test_title.pdf' ]; let item1 = await createDataObject('item', { setTitle: true }); let attachments1 = []; for (let filename of attachmentFilenames) { let attachment = await importFileAttachment(filename, { parentID: }); attachments1.push(attachment); } let item2 = item1.clone(); await item2.saveTx(); let attachments2 = []; let annotations2 = []; let notes2 = []; for (let filename of attachmentFilenames) { let attachment = await importFileAttachment(filename, { parentID: }); let annotation = await createAnnotation('highlight', attachment); let note = await Zotero.EditorInstance.createNoteFromAnnotations([annotation], { parentID: }); attachments2.push(attachment); annotations2.push(annotation); notes2.push(note); assert.include(note.getNote(), item2.key); assert.include(note.getNote(), attachment.key); } await Zotero.Items.merge(item1, [item2]); assert.isFalse(item1.deleted); assert.equal(item1.numAttachments(true), 3); assert.isTrue(item2.deleted); for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { let attachment1 = attachments1[i]; let attachment2 = attachments2[i]; let note = notes2[i]; assert.equal(note.parentItemID,; assert.include(note.getNote(), item1.key); assert.notInclude(note.getNote(), item2.key); assert.include(note.getNote(), attachment1.key); assert.notInclude(note.getNote(), attachment2.key); } }); it("should merge snapshots with the same title, even if URL differs", async function () { let content = getTestDataDirectory(); content.append('snapshot'); content.append('index.html'); let snapshotContent = await Zotero.File.getContentsAsync(content); let item1 = await createDataObject('item', { setTitle: true }); let attachment1 = await Zotero.Attachments.importFromSnapshotContent({ parentItemID:, url: '', title: 'Snapshot', snapshotContent }); let item2 = item1.clone(); await item2.saveTx(); let attachment2 = await Zotero.Attachments.importFromSnapshotContent({ parentItemID:, url: '', title: 'Snapshot', snapshotContent }); await Zotero.Items.merge(item1, [item2]); assert.isFalse(item1.deleted); assert.isFalse(attachment1.deleted); assert.equal(item1.numAttachments(true), 1); assert.isTrue(item2.deleted); assert.isTrue(attachment2.deleted); }); it("should merge linked URLs", async function () { let item1 = await createDataObject('item', { setTitle: true }); let attachment1 = await Zotero.Attachments.linkFromURL({ url: '', title: 'Catalog Entry', parentItemID: }); let item2 = item1.clone(); await item2.saveTx(); let attachment2 = await Zotero.Attachments.linkFromURL({ url: '', title: 'Catalog Entry', parentItemID: }); let attachment3 = await Zotero.Attachments.linkFromURL({ url: '', title: 'Catalog Entry', parentItemID: }); await Zotero.Items.merge(item1, [item2]); assert.isFalse(item1.deleted); assert.isFalse(attachment1.deleted); assert.equal(attachment1.getField('url'), ''); assert.equal(item1.numAttachments(true), 2); assert.isTrue(item2.deleted); assert.isTrue(attachment2.deleted); assert.equal(attachment3.parentItemID,; assert.isFalse(attachment3.deleted); }); it("should keep web attachment with same URL but different title", async function () { let item1 = await createDataObject('item', { setTitle: true }); let attachment1 = await Zotero.Attachments.linkFromURL({ url: '', title: 'Catalog Entry', parentItemID: }); let item2 = item1.clone(); await item2.saveTx(); let attachment2 = await Zotero.Attachments.linkFromURL({ url: '', title: 'Official Website', parentItemID: }); let attachment3 = await Zotero.Attachments.linkFromURL({ url: '', title: 'Catalog Entry', parentItemID: }); await Zotero.Items.merge(item1, [item2]); assert.isFalse(item1.deleted); assert.isFalse(attachment1.deleted); assert.equal(attachment1.getField('url'), ''); assert.equal(item1.numAttachments(true), 2); assert.isTrue(item2.deleted); assert.equal(attachment2.parentItemID,; assert.isFalse(attachment2.deleted); assert.isTrue(attachment3.deleted); }); it("should move related items of merged attachments", async function () { let relatedItem = await createDataObject('item'); let item1 = await createDataObject('item', { setTitle: true }); let attachment1 = await importPDFAttachment(item1); let item2 = item1.clone(); await item2.saveTx(); let attachment2 = await importPDFAttachment(item2); attachment2.addRelatedItem(relatedItem); await Zotero.Items.merge(item1, [item2]); assert.isFalse(item1.deleted); assert.isFalse(attachment1.deleted); assert.equal(item1.numAttachments(true), 1); assert.isTrue(item2.deleted); assert.isTrue(attachment2.deleted); assert.lengthOf(attachment1.relatedItems, 1); assert.equal(attachment1.relatedItems[0], relatedItem.key); }); it("should move merge-tracking relation from replaced attachment to master attachment", async function () { let item1 = await createDataObject('item'); let attachment1 = await importPDFAttachment(item1); let item2 = await createDataObject('item'); let attachment2 = await importPDFAttachment(item2); let attachment2URI = Zotero.URI.getItemURI(attachment2); let item3 = await createDataObject('item'); let attachment3 = await importPDFAttachment(item3); let attachment3URI = Zotero.URI.getItemURI(attachment3); await Zotero.Items.merge(item2, [item3]); await Zotero.Items.merge(item1, [item2]); var rels = attachment1.getRelationsByPredicate(Zotero.Relations.replacedItemPredicate); assert.lengthOf(rels, 2); assert.sameMembers(rels, [attachment2URI, attachment3URI]); }); it("should not merge attachments with different content types", async function () { let item1 = await createDataObject('item', { setTitle: true }); let attachment1 = await importPDFAttachment(item1); let item2 = item1.clone(); await item2.saveTx(); let attachment2 = await importPDFAttachment(item2); attachment2.attachmentContentType = 'text/plain'; await attachment2.saveTx(); await Zotero.Items.merge(item1, [item2]); assert.isFalse(item1.deleted); assert.isFalse(attachment1.deleted); assert.equal(item1.numAttachments(true), 2); assert.isTrue(item2.deleted); assert.isFalse(attachment2.deleted); assert.equal(attachment2.parentItemID,; }); it("should merge two stored-file attachments with different link modes", async function () { let file = getTestDataDirectory(); file.append('test.pdf'); let item1 = await createDataObject('item', { setTitle: true }); let attachment1 = await importPDFAttachment(item1); attachment1.attachmentLinkMode = Zotero.Attachments.LINK_MODE_IMPORTED_URL; await attachment1.saveTx(); let item2 = item1.clone(); await item2.saveTx(); let attachment2 = await importPDFAttachment(item2); await Zotero.Items.merge(item1, [item2]); assert.isFalse(item1.deleted); assert.isFalse(attachment1.deleted); assert.equal(item1.numAttachments(true), 1); assert.isTrue(item2.deleted); assert.isTrue(attachment2.deleted); }); it("should not merge attachments with different link mode types", async function () { let file = getTestDataDirectory(); file.append('test.pdf'); let item1 = await createDataObject('item', { setTitle: true }); let attachment1 = await Zotero.Attachments.linkFromFile({ file, parentItemID: }); let item2 = item1.clone(); await item2.saveTx(); let attachment2 = await importPDFAttachment(item2); await Zotero.Items.merge(item1, [item2]); assert.equal(await attachment1.attachmentHash, await attachment2.attachmentHash); assert.isFalse(item1.deleted); assert.isFalse(attachment1.deleted); assert.equal(item1.numAttachments(true), 2); assert.isTrue(item2.deleted); assert.isFalse(attachment2.deleted); assert.equal(attachment2.parentItemID,; }); it("should not merge an attachment with a deleted master attachment", async function () { let item1 = await createDataObject('item', { setTitle: true }); let attachment1 = await importPDFAttachment(item1); attachment1.deleted = true; await attachment1.saveTx(); let item2 = item1.clone(); await item2.saveTx(); let attachment2 = await importPDFAttachment(item2); await Zotero.Items.merge(item1, [item2]); assert.isFalse(item1.deleted); assert.isTrue(attachment1.deleted); assert.equal(item1.numAttachments(true), 2); assert.isTrue(item2.deleted); assert.isFalse(attachment2.deleted); assert.equal(attachment2.parentItemID,; }); it("should not merge two matching PDF attachments with embedded annotations", async function () { let item1 = await createDataObject('item', { setTitle: true }); let attachment1 = await importFileAttachment('duplicatesMerge_annotated_1.pdf', { parentID: }); let item2 = item1.clone(); await item2.saveTx(); let attachment2 = await importFileAttachment('duplicatesMerge_annotated_2.pdf', { parentID: }); // Import external annotations non-destructively await Zotero.PDFWorker.import(, true); await Zotero.PDFWorker.import(, true); assert.lengthOf(attachment1.getAnnotations(), 1); assert.lengthOf(attachment2.getAnnotations(), 1); assert.isTrue(attachment1.getAnnotations()[0].annotationIsExternal); assert.isTrue(attachment2.getAnnotations()[0].annotationIsExternal); assert.isTrue(await attachment2.hasEmbeddedAnnotations()); // Unsupported attachment remains embedded await Zotero.Items.merge(item1, [item2]); assert.isFalse(item1.deleted); assert.isFalse(attachment1.deleted); assert.equal(item1.numAttachments(true), 2); assert.isTrue(item2.deleted); assert.isFalse(attachment2.deleted); assert.equal(attachment2.parentItemID,; assert.lengthOf(attachment1.getAnnotations(), 1); assert.lengthOf(attachment2.getAnnotations(), 1); assert.isTrue(attachment1.getAnnotations()[0].annotationIsExternal); assert.isTrue(attachment2.getAnnotations()[0].annotationIsExternal); }); it("should merge imported annotations into PDF with remaining unimported annotations", async function () { let item1 = await createDataObject('item', { setTitle: true }); let attachment1 = await importFileAttachment('duplicatesMerge_annotated_1.pdf', { parentID: }); let item2 = item1.clone(); await item2.saveTx(); let attachment2 = await importFileAttachment('duplicatesMerge_annotated_2.pdf', { parentID: }); // Import external annotations non-destructively await Zotero.PDFWorker.import(, true); await Zotero.PDFWorker.import(, true); assert.isTrue(attachment1.getAnnotations()[0].annotationIsExternal); assert.isTrue(attachment2.getAnnotations()[0].annotationIsExternal); // Import external annotations *destructively* await Zotero.PDFWorker.import(, true, '', true); await Zotero.PDFWorker.import(, true, '', true); assert.lengthOf(attachment1.getAnnotations(), 1); assert.lengthOf(attachment2.getAnnotations(), 1); assert.isFalse(attachment1.getAnnotations()[0].annotationIsExternal); assert.isFalse(attachment2.getAnnotations()[0].annotationIsExternal); assert.isTrue(await attachment2.hasEmbeddedAnnotations()); // Unsupported annotation remains embedded await Zotero.Items.merge(item1, [item2]); assert.isTrue(attachment1.deleted); assert.isFalse(attachment2.deleted); assert.lengthOf(attachment1.getAnnotations(), 0); assert.lengthOf(attachment2.getAnnotations(), 2); assert.isFalse(attachment2.getAnnotations()[0].annotationIsExternal); assert.isFalse(attachment2.getAnnotations()[1].annotationIsExternal); }); it("should merge a non-master PDF without embedded annotations into a master PDF with embedded annotations", async function () { let item1 = await createDataObject('item', { setTitle: true }); let attachment1 = await importFileAttachment('duplicatesMerge_annotated_1.pdf', { parentID: }); let item2 = item1.clone(); await item2.saveTx(); let attachment2 = await importFileAttachment('duplicatesMerge_notAnnotated.pdf', { parentID: }); await Zotero.Items.merge(item1, [item2]); assert.isFalse(item1.deleted); assert.isFalse(attachment1.deleted); assert.equal(item1.numAttachments(true), 1); assert.isTrue(item2.deleted); assert.isTrue(attachment2.deleted); }); it("should merge a master PDF without embedded annotations into a non-master PDF with embedded annotations", async function () { let item1 = await createDataObject('item', { setTitle: true }); let attachment1 = await importFileAttachment('duplicatesMerge_notAnnotated.pdf', { parentID: }); let item2 = item1.clone(); await item2.saveTx(); let attachment2 = await importFileAttachment('duplicatesMerge_annotated_1.pdf', { parentID: }); await Zotero.Items.merge(item1, [item2]); assert.isFalse(item1.deleted); assert.isTrue(attachment1.deleted); assert.equal(item1.numAttachments(false), 1); // Don't count the deleted attachment assert.isTrue(item2.deleted); assert.isFalse(attachment2.deleted); assert.equal(attachment2.parentItemID,; }); }) describe("#trash()", function () { it("should send items to the trash", function* () { var items = []; items.push( (yield createDataObject('item', { synced: true })), (yield createDataObject('item', { synced: true })), (yield createDataObject('item', { synced: true })) ); items.forEach(item => { // Sanity-checked as true in itemTest#deleted assert.isUndefined(item._changed.deleted); }); var ids = =>; yield Zotero.Items.trashTx(ids); items.forEach(item => { assert.isTrue(item.deleted); // Item should be saved (can't use hasChanged() because that includes .synced) assert.isUndefined(item._changed.deleted); assert.isFalse(item.synced); }); assert.equal((yield Zotero.DB.valueQueryAsync( `SELECT COUNT(*) FROM deletedItems WHERE itemID IN (${ids})` )), 3); for (let item of items) { assert.equal((yield Zotero.DB.valueQueryAsync( `SELECT synced FROM items WHERE itemID=${}` )), 0); } }); it("should update parent item when trashing child item", function* () { var item = yield createDataObject('item'); var note = yield createDataObject('item', { itemType: 'note', parentID: }); assert.lengthOf(item.getNotes(), 1); yield Zotero.Items.trashTx([]); assert.lengthOf(item.getNotes(), 0); }); }); describe("#emptyTrash()", function () { it("should delete items in the trash", function* () { var item1 = createUnsavedDataObject('item'); item1.setField('title', 'a'); item1.deleted = true; var id1 = yield item1.saveTx(); var item2 = createUnsavedDataObject('item'); item2.setField('title', 'b'); item2.deleted = true; var id2 = yield item2.saveTx(); var item3 = createUnsavedDataObject('item', { itemType: 'attachment', parentID: id2 }); item3.attachmentLinkMode = Zotero.Attachments.LINK_MODE_IMPORTED_URL; item3.deleted = true; var id3 = yield item3.saveTx(); yield collectionsView.selectTrash(Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID); yield Zotero.Items.emptyTrash(Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID); assert.isFalse(yield Zotero.Items.getAsync(id1)); assert.isFalse(yield Zotero.Items.getAsync(id2)); assert.isFalse(yield Zotero.Items.getAsync(id3)); // TEMP: This is failing on Travis due to a race condition //assert.equal(zp.itemsView.rowCount, 0) }) }) describe("#getFirstCreatorFromData()", function () { it("should handle single eligible creator", function* () { for (let creatorType of ['author', 'editor', 'contributor']) { assert.equal( Zotero.Items.getFirstCreatorFromData( Zotero.ItemTypes.getID('book'), [ { fieldMode: 0, firstName: 'A', lastName: 'B', creatorTypeID: Zotero.CreatorTypes.getID(creatorType) } ] ), 'B', creatorType ); } }); it("should ignore single ineligible creator", function* () { assert.strictEqual( Zotero.Items.getFirstCreatorFromData( Zotero.ItemTypes.getID('book'), [ { fieldMode: 0, firstName: 'A', lastName: 'B', creatorTypeID: Zotero.CreatorTypes.getID('translator') } ] ), '' ); }); it("should handle single eligible creator after ineligible creator", function* () { for (let creatorType of ['author', 'editor', 'contributor']) { assert.equal( Zotero.Items.getFirstCreatorFromData( Zotero.ItemTypes.getID('book'), [ { fieldMode: 0, firstName: 'A', lastName: 'B', creatorTypeID: Zotero.CreatorTypes.getID('translator') }, { fieldMode: 0, firstName: 'C', lastName: 'D', creatorTypeID: Zotero.CreatorTypes.getID(creatorType) } ] ), 'D', creatorType ); } }); it("should handle two eligible creators", function* () { for (let creatorType of ['author', 'editor', 'contributor']) { assert.equal( Zotero.Items.getFirstCreatorFromData( Zotero.ItemTypes.getID('book'), [ { fieldMode: 0, firstName: 'A', lastName: 'B', creatorTypeID: Zotero.CreatorTypes.getID(creatorType) }, { fieldMode: 0, firstName: 'C', lastName: 'D', creatorTypeID: Zotero.CreatorTypes.getID(creatorType) } ] ), Zotero.getString( 'general.andJoiner', ['\u2068' + 'B' + '\u2069', '\u2068' + 'D' + '\u2069'] ), creatorType ); } }); it("should handle three eligible creators", function* () { for (let creatorType of ['author', 'editor', 'contributor']) { assert.equal( Zotero.Items.getFirstCreatorFromData( Zotero.ItemTypes.getID('book'), [ { fieldMode: 0, firstName: 'A', lastName: 'B', creatorTypeID: Zotero.CreatorTypes.getID(creatorType) }, { fieldMode: 0, firstName: 'C', lastName: 'D', creatorTypeID: Zotero.CreatorTypes.getID(creatorType) }, { fieldMode: 0, firstName: 'E', lastName: 'F', creatorTypeID: Zotero.CreatorTypes.getID(creatorType) } ] ), 'B ' + Zotero.getString('general.etAl'), creatorType ); } }); it("should handle two eligible creators with intervening creators", function* () { for (let creatorType of ['author', 'editor', 'contributor']) { assert.equal( Zotero.Items.getFirstCreatorFromData( Zotero.ItemTypes.getID('book'), [ { fieldMode: 0, firstName: 'A', lastName: 'B', creatorTypeID: Zotero.CreatorTypes.getID('translator') }, { fieldMode: 0, firstName: 'C', lastName: 'D', creatorTypeID: Zotero.CreatorTypes.getID(creatorType) }, { fieldMode: 0, firstName: 'E', lastName: 'F', creatorTypeID: Zotero.CreatorTypes.getID('translator') }, { fieldMode: 0, firstName: 'G', lastName: 'H', creatorTypeID: Zotero.CreatorTypes.getID(creatorType) } ] ), Zotero.getString( 'general.andJoiner', ['\u2068' + 'D' + '\u2069', '\u2068' + 'H' + '\u2069'] ), creatorType ); } }); }); describe("#getAsync()", function() { it("should return Zotero.Item for item ID", function* () { let item = new Zotero.Item('journalArticle'); let id = yield item.saveTx(); item = yield Zotero.Items.getAsync(id); assert.notOk(item.isFeedItem); assert.instanceOf(item, Zotero.Item); assert.notInstanceOf(item, Zotero.FeedItem); }); it("should return Zotero.FeedItem for feed item ID", function* () { let feed = new Zotero.Feed({ name: 'foo', url: 'http://www.' + Zotero.randomString() + '.com' }); yield feed.saveTx(); let feedItem = new Zotero.FeedItem('journalArticle', { guid: Zotero.randomString() }); feedItem.libraryID = feed.libraryID; let id = yield feedItem.saveTx(); feedItem = yield Zotero.Items.getAsync(id); assert.isTrue(feedItem.isFeedItem); assert.instanceOf(feedItem, Zotero.FeedItem); }); }); describe("#keepTopLevel()", function () { it("should remove child items of passed items", async function () { var item1 = await createDataObject('item'); var item2 = await createDataObject('item', { itemType: 'note', parentItemID: }); var item3 = await createDataObject('item', { itemType: 'note', parentItemID: }); var item4 = await createDataObject('item'); var item5 = await createDataObject('item', { itemType: 'note', parentItemID: }); var otherItem = await createDataObject('item'); var item6 = await createDataObject('item', { itemType: 'note', parentItemID: }); var items = Zotero.Items.keepTopLevel([item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6]); assert.sameMembers( // Convert to ids for clearer output =>, [item1, item4, item6].map(item => ); }); it("shouldn't return parent item more than once when two child items are selected", async function () { var item1 = await createDataObject('item'); var item2 = await createDataObject('item', { itemType: 'note', parentItemID: }); var item3 = await createDataObject('item', { itemType: 'note', parentItemID: }); var items = Zotero.Items.keepTopLevel([item2, item3]); assert.sameMembers( =>, [,] ) }); }); describe("#numDistinctFileAttachmentsForLabel()", function () { it("should return an approximate count of attachment files for the selected items", async function () { var item1 = await createDataObject('item'); var attachment1 = await importFileAttachment('test.png', { parentItemID: }); var attachment2 = await importFileAttachment('test.png', { parentItemID: }); function getNum() { return Zotero.Items.numDistinctFileAttachmentsForLabel(zp.getSelectedItems()); } zp.itemsView.selection.clearSelection(); assert.equal(getNum(), 0); // Uncached best-attachment state await zp.selectItems([]); assert.equal(getNum(), 1); await zp.selectItems([,]); // Make sure the best-attachment state is uncached item1._bestAttachmentState = null; // Should count parent item and best attachment as two item when uncached assert.equal(getNum(), 2); await zp.selectItems([,,]); // Max is 2 assert.equal(getNum(), 2); await item1.getBestAttachment(); // Cached best-attachment state await zp.selectItems([]); assert.equal(getNum(), 1); await zp.selectItems([,]); // Should count parent item and best attachment as one item when cached assert.equal(getNum(), 1); await zp.selectItems([,,]); assert.equal(getNum(), 2); }); it("should return 0 for a parent item with a non-PDF file attachment when passed `item.isPDFAttachment()` as a filter", async function () { var item = await createDataObject('item'); var attachment = await importFileAttachment('test.png', { parentItemID: }); var numFiles = Zotero.Items.numDistinctFileAttachmentsForLabel( [item], item => item.isPDFAttachment() ); assert.equal(numFiles, 0); }); }); describe("#_loadChildItems()", function () { it("should mark child items as loaded for an attachment", async function () { var attachment = await importPDFAttachment(); var itemID =; Zotero.Items.unload([itemID]); attachment = await Zotero.Items.getAsync(itemID); await attachment.loadDataType('childItems'); assert.isTrue(attachment._loaded.childItems); attachment.getAnnotations(); await attachment.eraseTx(); }); }); describe("#getSortTitle()", function () { it("should strip recognized markup tags", function () { let tests = [ ['A title <i>in italics</i>', 'A title in italics'], ['An unmatched </b> tag', 'An unmatched tag'], ['A <sup>title</sub> with mismatched tags', 'A title with mismatched tags'], ['A title with a valid <span style="font-variant:small-caps;">span</span>', 'A title with a valid span'], ['Another title with a valid <span class="nocase">span</span>', 'Another title with a valid span'], ['A random <span>span tag</span>', 'A random <span>span tag'] ]; for (let [input, expected] of tests) { assert.equal(Zotero.Items.getSortTitle(input), expected); } }); it("should strip any punctuation at the beginning of the string besides @, #, and *", function () { let tests = [ ['_title', 'title'], ['-title', 'title'], ['-- longer title', 'longer title'], ['-_ longer title with different second character', '_ longer title with different second character'], ['"Quoted title', 'Quoted title'], ['@zotero on Twitter', '@zotero on Twitter'], ['#hashtag', '#hashtag'], ['*special', '*special'], ['**repeated', '**repeated'] ]; for (let [input, expected] of tests) { assert.equal(Zotero.Items.getSortTitle(input), expected); } }); it("should not strip dashes in the middle of the string", function () { let tests = [ ['123-456', '123-456'], ['Meyers-Briggs', 'Meyers-Briggs'], ['En–dash', 'En–dash'], ['Em—dash', 'Em—dash'] ]; for (let [input, expected] of tests) { assert.equal(Zotero.Items.getSortTitle(input), expected); } }); it("should strip opening punctuation after string-initial punctuation", function () { let tests = [ ['.[Test]', 'Test]'], ['"❮Word❯"', 'Word❯"'], ['"@": The Musical', '@": The Musical'], ]; for (let [input, expected] of tests) { assert.equal(Zotero.Items.getSortTitle(input), expected); } }); it("should sort titles with special characters correctly", function () { let tests = [ [ ['A*B*@!@C*D 1', 'ABCD 2', 'A*B*@!@C*D 3', 'ABCD 4'], ['A*B*@!@C*D 1', 'A*B*@!@C*D 3', 'ABCD 2', 'ABCD 4'] ], [ ['Why? Volume 1', 'Why! Volume 1', 'Why! Volume 2', 'Why? Volume 2'], ['Why! Volume 1', 'Why! Volume 2', 'Why? Volume 1', 'Why? Volume 2'] ], [ ['Sign and symbol', '"@" Sign. Its accidental history.', 'Sign language'], ['"@" Sign. Its accidental history.', 'Sign and symbol', 'Sign language'] ], ]; let st = Zotero.Items.getSortTitle; let collation = Zotero.getLocaleCollation(); for (let [input, expected] of tests) { input.sort((a, b) => collation.compareString(1, st(a), st(b))); assert.deepEqual(input, expected); } }); }); });