"use strict"; describe("Zotero.DataDirectory", function () { var tmpDir, oldDir, newDir, dbFilename, oldDBFile, newDBFile, oldStorageDir, newStorageDir, oldTranslatorsDir, newTranslatorsDir, translatorName1, translatorName2, oldStorageDir1, newStorageDir1, storageFile1, oldStorageDir2, newStorageDir2, storageFile2, str1, str2, str3, str4, str5, str6, oldMigrationMarker, newMigrationMarker, stubs = {}; before(function* () { tmpDir = yield getTempDirectory(); oldDir = OS.Path.join(tmpDir, "old"); newDir = OS.Path.join(tmpDir, "new"); dbFilename = Zotero.DataDirectory.getDatabaseFilename(); oldDBFile = OS.Path.join(oldDir, dbFilename); newDBFile = OS.Path.join(newDir, dbFilename); oldStorageDir = OS.Path.join(oldDir, "storage"); newStorageDir = OS.Path.join(newDir, "storage"); oldTranslatorsDir = OS.Path.join(oldDir, "translators"); newTranslatorsDir = OS.Path.join(newDir, "translators"); translatorName1 = 'a.js'; translatorName2 = 'b.js'; oldStorageDir1 = OS.Path.join(oldStorageDir, 'AAAAAAAA'); newStorageDir1 = OS.Path.join(newStorageDir, 'AAAAAAAA'); storageFile1 = 'test.pdf'; oldStorageDir2 = OS.Path.join(oldStorageDir, 'BBBBBBBB'); newStorageDir2 = OS.Path.join(newStorageDir, 'BBBBBBBB'); storageFile2 = 'test.html'; str1 = '1'; str2 = '2'; str3 = '3'; str4 = '4'; str5 = '5'; str6 = '6'; oldMigrationMarker = OS.Path.join(oldDir, Zotero.DataDirectory.MIGRATION_MARKER); newMigrationMarker = OS.Path.join(newDir, Zotero.DataDirectory.MIGRATION_MARKER); stubs.canMigrate = sinon.stub(Zotero.DataDirectory, "canMigrate").returns(true); // A pipe always exists during tests, since Zotero is running stubs.pipeExists = sinon.stub(Zotero.IPC, "pipeExists").returns(Zotero.Promise.resolve(false)); }); beforeEach(function* () { stubs.setDataDir = sinon.stub(Zotero.DataDirectory, "set"); }); afterEach(function* () { yield removeDir(oldDir); yield removeDir(newDir); Zotero.DataDirectory._cache(false); yield Zotero.DataDirectory.init(); stubs.setDataDir.restore(); }); after(function* () { stubs.canMigrate.restore(); stubs.pipeExists.restore(); }); var disableCommandMode = function () { // Force non-mv mode var origFunc = OS.File.exists; if (!stubs.canMoveDirectoryAtomic) { stubs.canMoveDirectoryAtomic = sinon.stub(Zotero.File, "canMoveDirectoryAtomic") .returns(false); } }; var resetCommandMode = function () { if (stubs.canMoveDirectoryAtomic) { stubs.canMoveDirectoryAtomic.restore(); stubs.canMoveDirectoryAtomic = undefined; } }; var populateDataDirectory = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (dir, srcDir, automatic = false) { yield OS.File.makeDir(dir, { unixMode: 0o755 }); let storageDir = OS.Path.join(dir, 'storage'); let storageDir1 = OS.Path.join(storageDir, 'AAAAAAAA'); let storageDir2 = OS.Path.join(storageDir, 'BBBBBBBB'); let translatorsDir = OS.Path.join(dir, 'translators'); let migrationMarker = OS.Path.join(dir, Zotero.DataDirectory.MIGRATION_MARKER); // Database yield Zotero.File.putContentsAsync(OS.Path.join(dir, dbFilename), str1); // Database backup yield Zotero.File.putContentsAsync(OS.Path.join(dir, dbFilename + '.bak'), str2); // 'storage' directory yield OS.File.makeDir(storageDir, { unixMode: 0o755 }); // 'storage' folders yield OS.File.makeDir(storageDir1, { unixMode: 0o755 }); yield Zotero.File.putContentsAsync(OS.Path.join(storageDir1, storageFile1), str2); yield OS.File.makeDir(storageDir2, { unixMode: 0o755 }); yield Zotero.File.putContentsAsync(OS.Path.join(storageDir2, storageFile2), str3); // 'translators' and some translators yield OS.File.makeDir(translatorsDir, { unixMode: 0o755 }); yield Zotero.File.putContentsAsync(OS.Path.join(translatorsDir, translatorName1), str4); yield Zotero.File.putContentsAsync(OS.Path.join(translatorsDir, translatorName2), str5); // Migration marker yield Zotero.File.putContentsAsync( migrationMarker, JSON.stringify({ sourceDir: srcDir || dir, automatic }) ); }); var checkMigration = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (options = {}) { if (!options.skipOldDir) { assert.isFalse(yield OS.File.exists(oldDir)); } yield assert.eventually.equal(Zotero.File.getContentsAsync(newDBFile), str1); yield assert.eventually.equal(Zotero.File.getContentsAsync(newDBFile + '.bak'), str2); if (!options.skipStorageFile1) { yield assert.eventually.equal( Zotero.File.getContentsAsync(OS.Path.join(newStorageDir1, storageFile1)), str2 ); } yield assert.eventually.equal( Zotero.File.getContentsAsync(OS.Path.join(newStorageDir2, storageFile2)), str3 ); yield assert.eventually.equal( Zotero.File.getContentsAsync(OS.Path.join(newTranslatorsDir, translatorName1)), str4 ); yield assert.eventually.equal( Zotero.File.getContentsAsync(OS.Path.join(newTranslatorsDir, translatorName2)), str5 ); if (!options.skipNewMarker) { assert.isFalse(yield OS.File.exists(newMigrationMarker)); } if (!options.skipSetDataDirectory) { assert.ok(stubs.setDataDir.calledOnce); assert.ok(stubs.setDataDir.calledWith(newDir)); } }); describe("#checkForMigration()", function () { let fileMoveStub; beforeEach(function () { disableCommandMode(); }); after(function () { resetCommandMode(); }); var tests = []; function add(desc, fn) { tests.push([desc, fn]); } it("should skip automatic migration if target directory exists and is non-empty", function* () { resetCommandMode(); // No automatic migration without atomic directory move if (!Zotero.File.canMoveDirectoryAtomic()) { this.skip(); } yield populateDataDirectory(oldDir); yield OS.File.remove(oldMigrationMarker); yield OS.File.makeDir(newDir, { unixMode: 0o755 }); yield Zotero.File.putContentsAsync(OS.Path.join(newDir, 'a'), ''); yield assert.eventually.isFalse(Zotero.DataDirectory.checkForMigration(oldDir, newDir)); }); add("should show error on partial failure", function (automatic) { return function* () { yield populateDataDirectory(oldDir, null, automatic); let origFunc = OS.File.move; let fileMoveStub = sinon.stub(OS.File, "move", function () { if (OS.Path.basename(arguments[0]) == storageFile1) { return Zotero.Promise.reject(new Error("Error")); } else { let args; if (Zotero.platformMajorVersion < 46) { args = Array.from(arguments); } else { args = arguments; } return origFunc(...args); } }); let stub1 = sinon.stub(Zotero.File, "reveal").returns(Zotero.Promise.resolve()); let stub2 = sinon.stub(Zotero.Utilities.Internal, "quitZotero"); var promise2; // Click "Try Again" the first time, and then "Show Directories and Quit Zotero" var promise = waitForDialog(function (dialog) { promise2 = waitForDialog(null, 'extra1'); // Make sure we're displaying the right message for this mode (automatic or manual) Components.utils.import("resource://zotero/config.js"); assert.include( dialog.document.documentElement.textContent, Zotero.getString( `dataDir.migration.failure.partial.${automatic ? 'automatic' : 'manual'}.text`, [ZOTERO_CONFIG.CLIENT_NAME, Zotero.appName] ) ); }); yield Zotero.DataDirectory.checkForMigration(oldDir, newDir); yield promise; yield promise2; assert.isTrue(stub1.calledTwice); assert.isTrue(stub1.getCall(0).calledWith(oldStorageDir)); assert.isTrue(stub1.getCall(1).calledWith(newDBFile)); assert.isTrue(stub2.called); fileMoveStub.restore(); stub1.restore(); stub2.restore(); }; }); add("should show error on full failure", function (automatic) { return function* () { yield populateDataDirectory(oldDir, null, automatic); let origFunc = OS.File.move; let stub1 = sinon.stub(OS.File, "move", function () { if (OS.Path.basename(arguments[0]) == dbFilename) { return Zotero.Promise.reject(new Error("Error")); } else { return origFunc(...arguments); } }); let stub2 = sinon.stub(Zotero.File, "reveal").returns(Zotero.Promise.resolve()); let stub3 = sinon.stub(Zotero.Utilities.Internal, "quitZotero"); var promise = waitForDialog(function (dialog) { // Make sure we're displaying the right message for this mode (automatic or manual) Components.utils.import("resource://zotero/config.js"); assert.include( dialog.document.documentElement.textContent, Zotero.getString( `dataDir.migration.failure.full.${automatic ? 'automatic' : 'manual'}.text1`, ZOTERO_CONFIG.CLIENT_NAME ) ); }); yield Zotero.DataDirectory.checkForMigration(oldDir, newDir); yield promise; assert.isTrue(stub2.calledOnce); assert.isTrue(stub2.calledWith(oldDir)); assert.isTrue(stub3.called); stub1.restore(); stub2.restore(); stub3.restore(); }; }); describe("automatic mode", function () { tests.forEach(arr => { it(arr[0], arr[1](true)); }); }); describe("manual mode", function () { tests.forEach(arr => { it(arr[0], arr[1](false)); }); }); it("should remove marker if old directory doesn't exist", function* () { yield populateDataDirectory(newDir, oldDir); yield Zotero.DataDirectory.checkForMigration(newDir, newDir); yield checkMigration({ skipSetDataDirectory: true }); }); }); describe("#migrate()", function () { // Define tests and store for running in non-mv mode var tests = []; function add(desc, fn) { it(desc, fn); tests.push([desc, fn]); } add("should move all files and folders", function* () { yield populateDataDirectory(oldDir); yield Zotero.DataDirectory.migrate(oldDir, newDir); yield checkMigration(); }); add("should resume partial migration with just marker copied", function* () { yield populateDataDirectory(oldDir); yield OS.File.makeDir(newDir, { unixMode: 0o755 }); yield OS.File.copy(oldMigrationMarker, newMigrationMarker); yield Zotero.DataDirectory.migrate(oldDir, newDir, true); yield checkMigration(); }); add("should resume partial migration with database moved", function* () { yield populateDataDirectory(oldDir); yield OS.File.makeDir(newDir, { unixMode: 0o755 }); yield OS.File.copy(oldMigrationMarker, newMigrationMarker); yield OS.File.move(OS.Path.join(oldDir, dbFilename), OS.Path.join(newDir, dbFilename)); yield Zotero.DataDirectory.migrate(oldDir, newDir, true); yield checkMigration(); }); add("should resume partial migration with some storage directories moved", function* () { yield populateDataDirectory(oldDir); yield populateDataDirectory(newDir, oldDir); // Moved: DB, DB backup, one storage dir // Not moved: one storage dir, translators dir yield OS.File.remove(oldDBFile); yield OS.File.remove(oldDBFile + '.bak'); yield removeDir(oldStorageDir1); yield removeDir(newTranslatorsDir); yield removeDir(newStorageDir2); yield Zotero.DataDirectory.migrate(oldDir, newDir, true); yield checkMigration(); }); add("should move existing directory out of the way", function* () { yield populateDataDirectory(oldDir); yield OS.File.makeDir(newDir, { unixMode: 0o755 }); yield Zotero.File.putContentsAsync(OS.Path.join(newDir, 'existing'), ''); yield Zotero.DataDirectory.migrate(oldDir, newDir); yield checkMigration(); assert.isTrue(yield OS.File.exists(OS.Path.join(newDir + "-1", 'existing'))); yield removeDir(newDir + "-1"); }); // Run all tests again without using mv // // On Windows these will just be duplicates of the above tests. describe("non-mv mode", function () { tests.forEach(arr => { it(arr[0] + " [non-mv]", arr[1]); }); before(function () { disableCommandMode(); }); after(function () { resetCommandMode(); }); it("should handle partial failure", function* () { yield populateDataDirectory(oldDir); let origFunc = OS.File.move; let stub1 = sinon.stub(OS.File, "move", function () { if (OS.Path.basename(arguments[0]) == storageFile1) { return Zotero.Promise.reject(new Error("Error")); } else { let args; if (Zotero.platformMajorVersion < 46) { args = Array.from(arguments); } else { args = arguments; } return origFunc(...args); } }); yield Zotero.DataDirectory.migrate(oldDir, newDir); stub1.restore(); yield checkMigration({ skipOldDir: true, skipStorageFile1: true, skipNewMarker: true }); assert.isTrue(yield OS.File.exists(OS.Path.join(oldStorageDir1, storageFile1))); assert.isFalse(yield OS.File.exists(OS.Path.join(oldStorageDir2, storageFile2))); assert.isFalse(yield OS.File.exists(oldTranslatorsDir)); assert.isTrue(yield OS.File.exists(newMigrationMarker)); }); }); }); });