describe("Zotero.HTTP", function () { var httpd; var port = 16213; var baseURL = `${port}/` var testURL = baseURL + 'test.html'; var redirectLocation = baseURL + 'test2.html'; before(function* () { Components.utils.import("resource://zotero-unit/httpd.js"); httpd = new HttpServer(); httpd.start(port); httpd.registerPathHandler( '/test.html', { handle: function (request, response) { response.setStatusLine(null, 200, "OK"); response.write("


Test 2

"); } } ); httpd.registerPathHandler( '/redirect', { handle: function (request, response) { response.setHeader('Location', redirectLocation); response.setStatusLine(null, 301, "Moved Permanently"); response.write(`\n\n301 Moved Permanently\n\n

Moved Permanently


The document has moved here.

\n`); } } ); httpd.registerPathHandler( '/test-redirect.html', { handle: function (request, response) { response.setHeader("Content-Type", 'text/html', false); response.setStatusLine(null, 200, "OK"); response.write(""); } } ); }); after(function* () { var defer = new Zotero.Promise.defer(); httpd.stop(() => defer.resolve()); yield defer.promise; }); describe("#request()", function () { it("should succeed with 3xx status if followRedirects is false", async function () { var req = await Zotero.HTTP.request( 'GET', baseURL + 'redirect', { followRedirects: false } ); assert.equal(req.status, 301); assert.equal(req.getResponseHeader('Location'), redirectLocation); }); }); describe("#processDocuments()", function () { it("should provide a document object", function* () { var called = false; yield Zotero.HTTP.processDocuments( testURL, function (doc) { assert.equal(doc.location.href, testURL); assert.equal(doc.querySelector('p').textContent, 'Test'); var p = doc.evaluate('//p', doc, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext(); assert.equal(p.textContent, 'Test'); called = true; } ); assert.isTrue(called); }); it("should follow meta redirect for a document", async function () { let url1 = `${port}/test-redirect.html`; let url2 = `${port}/test.html`; let called = false; await Zotero.HTTP.processDocuments( url1, function (doc) { assert.equal(doc.location.href, url2); called = true; } ); assert.isTrue(called); }); }); describe("#loadDocuments()", function () { var win; before(function* () { // TEMP: createHiddenBrowser currently needs a parent window win = yield loadBrowserWindow(); }); after(function* () { win.close(); }); it("should provide a document object", function* () { var called = false; yield new Zotero.Promise((resolve) => { Zotero.HTTP.loadDocuments( testURL, function (doc) { assert.equal(doc.location.href, testURL); assert.equal(doc.querySelector('p').textContent, 'Test'); var p = doc.evaluate('//p', doc, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext(); assert.equal(p.textContent, 'Test'); called = true; }, resolve ); }); assert.isTrue(called); }); }); });