describe("Zotero.Annotations", function() { var exampleHighlight = { "libraryID": null, "key": "92JLMCVT", "type": "highlight", "isExternal": false, "readOnly": false, "text": "This is an extracted text with rich-text\nAnd a new line", "comment": "This is a comment with rich-text\nAnd a new line", "color": "#ffec00", "pageLabel": "15", "sortIndex": "00015|002431|00000", "position": { "pageIndex": 1, "rects": [ [231.284, 402.126, 293.107, 410.142], [54.222, 392.164, 293.107, 400.18], [54.222, 382.201, 293.107, 390.217], [54.222, 372.238, 293.107, 380.254], [54.222, 362.276, 273.955, 370.292] ] }, "tags": [ { "name": "math", "color": "#ff0000" }, { "name": "chemistry" } ], "dateModified": "2019-05-14 06:50:40" }; var exampleHighlightAlt = jsonPositionToString(exampleHighlight); var exampleNote = { "libraryID": null, "key": "5TKU34XX", "type": "note", "isExternal": false, "readOnly": false, "comment": "This is a note", "color": "#ffec00", "pageLabel": "14", "sortIndex": "00014|001491|00283", "position": { "pageIndex": 0, "rects": [ [371.395, 266.635, 486.075, 274.651] ] }, "dateModified": "2019-05-14 06:50:54" }; var exampleNoteAlt = jsonPositionToString(exampleNote); var exampleImage = { "libraryID": null, "key": "QD32MQJF", "type": "image", "isExternal": false, "readOnly": false, "image": "zotero://attachment/library/items/LB417FR4", "comment": "This is a comment", "color": "#ffec00", "pageLabel": "XVI", "sortIndex": "00016|003491|00683", "position": { "pageIndex": 123, "rects": [ [314.4, 412.8, 556.2, 609.6] ], "width": 400, "height": 200 }, "dateModified": "2019-05-14 06:51:22" }; var exampleImageAlt = jsonPositionToString(exampleImage); var exampleGroupHighlight = { "libraryID": null, "key": "PE57YAYH", "type": "highlight", "isExternal": false, "authorName": "Kate Smith", "text": "This is an extracted text with rich-text\nAnd a new line", "comment": "This is a comment with rich-text\nAnd a new line", "color": "#ffec00", "pageLabel": "15", "sortIndex": "00015|002431|00000", "position": { "pageIndex": 1, "rects": [ [231.284, 402.126, 293.107, 410.142], [54.222, 392.164, 293.107, 400.18], [54.222, 382.201, 293.107, 390.217], [54.222, 372.238, 293.107, 380.254], [54.222, 362.276, 273.955, 370.292] ] }, "dateModified": "2019-05-14 06:50:40" }; var exampleGroupHighlightAlt = jsonPositionToString(exampleGroupHighlight); // Item.position is a string, so when using the annotation JSON as input or when comparing we // have to use a version where 'position' has been stringified function jsonPositionToString(json) { var o = Object.assign({}, json); o.position = JSON.stringify(o.position); return o; } var item; var attachment; var group; var groupItem; var groupAttachment; before(async function () { item = await createDataObject('item'); attachment = await importFileAttachment('test.pdf', { parentID: }); exampleHighlight.libraryID = item.libraryID; exampleNote.libraryID = item.libraryID; exampleImage.libraryID = item.libraryID; group = await getGroup(); exampleGroupHighlight.libraryID = group.libraryID; groupItem = await createDataObject('item', { libraryID: group.libraryID }); groupAttachment = await importFileAttachment( 'test.pdf', { libraryID: group.libraryID, parentID: } ); }); describe("#toJSON()", function () { it("should generate an object for a highlight", async function () { var annotation = new Zotero.Item('annotation'); annotation.libraryID = attachment.libraryID; annotation.key = exampleHighlight.key; await annotation.loadPrimaryData(); annotation.parentID =; annotation.annotationType = 'highlight'; for (let prop of ['text', 'comment', 'color', 'pageLabel', 'sortIndex', 'position']) { let itemProp = 'annotation' + prop[0].toUpperCase() + prop.substr(1); annotation[itemProp] = exampleHighlightAlt[prop]; } annotation.addTag("math"); annotation.addTag("chemistry"); await annotation.saveTx(); await Zotero.Tags.setColor(annotation.libraryID, "math", "#ff0000", 0); var json = await Zotero.Annotations.toJSON(annotation); assert.sameMembers(Object.keys(json), Object.keys(exampleHighlight)); for (let prop of Object.keys(exampleHighlight)) { if (prop == 'dateModified') { continue; } assert.deepEqual(json[prop], exampleHighlight[prop], `'${prop}' doesn't match`); } await annotation.eraseTx(); }); it("should generate an object for a note", async function () { var annotation = new Zotero.Item('annotation'); annotation.libraryID = attachment.libraryID; annotation.key = exampleNote.key; await annotation.loadPrimaryData(); annotation.parentID =; annotation.annotationType = 'note'; for (let prop of ['comment', 'color', 'pageLabel', 'sortIndex', 'position']) { let itemProp = 'annotation' + prop[0].toUpperCase() + prop.substr(1); annotation[itemProp] = exampleNoteAlt[prop]; } await annotation.saveTx(); var json = await Zotero.Annotations.toJSON(annotation); assert.sameMembers(Object.keys(json), Object.keys(exampleNote)); for (let prop of Object.keys(exampleNote)) { if (prop == 'dateModified') { continue; } assert.deepEqual(json[prop], exampleNote[prop], `'${prop}' doesn't match`); } await annotation.eraseTx(); }); it("should generate an object for an image", async function () { var annotation = new Zotero.Item('annotation'); annotation.libraryID = attachment.libraryID; annotation.key = exampleImage.key; await annotation.loadPrimaryData(); annotation.parentID =; annotation.annotationType = 'image'; for (let prop of ['comment', 'color', 'pageLabel', 'sortIndex', 'position']) { let itemProp = 'annotation' + prop[0].toUpperCase() + prop.substr(1); annotation[itemProp] = exampleImageAlt[prop]; } await annotation.saveTx(); // Get Blob from file and attach it var path = OS.Path.join(getTestDataDirectory().path, 'test.png'); var imageData = await Zotero.File.getBinaryContentsAsync(path); var array = new Uint8Array(imageData.length); for (let i = 0; i < imageData.length; i++) { array[i] = imageData.charCodeAt(i); } var blob = new Blob([array], { type: 'image/png' }); var file = await Zotero.Annotations.saveCacheImage(annotation, blob); var json = await Zotero.Annotations.toJSON(annotation); assert.sameMembers(Object.keys(json), Object.keys(exampleImage)); for (let prop of Object.keys(exampleImage)) { if (prop == 'image' || prop == 'dateModified') { continue; } assert.deepEqual(json[prop], exampleImage[prop], `'${prop}' doesn't match`); } var imageVal = await new Zotero.Promise((resolve) => { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.readAsDataURL(blob); reader.onloadend = function() { resolve(reader.result); } }); assert.equal(json.image, imageVal); await annotation.eraseTx(); }); it("should generate an object for a highlight by another user in a group library", async function () { await Zotero.Users.setName(12345, 'First Last'); var annotation = new Zotero.Item('annotation'); annotation.libraryID = groupAttachment.libraryID; annotation.key = exampleGroupHighlight.key; await annotation.loadPrimaryData(); annotation.createdByUserID = 12345; annotation.parentID =; annotation.annotationType = 'highlight'; for (let prop of ['text', 'comment', 'color', 'pageLabel', 'sortIndex', 'position']) { let itemProp = 'annotation' + prop[0].toUpperCase() + prop.substr(1); annotation[itemProp] = exampleGroupHighlightAlt[prop]; } await annotation.saveTx({ skipEditCheck: true }); var json = await Zotero.Annotations.toJSON(annotation); assert.equal(json.authorName, 'First Last'); await annotation.eraseTx({ skipEditCheck: true }); }); it("should generate an object for a highlight by another user modified by the current user in a group library", async function () { await Zotero.Users.setName(1, 'My Name'); await Zotero.Users.setName(12345, 'Their Name'); var annotation = await createAnnotation('highlight', groupAttachment); annotation.createdByUserID = 12345; annotation.lastModifiedByUserID = 1; await annotation.saveTx({ skipEditCheck: true }); var json = await Zotero.Annotations.toJSON(annotation); assert.equal(json.authorName, 'Their Name'); assert.equal(json.lastModifiedByUser, 'My Name'); await annotation.eraseTx({ skipEditCheck: true }); }); it("should generate an object for an annotation by another user in a personal library", async function () { var annotation = await createAnnotation('highlight', attachment); annotation.annotationAuthorName = 'First Last'; await annotation.saveTx(); var json = await Zotero.Annotations.toJSON(annotation); assert.equal(json.authorName, 'First Last'); await annotation.eraseTx(); }); }); describe("#saveFromJSON()", function () { it("should create an item from a highlight", async function () { var annotation = await Zotero.Annotations.saveFromJSON(attachment, exampleHighlight); assert.equal(annotation.key, exampleHighlight.key); for (let prop of ['text', 'comment', 'color', 'pageLabel', 'sortIndex', 'position']) { let itemProp = 'annotation' + prop[0].toUpperCase() + prop.substr(1); assert.deepEqual(annotation[itemProp], exampleHighlightAlt[prop], `'${prop}' doesn't match`); } var itemTags = annotation.getTags().map(t => t.tag); var jsonTags = =>; assert.sameMembers(itemTags, jsonTags); }); it("should create an item from a note", async function () { var annotation = await Zotero.Annotations.saveFromJSON(attachment, exampleNote); assert.equal(annotation.key, exampleNote.key); for (let prop of ['comment', 'color', 'pageLabel', 'sortIndex', 'position']) { let itemProp = 'annotation' + prop[0].toUpperCase() + prop.substr(1); assert.deepEqual(annotation[itemProp], exampleNoteAlt[prop], `'${prop}' doesn't match`); } }); it("should create an item from an image", async function () { var annotation = await Zotero.Annotations.saveFromJSON(attachment, exampleImage); // Note: Image is created separately using Zotero.Annotations.saveCacheImage() assert.equal(annotation.key, exampleImage.key); for (let prop of ['comment', 'color', 'pageLabel', 'sortIndex', 'position']) { let itemProp = 'annotation' + prop[0].toUpperCase() + prop.substr(1); assert.deepEqual(annotation[itemProp], exampleImageAlt[prop], `'${prop}' doesn't match`); } }); it("should remove empty fields", async function () { var annotation = await Zotero.Annotations.saveFromJSON(attachment, exampleHighlight); var json = Object.assign({}, exampleHighlight); json.comment = ''; json.pageLabel = ''; await Zotero.Annotations.saveFromJSON(attachment, json); assert.isNull(annotation.annotationComment); assert.isNull(annotation.annotationPageLabel); }); }); describe("#splitAnnotations()", function () { it("should split a highlight annotation", async function () { await Zotero.Items.erase(attachment.getAnnotations().map(x =>; let annotation = await createAnnotation('highlight', attachment); let position = { pageIndex: 1, rects: [] }; for (let i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { position.rects.push([100, 200, 100, 200]); } annotation.annotationPosition = JSON.stringify(position); annotation.annotationText = 'test'; await annotation.saveTx(); await Zotero.Annotations.splitAnnotations([annotation]); let splitAnnotations = attachment.getAnnotations(); assert.equal(splitAnnotations.length, 3); assert.equal(splitAnnotations[0].annotationPosition.length, 64987); assert.equal(splitAnnotations[1].annotationPosition.length, 64987); assert.equal(splitAnnotations[2].annotationPosition.length, 50101); assert.equal(splitAnnotations[0].annotationText, 'test'); assert.equal(splitAnnotations[1].annotationText, 'test'); assert.equal(splitAnnotations[2].annotationText, 'test'); assert.equal(Zotero.Items.get(, false); await Zotero.Items.erase( =>; }); it("should split an ink annotation", async function () { await Zotero.Items.erase(attachment.getAnnotations().map(x =>; let annotation = await createAnnotation('ink', attachment); let position = { pageIndex: 1, width: 2, paths: [] }; for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) { let path = []; for (let j = 0; j < 200; j++) { path.push(100, 200); } position.paths.push(path); } annotation.annotationPosition = JSON.stringify(position); annotation.annotationComment = 'test'; await annotation.saveTx(); await Zotero.Annotations.splitAnnotations([annotation]); let splitAnnotations = attachment.getAnnotations(); assert.equal(splitAnnotations.length, 3); assert.equal(splitAnnotations[0].annotationPosition.length, 64957); assert.equal(splitAnnotations[1].annotationPosition.length, 64951); assert.equal(splitAnnotations[2].annotationPosition.length, 30401); assert.equal(splitAnnotations[0].annotationComment, 'test'); assert.equal(splitAnnotations[1].annotationComment, 'test'); assert.equal(splitAnnotations[2].annotationComment, 'test'); assert.equal(Zotero.Items.get(, false); await Zotero.Items.erase( =>; }); }); }); describe("Create a note from annotations from multiple items and attachments", function () { it("should create a note from single PDF file containing multiple annotations", async function () { let annotations = []; let attachment = await importPDFAttachment(); let annotation1 = await createAnnotation('highlight', attachment); annotations.push(annotation1); let annotation2 = await createAnnotation('highlight', attachment); annotations.push(annotation2); let note = await Zotero.EditorInstance.createNoteFromAnnotations(annotations); assert.equal(note.note.split('test').length - 1, 1); assert.equal(note.note.split(annotation1.annotationText).length - 1, 1); assert.equal(note.note.split(annotation2.annotationText).length - 1, 1); }); it("should create a note from multiple PDF files containing single annotation", async function () { let annotations = []; let item = await createDataObject('item', { setTitle: true }); let attachment1 = await importPDFAttachment(item); let attachment2 = await importPDFAttachment(item); let annotation1 = await createAnnotation('highlight', attachment1); annotations.push(annotation1); let annotation2 = await createAnnotation('highlight', attachment2); annotations.push(annotation2); let note = await Zotero.EditorInstance.createNoteFromAnnotations(annotations); assert.equal(note.note.split('test').length - 1, 2); assert.equal(note.note.split('>' + item.getField('title') + '<').length - 1, 0); assert.equal(note.note.split(annotation1.annotationText).length - 1, 1); assert.equal(note.note.split(annotation2.annotationText).length - 1, 1); }); it("should create a note from multiple parent items containing single PDF file with single annotation", async function () { let annotations = []; let item1 = await createDataObject('item', { setTitle: true }); let item2 = await createDataObject('item', { setTitle: true }); let attachment1 = await importPDFAttachment(item1); let attachment2 = await importPDFAttachment(item2); let annotation1 = await createAnnotation('highlight', attachment1); annotations.push(annotation1); let annotation2 = await createAnnotation('highlight', attachment2); annotations.push(annotation2); let note = await Zotero.EditorInstance.createNoteFromAnnotations(annotations); assert.equal(note.note.split('test').length - 1, 0); assert.equal(note.note.split('>' + item1.getField('title') + '<').length - 1, 1); assert.equal(note.note.split('>' + item2.getField('title') + '<').length - 1, 1); assert.equal(note.note.split(annotation1.annotationText).length - 1, 1); assert.equal(note.note.split(annotation2.annotationText).length - 1, 1); }); it("should create a note from multiple parent items containing multiple PDF files with multiple annotations", async function () { let annotations = []; let item1 = await createDataObject('item', { setTitle: true }); let item2 = await createDataObject('item', { setTitle: true }); let attachment1 = await importPDFAttachment(item1); let attachment2 = await importPDFAttachment(item2); let attachment3 = await importPDFAttachment(item2); let annotation1 = await createAnnotation('highlight', attachment1); annotations.push(annotation1); let annotation2 = await createAnnotation('highlight', attachment2); annotations.push(annotation2); let annotation3 = await createAnnotation('highlight', attachment3); annotations.push(annotation3); let annotation4 = await createAnnotation('highlight', attachment3); annotations.push(annotation4); let note = await Zotero.EditorInstance.createNoteFromAnnotations(annotations); Zotero.debug(note.note); assert.equal(note.note.split('test').length - 1, 2); assert.equal(note.note.split('>' + item1.getField('title') + '<').length - 1, 1); assert.equal(note.note.split('>' + item2.getField('title') + '<').length - 1, 1); assert.equal(note.note.split(annotation1.annotationText).length - 1, 1); assert.equal(note.note.split(annotation2.annotationText).length - 1, 1); // Check item URIs count assert.equal(note.note.split('').length - 1, 16); }); });