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    Copyright © 2013 Center for History and New Media
                     George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA
    This file is part of Zotero.
    Zotero is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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    ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****

EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["ConcurrentCaller"];

 * Call a fixed number of functions at once, queueing the rest until slots
 * open and returning a promise for the final completion. The functions do
 * not need to return promises, but they should if they have asynchronous
 * work to perform.
 * Example:
 *   var caller = new ConcurrentCaller({
 *       numConcurrent: 2,
 *       stopOnError: true
 *   });
 *   yield caller.start([foo, bar, baz, qux);
 * In this example, foo and bar would run immediately, and baz and qux would
 * be queued for later. When foo or bar finished, baz would be run, followed
 * by qux when another slot opened.
 * Additional functions can be added at any time with another call to start(). The promises for
 * all open start() calls will be resolved when all requests are finished.
 * @param {Object} options
 * @param {Integer} options.numConcurrent - The number of concurrent functions to run.
 * @param {String} [options.id] - Identifier to use in debug output
 * @param {Boolean} [options.stopOnError]
 * @param {Function} [options.onError]
 * @param {Integer} [options.interval] - Interval between the end of one function run and the
 *     beginning of another, in milliseconds
 * @param {Function} [options.logger]
ConcurrentCaller = function (options = {}) {
	if (typeof options == 'number') {
		this._log("ConcurrentCaller now takes an object rather than a number");
		options = {
			numConcurrent: options
	if (!options.numConcurrent) throw new Error("numConcurrent must be provided");
	this.stopOnError = options.stopOnError || false;
	this.onError = options.onError || null;
	this.numConcurrent = options.numConcurrent;
	this._id = options.id;
	this._numRunning = 0;
	this._queue = [];
	this._logger = options.logger || null;
	this._interval = options.interval || 0;
	this._pausing = false;
	this._pauseUntil = 0;
	this._deferred = null;

ConcurrentCaller.prototype.setInterval = function (ms) {
	this._log("setInterval() is deprecated -- pass .interval to constructor");
	this._interval = ms;

ConcurrentCaller.prototype.setLogger = function (func) {
	this._log("setLogger() is deprecated -- pass .logger to constructor");
	this._logger = func;

 * Don't run any new functions for the specified amount of time
ConcurrentCaller.prototype.pause = function (ms) {
	this._pauseUntil = Date.now() + ms;

 * Add a task to the queue without starting it
 * @param {Function|Function[]} - One or more functions to run
 * @return {Promise|Promise<PromiseInspection[]>} - If one function is passed, a promise for the return
 *     value of the passed function; if multiple, a promise for an array of PromiseInspection objects
 *     for those functions, resolved once they have all finished, even if other functions are still running
ConcurrentCaller.prototype.add = function (func) {
	if (Array.isArray(func)) {
		let promises = [];
		for (let i = 0; i < func.length; i++) {
		return Promise.all(promises);
	if (!this._deferred || !this._deferred.promise.isPending()) {
		this._deferred = Promise.defer();
	var deferred = Promise.defer();
		func: Promise.method(func),
		deferred: deferred
	return deferred.promise;

 * @param {Function|Function[]} - One or more functions to run
 * @return {Promise[]} - An array of promises for passed functions, resolved once they have all
 *     finished (even if other functions are still running)
ConcurrentCaller.prototype.start = function (func) {
	var promise = this.add(func);
	var run = this._processNext();
	if (!run) {
		this._log("Already at " + this.numConcurrent + " -- queueing for later");
	return promise;

 * Start processing if not already running and wait for all tasks to complete
 * @return {Promise[]} - An array of promises for all currently queued tasks
ConcurrentCaller.prototype.runAll = function () {
	// If nothing queued, return immediately
	if (!this._deferred) {
		return Promise.resolve([]);
	var promises = this._queue.map(x => x.deferred.promise);
	do {
		var run = this._processNext();
	while (run);
	return this._deferred.promise.return(promises);

ConcurrentCaller.prototype.fcall = function (func) {
	this._log("fcall() is deprecated -- use start()");
	return this.start(func);

 * Wait for all running tasks to complete
 * @return {Promise}
ConcurrentCaller.prototype.wait = function () {
	return this._deferred ? this._deferred.promise : Promise.resolve();

ConcurrentCaller.prototype.stop = function () {
	this._log("Clearing queue");
	this._queue = [];

ConcurrentCaller.prototype._processNext = function () {
	if (this._numRunning >= this.numConcurrent) {
		return false;
	// If there's a function to call and we're under the concurrent limit, run it now
	var f = this._queue.shift();
	if (!f) {
		if (this._numRunning == 0 && !this._pausing) {
			this._log("All tasks are done");
		else {
			this._log("Nothing left to run -- waiting for running tasks to complete");
		return false;
	this._log("Running function ("
		+ this._numRunning + "/" + this.numConcurrent + " running, "
		+ this._queue.length + " queued)");
	f.func().bind(this).then(function (value) {
		this._log("Done with function ("
			+ this._numRunning + "/" + this.numConcurrent + " running, "
			+ this._queue.length + " queued)");
		this._waitForPause().bind(this).then(function () {
	.catch(function (e) {
		this._log("Error in function (" + this._numRunning + "/" + this.numConcurrent + ", "
			+ this._queue.length + " in queue)");
		if (this.onError) {
		if (this.stopOnError && this._queue.length) {
			this._log("Stopping on error: " + e);
			this._oldQueue = this._queue;
			this._queue = [];
			for (let o of this._oldQueue) {
				//this._log("Rejecting promise");
		this._waitForPause().bind(this).then(function () {
		e.handledRejection = true;
	return true;

 * Wait until the specified interval has elapsed or the current pause (if there is one) is over,
 * whichever is longer
ConcurrentCaller.prototype._waitForPause = Promise.coroutine(function* () {
	let interval = this._interval;
	let now = Date.now();
	if (this._pauseUntil > now && (this._pauseUntil - now > interval)) {
		interval = this._pauseUntil - now;
	this._pausing = true;
	yield Promise.delay(interval);
	this._pausing = false;

ConcurrentCaller.prototype._log = function (msg) {
	if (this._logger) {
		this._logger("[ConcurrentCaller] " + (this._id ? `[${this._id}] ` : "") + msg);