describe("Zotero.Libraries", function() { let groupName = 'test', group, builtInLibraries; before(function* () { builtInLibraries = [ Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID, ]; group = yield createGroup({ name: groupName }); }); it("should provide user library ID as .userLibraryID", function() { assert.isDefined(Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID); assert(Number.isInteger(Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID), ".userLibraryID is an integer"); assert.isAbove(Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID, 0); }); describe("#getAll()", function() { it("should return an array of Zotero.Library instances", function() { let libraries = Zotero.Libraries.getAll(); assert.isArray(libraries); assert(libraries.every(library => library instanceof Zotero.Library)); }) it("should return all libraries in sorted order", function* () { // Add/remove a few group libraries beforehand to ensure that data is kept in sync let library = yield createGroup(); let tempLib = yield createGroup(); yield tempLib.eraseTx(); var libraries = Zotero.Libraries.getAll(); var ids = => library.libraryID); var dbIDs = yield Zotero.DB.columnQueryAsync("SELECT libraryID FROM libraries"); assert.sameMembers(ids, dbIDs); assert.equal(dbIDs.length, ids.length, "returns correct number of IDs"); // Check sort assert.equal(ids[0], Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID); var last = ""; var collation = Zotero.getLocaleCollation(); for (let i = 2; i < libraries.length; i++) { let current = libraries[i].name; assert.isAbove( collation.compareString(1, current, last), 0, `'${current}' should sort after '${last}'` ); last = current; } // remove left-over library yield library.eraseTx(); }); }); describe("#exists()", function() { it("should return true for all existing IDs", function() { let ids = Zotero.Libraries.getAll().map(library => library.libraryID); assert.isTrue(ids.reduce(function(res, id) { return res && Zotero.Libraries.exists(id) }, true)); }); it("should return false for a non-existing ID", function() { assert.isFalse(Zotero.Libraries.exists(-1), "returns boolean false for a negative ID"); let badID = Zotero.Libraries.getAll().map(lib => lib.libraryID).reduce((a, b) => (a < b ? b : a)) + 1; assert.isFalse(Zotero.Libraries.exists(badID), "returns boolean false for a non-existent positive ID"); }); }); describe("#getName()", function() { it("should return correct library name for built-in libraries", function() { assert.equal(Zotero.Libraries.getName(Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID), Zotero.getString('pane.collections.library'), "user library name is correct"); }); it("should return correct name for a group library", function() { assert.equal(Zotero.Libraries.getName(group.libraryID), groupName); }); it("should throw for invalid library ID", function() { assert.throws(() => Zotero.Libraries.getName(-1), /^Invalid library ID /); }); }); describe("#getType()", function() { it("should return correct library type for built-in libraries", function() { assert.equal(Zotero.Libraries.getType(Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID), 'user', "user library type is correct"); }); it("should return correct library type for a group library", function() { assert.equal(Zotero.Libraries.getType(group.libraryID), 'group'); }); it("should throw for invalid library ID", function() { assert.throws(() => Zotero.Libraries.getType(-1), /^Invalid library ID /); }); }); describe("#isEditable()", function() { it("should always return true for user library", function() { assert.isTrue(Zotero.Libraries.isEditable(Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID)); }); it("should return correct state for a group library", function* () { group.editable = true; yield group.saveTx(); assert.isTrue(Zotero.Libraries.isEditable(group.libraryID)); group.editable = false; yield group.saveTx(); assert.isFalse(Zotero.Libraries.isEditable(group.libraryID)); }); it("should throw for invalid library ID", function() { assert.throws(Zotero.Libraries.isEditable.bind(Zotero.Libraries, -1), /^Invalid library ID /); }); it("should not depend on filesEditable", function* () { let editableStartState = Zotero.Libraries.isEditable(group.libraryID), filesEditableStartState = Zotero.Libraries.isFilesEditable(group.libraryID); // Test all combinations // E: true, FE: true => true yield Zotero.Libraries.setEditable(group.libraryID, true); yield Zotero.Libraries.setFilesEditable(group.libraryID, true); assert.isTrue(Zotero.Libraries.isEditable(group.libraryID)); // E: false, FE: true => false yield Zotero.Libraries.setEditable(group.libraryID, false); assert.isFalse(Zotero.Libraries.isEditable(group.libraryID)); // E: false, FE: false => false yield Zotero.Libraries.setFilesEditable(group.libraryID, false); assert.isFalse(Zotero.Libraries.isEditable(group.libraryID)); // E: true, FE: false => true yield Zotero.Libraries.setEditable(group.libraryID, true); assert.isTrue(Zotero.Libraries.isEditable(group.libraryID)); // Revert settings yield Zotero.Libraries.setFilesEditable(group.libraryID, filesEditableStartState); yield Zotero.Libraries.setEditable(group.libraryID, editableStartState); }); }); describe("#setEditable()", function() { it("should not allow changing editable state of built-in libraries", function* () { for (let i=0; i