#!/bin/bash -e # Copyright (c) 2011 Zotero # Center for History and New Media # George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA # http://zotero.org # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . CALLDIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" . "$CALLDIR/config.sh" if [ "`uname`" = "Darwin" ]; then MAC_NATIVE=1 else MAC_NATIVE=0 fi if [ "`uname -o 2> /dev/null`" = "Cygwin" ]; then WIN_NATIVE=1 else WIN_NATIVE=0 fi function usage { cat >&2 < "$DIST_DIR/build_id" cd "$app_dir" # Copy 'browser' files from Firefox # # omni.ja is left uncompressed within the Firefox application files by fetch_xulrunner set +e if [ $BUILD_MAC == 1 ]; then cp -Rp "$MAC_RUNTIME_PATH"/Contents/Resources/browser/omni "$app_dir" elif [ $BUILD_WIN == 1 ]; then # Non-arch-specific files, so just use 64-bit version cp -Rp "${WIN_RUNTIME_PATH_PREFIX}win64"/browser/omni "$app_dir" elif [ $BUILD_LINUX == 1 ]; then # Non-arch-specific files, so just use 64-bit version cp -Rp "${LINUX_RUNTIME_PATH_PREFIX}x86_64"/browser/omni "$app_dir" fi set -e cd $omni_dir # Move some Firefox files that would be overwritten out of the way mv chrome.manifest chrome.manifest-fx mv components components-fx mv defaults defaults-fx # Extract Zotero files if [ -n "$ZIP_FILE" ]; then ZIP_FILE="`abspath $ZIP_FILE`" echo "Building from $ZIP_FILE" unzip -q $ZIP_FILE -d "$omni_dir" else rsync_params="" if [ $include_tests -eq 0 ]; then rsync_params="--exclude /test" fi rsync -a $rsync_params "$SOURCE_DIR/" ./ fi # # Merge preserved files from Firefox # # components mv components/* components-fx rmdir components mv components-fx components mv defaults defaults-z mv defaults-fx defaults prefs_file=defaults/preferences/zotero.js # Transfer Firefox prefs, omitting some with undesirable overrides from the base prefs # # - network.captive-portal-service.enabled # Disable the captive portal check against Mozilla servers egrep -v '(network.captive-portal-service.enabled)' defaults/preferences/firefox.js > $prefs_file rm defaults/preferences/firefox.js # Combine app and "extension" Zotero prefs echo "" >> $prefs_file echo "#" >> $prefs_file echo "# Zotero app prefs" >> $prefs_file echo "#" >> $prefs_file echo "" >> $prefs_file cat "$CALLDIR/assets/prefs.js" >> $prefs_file echo "" >> $prefs_file echo "# Zotero extension prefs" >> $prefs_file echo "" >> $prefs_file cat defaults-z/preferences/zotero.js >> $prefs_file rm -rf defaults-z # Platform-specific prefs if [ $BUILD_MAC == 1 ]; then perl -pi -e 's/pref\("browser\.preferences\.instantApply", false\);/pref\("browser\.preferences\.instantApply", true);/' $prefs_file perl -pi -e 's/%GECKO_VERSION%/'"$GECKO_VERSION_MAC"'/g' $prefs_file # Fix horizontal mousewheel scrolling (this is set to 4 in the Fx60 .app greprefs.js, but # defaults to 1 in later versions of Firefox, and needs to be 1 to work on macOS) echo 'pref("mousewheel.with_shift.action", 1);' >> $prefs_file elif [ $BUILD_WIN == 1 ]; then perl -pi -e 's/%GECKO_VERSION%/'"$GECKO_VERSION_WIN"'/g' $prefs_file elif [ $BUILD_LINUX == 1 ]; then # Modify platform-specific prefs perl -pi -e 's/pref\("browser\.preferences\.instantApply", false\);/pref\("browser\.preferences\.instantApply", true);/' $prefs_file perl -pi -e 's/%GECKO_VERSION%/'"$GECKO_VERSION_LINUX"'/g' $prefs_file fi # Clear list of built-in add-ons echo '{"dictionaries": {"en-US": "dictionaries/en-US.dic"}, "system": []}' > chrome/browser/content/browser/built_in_addons.json # chrome.manifest mv chrome.manifest zotero.manifest mv chrome.manifest-fx chrome.manifest # TEMP #echo "manifest zotero.manifest" >> "$base_dir/chrome.manifest" cat zotero.manifest >> chrome.manifest rm zotero.manifest # Update channel perl -pi -e 's/pref\("app\.update\.channel", "[^"]*"\);/pref\("app\.update\.channel", "'"$UPDATE_CHANNEL"'");/' $prefs_file echo -n "Channel: " grep app.update.channel $prefs_file echo # Add devtools prefs if [ $DEVTOOLS -eq 1 ]; then echo >> $prefs_file echo "// Dev Tools" >> $prefs_file echo 'pref("devtools.debugger.remote-enabled", true);' >> $prefs_file echo 'pref("devtools.debugger.remote-port", 6100);' >> $prefs_file if [ $UPDATE_CHANNEL != "beta" ]; then echo 'pref("devtools.debugger.prompt-connection", false);' >> $prefs_file fi fi # / 5.0.97-beta.37+ddc7be75c VERSION=`cat version` # 5.0.96 / 5.0.97 VERSION_NUMERIC=`perl -ne 'print and last if s/^(\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?).*/\1/;' version` if [ -z "$VERSION" ]; then echo "Version number not found in version file" exit 1 fi rm version echo echo "Version: $VERSION" # Delete Mozilla signing info if present rm -rf META-INF # Copy branding cp -R "$CALLDIR"/assets/branding/locale/brand.{dtd,properties} chrome/en-US/locale/branding/ # Copy browser localization .ftl files for locale in `ls chrome/locale/`; do mkdir -p localization/$locale/branding cp "$CALLDIR/assets/branding/locale/brand.ftl" localization/$locale/branding/brand.ftl mkdir -p localization/$locale/toolkit/global cp chrome/locale/$locale/zotero/mozilla/textActions.ftl localization/$locale/toolkit/global cp chrome/locale/$locale/zotero/mozilla/wizard.ftl localization/$locale/toolkit/global mkdir -p localization/$locale/browser cp chrome/locale/$locale/zotero/mozilla/menubar.ftl localization/$locale/browser # TEMP: Until we've created zotero.ftl in all locales touch chrome/locale/$locale/zotero/zotero.ftl cp chrome/locale/$locale/zotero/*.ftl localization/$locale/ done # Add to chrome manifest echo "" >> chrome.manifest cat "$CALLDIR/assets/chrome.manifest" >> chrome.manifest # Move test files to root directory if [ $include_tests -eq 1 ]; then cat test/chrome.manifest >> chrome.manifest rm test/chrome.manifest cp -R test/tests "$base_dir/tests" fi # Copy platform-specific assets if [ $BUILD_MAC == 1 ]; then rsync -a "$CALLDIR/assets/mac/" ./ elif [ $BUILD_WIN == 1 ]; then rsync -a "$CALLDIR/assets/win/" ./ elif [ $BUILD_LINUX == 1 ]; then rsync -a "$CALLDIR/assets/unix/" ./ fi # Add word processor plug-ins if [ $BUILD_MAC == 1 ]; then pluginDir="$CALLDIR/modules/zotero-word-for-mac-integration" mkdir -p "integration/word-for-mac" cp -RH "$pluginDir/components" \ "$pluginDir/resource" \ "$pluginDir/chrome.manifest" \ "integration/word-for-mac" echo -n "Word for Mac plugin version: " cat "integration/word-for-mac/resource/version.txt" echo echo >> $prefs_file cat "$CALLDIR/modules/zotero-word-for-mac-integration/defaults/preferences/zoteroMacWordIntegration.js" >> $prefs_file echo >> $prefs_file elif [ $BUILD_WIN == 1 ]; then pluginDir="$CALLDIR/modules/zotero-word-for-windows-integration" mkdir -p "integration/word-for-windows" cp -RH "$pluginDir/components" \ "$pluginDir/resource" \ "$pluginDir/chrome.manifest" \ "integration/word-for-windows" echo -n "Word for Windows plugin version: " cat "integration/word-for-windows/resource/version.txt" echo echo >> $prefs_file cat "$CALLDIR/modules/zotero-word-for-windows-integration/defaults/preferences/zoteroWinWordIntegration.js" >> $prefs_file echo >> $prefs_file fi # Libreoffice plugin for all platforms pluginDir="$CALLDIR/modules/zotero-libreoffice-integration" mkdir -p "integration/libreoffice" cp -RH "$pluginDir/chrome" \ "$pluginDir/components" \ "$pluginDir/resource" \ "$pluginDir/chrome.manifest" \ "integration/libreoffice" echo -n "LibreOffice plugin version: " cat "integration/libreoffice/resource/version.txt" echo echo >> $prefs_file cat "$CALLDIR/modules/zotero-libreoffice-integration/defaults/preferences/zoteroLibreOfficeIntegration.js" >> $prefs_file echo >> $prefs_file # Delete files that shouldn't be distributed find chrome -name .DS_Store -exec rm -f {} \; # Zip browser and Zotero files into omni.ja if [ $quick_build -eq 1 ]; then # If quick build, don't compress or optimize zip -qrXD omni.ja * else zip -qr9XD omni.ja * python3 "$CALLDIR/scripts/optimizejars.py" --optimize ./ ./ ./ fi mv omni.ja .. cd "$CALLDIR" rm -rf "$omni_dir" # Copy updater.ini cp "$CALLDIR/assets/updater.ini" "$base_dir" # Adjust chrome.manifest #perl -pi -e 's^(chrome|resource)/^jar:zotero.jar\!/$1/^g' "$BUILD_DIR/zotero/chrome.manifest" # Copy icons mkdir "$base_dir/chrome" cp -R "$CALLDIR/assets/icons" "$base_dir/chrome/icons" # Copy application.ini and modify cp "$CALLDIR/assets/application.ini" "$app_dir/application.ini" perl -pi -e "s/\{\{VERSION}}/$VERSION/" "$app_dir/application.ini" perl -pi -e "s/\{\{BUILDID}}/$BUILD_ID/" "$app_dir/application.ini" # Remove unnecessary files find "$BUILD_DIR" -name .DS_Store -exec rm -f {} \; # Mac if [ $BUILD_MAC == 1 ]; then echo 'Building Zotero.app' # Set up directory structure APPDIR="$STAGE_DIR/Zotero.app" rm -rf "$APPDIR" mkdir "$APPDIR" chmod 755 "$APPDIR" cp -r "$CALLDIR/mac/Contents" "$APPDIR" CONTENTSDIR="$APPDIR/Contents" # Merge relevant assets from Firefox mkdir "$CONTENTSDIR/MacOS" cp -r "$MAC_RUNTIME_PATH/Contents/MacOS/"!(firefox|firefox-bin|crashreporter.app|pingsender|updater.app) "$CONTENTSDIR/MacOS" cp -r "$MAC_RUNTIME_PATH/Contents/Resources/"!(application.ini|browser|defaults|precomplete|removed-files|updater.ini|update-settings.ini|webapprt*|*.icns|*.lproj) "$CONTENTSDIR/Resources" # Use our own launcher xz -d --stdout "$CALLDIR/mac/zotero.xz" > "$CONTENTSDIR/MacOS/zotero" chmod 755 "$CONTENTSDIR/MacOS/zotero" # TEMP: Modified versions of some Firefox components for Big Sur, placed in xulrunner/MacOS #cp "$MAC_RUNTIME_PATH/../MacOS/"{libc++.1.dylib,libnss3.dylib,XUL} "$CONTENTSDIR/MacOS/" # Use our own updater, because Mozilla's requires updates signed by Mozilla cd "$CONTENTSDIR/MacOS" tar -xjf "$CALLDIR/mac/updater.tar.bz2" # Copy PDF tools and data cp "$CALLDIR/pdftools/pdftotext-mac" "$CONTENTSDIR/MacOS/pdftotext" cp "$CALLDIR/pdftools/pdfinfo-mac" "$CONTENTSDIR/MacOS/pdfinfo" cp -R "$CALLDIR/pdftools/poppler-data" "$CONTENTSDIR/Resources/" # Modify Info.plist perl -pi -e "s/\{\{VERSION\}\}/$VERSION/" "$CONTENTSDIR/Info.plist" perl -pi -e "s/\{\{VERSION_NUMERIC\}\}/$VERSION_NUMERIC/" "$CONTENTSDIR/Info.plist" if [ $UPDATE_CHANNEL == "beta" ] || [ $UPDATE_CHANNEL == "dev" ] || [ $UPDATE_CHANNEL == "source" ]; then perl -pi -e "s/org\.zotero\.zotero/org.zotero.zotero-$UPDATE_CHANNEL/" "$CONTENTSDIR/Info.plist" fi perl -pi -e "s/\{\{VERSION\}\}/$VERSION/" "$CONTENTSDIR/Info.plist" # Needed for "monkeypatch" Windows builds: # http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.perl5.porters/2010/08/msg162834.html rm -f "$CONTENTSDIR/Info.plist.bak" echo grep -B 1 org.zotero.zotero "$CONTENTSDIR/Info.plist" echo grep -A 1 CFBundleShortVersionString "$CONTENTSDIR/Info.plist" echo grep -A 1 CFBundleVersion "$CONTENTSDIR/Info.plist" echo # Copy app files rsync -a "$base_dir/" "$CONTENTSDIR/Resources/" # Add word processor plug-ins mkdir "$CONTENTSDIR/Resources/integration" cp -RH "$CALLDIR/modules/zotero-libreoffice-integration/install" "$CONTENTSDIR/Resources/integration/libreoffice" cp -RH "$CALLDIR/modules/zotero-word-for-mac-integration/install" "$CONTENTSDIR/Resources/integration/word-for-mac" # Delete extraneous files find "$CONTENTSDIR" -depth -type d -name .git -exec rm -rf {} \; find "$CONTENTSDIR" \( -name .DS_Store -or -name update.rdf \) -exec rm -f {} \; # Copy over removed-files and make a precomplete file here since it needs to be stable for the # signature. This is done in build_autocomplete.sh for other platforms. cp "$CALLDIR/update-packaging/removed-files_mac" "$CONTENTSDIR/Resources/removed-files" touch "$CONTENTSDIR/Resources/precomplete" # Sign if [ $SIGN == 1 ]; then # Unlock keychain if a password is provided (necessary for building from a shell) if [ -n "$KEYCHAIN_PASSWORD" ]; then security -v unlock-keychain -p "$KEYCHAIN_PASSWORD" ~/Library/Keychains/$KEYCHAIN.keychain-db fi # Clear extended attributes, which can cause codesign to fail /usr/bin/xattr -cr "$APPDIR" # Sign app entitlements_file="$CALLDIR/mac/entitlements.xml" /usr/bin/codesign --force --options runtime --entitlements "$entitlements_file" --sign "$DEVELOPER_ID" \ "$APPDIR/Contents/MacOS/pdftotext" \ "$APPDIR/Contents/MacOS/pdfinfo" \ "$APPDIR/Contents/MacOS/XUL" \ "$APPDIR/Contents/MacOS/updater.app/Contents/MacOS/org.mozilla.updater" find "$APPDIR/Contents" -name '*.dylib' -exec /usr/bin/codesign --force --options runtime --entitlements "$entitlements_file" --sign "$DEVELOPER_ID" {} \; find "$APPDIR/Contents" -name '*.app' -exec /usr/bin/codesign --force --options runtime --entitlements "$entitlements_file" --sign "$DEVELOPER_ID" {} \; /usr/bin/codesign --force --options runtime --entitlements "$entitlements_file" --sign "$DEVELOPER_ID" "$APPDIR/Contents/MacOS/zotero" # Bundle and sign Safari App Extension # # Even though it's signed by Xcode, we sign it again to make sure it matches the parent app signature if [[ -n "$SAFARI_APPEX" ]] && [[ -d "$SAFARI_APPEX" ]]; then echo # Extract entitlements, which differ from parent app /usr/bin/codesign -d --entitlements :"$BUILD_DIR/safari-entitlements.plist" $SAFARI_APPEX mkdir "$APPDIR/Contents/PlugIns" cp -R $SAFARI_APPEX "$APPDIR/Contents/PlugIns/ZoteroSafariExtension.appex" # Add suffix to appex bundle identifier if [ $UPDATE_CHANNEL == "beta" ] || [ $UPDATE_CHANNEL == "dev" ] || [ $UPDATE_CHANNEL == "source" ]; then perl -pi -e "s/org\.zotero\.SafariExtensionApp\.SafariExtension/org.zotero.SafariExtensionApp.SafariExtension-$UPDATE_CHANNEL/" "$APPDIR/Contents/PlugIns/ZoteroSafariExtension.appex/Contents/Info.plist" fi find "$APPDIR/Contents/PlugIns/ZoteroSafariExtension.appex/Contents" -name '*.dylib' -exec /usr/bin/codesign --force --options runtime --entitlements "$entitlements_file" --sign "$DEVELOPER_ID" {} \; /usr/bin/codesign --force --options runtime --entitlements "$BUILD_DIR/safari-entitlements.plist" --sign "$DEVELOPER_ID" "$APPDIR/Contents/PlugIns/ZoteroSafariExtension.appex" fi # Sign final app package echo /usr/bin/codesign --force --options runtime --entitlements "$entitlements_file" --sign "$DEVELOPER_ID" "$APPDIR" # Verify app /usr/bin/codesign --verify -vvvv "$APPDIR" # Verify Safari App Extension if [[ -n "$SAFARI_APPEX" ]] && [[ -d "$SAFARI_APPEX" ]]; then echo /usr/bin/codesign --verify -vvvv "$APPDIR/Contents/PlugIns/ZoteroSafariExtension.appex" fi fi # Build and notarize disk image if [ $PACKAGE == 1 ]; then if [ $MAC_NATIVE == 1 ]; then echo "Creating Mac installer" dmg="$DIST_DIR/Zotero-$VERSION.dmg" "$CALLDIR/mac/pkg-dmg" --source "$STAGE_DIR/Zotero.app" \ --target "$dmg" \ --sourcefile --volname Zotero --copy "$CALLDIR/mac/DSStore:/.DS_Store" \ --symlink /Applications:"/Drag Here to Install" > /dev/null # Upload disk image to Apple output=$("$CALLDIR/scripts/notarize_mac_app" "$dmg") echo echo "$output" echo id=$(echo "$output" | plutil -extract notarization-upload.RequestUUID xml1 -o - - | sed -n "s/.*\(.*\)<\/string>.*/\1/p") echo "Notarization request identifier: $id" echo sleep 60 # Check back every 30 seconds, for up to an hour i="0" while [ $i -lt 120 ] do status=$("$CALLDIR/scripts/notarization_status" $id) if [[ $status != "in progress" ]]; then break fi echo "Notarization in progress" sleep 30 i=$[$i+1] done # Staple notarization info to disk image if [ $status == "success" ]; then "$CALLDIR/scripts/notarization_stapler" "$dmg" else echo "Notarization failed!" "$CALLDIR/scripts/notarization_status" $id exit 1 fi echo "Notarization complete" else echo 'Not building on Mac; creating Mac distribution as a zip file' rm -f "$DIST_DIR/Zotero_mac.zip" cd "$STAGE_DIR" && zip -rqX "$DIST_DIR/Zotero-${VERSION}_mac.zip" Zotero.app fi fi fi # Windows if [ $BUILD_WIN == 1 ]; then echo "Building Windows common" COMMON_APPDIR="$STAGE_DIR/Zotero_common" mkdir "$COMMON_APPDIR" # Copy PDF tools and data cp "$CALLDIR/pdftools/pdftotext-win.exe" "$COMMON_APPDIR/pdftotext.exe" cp "$CALLDIR/pdftools/pdfinfo-win.exe" "$COMMON_APPDIR/pdfinfo.exe" # Package non-arch-specific components if [ $PACKAGE -eq 1 ]; then # Copy installer files cp -r "$CALLDIR/win/installer" "$BUILD_DIR/win_installer" perl -pi -e "s/\{\{VERSION}}/$VERSION/" "$BUILD_DIR/win_installer/defines.nsi" mkdir "$COMMON_APPDIR/uninstall" # Use our own updater, because Mozilla's requires updates signed by Mozilla cp "$CALLDIR/win/updater.exe" "$COMMON_APPDIR" cat "$CALLDIR/win/installer/updater_append.ini" >> "$COMMON_APPDIR/updater.ini" # Sign PDF tools and updater if [ $SIGN -eq 1 ]; then "`cygpath -u \"$SIGNTOOL\"`" \ sign /n "$SIGNTOOL_CERT_SUBJECT" \ /d "$SIGNATURE_DESC PDF Converter" \ /fd SHA256 \ /tr "$SIGNTOOL_TIMESTAMP_SERVER" \ /td SHA256 \ "`cygpath -w \"$COMMON_APPDIR/pdftotext.exe\"`" sleep $SIGNTOOL_DELAY "`cygpath -u \"$SIGNTOOL\"`" \ sign /n "$SIGNTOOL_CERT_SUBJECT" \ /d "$SIGNATURE_DESC PDF Info" \ /fd SHA256 \ /tr "$SIGNTOOL_TIMESTAMP_SERVER" \ /td SHA256 \ "`cygpath -w \"$COMMON_APPDIR/pdfinfo.exe\"`" sleep $SIGNTOOL_DELAY "`cygpath -u \"$SIGNTOOL\"`" \ sign /n "$SIGNTOOL_CERT_SUBJECT" \ /d "$SIGNATURE_DESC Updater" \ /fd SHA256 \ /tr "$SIGNTOOL_TIMESTAMP_SERVER" \ /td SHA256 \ "`cygpath -w \"$COMMON_APPDIR/updater.exe\"`" fi # Compress 7zSD.sfx upx --best -o "`cygpath -w \"$BUILD_DIR/7zSD.sfx\"`" \ "`cygpath -w \"$CALLDIR/win/installer/7zstub/firefox/7zSD.sfx\"`" > /dev/null fi for arch in "win32" "win64"; do echo "Building Zotero_$arch" runtime_path="${WIN_RUNTIME_PATH_PREFIX}${arch}" # Set up directory APPDIR="$STAGE_DIR/Zotero_$arch" mkdir "$APPDIR" # Copy relevant assets from Firefox cp -R "$runtime_path"/!(application.ini|browser|defaults|devtools-files|crashreporter*|firefox.exe|maintenanceservice*|precomplete|removed-files|uninstall|update*) "$APPDIR" # Copy vcruntime140_1.dll if [ $arch = "win64" ]; then cp "$CALLDIR/xulrunner/vc-$arch/vcruntime140_1.dll" "$APPDIR" fi # Copy zotero.exe, which is built directly from Firefox source and then modified by # ResourceHacker to add icons tar xf "$CALLDIR/win/zotero.exe.tar.xz" --to-stdout zotero_$arch.exe > "$APPDIR/zotero.exe" # Update .exe version number (only possible on Windows) if [ $WIN_NATIVE == 1 ]; then # FileVersion is limited to four integers, so it won't be properly updated for non-release # builds (e.g., we'll show for 5.0.97-beta.37). ProductVersion will be the full # version string. rcedit "`cygpath -w \"$APPDIR/zotero.exe\"`" \ --set-file-version "$VERSION_NUMERIC" \ --set-product-version "$VERSION" fi # Copy app files rsync -a "$base_dir/" "$APPDIR/" #mv "$APPDIR/app/application.ini" "$APPDIR/" # Copy in common files rsync -a "$COMMON_APPDIR/" "$APPDIR/" # Add devtools #if [ $DEVTOOLS -eq 1 ]; then # # Create devtools.jar # cd "$BUILD_DIR" # mkdir -p devtools/locale # cp -r "$runtime_path"/devtools-files/chrome/devtools/* devtools/ # cp -r "$runtime_path"/devtools-files/chrome/locale/* devtools/locale/ # cd devtools # zip -r -q ../devtools.jar * # cd .. # rm -rf devtools # mv devtools.jar "$APPDIR" # # cp "$runtime_path/devtools-files/components/interfaces.xpt" "$APPDIR/components/" #fi # Add word processor plug-ins mkdir -p "$APPDIR/integration" cp -RH "$CALLDIR/modules/zotero-libreoffice-integration/install" "$APPDIR/integration/libreoffice" cp -RH "$CALLDIR/modules/zotero-word-for-windows-integration/install" "$APPDIR/integration/word-for-windows" # Copy PDF tools data cp -R "$CALLDIR/pdftools/poppler-data" "$APPDIR/" # Delete extraneous files find "$APPDIR" -depth -type d -name .git -exec rm -rf {} \; find "$APPDIR" \( -name .DS_Store -or -name '.git*' -or -name '.travis.yml' -or -name update.rdf -or -name '*.bak' \) -exec rm -f {} \; find "$APPDIR" \( -name '*.exe' -or -name '*.dll' \) -exec chmod 755 {} \; if [ $PACKAGE -eq 1 ]; then if [ $WIN_NATIVE -eq 1 ]; then echo "Creating Windows installer" # Build uninstaller if [ "$arch" = "win32" ]; then "`cygpath -u \"${NSIS_DIR}makensis.exe\"`" /V1 "`cygpath -w \"$BUILD_DIR/win_installer/uninstaller.nsi\"`" elif [ "$arch" = "win64" ]; then "`cygpath -u \"${NSIS_DIR}makensis.exe\"`" /DHAVE_64BIT_OS /V1 "`cygpath -w \"$BUILD_DIR/win_installer/uninstaller.nsi\"`" fi mv "$BUILD_DIR/win_installer/helper.exe" "$APPDIR/uninstall" if [ $SIGN -eq 1 ]; then "`cygpath -u \"$SIGNTOOL\"`" \ sign /n "$SIGNTOOL_CERT_SUBJECT" \ /d "$SIGNATURE_DESC Uninstaller" \ /fd SHA256 \ /tr "$SIGNTOOL_TIMESTAMP_SERVER" \ /td SHA256 \ "`cygpath -w \"$APPDIR/uninstall/helper.exe\"`" sleep $SIGNTOOL_DELAY fi if [ "$arch" = "win32" ]; then INSTALLER_PATH="$DIST_DIR/Zotero-${VERSION}_win32_setup.exe" elif [ "$arch" = "win64" ]; then INSTALLER_PATH="$DIST_DIR/Zotero-${VERSION}_x64_setup.exe" fi if [ $SIGN -eq 1 ]; then # Sign zotero.exe "`cygpath -u \"$SIGNTOOL\"`" \ sign /n "$SIGNTOOL_CERT_SUBJECT" \ /d "$SIGNATURE_DESC" \ /du "$SIGNATURE_URL" \ /fd SHA256 \ /tr "$SIGNTOOL_TIMESTAMP_SERVER" \ /td SHA256 \ "`cygpath -w \"$APPDIR/zotero.exe\"`" sleep $SIGNTOOL_DELAY fi # Stage installer INSTALLER_STAGE_DIR="$BUILD_DIR/win_installer/staging" rm -rf "$INSTALLER_STAGE_DIR" mkdir "$INSTALLER_STAGE_DIR" cp -r "$APPDIR" "$INSTALLER_STAGE_DIR/core" # Build and sign setup.exe if [ "$arch" = "win32" ]; then "`cygpath -u \"${NSIS_DIR}makensis.exe\"`" /V1 "`cygpath -w \"$BUILD_DIR/win_installer/installer.nsi\"`" elif [ "$arch" = "win64" ]; then "`cygpath -u \"${NSIS_DIR}makensis.exe\"`" /DHAVE_64BIT_OS /V1 "`cygpath -w \"$BUILD_DIR/win_installer/installer.nsi\"`" fi mv "$BUILD_DIR/win_installer/setup.exe" "$INSTALLER_STAGE_DIR" if [ $SIGN == 1 ]; then "`cygpath -u \"$SIGNTOOL\"`" \ sign /n "$SIGNTOOL_CERT_SUBJECT" \ /d "$SIGNATURE_DESC Setup" \ /du "$SIGNATURE_URL" \ /fd SHA256 \ /tr "$SIGNTOOL_TIMESTAMP_SERVER" \ /td SHA256 \ "`cygpath -w \"$INSTALLER_STAGE_DIR/setup.exe\"`" sleep $SIGNTOOL_DELAY fi # Compress application cd "$INSTALLER_STAGE_DIR" && 7z a -r -t7z "`cygpath -w \"$BUILD_DIR/app_$arch.7z\"`" \ -mx -m0=BCJ2 -m1=LZMA:d24 -m2=LZMA:d19 -m3=LZMA:d19 -mb0:1 -mb0s1:2 -mb0s2:3 > /dev/null # Combine 7zSD.sfx and app.tag into setup.exe cat "$BUILD_DIR/7zSD.sfx" "$CALLDIR/win/installer/app.tag" \ "$BUILD_DIR/app_$arch.7z" > "$INSTALLER_PATH" # Sign installer .exe if [ $SIGN == 1 ]; then "`cygpath -u \"$SIGNTOOL\"`" \ sign /n "$SIGNTOOL_CERT_SUBJECT" \ /d "$SIGNATURE_DESC Setup" \ /du "$SIGNATURE_URL" \ /fd SHA256 \ /tr "$SIGNTOOL_TIMESTAMP_SERVER" \ /td SHA256 \ "`cygpath -w \"$INSTALLER_PATH\"`" fi chmod 755 "$INSTALLER_PATH" else echo 'Not building on Windows; only building zip file' fi cd "$STAGE_DIR" if [ $arch = "win32" ]; then zip -rqX "$DIST_DIR/Zotero-${VERSION}_$arch.zip" Zotero_$arch elif [ $arch = "win64" ]; then zip -rqX "$DIST_DIR/Zotero-${VERSION}_win-x64.zip" Zotero_$arch fi fi done rm -rf "$COMMON_APPDIR" fi # Linux if [ $BUILD_LINUX == 1 ]; then for arch in "i686" "x86_64"; do runtime_path="${LINUX_RUNTIME_PATH_PREFIX}${arch}" # Set up directory echo 'Building Zotero_linux-'$arch APPDIR="$STAGE_DIR/Zotero_linux-$arch" rm -rf "$APPDIR" mkdir "$APPDIR" # Merge relevant assets from Firefox cp -r "$runtime_path/"!(application.ini|browser|defaults|devtools-files|crashreporter|crashreporter.ini|firefox|pingsender|precomplete|removed-files|run-mozilla.sh|update-settings.ini|updater|updater.ini) "$APPDIR" # Use our own launcher that calls the original Firefox executable with -app mv "$APPDIR"/firefox-bin "$APPDIR"/zotero-bin cp "$CALLDIR/linux/zotero" "$APPDIR"/zotero # Copy Ubuntu launcher files cp "$CALLDIR/linux/zotero.desktop" "$APPDIR" cp "$CALLDIR/linux/set_launcher_icon" "$APPDIR" # Use our own updater, because Mozilla's requires updates signed by Mozilla cp "$CALLDIR/linux/updater-$arch" "$APPDIR"/updater # Copy PDF tools and data cp "$CALLDIR/pdftools/pdftotext-linux-$arch" "$APPDIR/pdftotext" cp "$CALLDIR/pdftools/pdfinfo-linux-$arch" "$APPDIR/pdfinfo" cp -R "$CALLDIR/pdftools/poppler-data" "$APPDIR/" # Copy app files rsync -a "$base_dir/" "$APPDIR/" # Add word processor plug-ins mkdir "$APPDIR/integration" cp -RH "$CALLDIR/modules/zotero-libreoffice-integration/install" "$APPDIR/integration/libreoffice" # Delete extraneous files find "$APPDIR" -depth -type d -name .git -exec rm -rf {} \; find "$APPDIR" \( -name .DS_Store -or -name update.rdf \) -exec rm -f {} \; if [ $PACKAGE == 1 ]; then # Create tar rm -f "$DIST_DIR/Zotero-${VERSION}_linux-$arch.tar.bz2" cd "$STAGE_DIR" tar -cjf "$DIST_DIR/Zotero-${VERSION}_linux-$arch.tar.bz2" "Zotero_linux-$arch" fi done fi rm -rf $BUILD_DIR