{ "translatorID":"32d59d2d-b65a-4da4-b0a3-bdd3cfb979e7", "translatorType":3, "label":"RIS", "creator":"Simon Kornblith", "target":"ris", "minVersion":"1.0.2", "maxVersion":"", "priority":100, "inRepository":true, "lastUpdated":"2008-12-01 18:31:54" } Zotero.configure("dataMode", "line"); Zotero.addOption("exportNotes", true); Zotero.addOption("exportCharset", "UTF-8"); function detectImport() { var line; var i = 0; while((line = Zotero.read()) !== "false") { line = line.replace(/^\s+/, ""); if(line != "") { if(line.substr(0, 6).match(/^TY {1,2}- /)) { return true; } else { if(i++ > 3) { return false; } } } } } var fieldMap = { ID:"itemID", T1:"title", T3:"series", JF:"publicationTitle", CY:"place", JA:"journalAbbreviation", M3:"DOI" }; var inputFieldMap = { TI:"title", CT:"title", CY:"place" }; // TODO: figure out if these are the best types for letter, interview, webpage var typeMap = { book:"BOOK", bookSection:"CHAP", journalArticle:"JOUR", magazineArticle:"MGZN", newspaperArticle:"NEWS", thesis:"THES", letter:"PCOMM", manuscript:"PAMP", interview:"PCOMM", film:"MPCT", artwork:"ART", report:"RPRT", bill:"BILL", case:"CASE", hearing:"HEAR", patent:"PAT", statute:"STAT", map:"MAP", blogPost:"ELEC", webpage:"ELEC", instantMessage:"ICOMM", forumPost:"ICOMM", email:"ICOMM", audioRecording:"SOUND", presentation:"GEN", videoRecording:"VIDEO", tvBroadcast:"GEN", radioBroadcast:"GEN", podcast:"GEN", computerProgram:"COMP", conferencePaper:"CONF", document:"GEN" }; // supplements outputTypeMap for importing // TODO: DATA, MUSIC var inputTypeMap = { ABST:"journalArticle", ADVS:"film", CTLG:"magazineArticle", INPR:"manuscript", JFULL:"journalArticle", PAMP:"manuscript", SER:"book", SLIDE:"artwork", UNBILL:"manuscript" }; function processTag(item, tag, value) { if (Zotero.Utilities.unescapeHTML) { value = Zotero.Utilities.unescapeHTML(value.replace("\n", "<br>", "g")); } if(fieldMap[tag]) { item[fieldMap[tag]] = value; } else if(inputFieldMap[tag]) { item[inputFieldMap[tag]] = value; } else if(tag == "TY") { // look for type // first check typeMap for(var i in typeMap) { if(value == typeMap[i]) { item.itemType = i; } } // then check inputTypeMap if(!item.itemType) { if(inputTypeMap[value]) { item.itemType = inputTypeMap[value]; } else { // default to generic from inputTypeMap item.itemType = inputTypeMap["GEN"]; } } } else if(tag == "JO") { if (item.itemType == "conferencePaper"){ item.conferenceName = value; } else { item.publicationTitle = value; } } else if(tag == "BT") { // ignore, unless this is a book or unpublished work, as per spec if(item.itemType == "book" || item.itemType == "manuscript") { item.title = value; } else { item.backupPublicationTitle = value; } } else if(tag == "T2") { item.backupPublicationTitle = value; } else if(tag == "A1" || tag == "AU") { // primary author (patent: inventor) // store Zotero "creator type" in temporary variable var tempType; if (item.itemType == "patent") { tempType = "inventor"; } else { tempType = "author"; } var names = value.split(/, ?/); item.creators.push({lastName:names[0], firstName:names[1], creatorType:tempType}); } else if(tag == "A2" || tag == "ED") { // contributing author (patent: assignee) if (item.itemType == "patent") { if (item.assignee) { // Patents can have multiple assignees (applicants) but Zotero only allows a single // assignee field, so we have to concatenate them together item.assignee += ", "+value; } else { item.assignee = value; } } else { var names = value.split(/, ?/); item.creators.push({lastName:names[0], firstName:names[1], creatorType:"contributor"}); } } else if(tag == "Y1" || tag == "PY") { // year or date var dateParts = value.split("/"); if(dateParts.length == 1) { // technically, if there's only one date part, the file isn't valid // RIS, but EndNote writes this, so we have to too // Nick: RIS spec example records also only contain a single part // even though it says the slashes are not optional (?) item.date = value; } else { // in the case that we have a year and other data, format that way var month = parseInt(dateParts[1]); if(month) { month--; } else { month = undefined; } item.date = Zotero.Utilities.formatDate({year:dateParts[0], month:month, day:dateParts[2], part:dateParts[3]}); } } else if(tag == "Y2") { // the secondary date field can mean two things, a secondary date, or an // invalid EndNote-style date. let's see which one this is. // patent: application (filing) date -- do not append to date field // for now. Zotero needs a filing date field added to make use of this. var dateParts = value.split("/"); if(dateParts.length != 4 && item.itemType != "patent") { // an invalid date and not a patent. // It's from EndNote or Delphion (YYYY-MM-DD) if(item.date && value.indexOf(item.date) == -1) { // append existing year value += " " + item.date; } item.date = value; } // ToDo: Handle correctly formatted Y2 fields (secondary date) } else if(tag == "N1" || tag == "AB") { // notes if(value != item.title) { // why does EndNote do this!? item.notes.push({note:value}); } } else if(tag == "N2") { // abstract item.abstractNote = value; } else if(tag == "KW") { // keywords/tags // technically, treating newlines as new tags breaks the RIS spec, but // it's required to work with EndNote item.tags = item.tags.concat(value.split("\n")); } else if(tag == "SP") { // start page if(!item.pages) { item.pages = value; } else if(item.pages[0] == "-") { // already have ending page item.pages = value + item.pages; } else { // multiple ranges? hey, it's a possibility item.pages += ", "+value; } } else if(tag == "EP") { // end page if(value) { if(!item.pages) { item.pages = value; } else if(value != item.pages) { item.pages += "-"+value; } } } else if(tag == "SN") { // ISSN/ISBN - just add both if(!item.ISBN) { item.ISBN = value; } if(!item.ISSN) { item.ISSN = value; } } else if(tag == "UR" || tag == "L1" || tag == "L2" || tag == "L4") { // URL if(!item.url) { item.url = value; } if(tag == "UR") { item.attachments.push({url:value}); } else if(tag == "L1") { item.attachments.push({url:value, mimeType:"application/pdf", title:"Full Text (PDF)", downloadable:true}); } else if(tag == "L2") { item.attachments.push({url:value, mimeType:"text/html", title:"Full Text (HTML)", downloadable:true}); } else if(tag == "L4") { item.attachments.push({url:value, title:"Image", downloadable:true}); } } else if (tag == "IS") { // Issue Number (patent: patentNumber) if (item.itemType == "patent") { item.patentNumber = value; } else { item.issue = value; } } else if (tag == "VL") { // Volume Number (patent: applicationNumber) if (item.itemType == "patent") { item.applicationNumber = value; } else { item.volume = value; } } else if (tag == "PB") { // publisher (patent: references) if (item.itemType == "patent") { item.references = value; } else { item.publisher = value; } } else if (tag == "M1" || tag == "M2") { // Miscellaneous fields if (!item.extra) { item.extra = value; } else { item.extra += "; "+value; } } } function completeItem(item) { // if backup publication title exists but not proper, use backup // (hack to get newspaper titles from EndNote) if(item.backupPublicationTitle) { if(!item.publicationTitle) { item.publicationTitle = item.backupPublicationTitle; } item.backupPublicationTitle = undefined; } // hack for sites like Nature, which only use JA, journal abbreviation if(item.journalAbbreviation && !item.publicationTitle){ item.publicationTitle = item.journalAbbreviation; } item.complete(); } function doImport(attachments) { var line = true; var tag = data = false; do { // first valid line is type line = Zotero.read(); line = line.replace(/^\s+/, ""); } while(line !== false && !line.substr(0, 6).match(/^TY {1,2}- /)); var item = new Zotero.Item(); var i = 0; if(attachments && attachments[i]) { item.attachments = attachments[i]; } var tag = "TY"; // Handle out-of-spec old EndNote exports if (line.substr(0, 5) == "TY - ") { var data = line.substr(5); } else { var data = line.substr(6); } var rawLine; while((rawLine = Zotero.read()) !== false) { // until EOF // trim leading space if this line is not part of a note line = rawLine.replace(/^\s+/, ""); if(line.substr(2, 4) == " - " || line == "ER -" || line.substr(0, 5) == "TY - ") { // if this line is a tag, take a look at the previous line to map // its tag if(tag) { Zotero.debug("tag: '"+tag+"'; data: '"+data+"'"); processTag(item, tag, data); } // then fetch the tag and data from this line tag = line.substr(0,2); // Handle out-of-spec old EndNote exports if (line.substr(0, 5) == "TY - ") { data = line.substr(5); } else { data = line.substr(6); } if(tag == "ER") { // ER signals end of reference // unset info tag = data = false; // new item completeItem(item); item = new Zotero.Item(); i++; if(attachments && attachments[i]) { item.attachments = attachments[i]; } } } else { // otherwise, assume this is data from the previous line continued if(tag == "N1" || tag == "N2" || tag == "AB" || tag == "KW") { // preserve line endings for N1/N2/AB fields, for EndNote // compatibility data += "\n"+rawLine; } else if(tag) { // otherwise, follow the RIS spec if(data[data.length-1] == " ") { data += rawLine; } else { data += " "+rawLine; } } } } if(tag && tag != "ER") { // save any unprocessed tags Zotero.debug(tag); processTag(item, tag, data); completeItem(item); } } function addTag(tag, value) { if(value) { Zotero.write(tag+" - "+value+"\r\n"); } } function doExport() { var item; while(item = Zotero.nextItem()) { // can't store independent notes in RIS if(item.itemType == "note" || item.itemType == "attachment") { continue; } // type addTag("TY", typeMap[item.itemType] ? typeMap[item.itemType] : "GEN"); // use field map for(var j in fieldMap) { if(item[fieldMap[j]]) addTag(j, item[fieldMap[j]]); } // creators for(var j in item.creators) { // only two types, primary and secondary var risTag; // authors and inventors are primary creators if (item.creators[j].creatorType == "author" || item.creators[j].creatorType == "inventor") { risTag = "A1"; } else { risTag = "A2"; } addTag(risTag, item.creators[j].lastName+","+item.creators[j].firstName); } // assignee (patent) if(item.assignee) { addTag("A2", item.assignee); } // volume (patent: applicationNumber) if(item.volume || item.applicationNumber) { var value = (item.volume) ? item.volume : item.applicationNumber; addTag("VL", value); } // issue (patent: patentNumber) if(item.issue || item.patentNumber) { var value = (item.issue) ? item.issue : item.patentNumber; addTag("IS", value); } // publisher (patent: references) if(item.publisher || item.references) { var value = (item.publisher) ? item.publisher : item.references; addTag("PB", value); } // date if(item.date) { var date = Zotero.Utilities.strToDate(item.date); var string = date.year+"/"; if(date.month != undefined) { // deal with javascript months date.month++; if(date.month < 10) string += "0"; string += date.month; } string += "/"; if(date.day != undefined) { if(date.day < 10) string += "0"; string += date.day; } string += "/"; if(date.part != undefined) { string += date.part; } addTag("PY", string); } // notes if(Zotero.getOption("exportNotes")) { for(var j in item.notes) { addTag("N1", item.notes[j].note.replace(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/g, "\r\n")); } } if(item.abstractNote) { addTag("N2", item.abstractNote.replace(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/g, "\r\n")); } else if(item.abstract) { // patent type has abstract addTag("N2", item.abstract.replace(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/g, "\r\n")); } // tags for each(var tag in item.tags) { addTag("KW", tag.tag); } // pages if(item.pages) { if(item.itemType == "book") { addTag("EP", item.pages); } else { var range = Zotero.Utilities.getPageRange(item.pages); addTag("SP", range[0]); addTag("EP", range[1]); } } // ISBN/ISSN addTag("SN", item.ISBN); addTag("SN", item.ISSN); // URL if(item.url) { addTag("UR", item.url); } else if(item.source && item.source.substr(0, 7) == "http://") { addTag("UR", item.source); } Zotero.write("ER - \r\n\r\n"); } }