"use strict"; describe("Zotero.CollectionTreeView", function() { var win, zp, cv; before(function* () { win = yield loadZoteroPane(); zp = win.ZoteroPane; cv = zp.collectionsView; }); beforeEach(function () { // TODO: Add a selectCollection() function and select a collection instead? return selectLibrary(win); }) after(function () { win.close(); }); describe("collapse/expand", function () { it("should close and open My Library repeatedly", function* () { var libraryID = Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID; yield cv.selectLibrary(libraryID); var row = cv.selection.currentIndex; cv.collapseLibrary(libraryID); var nextRow = cv.getRow(row + 1); assert.equal(cv.selection.currentIndex, row); assert.ok(nextRow.isSeparator()); assert.isFalse(cv.isContainerOpen(row)); yield cv.expandLibrary(libraryID); nextRow = cv.getRow(row + 1); assert.equal(cv.selection.currentIndex, row); assert.ok(!nextRow.isSeparator()); assert.ok(cv.isContainerOpen(row)); cv.collapseLibrary(libraryID); nextRow = cv.getRow(row + 1); assert.equal(cv.selection.currentIndex, row); assert.ok(nextRow.isSeparator()); assert.isFalse(cv.isContainerOpen(row)); yield cv.expandLibrary(libraryID); nextRow = cv.getRow(row + 1); assert.equal(cv.selection.currentIndex, row); assert.ok(!nextRow.isSeparator()); assert.ok(cv.isContainerOpen(row)); }) }) describe("#expandToCollection()", function () { it("should expand a collection to a subcollection", function* () { var collection1 = yield createDataObject('collection'); var collection2 = createUnsavedDataObject('collection'); collection2.parentID = collection1.id; yield collection2.saveTx({ skipSelect: true }); var row = cv.getRowIndexByID("C" + collection1.id); assert.isFalse(cv.isContainerOpen(row)); yield cv.expandToCollection(collection2.id); // Make sure parent row position hasn't changed assert.equal(cv.getRowIndexByID("C" + collection1.id), row); // Parent should have been opened assert.isTrue(cv.isContainerOpen(row)); }) }) describe("#selectByID()", function () { it("should select the trash", function* () { yield cv.selectByID("T1"); var row = cv.selection.currentIndex; var treeRow = cv.getRow(row); assert.ok(treeRow.isTrash()); assert.equal(treeRow.ref.libraryID, Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID); }) }) describe("#selectWait()", function () { it("shouldn't hang if row is already selected", function* () { var row = cv.getRowIndexByID("T" + Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID); cv.selection.select(row); yield Zotero.Promise.delay(50); yield cv.selectWait(row); }) }) describe("#notify()", function () { it("should select a new collection", function* () { // Create collection var collection = new Zotero.Collection; collection.name = "Select new collection"; var id = yield collection.saveTx(); // New collection should be selected var selected = cv.getSelectedCollection(true); assert.equal(selected, id); }); it("shouldn't select a new collection if skipNotifier is passed", function* () { // Create collection with skipNotifier flag var collection = new Zotero.Collection; collection.name = "No select on skipNotifier"; var id = yield collection.saveTx({ skipNotifier: true }); // Library should still be selected assert.equal(cv.getSelectedLibraryID(), Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID); }); it("shouldn't select a new collection if skipSelect is passed", function* () { // Create collection with skipSelect flag var collection = new Zotero.Collection; collection.name = "No select on skipSelect"; var id = yield collection.saveTx({ skipSelect: true }); // Library should still be selected assert.equal(cv.getSelectedLibraryID(), Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID); }); it("shouldn't select a modified collection", function* () { // Create collection var collection = new Zotero.Collection; collection.name = "No select on modify"; var id = yield collection.saveTx(); yield selectLibrary(win); collection.name = "No select on modify 2"; yield collection.saveTx(); // Modified collection should not be selected assert.equal(cv.getSelectedLibraryID(), Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID); }); it("should maintain selection on a selected modified collection", function* () { // Create collection var collection = new Zotero.Collection; collection.name = "Reselect on modify"; var id = yield collection.saveTx(); var selected = cv.getSelectedCollection(true); assert.equal(selected, id); collection.name = "Reselect on modify 2"; yield collection.saveTx(); // Modified collection should still be selected selected = cv.getSelectedCollection(true); assert.equal(selected, id); }); it("should re-sort a modified collection", function* () { var prefix = Zotero.Utilities.randomString() + " "; var collectionA = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: prefix + "A" }); var collectionB = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: prefix + "B" }); var aRow = cv.getRowIndexByID("C" + collectionA.id); var aRowOriginal = aRow; var bRow = cv.getRowIndexByID("C" + collectionB.id); assert.equal(bRow, aRow + 1); collectionA.name = prefix + "C"; yield collectionA.saveTx(); var aRow = cv.getRowIndexByID("C" + collectionA.id); var bRow = cv.getRowIndexByID("C" + collectionB.id); assert.equal(bRow, aRowOriginal); assert.equal(aRow, bRow + 1); }) it("should re-sort a modified search", function* () { var prefix = Zotero.Utilities.randomString() + " "; var searchA = yield createDataObject('search', { name: prefix + "A" }); var searchB = yield createDataObject('search', { name: prefix + "B" }); var aRow = cv.getRowIndexByID("S" + searchA.id); var aRowOriginal = aRow; var bRow = cv.getRowIndexByID("S" + searchB.id); assert.equal(bRow, aRow + 1); searchA.name = prefix + "C"; yield searchA.saveTx(); var aRow = cv.getRowIndexByID("S" + searchA.id); var bRow = cv.getRowIndexByID("S" + searchB.id); assert.equal(bRow, aRowOriginal); assert.equal(aRow, bRow + 1); }) it("shouldn't refresh the items list when a collection is modified", function* () { var collection = yield createDataObject('collection'); yield waitForItemsLoad(win); var itemsView = zp.itemsView; collection.name = "New Name"; yield collection.saveTx(); yield waitForItemsLoad(win); assert.equal(zp.itemsView, itemsView); }) it("should add a saved search after collections", function* () { var collection = new Zotero.Collection; collection.name = "Test"; var collectionID = yield collection.saveTx(); var search = new Zotero.Search; search.name = "A Test Search"; search.addCondition('title', 'contains', 'test'); var searchID = yield search.saveTx(); var collectionRow = cv._rowMap["C" + collectionID]; var searchRow = cv._rowMap["S" + searchID]; var duplicatesRow = cv._rowMap["D" + Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID]; var unfiledRow = cv._rowMap["U" + Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID]; assert.isAbove(searchRow, collectionRow); // If there's a duplicates row or an unfiled row, add before those. // Otherwise, add before the trash if (duplicatesRow !== undefined) { assert.isBelow(searchRow, duplicatesRow); } else if (unfiledRow !== undefined) { assert.isBelow(searchRow, unfiledRow); } else { var trashRow = cv._rowMap["T" + Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID]; assert.isBelow(searchRow, trashRow); } }) it("should remove a group and all children", function* () { // Make sure Group Libraries separator and header exist already, // since otherwise they'll interfere with the count yield getGroup(); var originalRowCount = cv.rowCount; var group = yield createGroup(); yield createDataObject('collection', { libraryID: group.libraryID }); var c = yield createDataObject('collection', { libraryID: group.libraryID }); yield createDataObject('collection', { libraryID: group.libraryID, parentID: c.id }); yield createDataObject('collection', { libraryID: group.libraryID }); yield createDataObject('collection', { libraryID: group.libraryID }); // Group, collections, and trash assert.equal(cv.rowCount, originalRowCount + 7); var spy = sinon.spy(cv, "refresh"); try { yield group.eraseTx(); assert.equal(cv.rowCount, originalRowCount); // Make sure the tree wasn't refreshed sinon.assert.notCalled(spy); } finally { spy.restore(); } }) }) describe("#drop()", function () { /** * Simulate a drag and drop * * @param {String} targetRowID - Tree row id (e.g., "L123") * @param {Integer[]} itemIDs * @param {Promise} [promise] - If a promise is provided, it will be waited for and its * value returned after the drag. Otherwise, an item 'add' * event will be waited for, and the added ids will be * returned. */ var drop = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (targetRowID, itemIDs, promise) { var row = cv.getRowIndexByID(targetRowID); var stub = sinon.stub(Zotero.DragDrop, "getDragTarget"); stub.returns(cv.getRow(row)); if (!promise) { promise = waitForItemEvent("add"); } yield cv.drop(row, 0, { dropEffect: 'copy', effectAllowed: 'copy', mozSourceNode: win.document.getElementById('zotero-items-tree'), types: { contains: function (type) { return type == 'zotero/item'; } }, getData: function (type) { if (type == 'zotero/item') { return itemIDs.join(","); } } }); // Add observer to wait for add var result = yield promise; stub.restore(); return result; }); var canDrop = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (targetRowID, itemIDs) { var row = cv.getRowIndexByID(targetRowID); var stub = sinon.stub(Zotero.DragDrop, "getDragTarget"); stub.returns(cv.getRow(row)); var dt = { dropEffect: 'copy', effectAllowed: 'copy', mozSourceNode: win.document.getElementById('zotero-items-tree'), types: { contains: function (type) { return type == 'zotero/item'; } }, getData: function (type) { if (type == 'zotero/item') { return itemIDs.join(","); } } }; var canDrop = cv.canDropCheck(row, 0, dt); if (canDrop) { canDrop = yield cv.canDropCheckAsync(row, 0, dt); } stub.restore(); return canDrop; }); it("should add an item to a collection", function* () { var collection = yield createDataObject('collection', false, { skipSelect: true }); var item = yield createDataObject('item', false, { skipSelect: true }); // Add observer to wait for collection add var deferred = Zotero.Promise.defer(); var observerID = Zotero.Notifier.registerObserver({ notify: function (event, type, ids) { if (type == 'collection-item' && event == 'add' && ids[0] == collection.id + "-" + item.id) { setTimeout(function () { deferred.resolve(); }); } } }, 'collection-item', 'test'); var ids = yield drop("C" + collection.id, [item.id], deferred.promise); Zotero.Notifier.unregisterObserver(observerID); yield cv.selectCollection(collection.id); yield waitForItemsLoad(win); var itemsView = win.ZoteroPane.itemsView assert.equal(itemsView.rowCount, 1); var treeRow = itemsView.getRow(0); assert.equal(treeRow.ref.id, item.id); }) it("should copy an item with an attachment to a group", function* () { var group = yield createGroup(); var item = yield createDataObject('item', false, { skipSelect: true }); var file = getTestDataDirectory(); file.append('test.png'); var attachment = yield Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({ file: file, parentItemID: item.id }); // Hack to unload relations to test proper loading // // Probably need a better method for this item._loaded.relations = false; attachment._loaded.relations = false; var ids = yield drop("L" + group.libraryID, [item.id]); yield cv.selectLibrary(group.libraryID); yield waitForItemsLoad(win); // Check parent var itemsView = win.ZoteroPane.itemsView; assert.equal(itemsView.rowCount, 1); var treeRow = itemsView.getRow(0); assert.equal(treeRow.ref.libraryID, group.libraryID); assert.equal(treeRow.ref.id, ids[0]); // New item should link back to original var linked = yield item.getLinkedItem(group.libraryID); assert.equal(linked.id, treeRow.ref.id); // Check attachment assert.isTrue(itemsView.isContainer(0)); yield itemsView.toggleOpenState(0); assert.equal(itemsView.rowCount, 2); treeRow = itemsView.getRow(1); assert.equal(treeRow.ref.id, ids[1]); // New attachment should link back to original linked = yield attachment.getLinkedItem(group.libraryID); assert.equal(linked.id, treeRow.ref.id); yield Zotero.DB.executeTransaction(function* () { return group.erase(); }) }) it("should not copy an item or its attachment to a group twice", function* () { var group = yield getGroup(); var itemTitle = Zotero.Utilities.randomString(); var item = yield createDataObject('item', false, { skipSelect: true }); var file = getTestDataDirectory(); file.append('test.png'); var attachment = yield Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({ file: file, parentItemID: item.id }); var attachmentTitle = Zotero.Utilities.randomString(); attachment.setField('title', attachmentTitle); yield attachment.saveTx(); var ids = yield drop("L" + group.libraryID, [item.id]); assert.isFalse(yield canDrop("L" + group.libraryID, [item.id])); }) it("should remove a linked, trashed item in a group from the trash and collections", function* () { var group = yield getGroup(); var collection = yield createDataObject('collection', { libraryID: group.libraryID }); var item = yield createDataObject('item', false, { skipSelect: true }); var ids = yield drop("L" + group.libraryID, [item.id]); var droppedItem = yield item.getLinkedItem(group.libraryID); droppedItem.setCollections([collection.id]); droppedItem.deleted = true; yield droppedItem.saveTx(); // Add observer to wait for collection add var deferred = Zotero.Promise.defer(); var observerID = Zotero.Notifier.registerObserver({ notify: function (event, type, ids) { if (event == 'refresh' && type == 'trash' && ids[0] == group.libraryID) { setTimeout(function () { deferred.resolve(); }); } } }, 'trash', 'test'); var ids = yield drop("L" + group.libraryID, [item.id], deferred.promise); Zotero.Notifier.unregisterObserver(observerID); assert.isFalse(droppedItem.deleted); // Should be removed from collections when removed from trash assert.lengthOf(droppedItem.getCollections(), 0); }) }) })