{ "translatorID":"f3f092bf-ae09-4be6-8855-a22ddd817925", "label":"ACM Digital Library", "creator":"Simon Kornblith, Michael Berkowitz and John McCaffery", "target":"^https?://[^/]*portal\\.acm\\.org[^/]*/(?:results\\.cfm|citation\\.cfm)", "minVersion":"1.0", "maxVersion":"", "priority":100, "inRepository":"1", "translatorType":4, "lastUpdated":"2011-03-24 23:30:00" } /** * The XPath for all the search result elements */ var searchResultX = '//td[@colspan="3"]/a[@class="medium-text" and @target="_self"]'; /** * The XPath for all the journal TOC elements */ var tocResultX = '//td[@colspan="1"]/span[@style]/a[contains(@href,"citation.cfm")]'; /** * The XPath for the tag elements in a justified format tags list */ var justifiedTagX = '//div[@id="divtags"]/p/a'; /** * The XPath for the tag elements in an un-justified format tags list */ var unjustifiedTagX = '//div[@id="divtags"]/a'; /** * the XPath for the "more tags" link element */ var moreTagsX = '//a[@href="javascript:ColdFusion.Window.show(' + "'thetags'" + ')"]'; /** * the XPath for the tag elements in the "more tags" popup */ var moreTagX = '//a/span[@class="small-text"]'; /** * the XPath for the title heading element - not strictly necessary, more helpful for debugging */ var titleX = '//div[@class="large-text"]/h1[@class="mediumb-text"]/strong'; /** * XPath for Table of Contents headline for journal issue */ var tocX = "//div[@id='citationdetails']//h5[@class='medium-text' and contains(.,'Table of Contents')]"; /** * Scan to see what type of page this is * @param doc The XML document describing the page * @param url The URL of the page being scanned * @return What type of article this page is (multiple, journal or conference proceedings) */ function detectWeb(doc, url) { var nsResolver = getNsResolver(doc); var title = getText(titleX, doc, nsResolver); Zotero.debug("Title: " + title); if(url.indexOf("/results.cfm") != -1) { Zotero.debug("Multiple items detected"); return "multiple"; } else if (url.indexOf("/citation.cfm") != -1) { Zotero.debug("Single item detected"); return getArticleType(doc, url, nsResolver); /* var type = getArticleType(doc, url, nsResolver); if (type .indexOf("conferencePaper") != -1) { return "conferencePaper"; } else return "journalArticle"; }*/ } } /** * Parse the page * @param doc The XML document describing the page * @param url The URL of the page being scanned */ function doWeb(doc, url) { var nsResolver = getNsResolver(doc, url); //If there are multiple pages if (getArticleType(doc, url) == "multiple") { //If this is a search results page if (url.indexOf("results.cfm") != -1) scrapeMulti(doc, url, nsResolver, "search"); else if(getText(tocX, doc, nsResolver) =="Table of Contents") scrapeMulti(doc, url, nsResolver, "toc"); Zotero.wait(); } //If this is a single page else scrape(doc, url, nsResolver); } /** * Scrape search results and journal tables of contents * @param doc The XML document describing the page * @param url The URL of the page being scanned * @param nsResolver the namespace resolver function * @param type Type of result-- "search" or "toc" */ function scrapeMulti(doc, url, nsResolver, type) { switch(type) { case "toc": Zotero.debug("Scraping journal TOC"); var resultPath= doc.evaluate(tocResultX, doc, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null); break; case "search": Zotero.debug("Scraping search"); default: var resultPath= doc.evaluate(searchResultX, doc, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null); } //Count how mange pages have been scraped var node; var urls = {}; //Iterate through all the results while(node= resultPath.iterateNext()) { urls[node.href + '&preflayout=flat'] = node.textContent; } var items = Zotero.selectItems(urls); if(!items) return true; var i; urls = []; for (i in items) urls.push(i); Zotero.Utilities.processDocuments(urls, scrape, function(){Zotero.done()}); } /** * Scrape a single page * @param doc The XML document describing the page */ function scrape(doc) { var url = doc.location.href; var nsResolver = getNsResolver(doc, url); //Get all the details not scraped from the bibtex file var tags = scrapeKeywords(doc); var attachments = scrapeAttachments(doc, url); var abs = scrapeAbstract(doc); // Type not used, since it was less reliable than BibTeX var type = getArticleType(doc, url, nsResolver); var journal = getText("//meta[@name='citation_journal_title']/@content",doc, nsResolver); //Get the bibtex reference for this document as a string var bibtex = scrapeBibtex(url, nsResolver); //Create the new item var newItem = new Zotero.Item(type); //Use the bibtex translator to parse the bibtex string var translator = Zotero.loadTranslator("import"); translator.setTranslator("9cb70025-a888-4a29-a210-93ec52da40d4"); translator.setString(bibtex ); //Set the function to run when the bibtex string has been parsed translator.setHandler("itemDone", function(obj, newItem) { //Store all details not parsed from the bibtex if(abs) newItem.abstractNote = abs; newItem.tags = tags; newItem.attachments = attachments; // There were issues with grabbing type from the page; // see http://forums.zotero.org/discussion/17246/ //newItem.itemType= type; if (journal && journal != newItem.publicationTitle) { newItem.journalAbbreviation = newItem.publicationTitle; newItem.publicationTitle = journal; } // If the URL is just a DOI, clear it. if (newItem.url.match(/^http:\/\/doi\.acm\.org\//)) newItem.url = ""; if (newItem.DOI) newItem.DOI = newItem.DOI.replace(/^http:\/\/doi\.acm\.org\//, ''); var acmid = bibtex.match(/acmid = {(\d+)}/); if(acmid) newItem.extra = "ACM ID: "+ acmid[1]; //Complete the parsing of the page newItem.complete(); }); //Trigger the translation translator.translate(); } /** * Scrape all keywords attached to this document * @param doc The XML document describing the page * @return an array of all keywords attached to this document */ function scrapeKeywords(doc) { Zotero.debug("Scraping Keywords"); //Try scraping keywords from the "more keywords" popup var keywords = scrapeMoreTagsKeywords(doc); if (keywords) return keywords; keywords = new Array(); //Otherwise look for the keywords - check justified format var keywordPath = doc.evaluate(justifiedTagX, doc, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null); var keywordNode = keywordPath.iterateNext(); //If justified format didn't work check unjustified if (!keywordNode) { keywordPath = doc.evaluate(unjustifiedTagX, doc, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null); keywordNode = keywordPath.iterateNext(); } //Iterate through all the keywords while(keywordNode) { keywords.push(Zotero.Utilities.trimInternal(keywordNode .textContent.toLowerCase())); Zotero.debug("Keyword: " + keywordNode .textContent.toLowerCase()); keywordNode = keywordPath.iterateNext(); } return keywords; } /** * Scrape keywords from a "more tags" popup * @param doc The XML document describing the page * @return an array of all the keywords attached to the page which will be used as the tags for the document */ function scrapeMoreTagsKeywords(doc) { var keywords = new Array(); //Look for a link for a javascript code for a "more tags" popup var morePath = doc.evaluate(moreTagsX, doc, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null); var moreNode = morePath ? morePath.iterateNext() : null; //If there is no "more tags" popup if (!moreNode) return null; var keywordPath = doc.evaluate(moreTagX, doc, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null); var keywordNode; //Iterate through all the keywords while(keywordNode = keywordPath.iterateNext()) { keywords.push(Zotero.Utilities.trimInternal(keywordNode .textContent.toLowerCase())); Zotero.debug("Keyword: " + keywordNode .textContent.toLowerCase()); } return keywords; } /** * Scrape all the relevant attachments from the page. * Firstly grabs a snapshot of the ACM page then looks for any links to the full text * @param doc The XML document describing the page * @param url The URL of the page being scanned * @return an array of all the attachments */ function scrapeAttachments(doc, url) { Zotero.debug("Scraping attachments"); var attachments = new Array(); //Add the scrapeshot of this page attachments.push({title:"ACM Snapshot", mimeType:"text/html", url:url}); //XPath for the full text links var textPath = doc.evaluate('//a[@name="FullTextPdf" or @name="FullTextHtml" or @name="FullText Html"][not(ancestor::div[@class="flatbody"])]', doc, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null); var textNode; //Iterate through all the links while (textNode= textPath .iterateNext()) { var textURL= textNode.href; //If the full text is a pdf if (textNode.name == "FullTextPdf") { Zotero.debug("Text PDF: " + textURL); attachments.push({title:"ACM Full Text PDF", mimeType:"application/pdf", url:textURL}); } else { //Otherwise the text is an HTML link Zotero.debug("Text Page: " + textURL); attachments.push({title:"ACM Full Text HTML", mimeType:"text/html", url:textURL}); } } return attachments; } /** * Scrape the abstract from the page * @param doc The XML document describing the page * @param url The URL of the page being scanned * @return a string with the text of the abstract */ function scrapeAbstract(doc) { Zotero.debug("Scraping abstract"); var text = getText('//div[@class="flatbody" or @class="tabbody"]', doc); return Zotero.Utilities.trimInternal(text); } /** * Get the text of the bibtex format reference * @param url The URL of the page being scanned * @param nsResolver the namespace resolver function * @return the bibtex reference as a trimmed string */ function scrapeBibtex(url, nsResolver) { Zotero.debug("Scraping full details from bibtex"); //Get the ID of this document var id = getId(url); //The link of the bibtex popup var bibtex = "http://portal.acm.org/exportformats.cfm?id=" + id + "&expformat=bibtex"; Zotero.debug("Bibtex: " + bibtex); //Get the xml document which will be loaded into the popup box var texDoc = Zotero.Utilities.retrieveDocument(bibtex); //Find the node with the bibtex text in it var path = texDoc.evaluate('//pre', texDoc, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null); var node = path.iterateNext(); if (node != null && node.textContent != null) { var ref = node.textContent; Zotero.debug("\nref : " + (ref == null ? "null":ref)); ref = Zotero.Utilities.trimInternal(ref); ref = Zotero.Utilities.trim(ref); return ref; } return null; } /** * Get the unique identifier of this document * @param url The URL of the page being scanned * @param journal [optional]whether to get the ID of the journal the document is in or of the document itself * @return a string containing the identifier of the document or journal the document is in */ function getId(url, journal) { if (journal=== undefined) journal= false; var cfmIndex = url.indexOf(".cfm"); var atIndex = url.indexOf('&'); var id = url.substr(cfmIndex + 8); if (atIndex != -1) id = id.replace(url.substring(atIndex), ""); var dotIndex = id.indexOf('.'); if (dotIndex != -1) if (!journal) id = id.replace(id .substring(0, (dotIndex+1)), ""); else id = id.replace(id .substring(dotIndex), ""); return id; } /** * Find out what kind of document this is * @param doc The XML document describing the page * @param url The URL of the page being scanned * @param nsResolver the namespace resolver function * @return a string with either "multiple", "journalArticle" or "conferencePaper" in it, depending on the type of document */ function getArticleType(doc, url, nsResolver) { var toc = doc.evaluate(tocX, doc, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext(); if (url.indexOf("results.cfm") != -1 || toc) { Zotero.debug("Type: multiple"); return "multiple"; } //XPath for the table cell which has either "Journal" or "Proceeding" in it var text = getText('//td[@nowrap="nowrap" and @style="padding-bottom: 0px;"]', doc, nsResolver); Zotero.debug("Type: " + text); if (text.indexOf("Proceeding") != -1) return "conferencePaper"; else if (text.indexOf("Magazine") != -1) return "magazineArticle"; else return "journalArticle"; } /** * Get the text from the first node defined by the given xPathString * @param pathString the XPath indicating which node to get the text from * @param doc The XML document describing the page * @param nsResolver the namespace resolver function * @return the text in the defined node or "Unable to scrape text" if the node was not found or if there was no text content */ function getText(pathString, doc, nsResolver) { var path = doc.evaluate(pathString, doc, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null); var node = path.iterateNext(); if (node == null || node.textContent == undefined || node.textContent == null) { Zotero.debug("Unable to retrieve text for XPath: "+pathString); return ""; } return node.textContent; } /** * Get a function for returning the namespace of a given document given its prefix * @param nsResolver the namespace resolver function */ function getNsResolver(doc) { var namespace = doc.documentElement.namespaceURI; var nsResolver = namespace ? function(prefix) { if (prefix == 'x') return namespace; else return null; } : null; return nsResolver; }