'use strict'; var require = (function() { var win, Zotero; Components.utils.import('resource://zotero/loader.jsm'); var requirer = Module('/', '/'); var _runningTimers = {}; if (typeof window != 'undefined') { win = window; } else { win = {}; win.setTimeout = function (func, ms) { var id = Math.floor(Math.random() * (1000000000000 - 1)) + 1 var useMethodjit = Components.utils.methodjit; var timer = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/timer;1"] .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsITimer); timer.initWithCallback({"notify":function() { // Remove timer from object so it can be garbage collected delete _runningTimers[id]; // Execute callback function try { func(); } catch(err) { // Rethrow errors that occur so that they appear in the error // console with the appropriate name and line numbers. While the // the errors appear without this, the line numbers get eaten. var scriptError = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/scripterror;1"] .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIScriptError); scriptError.init( err.message || err.toString(), err.fileName || err.filename || null, null, err.lineNumber || null, null, scriptError.errorFlag, 'component javascript' ); Components.classes["@mozilla.org/consoleservice;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIConsoleService) .logMessage(scriptError); typeof Zotero !== 'undefined' && Zotero.debug(err.stack, 1); } }}, ms, Components.interfaces.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT); _runningTimers[id] = timer; return id; }; win.clearTimeout = function (id) { var timer = _runningTimers[id]; if (timer) { timer.cancel(); } delete _runningTimers[id]; }; win.debug = function (msg) { dump(msg + "\n\n"); }; } function getZotero() { if (win.Zotero) Zotero = win.Zotero; if (typeof Zotero === 'undefined') { try { Zotero = Components.classes["@zotero.org/Zotero;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsISupports).wrappedJSObject; } catch (e) {} } return Zotero || {}; } var cons; if (typeof win.console !== 'undefined') { cons = console; } if (!cons) { cons = {}; for (let key of ['log', 'warn', 'error']) { cons[key] = text => {getZotero(); typeof Zotero !== 'undefined' && false && Zotero.debug(`console.${key}: ${text}`)}; } } let globals = { window: win, document: typeof win.document !== 'undefined' && win.document || {}, console: cons, navigator: typeof win.navigator !== 'undefined' && win.navigator || {}, setTimeout: win.setTimeout, clearTimeout: win.clearTimeout, requestAnimationFrame: win.setTimeout, cancelAnimationFrame: win.clearTimeout }; Object.defineProperty(globals, 'Zotero', { get: getZotero }); var loader = Loader({ id: 'zotero/require', paths: { '': 'resource://zotero/', 'containers/': 'chrome://zotero/content/containers/', 'components/': 'chrome://zotero/content/components/', 'zotero/': 'chrome://zotero/content/', }, globals }); let require = Require(loader, requirer); return require; })();