/* * Scholar.Cite: a class for creating bibliographies from within Scholar * this class handles pulling the CSL file and item data out of the database, * while CSL, below, handles the actual generation of the bibliography */ default xml namespace = "http://purl.org/net/xbiblio/csl"; Scholar.Cite = new function() { this.getBibliography = getBibliography; this.getStyles = getStyles; function getStyles() { // get styles var sql = "SELECT cslID, title FROM csl ORDER BY title"; var styles = Scholar.DB.query(sql); // convert to associative array var stylesObject = new Object(); for each(var style in styles) { stylesObject[style.cslID] = style.title; } return stylesObject; } function getBibliography(cslID, items) { // get style var sql = "SELECT csl FROM csl WHERE cslID = ?"; var style = Scholar.DB.valueQuery(sql, [cslID]); // get item arrays var itemArrays = new Array(); for(var i in items) { itemArrays.push(items[i].toArray()); } // create a CSL instance var cslInstance = new CSL(style); // return bibliography return cslInstance.createBibliography(itemArrays, "HTML"); } } /* * CSL: a class for creating bibliographies from CSL files * this is abstracted as a separate class for the benefit of anyone who doesn't * want to use the Scholar data model, but does want to use CSL in JavaScript */ CSL = function(csl) { Scholar.debug(csl); this._csl = new XML(this._cleanXML(csl)); // initialize CSL this._init(); // load localizations this._terms = this._parseTerms(this._csl.terms); // load class defaults this._class = this._csl["@class"].toString(); this._defaults = new Object(); // load class defaults if(CSL._classDefaults[this._class]) { var classDefaults = CSL._classDefaults[this._class]; for(var i in classDefaults) { this._defaults[i] = classDefaults[i]; } } // load defaults from CSL this._parseFieldDefaults(this._csl.defaults); // load options this._opt = this._parseOptions(this._csl.bibliography); Scholar.debug(this._opt); // create an associative array of available types this._types = new Object(); for each(var type in this._csl.bibliography.layout.item.choose.type) { this._types[type.@name] = true; } } /* * create a bibliography * (items is expected to be an array of items) */ CSL.prototype.createBibliography = function(items, format) { // preprocess items this._preprocessItems(items); // sort by sort order Scholar.debug("sorting items"); var me = this; items.sort(function(a, b) { return me._compareItem(a, b); }); Scholar.debug(items); // disambiguate items this._disambiguateItems(items); // process items var output = ""; for(var i in items) { var item = items[i]; if(item.itemType == "note" || item.itemType == "file") { // skip notes and files continue; } // determine mapping if(CSL._optionalTypeMappings[item.itemType] && this._types[CSL._optionalTypeMappings[item.itemType]]) { if(this._types[CSL._optionalTypeMappings[item.itemType]] === true) { // exists but not yet processed this._parseReferenceType(CSL._optionalTypeMappings[item.itemType]); } var typeName = CSL._optionalTypeMappings[item.itemType]; } else { if(this._types[CSL._fallbackTypeMappings[item.itemType]] === true) { this._parseReferenceType(CSL._fallbackTypeMappings[item.itemType]); } var typeName = CSL._fallbackTypeMappings[item.itemType]; } var type = this._types[typeName]; var string = ""; for(var i in type) { string += this._getFieldValue(type[i].name, type[i], item, format, typeName); } if(format == "HTML") { output += '


'; } } return output; } CSL._months = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]; CSL._monthsShort = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]; CSL._optionalTypeMappings = { journalArticle:"article-journal", magazineArticle:"article-magazine", newspaperArticle:"article-newspaper", thesis:"thesis", letter:"personal communication", manuscript:"manuscript", interview:"interview", film:"motion picture", artwork:"graphic", website:"webpage" }; // TODO: check with Elena/APA/MLA on this CSL._fallbackTypeMappings = { book:"book", bookSection:"chapter", journalArticle:"article", magazineArticle:"article", newspaperArticle:"article", thesis:"book", letter:"article", manuscript:"book", interview:"book", film:"book", artwork:"book", website:"article" }; // for elements that inherit defaults from each other CSL._inherit = { author:"contributor", editor:"contributor", translator:"contributor", pages:"locator", volume:"locator", issue:"locator", isbn:"identifier", doi:"identifier", edition:"version" } // for class definitions CSL._classDefaults = new Object(); CSL._classDefaults["author-date"] = { author:{ substitute:[ {name:"editor"}, {name:"translator"}, {name:"titles", relation:"container", "font-style":"italic"}, {name:"titles", children:[ {name:"title", form:"short"} ]} ] } }; CSL.ns = "http://purl.org/net/xbiblio/csl"; CSL.prototype._cleanXML = function(xml) { return xml.replace(/<\?[^>]*\?>/g, ""); } CSL.prototype._init = function() { if(!CSL._xmlLang) { // get XML lang var localeService = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/intl/nslocaleservice;1']. getService(Components.interfaces.nsILocaleService); CSL._xmlLang = localeService.getLocaleComponentForUserAgent(); // read locales.xml from directory var req = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/xmlhttprequest;1"]. createInstance(); req.open("GET", "chrome://scholar/locale/locales.xml", false); req.overrideMimeType("text/plain"); req.send(null); // get default terms var terms = new XML(this._cleanXML(req.responseText)); CSL._defaultTerms = this._parseTerms(terms); } } CSL.prototype._parseTerms = function(termXML) { // return defaults if there are no terms if(!termXML.length()) { return (CSL._defaultTerms ? CSL._defaultTerms : {}); } var xml = new Namespace("http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"); // get proper locale var locale = termXML.locale.(@xml::lang == CSL._xmlLang); if(!locale.length()) { var xmlLang = CSL._xmlLang.substr(0, 2); locale = termXML.locale.(@xml::lang == xmlLang); } if(!locale.length()) { // return defaults if there are no locales return (CSL._defaultTerms ? CSL._defaultTerms : {}); } var termArray = new Array(); if(CSL._defaultTerms) { // ugh. copy default array. javascript dumb. for(var i in CSL._defaultTerms) { if(typeof(CSL._defaultTerms[i]) == "object") { termArray[i] = [CSL._defaultTerms[i][0], CSL._defaultTerms[i][1]]; } else { termArray[i] = CSL._defaultTerms[i]; } } } // loop through terms for each(var term in locale.term) { var name = term.@name.toString(); if(!name) { throw("citations cannot be generated: no name defined on term in CSL"); } var single = term.single.text().toString(); var multiple = term.multiple.text().toString(); if(single || multiple) { if((single && multiple) // if there's both elements or || !termArray[name]) { // no previously defined value termArray[name] = [single, multiple]; } else { if(typeof(termArray[name]) != "object") { termArray[name] = [termArray[name], termArray[name]]; } // redefine either single or multiple if(single) { termArray[name][0] = single; } else { termArray[name][1] = multiple; } } } else { termArray[name] = term.text().toString(); } } return termArray; } /* * parses attributes and children for a CSL field */ CSL.prototype._parseFieldAttrChildren = function(element, desc) { if(!desc) { var desc = new Object(); } // copy attributes var attributes = element.attributes(); for each(var attribute in attributes) { desc[attribute.name()] = attribute.toString(); } var children = element.children(); if(children.length()) { // parse children if(children.length() > element.substitute.length()) { // if there are non-substitute children, clear the current children // array desc.children = new Array(); } // add children to children array for each(var child in children) { if(child.namespace() == CSL.ns) { // ignore elements in other // namespaces // parse recursively var name = child.localName(); if(name == "substitute") { // place substitutes in their own key, so that they're // overridden separately if(child.choose.length) { // choose desc.substitute = new Array(); var chooseChildren = child.choose.children(); for each(var choose in chooseChildren) { if(choose.namespace() == CSL.ns) { var option = new Object(); option.name = choose.localName(); this._parseFieldAttrChildren(choose, option); desc.substitute.push(option); } } } else { // don't choose desc.substitute = child.text().toString(); } } else { var childDesc = this._parseFieldAttrChildren(child); childDesc.name = name; desc.children.push(childDesc); } } } } return desc; } /* * parses a list of fields into a defaults associative array */ CSL.prototype._parseFieldDefaults = function(ref) { for each(var element in ref.children()) { if(element.namespace() == CSL.ns) { // ignore elements in other namespaces var name = element.localName(); var fieldDesc = this._parseFieldAttrChildren(element); if(this._defaults[name]) { // inherit from existing defaults this._defaults[name] = this._merge(this._defaults[name], fieldDesc); } else { this._defaults[name] = fieldDesc; } } } } /* * parses a list of fields into an array of objects */ CSL.prototype._parseFields = function(ref, useDefaults) { var typeDesc = new Array(); for each(var element in ref) { if(element.namespace() == CSL.ns) { // ignore elements in other namespaces var itemDesc = new Object(); itemDesc.name = element.localName(); // parse attributes on this field this._parseFieldAttrChildren(element, itemDesc); // add defaults if(useDefaults) { var fieldDefaults = this._getFieldDefaults(itemDesc.name); itemDesc = this._merge(fieldDefaults, itemDesc); itemDesc = this._merge(this._opt.format, itemDesc); } // parse group children if(itemDesc.name == "group" && itemDesc.children) { for(var i in itemDesc.children) { itemDesc.children[i] = this._merge(this._getFieldDefaults(itemDesc.children[i].name), itemDesc.children[i]); } } typeDesc.push(itemDesc); } } return typeDesc; } /* * parses cs-format attributes into just a prefix and a suffix; accepts an * optional array of cs-format */ CSL.prototype._parseOptions = function(bibliography) { var opt = new Object(); // subsequent author substitute // replaces subsequent occurances of an author with a given string if(bibliography['@subsequent-author-substitute']) { opt.subsequentAuthorSubstitute = bibliography['@subsequent-author-substitute'].toString(); } // hanging indent if(bibliography['@hanging-indent']) { opt.hangingIndent = true; } // author as sort order // for our purposes, this controls whether an author is last, first or // first last (although for internationalized names it means something // different) if(bibliography['@author-as-sort-order']) { if(bibliography['@author-as-sort-order'] == "first-author") { opt.authorAsSortOrder = "first-author"; } else if(bibliography['@author-as-sort-order'] == "all") { opt.authorAsSortOrder = "all"; } } // sort order var algorithm = bibliography.sort.@algorithm.toString(); if(algorithm) { // for classes, use the sort order that if(algorithm == "author-date") { opt.sortOrder = [this._getFieldDefaults("author"), this._getFieldDefaults("date")]; opt.sortOrder[0].name = "author"; opt.sortOrder[1].name = "date"; } else if(algorithm == "label") { opt.sortOrder = [this._getFieldDefaults("label")]; opt.sortOrder[0].name = "label"; } else if(algorithm == "cited") { opt.sortOrder = [this._getFieldDefaults("cited")]; opt.sortOrder[0].name = "cited"; } } else { opt.sortOrder = this._parseFields(bibliography.sort, false); } // et al if(bibliography['use-et_al'].length()) { opt.etAl = new Object(); opt.etAl.minCreators = parseInt(bibliography['use-et_al']['@min-authors']); opt.etAl.useFirst = parseInt(bibliography['use-et_al']['@use-first']); } // sections (TODO) opt.sections = [{groupBy:"default", heading:bibliography.layout.heading.text["@term-name"].toString()}]; for each(var section in bibliography.layout.section) { opt.sections.push([{groupBy:section["@group-by"].toString(), heading:section.heading.text["@term-name"].toString()}]); } // global prefix and suffix format information opt.format = new Array(); for each(var attribute in bibliography.layout.item.attributes()) { opt.format[attribute.name()] = attribute.toString(); } return opt; } /* * convert reference types to native structures for speed */ CSL.prototype._parseReferenceType = function(reftype) { var ref = this._csl.bibliography.layout.item.choose.type.(@name==reftype).children(); this._types[reftype] = this._parseFields(ref, true); } /* * merges two elements, letting the second override the first */ CSL.prototype._merge = function(element1, element2) { var mergedElement = new Object(); for(var i in element1) { mergedElement[i] = element1[i]; } for(var i in element2) { mergedElement[i] = element2[i]; } return mergedElement; } /* * gets defaults for a specific element; handles various inheritance rules * (contributor, locator) */ CSL.prototype._getFieldDefaults = function(elementName) { // first, see if there are specific defaults if(this._defaults[elementName]) { if(CSL._inherit[elementName]) { var inheritedDefaults = this._getFieldDefaults(CSL._inherit[elementName]); for(var i in inheritedDefaults) { // will only be called if there // is merging necessary return this._merge(inheritedDefaults, this._defaults[elementName]); } } return this._defaults[elementName]; } // next, try to get defaults from the item from which this item inherits if(CSL._inherit[elementName]) { return this._getFieldDefaults(CSL._inherit[elementName]); } // finally, return an empty object return {}; } /* * gets a term, in singular or plural form */ CSL.prototype._getTerm = function(term, plural) { if(!this._terms[term]) { return ""; } if(typeof(this._terms[term]) == "object") { // singular and plural forms // are available if(plural) { return this._terms[term][1]; } else { return this._terms[term][0]; } } return this._terms[term]; } /* * process the date "string" into a useful object */ CSL.prototype._processDate = function(string) { var date = new Object(); var dateRe = /^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})$/; var m = dateRe.exec(string); if(m) { // sql date var jsDate = new Date(m[1], m[2]-1, m[3], false, false, false); } else { // not an sql date var jsDate = new Date(string); } if(isNaN(jsDate.valueOf())) { // couldn't parse // get year and say other parts are month var yearRe = /^(.*)([^0-9]{4})(.*)$/ var m = yearRe.exec(string); date.year = m[2]; date.month = m[1] if(m[2] && m[3]) date.month += " "; date.month += m[3]; } else { date.year = jsDate.getFullYear(); date.month = jsDate.getMonth(); date.day = jsDate.getDay(); } return date; } /* * formats a string according to the cs-format attributes on element */ CSL.prototype._formatString = function(element, string, format) { if(format != "compare" && element.prefix) { string = element.prefix+string; } if(format == "HTML") { var style = ""; var cssAttributes = ["font-family", "font-style", "font-variant", "font-weight", "text-transform"]; for(var j in cssAttributes) { if(element[cssAttributes[j]] && element[cssAttributes[j]].indexOf('"') == -1) { style += cssAttributes[j]+":"+element[cssAttributes[j]]; } } if(style) { string = ''+string+''; } } if(format != "compare" && element.suffix && (element.suffix.length != 1 || string[string.length-1] != element.suffix)) { // skip if suffix is the same as the last char string += element.suffix; } return string; } /* * formats a locator (pages, volume, issue) */ CSL.prototype._formatLocator = function(element, number, format) { var data = ""; if(number) { for(var i in element.children) { var child = element.children[i]; var string = ""; if(child.name == "number") { string = number; } else if(child.name == "text") { var plural = (item.pages.indexOf(",") != -1 || item.pages.indexOf("-") != -1); string = this._getTerm(child["term-name"], plural); } if(string) { data += this._formatString(child, string, format); } } } return data; } /* * format the date in format supplied by element from the date object * returned by this._processDate */ CSL.prototype._formatDate = function(element, date, format) { if(format == "disambiguate") { // for disambiguation, return only the year return date.year; } var data = ""; for(var i in element.children) { var child = element.children[i]; var string = ""; if(child.name == "year" && date.year) { if(format == "compare") { string = this._lpad(date.year, "0", 4); } else { string = date.year.toString(); if(date.disambiguation) { string += date.disambiguation; } } } else if(child.name == "month" && date.month) { if(format == "compare") { string = this._lpad(date.month+1, "0", 2); } else { if(element.form == "short") { string = CSL._monthsShort[date.month]; } else { string = CSL._months[date.month]; } } } else if(child.name == "day" && date.day) { if(format == "compare") { string = this._lpad(date.day, "0", 2); } else { string = date.day.toString(); } } if(string) { data += this._formatString(child, string, format); } } return data; } /* * pads a number or other string with a given string on the left */ CSL.prototype._lpad = function(string, pad, length) { while(string.length < length) { string = pad + string; } return string; } /* * preprocess items, separating authors, editors, and translators arrays into * separate properties */ CSL.prototype._preprocessItems = function(items) { for(var i in items) { var item = items[i]; // namespace everything in item._csl so there's no chance of overlap item._csl = new Object(); item._csl.ignore = new Array(); item._csl.authors = new Array(); item._csl.editors = new Array(); item._csl.translators = new Array(); // separate item into authors, editors, translators for(var j in item.creators) { var creator = item.creators[j]; if(creator.creatorType == "editor") { item._csl.editors.push(creator); } else if(creator.creatorType == "translator") { item._csl.translators.push(creator); } else if(creator.creatorType == "author") { // TODO: do we just ignore contributors? item._csl.authors.push(creator); } } // parse if(item.date) { // specific date item._csl.date = CSL.prototype._processDate(item.date); } else { // no real date, but might salvage a year item._csl.date = new Object(); if(item.year) { item._csl.date.year = item.year; } } } } /* * disambiguates items, after pre-processing and sorting */ CSL.prototype._disambiguateItems = function(items) { var usedCitations = new Array(); var lastAuthor; for(var i in items) { var item = items[i]; var author = this._getFieldValue("author", this._getFieldDefaults("author"), item, "disambiguate"); // handle (2006a) disambiguation for author-date styles if(this._class == "author-date") { var citation = author+" "+this._getFieldValue("date", this._getFieldDefaults("date"), item, "disambiguate"); Scholar.debug(citation); if(usedCitations[citation]) { Scholar.debug("disambiguation necessary"); if(!usedCitations[citation]._csl.date.disambiguation) { usedCitations[citation]._csl.date.disambiguation = "a"; item._csl.date.disambiguation = "b"; } else { // get all but last character var oldLetter = usedCitations[citation]._csl.date.disambiguation; if(oldLetter.length > 1) { item._csl.date.disambiguation = oldLetter.substr(0, oldLetter.length-1); } else { item._csl.date.disambiguation = ""; } var charCode = oldLetter.charCodeAt(oldLetter.length-1); if(charCode == 122) { // item is z; add another letter item._csl.date.disambiguation += "za"; } else { // next lowercase letter item._csl.date.disambiguation += String.fromCharCode(charCode+1); } } } usedCitations[citation] = item; } // handle subsequent author substitutes if(this._opt.subsequentAuthorSubstitute && lastAuthor == author) { item._csl.subsequentAuthorSubstitute = true; } lastAuthor = author; } } /* * handles sorting of items */ CSL.prototype._compareItem = function(a, b, opt) { for(var i in this._opt.sortOrder) { var sortElement = this._opt.sortOrder[i]; var aValue = this._getFieldValue(sortElement.name, sortElement, a, "compare"); var bValue = this._getFieldValue(sortElement.name, sortElement, b, "compare"); if(bValue > aValue) { return -1; } else if(bValue < aValue) { return 1; } } // finally, give up; they're the same return 0; } /* * process creator objects; if someone had a creator model that handled * non-Western names better than ours, this would be the function to change */ CSL.prototype._processCreators = function(type, element, creators, format) { var maxCreators = creators.length; if(!maxCreators) return; if(format == "disambiguate") { // for disambiguation, return only the last name of the first creator return creators[0].lastName;; } var data = ""; for(var i in element.children) { var child = element.children[i]; var string = ""; if(child.name == "name") { var useEtAl = false; // figure out if we need to use "et al" if(this._opt.etAl && maxCreators >= this._opt.etAl.minCreators) { maxCreators = this._opt.etAl.useFirst; useEtAl = true; } // parse authors into strings var authorStrings = []; var firstName, lastName; for(var i=0; i 1) { if(useEtAl) { // multiple creators and need et al authorStrings.push(this._getTerm("et al.")); } else { // multiple creators but no et al // add and to last creator if(child["and"]) { if(child["and"] == "symbol") { var and = "&" } else { var and = this._getTerm("and"); } authorStrings[maxCreators-1] = and+" "+authorStrings[maxCreators-1]; // skip the comma if there are only two creators and no // et al if(maxCreators == 2) { joinString = " "; } } } } string = authorStrings.join(joinString); } else if(child.name == "role") { string = this._getTerm(type, (maxCreators != 1)); } // add string to data if(string) { data += this._formatString(child, string, format); } } // add to the data return data; } /* * processes an element from a (pre-processed) item into text */ CSL.prototype._getFieldValue = function(name, element, item, format, typeName) { var data = ""; // make sure we're not supposed to ignore this (bc it's already substituted) for(var i in item._csl.ignore) { if(item._csl.ignore[i] == element) { return ""; } } if(name == "author") { if(item._csl.subsequentAuthorSubstitute) { // handle subsequent author substitute behavior data = this._opt.subsequentAuthorSubstitute; } else { data = this._processCreators(name, element, item._csl.authors, format); } } else if(name == "editor") { data = this._processCreators(name, element, item._csl.editors, format); } else if(name == "translator") { data = this._processCreators(name, element, item._csl.translators, format); } else if(name == "titles") { for(var i in element.children) { var child = element.children[i]; var string = ""; if(child.name == "title") { // for now, we only care about the // "title" sub-element if(!element.relation) { string = item.title; } else if(element.relation == "container") { string = item.publicationTitle; } else if(element.relation == "collection") { string = item.seriesTitle; } } if(string) { data += this._formatString(child, string, format); } } } else if(name == "date") { data = this._formatDate(element, item._csl.date, format); } else if(name == "publisher") { for(var i in element.children) { var child = element.children[i]; var string = ""; if(child.name == "place") { string = item.place; } else if(child.name == "name") { string = item.publisher } if(string) { data += this._formatString(child, string, format); } } } else if(name == "access") { var save = false; for(var i in element.children) { var child = element.children[i]; var string = ""; if(child.name == "url") { // TODO: better URL-handling strategies if(item.url) { string = item.url; } } else if(child.name == "date") { string = this._formatDate(child, this._processDate(item.accessDate), format); } else if(child.name == "physicalLocation") { string = item.archiveLocation; } else if(child.name == "text") { string = this._getTerm(child["term-name"]); } if(string) { data += this._formatString(child, string, format); if(child.name != "text") { // only save if there's non-text data save = true; } } } if(!save) { data = ""; } } else if(name == "volume") { data = this._formatLocator(element, item.volume, format); } else if(name == "issue") { data = this._formatLocator(element, item.issue, format); } else if(name == "pages") { data = this._formatLocator(element, item.pages, format); } else if(name == "edition") { data = item.edition; } else if(name == "genre") { data = (item.type ? item.type : item.thesisType); } else if(name == "group") { for(var i in element.children) { var child = element.children[i]; data += this._getFieldValue(child.name, child, item, format, typeName); } } else if(name == "text") { string = this._getTerm(child["term-name"]); } else if(name == "isbn") { data = this._formatLocator(element, item.ISBN, format); } else if(name == "doi") { data = this._formatLocator(element, item.DOI, format); } else { data = name; } if(data) { return this._formatString(element, data, format); } else if(element.substitute) { // try each substitute element until one returns something for(var i in element.substitute) { var substituteElement = element.substitute[i]; var defaultElement; // first try to get from the type if(typeName && this._types[typeName]) { for(var i in this._types[typeName]) { var field = this._types[typeName][i]; if(field.name == substituteElement.name && (!substituteElement.relation || field.relation == substituteElement.relation) && (!substituteElement.role || field.role == substituteElement.role)) { defaultElement = field; // flag to be ignored later item._csl.ignore.push(defaultElement); } } } // otherwise, get default if(!defaultElement) { defaultElement = this._getFieldDefaults(substituteElement.name); } // copy prefix and suffix substituteElement.prefix = element.prefix; substituteElement.suffix = element.suffix; data = this._getFieldValue(substituteElement.name, this._merge(defaultElement, substituteElement), item, format); if(data) { return data; } } } return ""; }