// Scholar for Firefox Utilities
// Scholar.Utilities
Scholar.Utilities = function () {}
Scholar.Utilities.prototype.debug = function(msg) {
Scholar.debug(msg, 4);
* Converts a JavaScript date object to an SQL-style date
Scholar.Utilities.prototype.formatDate = function(date) {
return Scholar.Date.formatDate(date);
* Cleans extraneous punctuation off an author name
Scholar.Utilities.prototype.cleanAuthor = function(author, type, useComma) {
author = author.replace(/^[\s\.\,\/\[\]\:]+/, '');
author = author.replace(/[\s\,\/\[\]\:\.]+$/, '');
author = author.replace(/ +/, ' ');
if(useComma) {
// Add period for initials
if(author.substr(author.length-2, 1) == " ") {
author += ".";
var splitNames = author.split(', ');
if(splitNames.length > 1) {
var lastName = splitNames[0];
var firstName = splitNames[1];
} else {
var lastName = author;
} else {
var spaceIndex = author.lastIndexOf(" ");
var lastName = author.substring(spaceIndex+1);
var firstName = author.substring(0, spaceIndex);
// TODO: take type into account
return {firstName:firstName, lastName:lastName, creatorType:type};
* Cleans whitespace off a string and replaces multiple spaces with one
Scholar.Utilities.prototype.cleanString = function(s) {
s = s.replace(/[ \xA0\r\n]+/g, " ");
s = s.replace(/^\s+/, "");
return s.replace(/\s+$/, "");
* Cleans any non-word non-parenthesis characters off the ends of a string
Scholar.Utilities.prototype.superCleanString = function(x) {
var x = x.replace(/^[^\w(]+/, "");
return x.replace(/[^\w)]+$/, "");
* Eliminates HTML tags, replacing
s with /ns
Scholar.Utilities.prototype.cleanTags = function(x) {
x = x.replace(/
]*>/gi, "\n");
return x.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, "");
* Test if a string is an integer
Scholar.Utilities.prototype.isInt = function(x) {
if(parseInt(x) == x) {
return true;
return false;
* Get current scholar version
Scholar.Utilities.prototype.getVersion = function() {
return Scholar.version;
* Get a page range, given a user-entered set of pages
Scholar.Utilities.prototype._pageRangeRegexp = /^\s*([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)\s*$/;
Scholar.Utilities.prototype.getPageRange = function(pages) {
var pageNumbers;
var m = this._pageRangeRegexp.exec(pages);
if(m) {
// A page range
pageNumbers = [m[1], m[2]];
} else {
// Assume start and end are the same
pageNumbers = [pages, pages];
return pageNumbers;
* provide inArray function
Scholar.Utilities.prototype.inArray = Scholar.inArray;
* pads a number or other string with a given string on the left
Scholar.Utilities.prototype.lpad = function(string, pad, length) {
while(string.length < length) {
string = pad + string;
return string;
* returns true if an item type exists, false if it does not
Scholar.Utilities.prototype.itemTypeExists = function(type) {
if(Scholar.ItemTypes.getID(type)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// Scholar.Utilities.Ingester
// Scholar.Utilities.Ingester extends Scholar.Utilities, offering additional
// classes relating to data extraction specifically from HTML documents.
Scholar.Utilities.Ingester = function(translate, proxiedURL) {
this.translate = translate;
Scholar.Utilities.Ingester.prototype = new Scholar.Utilities();
// Takes an XPath query and returns the results
Scholar.Utilities.Ingester.prototype.gatherElementsOnXPath = function(doc, parentNode, xpath, nsResolver) {
var elmts = [];
var iterator = doc.evaluate(xpath, parentNode, nsResolver, Components.interfaces.nsIDOMXPathResult.ANY_TYPE,null);
var elmt = iterator.iterateNext();
var i = 0;
while (elmt) {
elmts[i++] = elmt;
elmt = iterator.iterateNext();
return elmts;
* Gets a given node as a string containing all child nodes
Scholar.Utilities.Ingester.prototype.getNodeString = function(doc, contextNode, xpath, nsResolver) {
var elmts = this.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, contextNode, xpath, nsResolver);
var returnVar = "";
for(var i=0; i