"use strict"; describe("Related Box", function () { var win, doc, itemsView; before(function* () { win = yield loadZoteroPane(); doc = win.document; itemsView = win.ZoteroPane.itemsView; }); after(function () { win.close(); }) describe("Add button", function () { it("should add a related item", function* () { var item1 = yield createDataObject('item'); var item2 = yield createDataObject('item'); // Select the Related pane var tabbox = doc.getElementById('zotero-view-tabbox'); tabbox.selectedIndex = 3; var relatedbox = doc.getElementById('zotero-editpane-related'); assert.lengthOf(relatedbox.id('relatedRows').childNodes, 0); // Click the Add button to open the Select Items dialog setTimeout(function () { relatedbox.id('addButton').click(); }); var selectWin = yield waitForWindow('chrome://zotero/content/selectItemsDialog.xul'); // wrappedJSObject isn't working on zotero-collections-tree for some reason, so // just wait for the items tree to be created and select it directly do { var selectItemsView = selectWin.itemsView; var selectCollectionsView = selectWin.collectionsView; yield Zotero.Promise.delay(50); } while (!selectItemsView || !selectCollectionsView); yield selectCollectionsView.waitForLoad(); yield selectItemsView.waitForLoad(); // Select the other item yield selectItemsView.selectItem(item1.id); selectWin.document.documentElement.acceptDialog(); // Wait for relations list to populate do { yield Zotero.Promise.delay(50); } while (!relatedbox.id('relatedRows').childNodes.length); assert.lengthOf(relatedbox.id('relatedRows').childNodes, 1); var items = item1.relatedItems; assert.lengthOf(items, 1); assert.equal(items[0], item2.key); // Relation should be assigned bidirectionally var items = item2.relatedItems; assert.lengthOf(items, 1); assert.equal(items[0], item1.key); }) }) describe("Remove button", function () { it("should remove a related item", function* () { var item1 = yield createDataObject('item'); var item2 = yield createDataObject('item'); item1.addRelatedItem(item2); yield item1.saveTx(); item2.addRelatedItem(item1); yield item2.saveTx(); // Select the Related pane var tabbox = doc.getElementById('zotero-view-tabbox'); tabbox.selectedIndex = 3; var relatedbox = doc.getElementById('zotero-editpane-related'); // Wait for relations list to populate do { yield Zotero.Promise.delay(50); } while (!relatedbox.id('relatedRows').childNodes.length); doc.getAnonymousNodes(relatedbox)[0] .getElementsByAttribute('value', '-')[0] .click(); // Wait for relations list to clear do { yield Zotero.Promise.delay(50); } while (relatedbox.id('relatedRows').childNodes.length); }) }) })