describe("Zotero.QuickCopy", function() { var quickCopyPref; var prefName = "export.quickCopy.setting"; before(function* () { yield Zotero.QuickCopy.loadSiteSettings(); Zotero.Prefs.clear(prefName); quickCopyPref = Zotero.Prefs.get(prefName); quickCopyPref = JSON.stringify(Zotero.QuickCopy.unserializeSetting(quickCopyPref)); }); afterEach(function () { Zotero.Prefs.clear(prefName); }); // TODO: These should set site-specific prefs and test the actual response against it, // but that will need to wait for 5.0. For now, just make sure they don't fail. describe("#getFormatFromURL()", function () { it("should handle an HTTP URL", function () { assert.deepEqual(Zotero.QuickCopy.getFormatFromURL(''), quickCopyPref); }) it("should handle an HTTPS URL", function () { assert.deepEqual(Zotero.QuickCopy.getFormatFromURL(''), quickCopyPref); }) it("should handle a domain and path", function () { assert.deepEqual(Zotero.QuickCopy.getFormatFromURL(''), quickCopyPref); }) it("should handle a local host", function () { assert.deepEqual(Zotero.QuickCopy.getFormatFromURL('http://foo/'), quickCopyPref); }) it("should handle a domain with a trailing period", function () { assert.deepEqual(Zotero.QuickCopy.getFormatFromURL(''), quickCopyPref); }) it("should handle an about: URL", function () { assert.deepEqual(Zotero.QuickCopy.getFormatFromURL('about:blank'), quickCopyPref); }) it("should handle a chrome URL", function () { assert.deepEqual(Zotero.QuickCopy.getFormatFromURL('chrome://zotero/content/foo.xul'), quickCopyPref); }) }) describe("#getContentFromItems()", function () { it("should generate BibTeX", function* () { var item = yield createDataObject('item'); var content = ""; var worked = false; yield Zotero.Translators.init(); var translatorID = '9cb70025-a888-4a29-a210-93ec52da40d4'; // BibTeX var format = 'export=' + translatorID; Zotero.Prefs.set(prefName, format); // Translator code for selected format is loaded automatically, so wait for it var translator = Zotero.Translators.get(translatorID); while (!translator.code) { yield Zotero.Promise.delay(50); } Zotero.QuickCopy.getContentFromItems( [item], format, (obj, w) => { content = obj.string; worked = w; } ); assert.isTrue(worked); assert.isTrue(content.trim().startsWith('@')); }); it("should copy note content", async function () { var item = await createDataObject('item', { itemType: 'note', note: '


' }); var format = 'bibliography='; Zotero.Prefs.set(prefName, format); var content = Zotero.QuickCopy.getContentFromItems([item], format); assert.propertyVal(content, 'text', 'Foo'); assert.propertyVal(content, 'html', '


'); }); }); it("should generate bibliography in default locale if Quick Copy locale not set", async function () { var item = createUnsavedDataObject('item', { itemType: 'webpage', title: 'Foo' }); item.setField('date', '2020-03-11'); await item.saveTx(); var content = ""; var worked = false; // Quick Copy locale not set Zotero.Prefs.clear('export.quickCopy.locale'); // This shouldn't be used Zotero.Prefs.set('export.lastLocale', 'fr-FR'); await Zotero.Styles.init(); var format = 'bibliography='; Zotero.Prefs.set(prefName, format); var { text, html } = Zotero.QuickCopy.getContentFromItems([item], format); Zotero.debug(text); Zotero.debug(html); assert.isTrue(text.startsWith('Foo')); assert.include(text, 'March'); assert.isTrue(html.startsWith('Foo'); assert.include(html, 'March'); }); })