// Use :is to give the sub-selectors 0 specificity, allowing the whole thing to be // overridden by anything with element-selector specificity or higher // https://css-tricks.com/using-the-specificity-of-where-as-a-css-reset/ :is( // skip React Button element button:where(:not(.btn, [type=checkbox], [type=radio])), input:where([type=button], [type=submit]) ) { @include windows-form-element; padding: 4px 11px 6px 11px; &[default] { color: var(--accent-white); &:not([disabled]) { --color-form-element-background: var(--accent-blue); &:hover { --color-form-element-background: rgba(64, 114, 229, 0.9); } &:active { --color-form-element-background: rgba(64, 114, 229, 0.8); } @include focus-ring; } &[disabled] { @include light-dark(--color-form-element-background, var(--fill-tertiary), var(--fill-quaternary)); --color-form-element-border: linear-gradient(transparent, transparent); } } }