#!/usr/bin/env php preg_match($locale_file_re, $path) ); // Mozilla files $english_mozilla_files = array_filter( scandir($english_path . "/mozilla"), fn ($path) => preg_match($locale_file_re, $path) ); $english_mozilla_files = array_map(fn ($path) => 'mozilla/' . $path, $english_mozilla_files); $all_english_files = array_merge($english_files, $english_mozilla_files); // Make output directories for each locale $locales = array_filter(scandir($locale_path), fn ($path) => preg_match($locale_re, $path)); foreach ($locales as $locale) { preg_match($locale_re, $locale, $matches); if (!$matches) { continue; } $dir = $output_dir . '/' . $locale . '/zotero/'; @mkdir($dir, 0775, true); } // Make content output directory for CSL files if ($use_content_output_dir) { @mkdir("$content_output_dir/csl/", 0775, true); } foreach ($all_english_files as $file) { echo "Processing $file\n"; $extension = substr(strrchr($file, '.'), 1); foreach ($locales as $locale) { preg_match('/([a-z]{2})(\-[A-Z]{2})?/', $locale, $matches); if (!isset($matches[1])) { continue; } $locale = $matches[1]; if (!empty($matches[2])) { $locale .= $matches[2]; } $locale_source_file = "$locale_path/$locale/zotero/$file"; $output_locale_dir = "$output_dir/$locale/zotero/"; if (!file_exists($output_locale_dir . '/mozilla')) { mkdir($output_locale_dir . '/mozilla', 0755); } if ($file == 'locales.xml') { if (strlen($locale) == 2) { $csl_locale = $locale . '-' . strtoupper($locale); } else { $csl_locale = $locale; } if ($use_content_input_dir) { $locale_source_file = "$content_locale_path/csl/locales-$csl_locale.xml"; } if ($use_content_output_dir) { $output_locale_dir = "$content_output_dir/csl/"; } if ($localeCodeInOutputXML) { $save_file = "locales-$csl_locale.xml"; } else { $save_file = "locales.xml"; } echo "Saving {$output_locale_dir}{$save_file}\n"; $string = generate_csl_locale( "$english_path/$file", $locale_source_file, $locale ); } else { echo "Saving {$output_locale_dir}{$file}\n"; $save_file = $file; $string = generate_locale( $extension, "$english_path/$file", $locale_source_file, $locale ); } // We can't handle this file, so bail if (!$string) { throw new Exception("Error generating file"); } file_put_contents($output_locale_dir . $save_file, $string); } } function parse_strings($type, $file, $locale = null) { if (!file_exists($file)) { $msg = "Source file $file doesn't exist"; if ($locale) { if (strpos($file, 'updates.dtd') !== false) { $missing_locales = ['br', 'en-GB', 'gl-ES', 'hu-HU', 'mn-MN']; if (in_array($locale, $missing_locales)) { echo $msg . "\n"; return []; } } } throw new Exception($msg); } $pairs = array(); switch ($type) { case 'dtd': // 1: space after ENTITY // 2: key // 3: space after key // 4: string // 5: space after "> $regex = '|\s*)|s'; break; case 'properties': $regex = '|^(?:#\s*)?([^\s]*)\s*=\s*(.*)$|'; break; default: throw new Exception("Unsupported extension .$type"); } preg_match_all($regex, file_get_contents($file), $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($matches as $match) { if ($type == 'dtd') { $pairs[$match[2]] = $match; } else { $pairs[$match[1]] = $match[2]; } } return $pairs; } function generate_locale($type, $english_file, $locale_file, $locale) { $output = ''; // Keep copyright block at top of Mozilla files preg_match('/\s+/s', file_get_contents($locale_file), $matches); if ($matches) { $output .= $matches[0]; } $english_pairs = parse_strings($type, $english_file); if (!$english_pairs) { throw new Exception("No English pairs!"); } $locale_pairs = parse_strings($type, $locale_file, $locale); foreach ($english_pairs as $key => $val) { if (!$val) { if ($output != '') { $output .= "\n"; } continue; } $source_val = empty($locale_pairs[$key]) ? $english_pairs[$key] : $locale_pairs[$key]; switch ($type) { case 'dtd': $prefix = 'openMemory(); $xw->startDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); $xw->startElement ('terms'); $xw->writeAttribute('xmlns', 'http://purl.org/net/xbiblio/csl'); $xw->startElement('locale'); $xw->writeAttribute('xml:lang', substr($locale, 0, 2)); $locale_sxe->registerXPathNamespace('csl', 'http://purl.org/net/xbiblio/csl'); foreach ($english_sxe->locale->term as $term) { $name = $term->attributes()->name; $form = $term->attributes()->form; if ($form) { $node = $locale_sxe->xpath("//csl:term[@name='$name' and @form='$form']"); } else { $node = $locale_sxe->xpath("//csl:term[@name='$name' and not(@form)]"); } if (isset($node[0])) { $node = $node[0]; } else { $node = $term; } $xw->startElement('term'); $xw->writeAttribute('name', $name); if ($form) { $xw->writeAttribute('form', $form); } if (sizeOf($term->children()) > 0) { $xw->startElement('single'); $xw->text($node->single ? $node->single : $term->single); $xw->endElement(); $xw->startElement('multiple'); $xw->text($node->multiple ? $node->multiple : $term->multiple); $xw->endElement(); } else { // If original had children and we don't any longer, use English if (sizeOf($node[0]->children()) > 0) { $xw->text($term); } // Otherwise use the locale string else { $xw->text($node[0]); } } $xw->endElement(); // } $xw->endElement(); // $xw->endElement(); // $str = $xw->outputMemory(true); $doc = new DOMDocument('1.0'); $doc->formatOutput = true; $doc->loadXML($str); return $doc->saveXML(); } ?>