const globby = require('globby'); const path = require('path'); const os = require('os'); const fs = require('fs-extra'); const cluster = require('cluster'); const { getSignatures, compareSignatures, getFileSignature, writeSignatures, cleanUp, onSuccess, onError, onProgress } = require('./utils'); const { jsFiles, ignoreMask } = require('./config'); const NODE_ENV = process.env.NODE_ENV; const ROOT = path.resolve(__dirname, '..'); async function getJS(source, options, signatures) { const t1 =; const matchingJSFiles = await globby(source, Object.assign({ cwd: ROOT }, options)); const cpuCount = os.cpus().length; const totalCount = matchingJSFiles.length; var count = 0; var isError = false; cluster.setupMaster({ exec: path.join(__dirname, 'babel-worker.js') }); // check signatures, collect signatures for files to be processes const newFilesSignatures = {}; const filesForProcessing = []; var f; while ((f = matchingJSFiles.pop()) != null) { const newFileSignature = await getFileSignature(f); const dest = path.join('build', f.replace('.jsx', '.js')); f = path.normalize(f); if (f in signatures) { if (compareSignatures(newFileSignature, signatures[f])) { try { await fs.access(dest, fs.constants.F_OK); continue; } catch (_) { // file does not exists in build, fallback to browserifing } } } filesForProcessing.push(f); newFilesSignatures[f] = newFileSignature; } // shortcut if no files need rebuilding if (Object.keys(filesForProcessing).length === 0) { const t2 =; return Promise.resolve({ action: 'js', count, totalCount, processingTime: t2 - t1 }); } // distribute processing among workers const workerCount = Math.min(cpuCount, filesForProcessing.length); var workersActive = workerCount; NODE_ENV == 'debug' && console.log(`Will process ${filesForProcessing.length} files using ${workerCount} processes`); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { for (let i = 0; i < workerCount; i++) { var worker = cluster.fork(); worker.on('message', function(ev) { if (ev.error) { isError = true; let errorMsg = `Failed while processing ${ev.sourcefile}: ${ev.error}`; reject(errorMsg); } else { signatures[ev.sourcefile] = newFilesSignatures[ev.sourcefile]; if (ev.isSkipped) { NODE_ENV == 'debug' && console.log(`process ${} SKIPPED ${ev.sourcefile}`); } else { NODE_ENV == 'debug' && console.log(`process ${} took ${ev.processingTime} ms to process ${ev.sourcefile} into ${ev.outfile}`); NODE_ENV != 'debug' && onProgress(ev.sourcefile, ev.outfile, 'js'); count++; } } let nextFile = filesForProcessing.pop(); if (!isError && nextFile) { NODE_ENV == 'debug' && console.log(`process ${} scheduled to process ${nextFile}`); this.send({ file: nextFile }); } else { if (this.isConnected()) { this.kill(); } NODE_ENV == 'debug' && console.log(`process ${} has terminated`); if (!--workersActive) { const t2 =; resolve({ action: 'js', count, totalCount, processingTime: t2 - t1 }); } } }); let nextFile = filesForProcessing.pop(); NODE_ENV == 'debug' && console.log(`process ${} scheduled to process ${nextFile}`); worker.send({ file: nextFile }); } }); } module.exports = getJS; if (require.main === module) { (async () => { try { const signatures = await getSignatures(); onSuccess(await getJS(jsFiles, { ignore: ignoreMask }, signatures)); onSuccess(await cleanUp(signatures)); await writeSignatures(signatures); } catch (err) { process.exitCode = 1; global.isError = true; onError(err); } })(); }