/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** Copyright (c) 2006 Center for History and New Media George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA http://chnm.gmu.edu Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/ecl1.php Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ const ZOTERO_AC_CONTRACTID = '@mozilla.org/autocomplete/search;1?name=zotero'; const ZOTERO_AC_CLASSNAME = 'Zotero AutoComplete'; const ZOTERO_AC_CID = Components.ID('{06a2ed11-d0a4-4ff0-a56f-a44545eee6ea}'); //const ZOTERO_AC_IID = Components.interfaces.chnmIZoteroAutoComplete; const Cc = Components.classes; const Ci = Components.interfaces; const Cr = Components.results; /* * Implements nsIAutoCompleteResult */ function ZoteroAutoCompleteResult(searchString, searchResult, defaultIndex, errorDescription, results, comments){ this._searchString = searchString; this._searchResult = searchResult; this._defaultIndex = defaultIndex; this._errorDescription = errorDescription; this._results = results; this._comments = comments; } ZoteroAutoCompleteResult.prototype = { _searchString: "", _searchResult: 0, _defaultIndex: 0, _errorDescription: "", _results: [], _comments: [], get searchString(){ return this._searchString; }, get searchResult(){ return this._searchResult; }, get defaultIndex(){ return this._defaultIndex; }, get errorDescription(){ return this._errorDescription; }, get matchCount(){ return this._results.length; } } ZoteroAutoCompleteResult.prototype.getCommentAt = function(index){ return this._comments[index]; } ZoteroAutoCompleteResult.prototype.getStyleAt = function(index){ return null; } ZoteroAutoCompleteResult.prototype.getValueAt = function(index){ return this._results[index]; } ZoteroAutoCompleteResult.prototype.removeValueAt = function(index){ this._results.splice(index, 1); this._comments.splice(index, 1); } ZoteroAutoCompleteResult.prototype.QueryInterface = function(iid){ if (!iid.equals(Ci.nsIAutoCompleteResult) && !iid.equals(Ci.nsISupports)){ throw Cr.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE; } return this; } /* * Implements nsIAutoCompleteSearch */ function ZoteroAutoComplete(){ // Get the Zotero object this._zotero = Components.classes["@chnm.gmu.edu/Zotero;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsISupports) .wrappedJSObject; } ZoteroAutoComplete.prototype.startSearch = function(searchString, searchParam, previousResult, listener){ this.stopSearch(); /* this._zotero.debug("Starting autocomplete search of type '" + searchParam + "'" + " with string '" + searchString + "'"); */ var results = []; var comments = []; // Allow extra parameters to be passed in var pos = searchParam.indexOf('/'); if (pos!=-1){ var extra = searchParam.substr(pos + 1); var searchParam = searchParam.substr(0, pos); } var searchParts = searchParam.split('-'); searchParam = searchParts[0]; switch (searchParam){ case '': break; case 'tag': var sql = "SELECT tag FROM tags WHERE tag LIKE ?"; var sqlParams = [searchString + '%']; if (extra){ sql += " AND tagID NOT IN (SELECT tagID FROM itemTags WHERE " + "itemID = ?)"; sqlParams.push(extra); } sql += " ORDER BY tag"; var results = this._zotero.DB.columnQuery(sql, sqlParams); break; case 'creator': // Valid fieldMode values: // 0 == search two-field creators // 1 == search single-field creators // 2 == search both var [fieldMode, itemID] = extra.split('-'); if (fieldMode==2) { var sql = "SELECT DISTINCT CASE isInstitution WHEN 1 THEN lastName " + "WHEN 0 THEN firstName || ' ' || lastName END AS name " + "FROM creators WHERE CASE isInstitution " + "WHEN 1 THEN lastName " + "WHEN 0 THEN firstName || ' ' || lastName END " + "LIKE ? ORDER BY name"; var sqlParams = searchString + '%'; } else { var sql = "SELECT DISTINCT "; if (fieldMode==1){ sql += "lastName AS name, creatorID || '-1' AS creatorID"; } // Retrieve the matches in the specified field // as well as any full names using the name // // e.g. "Shakespeare" and "Shakespeare, William" // // creatorID is in the format "12345-1" or "12345-2", // - 1 means the row uses only the specified field // - 2 means it uses both else { sql += "CASE WHEN firstName='' OR firstName IS NULL THEN lastName " + "ELSE lastName || ', ' || firstName END AS name, " + "creatorID || '-' || CASE " + "WHEN (firstName = '' OR firstName IS NULL) THEN 1 " + "ELSE 2 END AS creatorID"; } var fromSQL = " FROM creators WHERE " + searchParts[2] + " LIKE ?1 " + "AND isInstitution=?2"; var sqlParams = [searchString + '%', parseInt(fieldMode)]; if (itemID){ fromSQL += " AND creatorID NOT IN (SELECT creatorID FROM " + "itemCreators WHERE itemID=?3)"; sqlParams.push(itemID); } sql += fromSQL; // If double-field mode, include matches for just this field // as well (i.e. "Shakespeare"), and group to collapse repeats if (fieldMode!=1){ sql = "SELECT * FROM (" + sql + " UNION SELECT DISTINCT " + searchParts[2] + " AS name, creatorID || '-1' AS creatorID" + fromSQL + ") GROUP BY name"; } sql += " ORDER BY name"; } var rows = this._zotero.DB.query(sql, sqlParams); for each(var row in rows){ results.push(row['name']); comments.push(row['creatorID']) } break; case 'title': // DEBUG: These two probably won't be necesary once there's a better // date entry method case 'dateModified': case 'dateAdded': var sql = "SELECT DISTINCT " + searchParam + " FROM items " + "WHERE " + searchParam + " LIKE ? ORDER BY " + searchParam; var results = this._zotero.DB.columnQuery(sql, searchString + '%'); break; default: var sql = "SELECT fieldID FROM fields WHERE fieldName=?"; var fieldID = this._zotero.DB.valueQuery(sql, {string:searchParam}); if (!fieldID){ this._zotero.debug("'" + searchParam + "' is not a valid autocomplete scope", 1); var results = []; var resultCode = Ci.nsIAutoCompleteResult.RESULT_IGNORED; break; } var sql = "SELECT DISTINCT value FROM itemData WHERE fieldID=?1 AND " + "value LIKE ?2 " var sqlParams = [fieldID, searchString + '%']; if (extra){ sql += "AND value NOT IN (SELECT value FROM itemData " + "WHERE fieldID=?1 AND itemID=?3) "; sqlParams.push(extra); } sql += "ORDER BY value"; var results = this._zotero.DB.columnQuery(sql, sqlParams); } if (!results || !results.length){ var results = []; var resultCode = Ci.nsIAutoCompleteResult.RESULT_NOMATCH; } else if (typeof resultCode == 'undefined'){ var resultCode = Ci.nsIAutoCompleteResult.RESULT_SUCCESS; } var result = new ZoteroAutoCompleteResult(searchString, resultCode, 0, "", results, comments); listener.onSearchResult(this, result); } ZoteroAutoComplete.prototype.stopSearch = function(){ //this._zotero.debug('Stopping autocomplete search'); } ZoteroAutoComplete.prototype.QueryInterface = function(iid){ if (!iid.equals(Ci.nsIAutoCompleteSearch) && !iid.equals(Ci.nsIAutoCompleteObserver) && !iid.equals(Ci.nsISupports)){ throw Cr.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE; } return this; } // // XPCOM goop // var ZoteroAutoCompleteFactory = { createInstance: function(outer, iid){ if (outer != null){ throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_AGGREGATION; } return new ZoteroAutoComplete().QueryInterface(iid); } }; var ZoteroAutoCompleteModule = { _firstTime: true, registerSelf: function(compMgr, fileSpec, location, type){ if (!this._firstTime){ throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_FACTORY_REGISTER_AGAIN; } this._firstTime = false; compMgr = compMgr.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIComponentRegistrar); compMgr.registerFactoryLocation(ZOTERO_AC_CID, ZOTERO_AC_CLASSNAME, ZOTERO_AC_CONTRACTID, fileSpec, location, type); }, unregisterSelf: function(compMgr, location, type){ compMgr = compMgr.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIComponentRegistrar); compMgr.unregisterFactoryLocation(ZOTERO_AC_CID, location); }, getClassObject: function(compMgr, cid, iid){ if (!cid.equals(ZOTERO_AC_CID)){ throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE; } if (!iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIFactory)){ throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } return ZoteroAutoCompleteFactory; }, canUnload: function(compMgr){ return true; } }; function NSGetModule(comMgr, fileSpec){ return ZoteroAutoCompleteModule; }