Restore prepopulated charset table, but this time with just the
encodings from the WHATWG Encoding Standard. Assigning a charset to
Zotero.Item::attachmentCharset runs the value through
Zotero.CharacterSets.toCanonical() automatically.
This migrates attachment charsets to the new canonical values, clearing any
that are unsupported.
Other legacy mappings could still be added back, as disussed in #760.
This uses ISO 8601 dates for generateAllTypesAndFieldsData (and
changes populateDBWithSampleData to use Item#fromJSON), and makes
translators expect ISO 8601 accessDates, although SQL accessDates are
still supported with a deprecation warning. Canonicalization happens in
Zotero.Translate, so I need to remember to update connectors as well.
allTypesAndFields: Direct serialization of all valid fields for all valid item types
citeProcJSExport: All item types and fields as sent to citeproc-js
itemJSON: Zotero.Item::toJSON serialization of all item types and fields
translatorExport: items as presented to export translators after 4.0.27
translatorExportLegacy: items as presented to export translators before 4.0.27
(does not cover relations, collections, tags, attachments)
Also some support code that was useful here and will probably be
useful for other tests. This is a pretty complicated thing to test, but
it seems to work.