If you have attachments to the old terminology, feel free to file a complaint.
Changed interface code too, since David is gone (or at the very least has more important things to do with his remaining time)
Addresses #169, add OpenURL interface hooks
Addresses #170, Put "Link" option before "Import" in drop-down menu
Fixes some advanced search flaws (there are still bugs)
Closes#152, Saved Searches (interface layer)
For now, advanced search IS a saved search.
There are still bugs. The 'search' icon is ugly. I wanted to get it out there, however.
Closes#128, Display files as children of item in items list
Fixes#132, On Full-screen mode, browser content disappears but Scholar content does not stretch.
Fixes#133, When Scholar on top, pane automatically resizes depending on item info height.
Fixes#115, Windows should open with Scholar Pane closed.
Fixes#105, search box loses focus after search starts.
Retooled the interface a bit, and removed the top toolbar. The close and fullscreen buttons are located to the right of the items toolbar. The item pane cannot be collapsed.
This custom credits panel gives us more flexibility. Also, there is an About link which is certainly easier to find than right-clicking on the extension in the Add-ons window.
- changes scrapers table to translators table; all import/export/web translators now belong in this table
- adds Scholar.Translate to handle translation issues. eventually, Scholar.Ingester.Document will become part of this interface
- adds Scholar_File_Interface (in fileInterface.js) to handle UI for export and eventually import. (David, when you have time, please connect Scholar_File_Interface.exportFile to a button.)
- adds an export translator for MODS. all of our metadata, but not our hierarchy (projects, etc.) translates directly and unambiguously into valid MODS. eventually, we can use RDF or another format to handle hierarchy.
- adds utilities.getVersion() and utilities.inArray() for simplified scraper coding
- fixes minor interface issues with the nifty chrome scraping status window
- This required moving the icon to the title field so that the indent would work out right. The type column (which for new installs will be hidden) displays the type in text.
- I expect several small bugs in regard to this.
closes#26, notes list in notes pane
closes#79, add icons for new object types
fixes#71, Metadata pane should be refreshed on a notify() event for the selected item
Moved the capture icon into the URL bar (invisible until you visit a scrapable page. Currently just displays a Book, but will change to the correct item types in the future?)
[fix] You shouldn't lose your changes if you select another item in the middle of editing a field.
[fix] The dropdown menu to select notes doesn't steal the focus
[style] Better add/remove Creator buttons.
[fix] The sorting should not randomly switch the order of two items with the same sort value (eg, Barnes vs. Barnes).
[fix] The browser should not open with two sorted columns.
1) Items into collections.
2) Collections into collections.
Dan S, please check this out, I am getting some exceptions from the data access portion.
[interface] Temporarily, "metadata" pane on the right is not resizable.
- Lots of work to be done. For example, the present way of showing a textbox is sort of a hack - taking a label, assigning certain properties to a textbox, then removing the label and placing the textbox in its place. I will be looking into our options.
- Also, I need to figure out adding/editing/deleting creators.
- When the textbox loses focus, it updates and saves the item (like iCal).
Date: removed Scholare.Date functions, as they are overkill. We can use the built-in Date.toLocaleString()
New items are automatically selected.
When adding a new item, or editing an item without a creator, display an empty creator box.
Edit button changed from toggling to Save/Cancel buttons.
Simple "Do you want to save changes?" dialog if you select a different item while in edit mode.
Close buttons on the Metadata and Notes.
The Collections list no longer throws an exception when the header is clicked.
More minor interface improvements.