- vpat 57: remove tabindex values, set tabindex=0 on all focusable
fields. It allows mozilla to determine the best focus sequence
for keyboard navigation and fixes wrong order where some inputs would
go before the "Ok" and "Cancel" buttons and some - after
- vpat 58: added labels to all inputs to be announced when focused.
Added separate labels for locator menulist and for the locator input so
that the locator type has a proper label. It is also better to have
visible explicit labels when possible
Mostly for brevity, but also:
- "Down Arrow" → "space bar" because down-arrow doesn't open the
citation dialog with VoiceOver enabled -- it starts reading individual
- In some cases (selected/open items and notes), Tab takes you to search
results without your needing to type something first.
Follow-up to #4002, #4004, #4005
Since Word can't handle FSI/PDI.
This affects dragging items into notes and dragging/copying annotations
in the reader. Citations inserted from within the note editor already
didn't include bidi control characters.
* tag selector focus edits
- no tabstop on the tag selector scrollable area
- change tag selector's role from default "grid" to "group".
"grid" is not quite correct semantically and leads to
voiceover suggesting irrelevant commands.
- move all keyboard handling logic to tagSelectorList.jsx.
Tabbing through tag selector is now handled in ZoteroPane,
so the only logic left there is arrow navigation
between tags, and there's no reason to not have it
together with the tags list.
- a workaround to deal with focused tags when windowing
kicks in. When a tag is focused, record its index.
Each time tags are re-rendered, if the saved index is not
among rendered tags, refocus it, otherwise, move focus
to the tags list.
Screen readers announce the index of the selected item
from the list of citations in the panel. This removes
the separators from the count, since they are not focusable
and should be skipped.
- edits to zoteroPaneTest.js focus tests to expect the updated focus
sequence: selected tab -> tabs menu -> sync button -> collectionTree
toolbar -> collectionTree -> tags selector -> itemTree toolbar
- updated tags selector keydown handling to explicitly handle all
tab/shift-tab events using moveFocus. It is more readable and explicit
focus handling for all components is required for programmic tab/shiftTab
events dispatched in tests to actually move focus
Fixes: #3975
From the sync button, tabbing will move focus in the following mannger:
collections toolbar -> collections -> tags selector -> itemTree toolbar
-> itemTree.
On last tab in the itemPane/contextPane, focus will wrap around
to the selected tab to complete the loop. It ensures
that the focus order is consistent regardless of the
Also, minor tweaks to focusWrapAround in Zotero_Tabs
to properly move focus to the last focusable entry in
the contextPane.
- set each tag's role as "checkbox"
- set "aria-checked" status depending on if the tag
is selected
- added aria-label to tag selector so it does not
default to "grid"
Added aria labels and button roles for buttons in the
item/Collection pane. This includes buttons in the header
as well as rows from notes, related, collections, and
attachments section that act as buttons. Also added
missing aria-labelledby for mini-itembox rows below
attachment preview to have filename, dateModified
and etc. properly labelled.
This also covers most of vpat 16.
This does not affect how tags/header/itemBox entries are announced.
There is a separate issue with NVDA and JAWS sometimes struggling
with announcing text inside of `editable-text` component,
so this will be handled separately.
- added role="link" to "zotero-text-link" custom component,
using that instead of directly setting the class
wherever possible
- in all other cases, added role="link" directly to links
- added tooltiptext and "noClick" option to zotero-text-link
so that this component could be used in attachmentBox.js
- use "keyboard-clickable" class in zotero-text-link
instead of a separate listener to handle keypresses for brevity