(Apparently 'columnName NONE' in SQLite is functionally equivalent to 'columnName ILUVTIDDLYWINKS' in setting column affinity--as in, they both use the default of NUMERIC--which frankly I feel the docs could've been slightly more clear on, since they scatter the word NONE in capital letters all about the page with the other affinity keywords...)
- About panel now gets version number automatically
- Change version from 1.0a1 to 1.0b1
* Important: If you're on an SVN install, you need to rename the scholar@chnm.gmu.edu text file in your profile extension directory to zotero@chnm.gmu.edu *
XPI installs will (I think) update automatically, since I kept an entry in updates.rdf with the old GUID
Closes#111, minor modifications to field list schema
Changes per above tickets and comments at http://chnm.grouphub.com/projects/310105/msg/cat/2333974/2995041/comments
- date, year and lastModified merged into date
- added date field to journalArticle
- added series, seriesTitle and seriesText to journalArticle
- added seriesNumber (along with series) to book and bookSection
(xmlhttp.status seems to turn into a very large integer when there's a network error--I can't imagine this a fairly reliable test, but, then, neither was the previous one, and at least at the moment we're not actually using the test for anything other than an appropriate debug message)
If you have attachments to the old terminology, feel free to file a complaint.
Changed interface code too, since David is gone (or at the very least has more important things to do with his remaining time)
- 'isInstitution' parameter added to Item.setCreator(), Creators.getID(), Creators.add()
- 'isInstitution' property added to return from Creators.get() and Item.getCreator()
var obj = Scholar.Items.getNewItemByType(1);
obj.setField('title', 'Digital History for Dummies');
obj.setCreator(0, '', 'Center for History and New Media', 1, true); // true == institutional creator
var id = obj.save();
Note: 'firstName' field is ignored when 'isInstitution' is true
Conditions in ANY queries can be made required by passing 'true' as an extra parameter to addCondition() and updateCondition() -- this can be used for limiting ANY queries to particular collections (in place of the removed 'context' condition), but if there was an elegant way to expose it to the user for all ANY queries, it's something users might find very useful.
Implemented advanced/saved search architecture -- to use, you create a new search with var search = new Scholar.Search(), add conditions to it with addCondition(condition, operator, value), and run it with search(). The standard conditions with their respective operators can be retrieved with Scholar.SearchConditions.getStandardConditions(). Others are for special search flags and can be specified as follows (condition, operator, value):
'context', null, collectionIDToSearchWithin
'recursive', 'true'|'false' (as strings!--defaults to false if not specified, though, so should probably just be removed if not wanted), null
'joinMode', 'any'|'all', null
For standard conditions, currently only 'title' and the itemData fields are supported -- more coming soon.
Localized strings created for the standard search operators
search.setName(name) -- must be called before save() on new searches
search.save() -- saves search to DB and returns a savedSearchID
search.addCondition(condition, operator, value)
search.updateCondition(searchConditionID, condition, operator, value)
search.getSearchCondition(searchConditionID) -- returns a specific search condition used in the search
search.getSearchConditions() -- returns search conditions used in the search
search.search() -- runs search and returns an array of item ids for results
search.getSQL() -- will be used by Dan for search-within-search
Scholar.Searches.getAll() -- returns an array of saved searches with 'id' and 'name', in alphabetical order
Scholar.Searches.erase(savedSearchID) -- deletes a given saved search from the DB
Scholar.SearchConditions.get(condition) -- get condition data (operators, etc.)
Scholar.SearchConditions.getStandardConditions() -- retrieve conditions for use in drop-down menu (as opposed to special search flags)
Scholar.SearchConditions.hasOperator() -- used by Dan for error-checking
Closes#118, add "translator" creator type
Closes#122, add DOI and abbreviated journal title fields
Addresses #45, reorder item fields -- source/rights moved down to bottom; date fields not yet moved
Not finished, but enough to give David something to work with
No BLOBs -- just linking/importing of files and loaded documents
New Scholar.Item methods:
incrementFileCount() (used internally)
decrementFileCount() (used internally)
getFile() -- returns nsILocalFile or false if associated file doesn't exist (note: always returns false for items with LINK_MODE_LINKED_URL, since they have no files -- use getFileURL() instead)
getFileURL() -- returns URL string
getFileLinkMode() -- compare to Scholar.Files.LINK_MODE_* constants: LINKED_FILE, IMPORTED_FILE, LINKED_URL, IMPORTED_URL
getFileMimeType() -- mime type of file (e.g. text/plain)
getFileCharset() -- charsetID of file
getFiles() -- array of file itemIDs this file is a source for
New Scholar.Files methods:
importFromFile(nsIFile file [, int sourceItemID])
linkFromFile(nsIFile file [, int sourceItemID])
importFromDocument(nsIDOMDocument document [, int sourceItemID])
linkFromDocument(nsIDOMDocument document [, int sourceItemID])
New class Scholar.FileTypes -- partially implemented, not yet used
New class Scholar.CharacterSets -- same as other *Types classes:
getTypes() (aliased to getAll(), which I'll probably change the others to as well)
Charsets table with all official character sets (copied from Mozilla source)
Renamed Item.setNoteSource() to setSource() and Item.getNoteSource() to getSource() and adjusted to handle both notes and files
Item.getSeeAlso() -- array of linked items
Relationships are mutual
Closes#82, Notes: see also table
- changes scrapers table to translators table; all import/export/web translators now belong in this table
- adds Scholar.Translate to handle translation issues. eventually, Scholar.Ingester.Document will become part of this interface
- adds Scholar_File_Interface (in fileInterface.js) to handle UI for export and eventually import. (David, when you have time, please connect Scholar_File_Interface.exportFile to a button.)
- adds an export translator for MODS. all of our metadata, but not our hierarchy (projects, etc.) translates directly and unambiguously into valid MODS. eventually, we can use RDF or another format to handle hierarchy.
- adds utilities.getVersion() and utilities.inArray() for simplified scraper coding
- fixes minor interface issues with the nifty chrome scraping status window
New methods:
Item.getTags() -- array of tagIDs
Tags.add(text) -- returns tagID of new tag
Tags.purge() -- purge obsolete tags
The last two are for use by Item.addTag() and Item.removeTag(), respectively, and probably don't need to be used elsewhere.
- Added 'note' item type
- Updated API to support independent note creation
Notes are, more or less, just regular items, with an item type of 1. They're created through Scholar.Notes.add(text, sourceItemID), which returns the itemID of the new note. sourceItemID is optional--if left out, an independent note will be created. (There's currently nothing stopping you from doing getNewItemByType(1) yourself, but the note would be contentless and broken, so you shouldn't do that.) Note data could've been stuffed into itemData, but I kept it separate in itemNotes to keep metadata searching faster and to keep things cleaner.
Methods calls that can be called on all items:
isNote() (same as testing for itemTypeID 1)
Method calls that can be called on source items only:
getNotes() (array of note itemIDs for a source)
Method calls that can be called on note items only:
setNoteSource(sourceItemID) (for changing source--use empty or false to make independent, which is currently what happens when you delete a note--will get option with #91)
getNote() (note content)
getNoteSource() (sourceItemID of a note)
Calling the above methods on the wrong item types will throw an error.
*** This will break note creation/display until David updates interface code. ***
- Added detection for network failure -- debug message is output and noNetwork property is added to the xmlhttp object
- Removed onStatus callback from HTTP.doGet and HTTP.doPost -- that was copied over from the Piggy Bank API, but the onDone callback has to handle errors anyway, so it can just check the status code if it actually cares to differentiate non-200 status codes from any other error
- Added error handling for empty responseXML to Schema._updateScrapersRemoteCallback
Added a separate retry interval so that the extension retries sooner after failures (browser offline, request failure, etc.)
Revision 200 -- w00t i am victorious
- Removed localLastUpdated field from scrapers table and renamed centralLastUpdated to lastUpdated; updated scraper queries accordingly
- Added query in scrapers.sql to update version table 'repository' row to prevent immediate downloads of newly installed scrapers
- Get version property from extension manager in Scholar.init() and assign to Scholar.version
Assigned guids to scrapers, replaced INSERT queries with REPLACE queries, and removed table DELETE query at top -- this will allow scrapers to be updated without deleting any others that may exist (e.g. that someone is developing, third-party, etc.)
scholar.properties addition is just to keep metadata panel from breaking and could probably be removed once interface is hard-coded to not display the notes field there
Added creatorTypeID to the PK in itemCreators, because a creator could conceivably have two roles on an item
Throw an error if attempt to save() an item with two identical creator/creatorTypeID combinations, since, assuming this shouldn't be allowed (i.e. we don't have a four-column PK), there's really no way to handle this elegantly on my end -- interface code can use new method Item.creatorExists(firstName, lastName, creatorTypeID, skipIndex), with skipIndex set to the current index, to make sure this isn't done
Integrated the scrapers with the schema update mechanism. Changed a bunch of schema methods to handle both schema.sql and scrapers.sql (or others, if need be) and altered the version table to track mu
ltiple versions for different files. This theoretically should detect that the version table has changed and force a reinitialization of the DB--let me know if there are problems.
- Broke schema functions into separate object and got rid of DB_VERSION config constant in favor of a toVersion variable in the _migrateSchema command (which isn't technically necessary either, since the version number at the top of schema.sql is now always compared to the DB version at startup) but will help reduce the chance that someone will update the schema file without adding migration steps)
- Removed Amazon scraper from schema.sql, as it will be loaded with the rest of the scrapers