closes#163, make translator API allow creator types besides author
import and export in the multi-ontology RDF format should now work properly. collections, notes, and see also are all preserved. more extensive testing will be necessary later.
Fixed ignoreCase logic (and also set all but CharacterSets to false, since there's no reason for them to be true)
Also made CachedTypes.getID() and getName() return false and '', respectively, on unknown types rather than letting them hit the error (there's still the 'invalid * type' debug message)
- We might want to do this for regular files as well? I think we need a discussion on how Citation will be presented to the user, and if that will save the web page, and all that jazz.
- eliminates "unresponsive script" message on import/export
i tried to make a progress bar that actually provides useful information, but for some reason, XUL interface updates are done asynchronously, and thus don't actually happen as long as the import/export operation continues. the code is there, but disabled, if there's some solution to this issue, but i searched and couldn't find one.
Temporarily added in a check of the backup file on startup, since I'm not entirely convinced that the backup mechanism on shutdown couldn't create a corrupt file under certain conditions
If you run with debug output on and notice the "Backup file was corrupt" message, let me know.
The Scholar database is backed up on browser close. On startup, if the main database is damaged, the extension saves a copy of the damaged file and tries to restore from the last automatic backup. If it fails, it creates a new database file.
New methods:
Scholar.getScholarDatabase(string [ext])
Scholar.moveToUnique(file, newFile) -- find a unique filename using the leafName of newFile as the suggested name (using the built-in Mozilla functionality) and move the file there
Closes#146, ScholarPane.selectItem(id)
Closes#147, "Edit in a Separate Window" on a note should select the note's parent item.
Addresses #143, Scholar toolbar button to save current page as an independent file in the selected project.
- Standalone Files are now added to the current Project.
Files added to an item are now actually attached to the item.
Closes#118, add "translator" creator type
Closes#122, add DOI and abbreviated journal title fields
Addresses #45, reorder item fields -- source/rights moved down to bottom; date fields not yet moved
Returns the first 80 characters of the note content as the title
Also changed setField() to use the loadIn parameter for primary fields so it can be used instead of this._data without affected _changedItems
for the moment, this feature is disabled on the mac, since firefox can't handle HTML on the clipboard (and thus we can't copy the fully formatted bibliography). i can re-enable it if it would be useful regardless.
closes#4, Make printable version
- moves functions for creating and deleting hidden browser objects to scholar.js (from ingester.js), since these are necessary for printing as well
- allows saving bibliography in HTML or printing bibliography. style support is not yet complete (pending finalization of 0.9 version of CSL specification).
Closes#128, Display files as children of item in items list
Fixes#132, On Full-screen mode, browser content disappears but Scholar content does not stretch.
Fixes#133, When Scholar on top, pane automatically resizes depending on item info height.
Not finished, but enough to give David something to work with
No BLOBs -- just linking/importing of files and loaded documents
New Scholar.Item methods:
incrementFileCount() (used internally)
decrementFileCount() (used internally)
getFile() -- returns nsILocalFile or false if associated file doesn't exist (note: always returns false for items with LINK_MODE_LINKED_URL, since they have no files -- use getFileURL() instead)
getFileURL() -- returns URL string
getFileLinkMode() -- compare to Scholar.Files.LINK_MODE_* constants: LINKED_FILE, IMPORTED_FILE, LINKED_URL, IMPORTED_URL
getFileMimeType() -- mime type of file (e.g. text/plain)
getFileCharset() -- charsetID of file
getFiles() -- array of file itemIDs this file is a source for
New Scholar.Files methods:
importFromFile(nsIFile file [, int sourceItemID])
linkFromFile(nsIFile file [, int sourceItemID])
importFromDocument(nsIDOMDocument document [, int sourceItemID])
linkFromDocument(nsIDOMDocument document [, int sourceItemID])
New class Scholar.FileTypes -- partially implemented, not yet used
New class Scholar.CharacterSets -- same as other *Types classes:
getTypes() (aliased to getAll(), which I'll probably change the others to as well)
Charsets table with all official character sets (copied from Mozilla source)
Renamed Item.setNoteSource() to setSource() and Item.getNoteSource() to getSource() and adjusted to handle both notes and files
- ScholarPane.getSelectedCollection() returns collection object, or null if Library is selected.
- ScholarPane.getSelectedItem() returns selected item/note/item-like-thing, or null if no item is selected.