- Still experimental and incomplete, with no lock support and not much error handling
- New expiry date for sync functions
- Attachment character set was being dropped during syncing
- Possibly improves sizing issues with preferences window
- Fixes problems with attachment filenames with extended characters
- Fixes some problem with tags that I don't remember
- Makes XMLHTTPRequest calls are now background requests (no auth windows or other prompts)
- Z.U.HTTP.doOptions() now takes an nsIURI instead of a URL spec
- New methods:
- Zotero.Utilities.rand(min, max)
- Zotero.Utilities.probability(x)
- Zotero.Utilities.Base64.encode(str) and decode(str)
- Zotero.getTempDirectory()
- Zotero.Date.dateToISO(date) - convert JS Date object to ISO 8601 UTC date/time
- Zotero.Date.isoToDate(isoDate) - convert an ISO 8601 UTC date/time to a JS Date object
* Fixed documentation link in ASA style (old link gave a 404)
* Included a space between the colon following the issue number and the page numbers in the PLOS style, as required by the style guide
* Updated documentation link in PNAS style
The feature grabs relevant fragments from the document and then searches them on Google Scholar. This will only work with OCRed PDFs, so it doesn't work with JSTOR, but it should work fairly well with everything else.
changes default behavior. transparent redirection is now enabled by default, and a caution dialog appears when proxies are first accessed. when transparent redirection is turned off, no dialog appears, and proxies get saved automatically. when the user switches transparent redirection on, there is a warning that s/he should check that there are only trusted proxies in the list. i'm not sure how well i've worded the messages, so feel free to suggest better alternatives.
also, a bit of jsdoc cleanup on proxy.js
* removed spacing between entries in bibliography
* journal abbreviations are now used if available
* Removed the double space before the year of issue
* Removed the period after the journal name
* Removed the issue number
* Et al. now is no longer used in the bibliography (all authors are listed)
* Removed the period at the end of each entry in the bibliography
Validated with RNV.
Corrected errors:
Removed spacing between the bibliography entries.
Put a space after the journal name instead of a period.
Deleted one of the two spaces after the author listing.
Removed one of the two spaces after the journal title.
Journal abbreviations are now used when available.
This changed style was validated using RNV and csl.rnc.