- Renamed 'Repository' to 'Library Catalog' and added 'Archive'
- Moved 'Repository' data to 'Archive' for item types other than books, periodicals, and theses
- Mapped 'Archive' to CSL 'archive'
- For "Book Section", added "Book Author" (needs to be mapped to CSL container-author) (closes#872)
- For A/V item types, "Recording Type" mapped to "Type" is now "Format" mapped to "Medium" (closes#1060)
- For "Radio Broadcast" and "TV Broadcast", replaced "Series Title" with "Program Title" mapped to "Publication Title" (CSL field container-title rather than collection-title) (closes#860)
- For "Patent", added "Country" field, removed (nonfunctional) base-map from "Place" to "Country", added "Issuing Authority", replaced "Date" with "Filing Date" (not currently mapped to CSL), and moved "Date" data to "Filing Date". Kept "Issue Date" base-mapped to "Date". (closes#1375)
- For "Film", mapped "Distributor" to "Publisher" (closes#861) and added "Genre" mapped to "Type"
- For "Podcast", mapped "Audio File Type" to "Medium" rather than "Type"
- For "Bill", added "Cosponsor" creator type (closes#655)
- For "Case", added "Author" as primary creator type instead of "Counsel" (#655)
- For "Computer Program", added "Date" (closes#1502)
- For "Thesis" and "Newspaper Article", added "Place" (closes#1274)
- For "Thesis", replaced 'pages' with 'numPages' (closes#1618)
This can't yet sync, so upping sync API version and delaying dev XPI build.
- Beginnings of custom item type/field support, though not intended for external use yet
- Zotero.Date.strToDate() now parses 'yesterday'/'today'/'tomorrow' and localized equivalents, allowing those strings to be used in fields such as 'Accessed'
- Cleaner display of dates without times in 'Accessed' field
- Item type menus in metadata pane, New drop-down, and advanced search window now sort by localized string
New methods:
- Zotero.CreatorTypes.itemTypeHasCreators(itemTypeID)
- Saved searches on item type should now use 'itemType' condition rather than 'itemTypeID'
- Make "Saved Search" a separate search condition from 'Collection' in drop-down menu
- Better handle invalid search conditions
- (Dev) Saved search conditions are now 'collection' and 'savedSearch' rather than 'collectionID' and 'savedSearchID', though the latter can be used as shortcuts when adding
This could use some testing.
- If collection items were added/removed on both sides, items from both sides were not always added
- Fix a couple other related glitches which may or may not have shown up before the above issues were fixed
- Group file sync via Zotero File Storage
- Split file syncing into separate modules for ZFS and WebDAV
- Dragging items between libraries copies child notes, snapshots/files, and links based on checkboxes for each (enabled by default) in the Zotero preferences
- Sync errors now trigger an exclamation/error icon separate from the sync icon, with a popup window displaying the error and an option to report it
- Various errors that could cause perpetual sync icon spinning now stop the sync properly
- Zotero.Utilities.md5(str) is now md5(strOrFile, base64)
- doPost(), doHead(), and retrieveSource() now takes a headers parameter instead of requestContentType
- doHead() can now accept an nsIURI (with login credentials), is a background request, and isn't cached
- When library access or file writing access is denied during sync, display a warning and then reset local group to server version
- Perform additional steps (e.g., removing local groups) when switching sync users to prevent errors
- Compare hash as well as mod time when checking for modified local files
- Don't trigger notifications when removing groups from the client
- Clear relation links to items in removed groups
- Zotero.Item.attachmentHash property to get file MD5
- importFromFile() now takes libraryID as a third parameter
- Zotero.Attachments.getNumFiles() returns the number of files in the attachment directory
- Zotero.Attachments.copyAttachmentToLibrary() copies an attachment item, including files, to another library
- Removed Zotero.File.getFileHash() in favor of updated Zotero.Utilities.md5()
- Zotero.File.copyDirectory(dir, newDir) copies all files from dir into newDir
- Preferences shuffling: OpenURL to Advanced, import/export character set options to Export, "Include URLs of paper articles in references" to Styles
- Other stuff I don't remember
Suffice it to say, this could use testing.
- Support for group libraries
- General support for multiple libraries of different types
- Streamlined sync support
- Using solely libraryID and key rather than itemID, and removed all itemID-changing code
- Combined two requests for increased performance and decreased server load
- Added warning on user account change
- Provide explicit error message on SSL failure
- Removed snapshot and link toolbar buttons and changed browser context menu options and drags to create parent items + snapshots
- Closes#786, Add numPages field
- Fixes#1063, Duplicate item with tags broken in Sync Preview
- Added better purging of deleted tags
- Added local user key before first sync
- Add clientDateModified to all objects for more flexibility in syncing
- Added new triples-based Relation object type, currently used to store links between items copied between local and group libraries
- Updated zotero.org translator for groups
- Additional trigger-based consistency checks
- Fixed broken URL drag in Firefox 3.5
- Disabled zeroconf menu option (no longer functional)
Developer-specific changes:
- Overhauled data layer
- Data object constructors no longer take arguments (return to 1.0-like API)
- Existing objects can be retrieved by setting id or library/key properties
- id/library/key must be set for new objects before other fields
- New methods:
- ZoteroPane.getSelectedLibraryID()
- ZoteroPane.getSelectedGroup(asID)
- ZoteroPane.addItemFromDocument(doc, itemType, saveSnapshot)
- ZoteroPane.addItemFromURL(url, itemType)
- ZoteroPane.canEdit()
- Zotero.CollectionTreeView.selectLibrary(libraryID)
- New Zotero.URI methods
- Changed methods
- Many data object methods now take a libraryID
- ZoteroPane.addAttachmentFromPage(link, itemID)
- Removed saveItem and saveAttachments parameters from Zotero.Translate constructor
- translate() now takes a libraryID, null for local library, or false to not save items (previously on constructor)
- saveAttachments is now a translate() parameter
- Zotero.flattenArguments() better handles passed objects
- Zotero.File.getFileHash() (not currently used)
- Only one preference for recognizing proxies for transparent redirection
- Blacklists sites and http://%h/%p
- Fixes to EZProxy
This will clear all existing proxies from Zotero
- Still experimental, but committing for testing
- Sync conflicts with deleted items aren't yet supported
Unrelated: deprecated ZoteroPane.deleteSelectedItem() in favor of more accurately named deleteSelectedItems()
- All string values are now trimmed going into the DB (with a migration step for existing values) -- this fixes erroneous conflicts due to leading/trailing whitespace in sync XML being ignored
- Case disambiguation fixed on server
- Added basic diff ability to collections and tags so that identical objects won't trigger conflicts
- Fixed various other bugs that could cause erroneous conflicts
- Moved string fields in serialize() objects into a 'fields' object for consistency with Zotero.Item
Upshot of most of the above is that identical pre-upgrade libraries should now merge cleanly
Also reorganized/simplified/modularized parts of the sync code
Also migrates remaining files for past upgrades on the trunk (assuming their ids haven't been changed by syncing--if the item that has a given id already has a directory or if there is no attachment item with that id, the directory will be moved to orphaned-files)
- Fix potential security issues with symlinks in ZIP files due to Firefox brokenness
- Zotero.Utilities.HTTP.doGet() can now take a URI instead (and doesn't display the password that way for authenticated requests)
- For now, delete orphaned files immediately when using "Purge Orphaned Storage Files" instead of waiting a day
- Properly remove deleted files from delete log
- Better debugging of various things
Files are copied from translators.zip and styles.zip (or, for SVN installs, 'translators' and (for now) 'csl' directories) in the installation directory to 'translators' and 'styles' directories in the data directory. A build_zip file is provided for testing translators.zip (which will take precedence over a 'translators' directory) but isn't required.
The timestamp stored in repotime.txt is stored in the database and is sent to the server for updates since that time.
Updating a file in [install-dir]/translators or [install-dir]/styles automatically copies all files in that directory to the data directory.
- Still experimental and incomplete, with no lock support and not much error handling
- New expiry date for sync functions
- Attachment character set was being dropped during syncing
- Possibly improves sizing issues with preferences window
- Fixes problems with attachment filenames with extended characters
- Fixes some problem with tags that I don't remember
- Makes XMLHTTPRequest calls are now background requests (no auth windows or other prompts)
- Z.U.HTTP.doOptions() now takes an nsIURI instead of a URL spec
- New methods:
- Zotero.Utilities.rand(min, max)
- Zotero.Utilities.probability(x)
- Zotero.Utilities.Base64.encode(str) and decode(str)
- Zotero.getTempDirectory()
- Zotero.Date.dateToISO(date) - convert JS Date object to ISO 8601 UTC date/time
- Zotero.Date.isoToDate(isoDate) - convert an ISO 8601 UTC date/time to a JS Date object
closes#831, transparent EZProxy support
adds a proxy pane to the preferences
asks before saving proxies to the DB (to avoid the potential phishing risk #831 would otherwise pose)
Apologies for the massive (and, due to data_access.js splitting, difficult-to-follow) commit. Please note that external code that accesses the data layer may need to be tweaked for compatibility. Here's a comprehensive-as-possible changelog:
- Added server sync functionality (incomplete)
- Overhaul of data layer
- Split data_access.js into separate files (item.js, items.js, creator.js, etc.)
- Made creators and collections first-class objects, similar to items
- Constructors now take id as first parameter, e.g. new Zotero.Item(1234, 'book'), to allow explicit id setting and id changing
- Made various data layer operations (including attachment fields) require a save() rather than making direct DB changes
- Better handling of unsaved objects
- Item.setCreator() now takes creator objects instead of creator ids, and Item.save() will auto-save unsaved creators
- clone() now works on unsaved objects
- Newly created object instances are now disabled after save() to force refetch of globally accessible instance using Zotero.(Items|Creators|etc.).get()
- Added secondary lookup key to data objects
- Deprecated getID() and getItemType() methods in favor of .id and .itemTypeID properties
- toArray() deprecated in favor of serialize(), which has a somewhat modified format
- Added support for multiple creators with identical data -- currently unimplemented in interface and most of data layer
- Added Item.diff() for comparing item metadata
- Database changes
- Added SQLite triggers to enforce foreign key constraints
- Added Zotero.DB.transactionVacuum flag to run a VACUUM after a transaction
- Added Zotero.DB.transactionDate, .transactionDateTime, and transactionTimestamp to retrieve consistent timestamps for entire transaction
- Properly store 64-bit integers
- Set PRAGMA locking_mode=EXCLUSIVE on database
- Set SQLite page size to 4096 on new databases
- Set SQLite page cache to 8MB
- Do some database cleanup and integrity checking on migration from 1.0 branch
- Removed IF NOT EXISTS from userdata.sql CREATE statements -- userdata.sql is now processed only on DB initialization
- Removed itemNoteTitles table and moved titles into itemNotes
- Abstracted metadata edit box and note box into flexible XBL bindings with various modes, including read-only states
- Massive speed-up of item tree view
- Several fixes from 1.0 branch for Fx3 compatibility
- Added Notifier observer to log delete events for syncing
- Zotero.Utilities changes
- New methods getSQLDataType() and md5()
- Removed onError from Zotero.Utilities.HTTP.doGet()
- Don't display more than 1024 characters in doPost() debug output
- Don't display passwords in doPost() debug output
- Added Zotero.Notifier.untrigger() -- currently unused
- Added Zotero.reloadDataObjects() to reset all in-memory objects
- Added |chars| parameter to Zotero.randomString(len, chars)
- Added Zotero.Date.getUnixTimestamp() and Date.toUnixTimestamp(JSDate)
- Adjusted zotero-service.js to simplify file inclusion
Various things (such as tags) are temporarily broken.
If anyone's out there, now would be the time to test this.
Missing icons for the new types -- I could try to get some of those now, or we could just launch. Maybe we'll just launch. But really, might want to test this. Just sayin'.
Including in the DB, which it turns out isn't really all that bad (thanks, among other things, to SQLite's ability to DROP tables within transactions without autocommitting (which MySQL can't do))