* Opt-in for light and dark color schemes
* Convert scss variables in _light.scss to css variables
* Add _dark.scss for dark color scheme
* Remove unused, theme-related variables
- Set min-width and min-height to width and height so buttons never shrink
- Remove defunct .zotero-clicky-* styles from 2x block in zotero.css
- Include zotero-platform/content/zotero.css in searchDialog.xhtml
- It seems only the defunct 2x styles from zotero.css were being applied, so
the buttons would have been unstyled on a non-hiDPI display
- Show "More information" link next to relink option
- Automatically check relink option when coming from integration prompt
- Change done message to "[x] items were relinked" instead of "0 items
were imported"
New option only appears if importer version is < 1 or not present.
It will:
* Skip fetching collections and attachments
* Skip any new items
* Update relations on existing items
* Importer will now ask user for a login and password via form and will
perform sign-in directly using credentials rather than oauth
* Signing in this way enables importer to obtain desktop document ID
which is now stored for each item
* It's possible to switch back to the old method (ouath) by setting
`import.mendeleyUseOAuth` pref to `true`.
* New option to only import new items. This options only appears if
database contains previously imported items.
* Importer will now update mendeleyDB:documentUUID on existing items to
match value used in Mendeley Desktop if available
* Importer will no longer create collections when no new items are
imported * Importer will only report number of new items imported on
re-import * Importer will now preserve dateAdded on re-import
Co-authored-by: Dan Stillman <dstillman@zotero.org>
Removes a huge amount of excessive files and duplication for CE scss.
All CE css is now output in the single
zotero-react-client.css file.
Moving all CE styling into a single stylesheet required removing their
shadow DOMs. It is desirable anyway, since you want to
be able to style CEs from "outside", when embedding in different
Shadow removal required some CE code changes to maintain
Elements refactored:
- attachment-box (displayed when an attachment (like PDF) is selected in
the item tree)
- color-picker (in the tag color selector)
- guidance-panel (displayed on first run when editing authors for a book
- item-box (info tab in the item pane)
- note-editor
- notes-box (note tab in the item pane)
- quick-search-textbox
- related-box (related tab in the item pane)
- tags-box (tags tab in the item pane)
- zoterosearch (advanced search condition builder form)
- Render cell text in its native direction
- Fix context menu positioning
- Fix item box (localizations needed)
- Fix column resizing
- Fix bidi text in collection tree
- Always right-align in RTL, always left-align in LTR.
I'm going off advice from this excellent guide for RTL website design
by Ahmad Shadeed: https://rtlstyling.com/posts/rtl-styling#tables
- Join creators in the tree ("Smith and Jones") using a format string to
support languages like Arabic and Hebrew where there shouldn't be a
space after the "and".
- Fix tabs
- Fix toolbar on Mac, flip icons on other platforms
Not the exact same sizing as Fx60, because that relied on some quirks
of the Mozilla box model that I can't reproduce with flexbox, but still
works about as well.
- Widths are now correct
- Rows are a little too tall
- Field value vertical alignment is off
- Platform styling isn't done and some styles might be redundant
- Still can't scroll vertically
- Creator name inputs still displayed wrong
- Add links-box component (inside noteEditor.js).
- Add related-box component and fix related pane.
- Use tagsBox.jsx instead of tagsbox.xml in note editor links box popup.
- Remove CSS styles and bindings for noteeditor, relatedbox and tagsbox.