Dan Stillman
- Don't display file sync verification alerts (e.g., "Please enter a URL.") during syncs -- just skip file sync
- Clarify file sync verification messages
2009-07-26 07:25:31 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Collection item membership conflict resulted in removal of local items from collection
2009-07-26 05:45:22 +00:00
Dan Stillman
- Fix potentially missing tag selector splitter (with no way to restore)
- Decrease min-height of collections tree (since it doesn't seem to want to be resized all the way down)
2009-07-24 07:13:11 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Remove "Collections" header, since it's no longer accurate and takes up space
2009-07-24 06:30:27 +00:00
Dan Stillman
- Add ability to collapse left column of Zotero via grippy
- Use grippy for collapsing tag selector and remove toolbar icon
- Remove redundant Attachments and Notes tabs in metadata pane
- Add all four child attachment options to submenu of item context menu
2009-07-24 06:03:51 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Display more helpful startup error if file access is denied
2009-07-23 10:52:28 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Detect corrupted login manager database
2009-07-23 09:25:28 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Fix "too many SQL variables" error syncing many item removals from a collection
2009-07-22 09:07:39 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Cache Zotero.CreatorTypes.getPrimaryIDForType()
2009-07-21 21:51:34 +00:00
Simon Kornblith
fix "this._streams is undefined" in translate.js
2009-07-17 20:29:30 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Update some triggers and fix inconsistent database entries that could cause sync errors
2009-07-17 07:07:27 +00:00
Dan Stillman
- Don't show Mac clipboard warning in Create Bib window in Fx3.5, which supports HTML copy
- Remove warning from preferences window, because there's not enough room anyway
2009-07-15 21:54:29 +00:00
Dan Stillman
- Add "Reset File Sync History" reset option to sync preferences
- Fix erroneous uploading of all files on storage history reset
- Fix re-verification of storage server after every opening of the preferences
2009-07-15 07:27:53 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Trailing letters in DOIs weren't linked in HTML bibliographies
2009-07-14 05:36:37 +00:00
Dan Stillman
- Fix some collection sync issues
2009-07-14 04:04:39 +00:00
Simon Kornblith
- add xml/e4x and xml/dom dataMode options
- parse XML encoding declarations in translate.js
- fix errors importing MODS from clipboard
2009-07-13 22:45:10 +00:00
Simon Kornblith
Fix errors auto-detecting import formats
2009-07-13 20:16:13 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Tweak to previous commit
2009-07-11 01:20:26 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Trigger full reset on missing collection parent
2009-07-11 01:17:01 +00:00
Dan Stillman
- Don't send sourceItemKey if empty
- Remove stack trace on sync error, since it's mostly just annoying
2009-07-09 07:18:06 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Remove debug line that's breaking PubMed and other translators that return a document as an attachment
2009-07-08 20:32:08 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Fix "cleanDOI:argument must be a string" error
2009-07-08 05:50:07 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Remove sync expiry
2009-07-08 05:29:52 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Fix erroneous username mismatch message
2009-07-08 05:18:07 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Fix metadata pane refresh issues
2009-07-08 05:10:53 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Fix horizontal orientation of attachment list in metadata pane
2009-07-08 04:42:21 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Item hierarchy in items pushed to server was lost
2009-07-08 04:11:43 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Fix for sync errors not stopping sync process (from 2.0b6 change)
2009-07-07 07:53:34 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Simultaneously fix and disable first run URL
2009-07-07 01:38:40 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Translator type comparison fix from Simon
2009-07-07 00:20:10 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Fix "Rename Attachment from Parent Metadata" on Linux
2009-07-06 21:52:27 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Add "Create Parent Item from Selected Item" context menu option for attachments and notes -- creates a Document item based on the attachment/note title
This might eventually supersede "Retrieve Metadata from PDF", automatically recognizing PDFs and otherwise just creating parent items
2009-07-06 13:47:46 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Fix relative customized sizing of table cells and headings
2009-07-06 12:30:51 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Date portion of SQL datetimes entered into date fields would be lost on edit
2009-07-06 11:42:03 +00:00
Dan Stillman
- Fix sync error when a file of an attachment with tags was in conflict
- Missed file from previous commit
2009-07-06 11:27:44 +00:00
Dan Stillman
- Fix error in previous commit
- Log stack trace to error console on sync errors
2009-07-06 10:40:10 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Fix "Sync delete log starts after last sync date in Zotero.Sync.Server.sync()" error
2009-07-06 10:20:04 +00:00
Dan Stillman
- Add triggers for full sync on various errors
- Add Zotero.Error(message, error) constructor to create a throwable error object with an error code
- Allow only one automatic client reset between manual syncs
- Fix "Source item for keyed source doesn't exist in Zotero.Item.getSource()" error
- Object produced by item.serialize() now contains .sourceItemKey instead of .sourceItemID
- Better error logging for missing XPCOM files
2009-07-06 10:13:02 +00:00
Dan Stillman
- Automatically run a full sync when triggered by server, which should allow for auto-correction of a wide range of remaining sync errors (though not all cause server to trigger full sync yet)
- Display exclamation mark on sync icon if a background sync fails due to a conflict (which requires manual intervention)
2009-07-05 10:48:19 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Fix a serious but hopefully rare upgrade bug since Sync Preview 1 that could cause a handful of creators to be turned into either empty strings or other creators (the latter being much less likely)
For libraries that have already been upgraded, this renames orphaned item creators to "[Missing Name]"
2009-07-04 09:00:44 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Expose all translator metadata properties (needed by Rintze for Scaffold 2.0)
2009-07-03 23:07:40 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Fix "Unexpected status code 300 in Zotero.Sync.Storage.getStorageModificationTime()" error (likely due to mod_speling)
2009-07-03 22:51:58 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Add "Full Sync" option to Zotero prefs
2009-07-03 22:40:50 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Missed file in previous commit
2009-07-03 11:11:56 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Metadata pane tab fixes
- Connect tabs to pane
- Allow switching between metadata pane tabs using standard Firefox shortcuts (Ctrl-Tab, Ctrl-Shift-Tab)
- Fixed squished look in Firefox 3.5
- Remove some unnecessary padding, providing a little bit more room in the metadata pane
Needs a little testing
Closes #711 , Improve keyboard support
2009-07-03 11:11:13 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Fixes collection arrow persisting after subcollection delete
2009-07-03 09:59:34 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Fixes #1444 , Attachment arrow/count persists after delete
This was fixed but then broken again for trashed items. Now fixed again.
2009-07-03 08:40:29 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Change "Documentation" to "Support and Documentation" and update URL
2009-07-03 07:04:13 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Don't throw error on database backup failure, which was breaking some upgrades for unknown reasons
2009-07-03 05:11:22 +00:00
Dan Stillman
Upgrade TinyMCE to 3.2.5
- Added paste plugin to fix messy pastes from Word
- Added context menu plugin to allow copy/paste via mouse
Closes #1490 , Upgrade TinyMCE to
2009-07-03 04:49:50 +00:00