It does not appear to be possible to create a creator with no values in
Mendeley, however we got reports of these causing the imports to fail.
This tweak makes the importer more resilient by discarding empty/invalid
New option only appears if importer version is < 1 or not present.
It will:
* Skip fetching collections and attachments
* Skip any new items
* Update relations on existing items
* Importer will now ask user for a login and password via form and will perform sign-in directly
using credentials rather than oauth
* Signing in this way enables importer to obtain desktop document ID which is now stored for each
* It's possible to switch back to the old method (ouath) by setting `import.mendeleyUseOAuth` pref
to `true`.
* New option to only import new items. This options only appears if database contains previously
imported items.
* Importer will now update mendeleyDB:documentUUID on existing items to match value used in Mendeley
Desktop if available
* Importer will no longer create collections when no new items are imported
* Importer will only report number of new items imported on re-import
* Importer will now preserve dateAdded on re-import
Co-authored-by: Dan Stillman <>
Because regex is built using a template string, \s* is actually escaped
into s*, i.e. literal "s" appearing 0 or more times. In most cases this
would mean that output can have spacing slightly off. In extreme case,
when identifier starts with letter "s", this could this could lead to
identifier being stored incorrectly.
Also adjusted tests to be more strict and mock data to cover this case.
Extended Mendeley Import test to include a scenario where other users
attached an annotation to an item in a group library that also exists
in user's library.