Added include.js for use in non-browser.xul windows to bring in the SCHOLAR_CONFIG and Scholar objects
Adjusted sidebar to use shared object
Added test line (displayable by clicking "Hello, World" before and after sidebar load to demonstrate cross-window access
Added some new core functions:
- Scholar.varDump(), after PHP's var_dump()
- Scholar.flattenArguments(), to flatten mixed array/literal argument lists into a single array
- Scholar.join() -- a version of join() that operates externally, for use on, for example, the arguments object (safer than extending Object)
- Scholar.Hash, a slightly smarter associative array -- not perfect, but brings a proper length property and a few convenience methods (and allows for other additions) -- should probably be limited to places where the length property or other additional additions are needed, since its use is a little non-standard (e.g. you have to remember to do _for (i in arr.items)_ rather than just _for (i in arr)_, to use set(), etc.)