Closes#128, Display files as children of item in items list
Fixes#132, On Full-screen mode, browser content disappears but Scholar content does not stretch.
Fixes#133, When Scholar on top, pane automatically resizes depending on item info height.
- This required moving the icon to the title field so that the indent would work out right. The type column (which for new installs will be hidden) displays the type in text.
- I expect several small bugs in regard to this.
- Added methods getID(idOrName) and getName(idOrName) to Scholar.CreatorTypes and Scholar.ItemTypes to take either typeID or typeName
- Removed getTypeName() in each and changed references accordingly
- Streamlined both classes to be as similar as possible
- Fix item modify notify() on 1st row.
- Ensure that new items are visible when added.
- New functionality for creating new items (prevents a lot of problems).
- Number-based fields display properly.
- Fixed bug when creating and saving the first notes on an item.
- New notes won't save empty.
[interface] Multi-notes functionality (waiting on data layer)
[docs] Major internal documentation written for itemTreeView.js and collectionTreeView.js (this actually does work ;-))
[Drag and Drop] in Items Tree: You can drag items from one window into another, directly into the Items list.
[Editing] Close the edit box and save when you click on its label
[style] Better add/remove Creator buttons.
[fix] The sorting should not randomly switch the order of two items with the same sort value (eg, Barnes vs. Barnes).
[fix] The browser should not open with two sorted columns.
1) Items into collections.
2) Collections into collections.
Dan S, please check this out, I am getting some exceptions from the data access portion.
[interface] Temporarily, "metadata" pane on the right is not resizable.
- Lots of work to be done. For example, the present way of showing a textbox is sort of a hack - taking a label, assigning certain properties to a textbox, then removing the label and placing the textbox in its place. I will be looking into our options.
- Also, I need to figure out adding/editing/deleting creators.
- When the textbox loses focus, it updates and saves the item (like iCal).
Date: removed Scholare.Date functions, as they are overkill. We can use the built-in Date.toLocaleString()
New items are automatically selected.
When adding a new item, or editing an item without a creator, display an empty creator box.
Edit button changed from toggling to Save/Cancel buttons.
Simple "Do you want to save changes?" dialog if you select a different item while in edit mode.
Revised the way the dateAdded and dateModified columns are displayed.
Views are now unregistered on window close.
A few functions in overlay.js were renamed.
Began better commenting of the interface code.
Although I do not yet have interface code for it, collections do not have any sort of setName(), save() functions.
Collections list now implements notify()
Made some fixes on itemTreeView to allow for notify() on multiple deletes
(shifts the row identifier up 1 for each previous delete, etc.)
One more thing -- this might not happen because the tree calls each Item.erase() or Collection.removeItem() individually.
Bug fix on notifier.js so that register*Tree() actually returns the hash. :-)
Unfortunately, unregister*Tree() does not seem to actually work, there is still an object at _observers['itemTree'][hash]
(temporary): When you select an item Scholar no longer loads a page into the browser.
The javascript bugs on those HTML pages were frustrating the debugger.
- Added Notifier triggers to Item.erase() (which only runs if not in a nested transaction) and Collections.erase()
- notify() in ItemTreeView updated with example of taking multiple ids, though it doesn't actually work (and notify() implementations may decide just to refresh the whole tree when ids.length>1 rather than dealing with changes individually)
- When deleting collections, use DB tables that actually exist
Scholar.Notifier framework to handle update notifications between data layer and interface
- Notifier.registerColumnTree(ref) and Notifier.registerItemTree(ref) pass back a unique hash that can be used to unregister the tree later with unregister*(hash) (and must be, lest we leak treeViews and probably entire browser windows if the browser window is closed without unregistering the treeView)
- Data layer calls Scholar.Notify.trigger(event, type, id) after various events (only two calls in the data layer at the moment--more coming later)
- Notify.trigger() calls notify(event, type, id) on all registered trees of the appropriate type -- the data layer usually knows what collection the action pertains to, but we decided that it's cleaner to just let the tree decide what it wants to do rather than add all that logic into the data layer)
(Note: Item collection adds appear to be buggy on the interface side, but removes seem to be working)
Scholar.TreeView is now Scholar.FolderTreeView (SourcesTreeView later? depends)
Some changes to the way FolderTreeView works.
New Scholar.ItemGroup -- used by FolderTreeView and ItemTreeView.
the root folder is not currently displayed -- doesn't really matter because we are changing the way it all works.
(note: the Scholar.Items.getAll() function does not seem to be working correctly -- try clicking on the library)
* Renamed treeView.js to folderTreeView.js (more changes on this file forthcoming) -- this will soon be specifically for folders.
* Added itemTreeView.js, with new Scholar.ItemTreeView class -- specifically for items.
* The items list now supports 3 additional columns: rights, date added, and date modified.
* For now, selecting an item loads the "I'm Feeling Lucky" result of a Google search on the item title.