These previously returned an itemID, but now that new saved items can be edited
without a refetch, they should just return the new item.
(Possible I missed a few spots where these are called.)
(Mocha has a 'bail' config flag that's supposed to do this, but it doesn't seem
to work when passed to mocha.setup() (maybe because we're setting a custom fail
handler?), so this just calls abort() on the runner manually.)
This is arbitrary, and we could increase it more or make it configurable via
the command line if Travis continue to time out, but this allows all tests to
complete for me in a VM.
Not crazy about this, but (at least on my system) it's an easy way to
avoid DB errors due to interrupted transaction or query errors after the
DB connection was cleaned up. (I can reproduce those pretty reliably
right now by running collectionTreeView tests alone.)
allTypesAndFields: Direct serialization of all valid fields for all valid item types
citeProcJSExport: All item types and fields as sent to citeproc-js
itemJSON: Zotero.Item::toJSON serialization of all item types and fields
translatorExport: items as presented to export translators after 4.0.27
translatorExportLegacy: items as presented to export translators before 4.0.27
(does not cover relations, collections, tags, attachments)
citeproc-js relies on this in several locations. Seems that Zotero passes these IDs to citeproc from the item picker. We also need to consider existing embedded items in Word/LO documents, but they do have embedded URIs, so it shouldn't be a problem.
CC @fbennett
Add functions to generate sample data for various formats
* Zotero Web API JSON (Zotero.Item::toJSON)
* CiteProc-JS JSON
* Export translator JSON
* Direct serialization of Zotero.Item fields
Add a way to load sample data into DB from JSON
Add tests for loading sample data into DB
Add tests for automatically generated data
This will help us make sure that field mappings and data formats don't change
* Enable legacy mode for export translators compatible with pre-4.0.27:
* Add compatibility mappings, so that current translators don't break if they specify minVersion lower than 4.0.27. This does introduce non-compatible changes, specifically, "version" field in legacy mode is "versionNumber" in the new format. "version" in the new format corresponds to the "version" as specified for Zotero API JSON format. New translators should expect Zotero web API JSON format and should specify minVersion 4.0.27.
* Update CSL mappings to comply with new itemToExportFormat
* CSL JSON export translator needs to be updated to be compatible with 4.0.27 to export correct CSL JSON
* Use item URI for id in CSL JSON instead of item ID
* Fix note and attachment handling in itemToCSLJSON
Get rid of data_access.js, at long last. Existing calls to
Zotero.getCollections() will need to be replaced with
Zotero.Collections.getByLibrary() or .getByParent().
Also removes Zotero.Collection::getCollections(), which is redundant
with Zotero.Collections.getByLibrary(), and Zotero.Collections.add().
The latter didn't didn't include a libraryID anyway, so code might as
well just use 'new Zotero.Collection' instead.
Change all attachment functions to take parameter objects, including a
'collections' property to assign collections. (Previously, calling code
assigned collections separately, which required a nested transaction,
which is no longer possible.)
Fixes#723, Can't attach files by dragging
Wait for the pane's collectionSelected() to finish before returning from
collectionTreeView select methods (e.g., selectLibrary()), and wait for
previous items view to finish loading before creating a new one in
collectionSelected(). This ensures that the items view has been created (though
not loaded) before returning from a select. The tree can still get a bit
confused switching between collections, but I think we're getting closer to
fixing that.
Also switch the items tree to use the same pattern.
This also fixes dragging items to collections (#731).
- Moved ::_get() and _set() from Collection/Search into DataObject, and
disabled in Item
- Don't disable new items after save. We now put new objects into the
DataObjects cache from save() so that changes made post-save are
picked up by other code using .get().
- Added 'skipCache' save() option to avoid reloading data on new objects
and adding them to the cache. (This will be used in syncing, where
objects might be in another library where they're not needed right
away.) Objects created with this option are instead disabled to
prevent reuse.
- Modified some tests to try to make sure we're reloading everything properly
after a save.
- Documented save() options
- Fixes some saving and erasing issues with collections and searches
- Adds Zotero.DataObject::eraseTx() to automatically start transaction,
and have .erase() log a warning like .save()
- Adds createUnsavedDataObject() and createDataObject() helper functions
for tests
It takes <1.5 seconds on my system, but it's taking over 30 seconds on
Travis. Might not be worth running it there, since almost anything that
would cause that to fail would cause the initialization to fail in the
first place.